Curriculum Vitae

Professor Julius Horváth, Ph.D.

Central European University PU

Quellenstrasse 51

1100 Wien, Austria

Job Experience Past

Head of the Department of Economics and Business, Central European University, 08/2018-08/2020

Interim Dean of the Business School, Central European University, 08/2016-07/2017

Head of the Department of Economics, Central European University, 07/2014-08/2016

Head of the PhD Program in Department of Economics, Central European University, 07/2014-08/2016

Director of the Közgazdaságtudományi Doktori Iskola (Hungarian Doctoral School of Economics), Central European University, 07/2014-08/2016

Head of the Department of Economics, Central European University, 09/2006- 07/2011

Head of Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, 08/2002 – 09/2006

Director of the Doctoral Program, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, 08/2001-08/2002

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, 08/2000-08/2002

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Central European University, Budapest, 12/1998 – 08/2000

Chair, Department of Applied Economics, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, 01/1999 - 08/2000

Senior Fellow, Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, University of Bonn, 05/1998 - 10/1998

Visiting Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 07/1997- 05/1998

Assistant Professor, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE-EI), Charles University, Prague, 05/1997 – 08/1997

External Consultant, Monetary Policy Division, Czech National Bank, 05/1997 – 08/1997

Lecturer, Department of Economics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 08/1996 – 05/1997

Senior Research Fellow, Kopint-Datorg, Budapest, 1988-1989

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1982-1988

Economist, Central Bank of Czechoslovakia, Prague 1980-1982

Academic Promotion and Education

Member of the Council, European Association for History of Economic Thought, from June 2018

Member of Academia Europea, Section Business, Management, Economics, from September 2017

University Professor (Egyetemi Tanár), Hungary, 2009, September

Professor, Central European University, 2005 August

Dr. Habil. Economics, University of Debrecen, 2004 November

Ph.D. University of Debrecen, 2003 (Hungarian nostrification)

Associate Professor, Central European University, 2000 August

Assistant Professor, Central European University, 1998 February

Ph.D. Southern Illinois University, Economics, Illinois, USA, 1996

M.A. Ball State University, Economics and Mathematical Statistics, Indiana, USA, 1992

Ing., Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka, International Economics, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia 1979


1. Mathematical Economics and Central Planning. Economic Research in Czechoslovakia under Communism, forthcoming in a volume in Lexington Books Series Revisiting Communism: Collectivist Economic and Political Thought in Historical Perspective, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, 2021

2. Introduction to the History of Economic Thought in Central Europe, Palgrave MacMillan 2021

3. “Early Influence of Adam Smith on Economic Thought in Central Europe” History of Economic Ideas, Volume 28, Number 2, 2020, 137-155 with Tomáš Krištofóry.

4. “La réception précoce de la pensée économique autrichienne en Europe centrale” Austriaca, 90, 2020, 41-57, with Tomáš Krištofóry.

5. “The Evolution of Central European Economic Thought,” History of Economic Thought and Economic Policy, 2019, 1, 15-28.

6. “From Nationalization to Privatization: Understanding Concept of Ownership in Czechoslovakia: 1948-1992”, chapter in the book Populating No Man’s Land: Concepts of Ownership in Economic Thought under Communism, published in Lexington Books Series Revisiting Communism: Collectivist Economic and Political Thought in Historical Perspective, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, September 2018, with Vitezoslav Sommer.

7. “Policy Considerations for Educational Reforms in Central European Countries,” Economic Alternatives, 2018, Issue 2, 192-196.

8. Sovereign Debt Crisis: Euro-Reality, chapter in a book "Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union," edited by Rorita Canale and Rajmund Mirdala, Emerald Group Publishing, The International Finance Review Series, 2017 with Alfredo Hernandez, pp. 417-433

9. “Revisiting Communism, Collectivist Economic Thought in Historical Perspective: Czechoslovakia,” Position Paper, mimeo, IWM Vienna, 2015 with Vitezoslav Sommer

10. Foreword into the book Challenges to Higher Education in the Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Aleksander Surdej and Marcin Kędzierski, Cracow Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2015

11. “European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Euro,” in The Eurozone Crisis and the Future of Europe, edited by Daniel Daianu, Carlo d’Adda, Giorgo Basevi, and Rajeesh Kumar, Palgrave MacMillan 2014, with Martin Suster

12. “Economics in Central Eastern Europe: the Mixed Results of the Transition to Market Economies,” Chapter 3 in Balazs P., Bozoki A., Horvath J., Rada B., Simon, A. “25 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain, The State of Integration of East and West in the European Union,” Luxembourg, Publication Office of the European Union, 2014

13. “The Unequal Costs of Social Transition,” Chapter 4 in Balazs P., Bozoki A., Horvath J., Rada B., Simon, A., 25 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain, The State of Integration of East and West in the European Union, Luxembourg, Publication Office of the European Union, 2014

14. “Some Aspects of the Enlargement of the Eurozone,” in A European Union with 36 Members? Perspectives and Risks, edited by Peter Balazs, Central European University Press, 2014

15. “Political Economy of Accession to the Euro: Case Study of Hungary,” in Eurozone Enlargement in Times of Crisis: Challenges for the V4 Countries, edited by Gostynska A. et al., Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2014

16. “On the Structure of European Economic and Monetary Union – Clues from the Data and Economic Intuition,“ Procedia Economics and Finance, pp. 200-205, Vol. 15, 2014 with V. Gazda, D. Horvath and M. Simicakova

17. “Monetary Policy Challenges and Attractiveness of Monetary Integration for Catching-up Countries,” Biatec, Volume 21, 2013/5, Monthly of the Slovak Central Bank

18. „Agent Based Model of a Simple Economy”, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2012, pp. 209-221, with V. Gazda, M Kubák, M. Grof and T. Rosival

19. „Fiscal Decentralization and Public Debt in the European Union”, Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, Vol 10, No 3, 2012, with L. Horváthová, V. Gazda and M. Kubák

20. “National Identity and Money: Czech and Slovak Lands 1918-2008”, Nationalities Papers, 2011, Vol. 39, No.2, March 2011, pp. 237-259, with M. Veselkova

21. “Country Risk in the New EU Member States: A Country Beta Approach,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 80, 2011, pp. 148-157, with M. Verbeník and V. Gazda

22. “Aspects of Market Integration in a Transition Economy,” in Paul J. Welfens and Cillian Ryan (ed.) Financial Market Integration and Growth, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics in the European Union, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 313-339, 2011, with K. Lukacsy

23. “Lessons from the Recent Crisis,” Ekonómia a podnikanie (Economics and Business), Journal of the Pan European University Bratislava, 2011/1, 7-12, with F. Pressaco

24. “Behavior of Inflation within V4 Countries,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics , Issue 70, 2011, with M. Siničáková, V. Šuliková, V. Gazda, M. Gróf

25. „Economics: Selective Discussion of Methodological Aspects,” Proceedings of Bratislava Economic Meeting, Slovak Economic Association International Conference, Bratislava 2010, Publishing House Ekonom

26. “Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the Hungarian and the Slovak Economy,” in Assem Dandashly and Aleksander Surdej ed. Global Financial Crisis and Euro Zone Enlargement, Adam Marszalek Publishing House, Cracow, 2009 pp. 47-59

27. “Growth Experience and Prospects of Central and Eastern European Countries: A Synthesis,” in Diversity in Economic Growth, edited by Gary McMahon, Hadi Salehi Esfahani, and Lyn Squire, Edgar Elgar Publishing, 2009, pp. 255-287 with J. Fidrmuc and M. Chandler

28. “Some Facts on Price Rigidity: Case of Slovakia”, IXth International Academic Conference on Economic Modernization and Globalization Proceedings, Moscow School of Economics, 2009, pp. 427-437, with K. Lukacsy

29. “Return of Political Economy: Economic Theory and Political Problems,” (Návrat politickej ekonómie: ekonomická teória a politické problémy,), Proceedings of the First Slovak Political Science Conference, 2009, with M. Veselková

30. “Personalities in Slovak Economic Research: a Short Historical Sketch,” (Osobnosti v slovenskom ekonomickom výskume: krátky historický náčrt), ARRA, Bratislava 2009, March, 3

31. “Hungarian Financial Crisis of 2008”, CASE, Warsaw, E-Brief Research Note, 2009/1

32. Móczár, József, Fejezetek a modern közgazdaságtudományból, (Chapters from Modern Economic Theory), Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, The European Journal of History of Economic Thought, 2009, Volume 16, Issue 3 September 2009 , pages 529 – 532; Book review

33. “The Border Effect in Small Open Economies” Economic Systems, 2008, Vol. 32, pp. 33-45 with A. Ratfai and B. Dome

34. “Economics of Transition Period,” (Ekonomika perechodnogo perioda), Logos Publishing, Moscow 2008, co-editor with N. Nemchinov

35. “Trade Balance and Income Shocks: Experience of Transition Economies,” Transition Studies Review, Springer, 2008,Volume 15, Number 2, September, with M. Veselkova

36. “Relative Price Variability in Two Small Open Economies,” Proceeding of International Conference on Development Organized by the Moscow School of Economics, April 2007, with A. Ratfai and D. Botond

37. “Relative Prices and the Border Effect,” Festschrift in Honor of George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Statistics Mir Masoon Ali, Indianopolis, Indiana, Ball State University, May 2007, pp. 190-196 with B. Herczeg

38. “Border Effects in Slovakia and Hungary,” Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling in Economics, Bratislava, September 2006, IURA Edition Bratislava, with B. Dome and A. Ratfai

39. “International Currency Arrangements and Policies” Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2006

40. “Growth Experience and Prospects of Central and Eastern European Countries: a Synthesis”, prepared for the World Bank GDN Global Research Project on Explaining Growth, August 2005, with J. Fidrmuc and M. Chandler

41. “Choice of Exchange Rate Regime: Implications for South-East Europe,” in European Economic Integration and South-East Europe: Challenges & Prospects, edited by Klaus Liebscher, Josef Christl, Peter Mooslechner and Doris Ritzberger-Grunwald, Edward Elgar, Cheelenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA November 2005, pp. 145-156

42. “The Law of One Price: Evidence from a Small Transition Economy,” Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2005, 56, 3, pp. 257-284, with S. Vidovic

43. “Studies on Monetary Integration in the Light of the Optimum Currency Area Theory”, University of Debrecen 2004

44. “Choice of an Exchange Rate Regime: the Role of Optimum Currency Area Theory,” Competitio, 2004 December, 3, No. 3, pp. 21-40.

45. “Price Variability and the Speed of Adjustment to the Law of One Price” Bank of Finland, 2004, Research Paper, No. 3, with S. Vidovic

46. “Supply and Demand Shocks in Countries to Join the EMU,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 2004, June, 32, 202-211 with A. Ratfai

47. “On Some Currency Regime Considerations for the Visegrad Countries,” edited book, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2003, co-editor with G. Heiduk

48. “The Czech Currency Crisis of 1997,” in Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, edited by M. Dabrowski, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003

49. “Country Studies: The Case of the Slovak Republic,” in Some Currency Regime Considerations for the Visegrad Countries, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2003

50. “Some Comments on Unilateral Euroization,” in Some Currency Regime Considerations for the Visegrad Countries, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2003

51. “The Optimal Currency Area: A Selective Review” Bank of Finland, BOFIT, Research Paper, 2003/15

52. “The State of Economics in Slovakia, “ in Three Social Sciences Disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe. Handbook on Economics Political Science and Sociology (1989-2001); edited by Max Kaase, Social Science Information Centre, Berlin, 2002

53. “Shocks and Monetary Integration Efforts. An Empirical Assessment of Slovakia,” in Proceedings from the Conference on the Anniversary of the 115th birthday of Robert Schuman in Bratislava, December 4-5 2001; Ekonom Publishing House Bratislava 2002

54. Mikloš, Ivan “Rewriting the Rules” Kalligram Publishing House, Bratislava 2001. Economic Systems, Vol. 26, Issue 3, September 2002; Book review

55. “On Banking and Exchange Rate Policy in Hungary,” in Hungary and EU Eastern Enlargement, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Workshop Proceedings 2002/3, edited by B. Felderer, H. Frisch, and B. Boehm

56. “Optimal Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy when Joining the (European) Monetary Union,” in Political and Economic Consequences of the Slovak Membership in EU and EMU, Proceedings of the Conference held in Bratislava on September 13-14, 2001, Academia Istropolitana Nova 2001

57. “Latest Developments in the Process of Accession - Update from Slovakia” in EU Structural Support: Its Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects and Social Environment, edited by J. Gacs and V. Benacek, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, August 2001

58. Bara Zoltan and Csaba Laszlo ed., Small Economies’ Adjustment to Global Tendencies, Aula Publishing House, Külgazdaság 2001/2, Book Review

59. “Supply and Demand Shocks in Europe: Large-4 EU Members, Visegrad-5 and Baltic-3 Countries” mimeo, 2000.

60. “Determinants of Growth in Visegrad-4” the World Bank Global Research Project at the Global Development Network, 2000, with Jan Fidrmuc

61. Dabrowski, Marek and Jacek Rostowski (eds). The Eastern Enlargement of the EU, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Europe-Asia Studies, 2000; Book review

62. Bara, Zoltan and Laszlo Csaba (eds.), Small Economies’ Adjustment to Global Tendencies, Aula Publishing, Budapaest 2000, The Economics of Transition, 2001, Volume 9; Book review

63. Gabrisch, Hubert and Rüdiger Pohl, (ed.) “EU Enlargement and its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe, “MacMillan Press Ltd; Europe-Asia Studies March 2000; Book review

64. ”Stability of Monetary Unions: Lessons from the Break-up of Czechoslovakia,” Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 27, No. 4, December 1999, pp. 753-81 with J. Fidrmuc

65. ” Core and Periphery in the World Economy: An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Integration into the World Economy,” International Economic Journal, 1999, volume 13, 4, pp. 35-51, with R. Grabowski

66. “Currency Crisis in the Czech Republic in May 1997”, Post-Communist Economies, 1999, Vol. 11, Number 3, pp. 277-298

67. ”Economic Integration in Central America and the Caribbean,” Journal of Economic Development, 1999, Volume 24, Number 1, pp.121-132, with R. Grabowski

68. "The Disinflationary Effects of German Shocks in Europe: Cointegration Analysis" Southern Illinois University, 1999/2, with M. Kandil and S. Sharma

69. Greskovits, Bela “The Political Economy of Protest and Patience. East European and Latin American Transformations Compared, “Central European University Press, The Economics of Transition, 1999; Book review

70. Dedek, Oldrich et al., “The Break-up of Czechoslovakia: an In-depth Economic Analysis,” Institute of Economics of the Czech National Bank, Prague, Czech Republic.” Aldershot, Avebury, 1996, The Economics of Transition, 1998, Volume 6 (1) with J. Fidrmuc ; Book review

71. ”Stability of Monetary Unions: Lessons from the Break-up of Czechoslovakia” Center for European Integration Studies, ZEI University of Bonn, 1999, B-17; Southern Illinois University, 1998/5, and CentER, University of Tilburg, 1998, No. 9874, with J. Fidrmuc

72. “Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies, Case Study of the Czech Republic: 1990-1997” Center for European Integration Studies, ZEI, University of Bonn, 1998, B 11 with J. Jonas

73. "Investigations into the Macroeconomic Interdependence of Western Europe: Is there Evidence for Two-Tier Europe?, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1998, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.41-65 with S. Sharma

74. ”On the European Monetary System: the Spillover Effects of German Shocks and Disinflation,” Applied Economics, 1998, 30, pp.1585-1593, with M. Kandill and S. Sharma

75. ”Optimum Currency Areas and European Monetary Unification,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 1997, Volume 15, Number 1, pp. 37-49 with S. Dibooglu

76. “Prospects of African Integration in Light of the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas,” Journal of Economic Integration, 1997, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 1-24 with R. Grabowski

77. ”Macroeconomic Interdependence and Integration in the Indian Sub-Continent,” Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1997, Volume 13, Number 1, pp. 37-59, with S. Sharma; also as Discussion Paper Series No 97-05, January 1997, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois

78. "Industrial Productivity Growth in China: 1980-84 vs. 1984-85,” in Intertemporal Production Frontiers: with Dynamic DEA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, with R. Färe and S. Grosskopf

79. ”An Empirical Assessment of the Dependence of Third World Growth on the Developed Countries” Southern Illinois University, 1996/9 with R. Grabowski

80. ”An Empirical Analysis of Dependency and Development: An Alternative Perspective,” Southern Illinois University, 1996/12 with R. Grabowski

81. “Csehszlovákia: 1945-1990,” (in Hungarian), “Czechoslovakia: 1945-1990” Külpolitika, 1990/2, with T. Réti

82. ”Az OPEC és a nemzetközi olajpiac,” (in Hungarian), "OPEC and the International Oil Market" Külgazdaság, Hungarian Monthly Review for International Economics, August, 1989

83. “A csehszlovák átalakítás 1985 – 1989 kozott,” Kopint-Datorg 1989

84. A csehszlovák – szovjet árucsere, 1970 és 1986 kozott, Kopint-Datorg, 1989, December

85. “Parciálny človek a komplexný svet,” (Partial Agents and Complex World) Prognostika, Studijni texty a aktualní informace pro potřeby odborné sekce prognostiky MV Komitetu pro vědecke řízení ČSVTS Praha, 1. 1987, with T. Ježek

86. “Rozhodovanie o zahajení investičnej akcie,” (in Slovak), "The Process of the Decision Making about the Beginning of the Investment," Ekonomické modelovaní, sbornik referátu, Ceskoslovenská Vedeckotechnická Spolecnost, Pobocka ústredi ŠBCS, Publication of Czechoslovak Society for Scientific and Technical Progress, ed. by Václav Klaus 1985/2

Lectures, Panels, Comments, Presence at Conferences

“Sketch of the History of Economic Thought in Hungary till the Beginning of the World War One,” Lecture at the 51st United Kingdom History of Economic Thought Society Conference, Goldsmith, University of London, London, September 5-6 2019

“10 Years of the Euro in Slovakia”, invitation of the Governor of the Slovak Central Bank, 11 January 2019, Bratislava

“Evolution of Hungarian Economic Thinking till the First World War,” Lecture at ESHET, European Society for History of Economic Thought, Madrid, June 7-9, 2018

“Economics and Other Social Science Disciplines: A Historical Review”, Keynote Speech Conference on Enterprise and Competitive Environment, Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University, Brno, 22-23 March 2018

Member of the Panel for ”Implementation of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area”, CEU, School of Public Policy March 13, 2018, together with Biswajit Banerjee, Martin Kahanec

“Economic Thought in Central Europe,” Invited Talk in Plenary Session in Conference on Comparative History of Economic Thought, Rome, Italian Association for History of Economic Thought, November 23-25 2017

“Evaluation of the Reasons for the End of Soviet System (On Performance of Communist Economy and the Soviet Social System)” Communism and Society: The Economy, the Arts, and the Intellectuals, Lecture at the Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Danube Institute Budapest, lecture, November 9, 2017

Guest participant, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Edinburgh, October 2017

Member of the Panel Evidence-based policy making: challenges and opportunities with Nobel Laurate Robert Engle, CEU, Public Policy School, 2 October 2017

“Economic Thought in Central Europe before World War One”, Presentation at the Slovak Economic Association, September 28-30, 2017

“Stabilization in the Central Europe: Experience of the Early 1920s,” Presentation at the Conference Discussion on Economic Policy and Reforms in Europe during the Interwar Period, 21-22 September, 2017, Amiens, France

“Early Acceptance of Adam Smith in Central Europe,” International Conference From Scotland to the South of the Mediterranean; the Thought of Adam Smith Through Europe and Beyond, History of Economics Society and University of Palermo, 6-7 July 2017, with Tomas Kristofory

Illiberal Democracy in the Central Europe, Panel presentation, York Festival of Ideas, York University, York, June 10, 2017

“Reception of Austrian Economic Thought in Central Europe” European Society for History of Economic Thought, Antwerp, 2017, May 19-21, with Tomas Kristofory

“Capitalism, Globalization, Education and the New Ideology”, Lecture at European Values: Crisis of Economy or Culture and Education? Colloquium on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, 8 December 2016

“Communism’s Legacy in Education”, Lecture at a One-Day Conference organized by the Danube Institute Budapest, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, and the Common Sense Society, 23 November 2016, Benczur Haz, Budapest

“Central European Economic Thought after World War One: Slovakia,” Conference of the Italian Economic Association, Milan, October 20-22, 2016

Chair of the Session, at the Book Launch, “Labor Migration, EU Enlrgement, and the Great Recession,” October 12 2016, CEU, Budapest

“Central European Economic Thinking after the First World War,” Presentation at the Conference Une session pensee Europe de l’Est et Centrale, in the Workshop New Approaches towards the Historical Method of Economics (Comparative Perspective), Conference organized by CRIISEA Universite de Picardie, Amiens, France, 15-16 September 2016

“Imrich Karvaš (1903-1981) Important Slovak Economic Thinker of the Pre-Socialist Czechoslovakia”, The European Society for the History of Economic Thought XXe Congrès – Paris 2016 Les inégalités dans la pensée économique 26-28 Mai 2016 – Paris, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne

“The International and CEE Aspects of Education”, Lecture at Budapest Economy Club, May 19, 2016

“Moderator and Chair of The Czech Republic and Slovakia Session at the Conference The Damages of ‘Hate Speech’ and Tools for Improved Responses in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania,” May 19 2016 at Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives Budpaest, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest

“Education and Development”, Lecture at the Technical University Kosice, Faculty of Economics, 12 May 2016

„O úlohe školstva a vzdelania v rozvoji“, (On the Role of Schools and Education in Development), Keynote Lecture, Národná Konferencia Posilnenie úlohy vysokých škôl v regiónoch, (National Conference on Strengthening the role of universities in the regions) Nitra, Conference organized by the Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic, April 19, 2016

“Moderator and Chair of the Session on Big Business and State,“ Conference Foundations of Illiberal Governance, CEU Budapest, February 17 2016

“Chair, Special Session I: History of Economic Thought,“ Slovak Economic Association Meeting in Košice, Košice, Chair of the Session, October 2, 2015

“Rethinking Fiscal Policy after the Crisis“ Council for Budget Responsibility, Slovak Republic, Chair of the Session, 10-11 September 2015, Bratislava

“Exchange Rate Policy Tensions: A Comparative Study between Central & Eastern Europe and North African Countries“ Lecture, First World Congress of Comparative Economics, June 25-27, 2015, Rome

“Emergence of Slovak Economic Thought: from 18th Century till 1989“ lecture at XIX Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Session On the World History of Economic Thought, 2015, 14-16 May, Rome

“Differences between a Moderate and a Radical Reform Program in the Communist Czechoslovakia, a Position Paper on Czechoslovakia“ Conference Between Bukharin and Balcerowicz, the History of Economic Thought under Communism, Methodological Workshop, on 24-26 April 2015 at the Institute für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen WM, Vienna

Conference Invitee, Liberté, Egalité, Fragilité, April 8-11, 2015, Sixth Annual Conference, Institute of New Economic Thinking, Paris

“Polish Economy: Performance and Perspectives”, Keynote Lecture, Polish Business Seminar, September 8th 2014, Polish Institute Budapest

“Emergence of Slovak Economic Thinking: From 18th Century to Imrich Karvaš,“ Keynote Lecture, Bratislava Economic Meeting of Slovak Economic Association, June 13-14, 2014 Bratislava

“The Global Economy Today,” Keynote lecture, The Vision Council, European Sunglass Committee, Global Organization of Companies and Entities Involved with the Health of the Eyes, May 15 2014, Sofitel, Budapest

Conference Invitee, Human after All, April 10-12, 2014, Toronto, Fifth Annual Conference, Institute of New Economic Thinking

The Euro Dilemma: Inside or Outside, Lamfalussy Lectures Conference, 31 January 2014, Invited Participants,

First Workshop at MNB, Participant, Fenntartható novekedés Magyarországon, April 4, 2014

“Economic Thought of Imrich Karvaš,” Plenary keynote lecture presented on 10 October 2013 in Law Faculty of Comenius University of Bratislava, International Academic Conference Comenius University, University of Economics in Bratislava organized under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic on 110 birth anniversary of Professor Imrich Karvaš

“On Enlargement of the Euro-zone”, Paper presented at the EU-36 “Eurozone” International Workshop, Budapest, Central European University, 13 September 2013

“Political Economy of Accession to the Euro,” Paper presented at the Polish Institute of International Affairs, 25 June 2013

“Monetary Policy Challenges and Attractiveness of Monetary Integration for Catching-up Countries,” Lecture, 20 years of the Slovak Central Bank, Conference with the European Central Bank Meeting in Bratislava, April 2013

Conference Invitee, Changing of the Guard, April 4-7, 2013, Hong Kong, Fourth Annual Conference, Institute of New Economic Thinking

“Publishing Economic Research Results,” Bratislava Economic Seminar, April 20, 2012, Joint Seminar of the Comenius University, Economic University and the Slovak Central Bank

Why Eastern Europe Lags behind Western Europe, Lecture MBAA International Conference, Chicago, Business and Health Administration Section, February 27 – March 1, 2013

Is the Euro Really Irreversible? Puzzles of the European Monetary Integration, Lecture MBAA International Conference, Business and Health Administration Section, Chicago, February 27 – March 1, 2013

Chair of the Session 5 Macro Interactions of Fiscal Policy, at Conference Fiscal Policy and Coordination in Europe, organized by National Bank of Slovakia,

Publishing Economic Research Results, Lecture at Bratislava Economic Seminars, Economic University Bratislava, 20 April 2012

Conference Invitee, Rethinking Economics and Politics, April 12-15, 2012, Berlin, Third Annual Conference, Institute of New Economic Thinking

“The Life and Work of Imrich Karvaš,” Seminar at the Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Economics, March 21, 2012

“The Life and Work of Imrich Karvaš,” Seminar at the Central Bank of Slovakia, March 16, 2012

Association for Comparative Economic Studies, ASSA, Chicago, January 7, 2012, Discussant in a Session Post-Crisis Policies in East European and CIS Countries

Introduction of the Book of Janos Kornai Silou mysle, Kalligram Publishing House, Bratislava 15 November 2011, with Ivan Miklos and Jan Fidrmuc

“Crisis, Adjustment and the New Economic Policy: Case Study of Hungary 2008-2011, Plenary Invited Talk, Pan-European University Bratislava, September 22, 2011,

The 8th Annual European Seminar of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP, Invited Talk in Adjusting to the Crisis: Policy Choices and Politics in Europe, Poros, Greece, 2011, 7-10 July

Tuning AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected and Desired Learning Outcomes in Economics, OECD, Education Working Papers No 59, OECD Publishing 2011, Member of the Tuning-AHELO Experts Groups Economics

Conference Invitee, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, April 8-11, 2011, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, Second Annual Conference, Institute of New Economic Thinking

Member in the Panel about the Future of Capitalism, Panel included Vladimir Spidla former Czech Prime Minister, and Brigita Schognerova, former Slovak Minister of Finance, organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bratislava, Akademicky klub, March 31, 2011

Etické otázky v ekonomickej teórii, Lecture in Teologicko-etická sekcia, Konferencia Bioetické výzvy súčasnosti, Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, sv. Alžbety, Bratislava, 19. novembra 2010

Beyond the Vienna Initiative: Towards a New Banking Model in a New Growth Model for CESEE, International Conference of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, Invited Participant, September 17, 2010

Toward an Alternative Macroeconomic Analysis of Microfoundations, Finace-Real Economy Dynamics and Crisis, Participant, 6-8 September 2010, Institute for New Economic Thinking at CEU Budpaest

The Obama Presidency and the Political Economy of Austerity, chairing lecture by Robert Kuttner, at Central European University, 8 September 2010

Reflections on Recent Financial Crisis and the Pre-Crisis Situation, 13-15 October 2010, Lecture, Conference Národná a regionálna ekonomika VIII, Herlany, Košice

Teória optimálneho menového priestoru a niektoré implikácie tejto teórie pre súčasnú ekonomickú politiku, Conference, Kosice-Herlany, Plenary Lecture, October 14, 2010, Technicka Univerzita Kosice

The Effect of Economic Crisis on Economic Theory and Education, Pan European University in Bratislava, September 30, 2010, Presentation at the Plenary Session

Economics: Selective Discussion of Methodological Issues, Bratislava, Slovak Economic Association Congress, June 25, 2010

Slovak Election 2010: Political and Economic Consequences, Lecture at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna, June 21, 2010

Central and Eastern European Economics: History, Today and the Future, Lecture, Erste Group School of Banking and Finance; Group Lectures, Summer Series 2010, August 19

Some Remarks on Methodology in Economic Theory, CEU Business School, Lecture, May 27, 2010

Development and Catching Up: the Central and Eastern European Countries; Invited Panel Discussion „Development and Catching up: is the Periphery Integrated?” Conference May 14, 2010, Budapest, Center for EU Enlargement

Conference Invitee, The Economic Crisis and the Crisis in Economics, Inaugural Conference of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, April 8-11, 2010, King’s College, Cambridge University, England, Institute of New Economic Thinking

O niektorých otázkach zaostávania východnej Európy, Lecture, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra, March 25, 2010

Eastern Europe in Global Economy: Historical and Recent Events, Lecture at Dialógus Platform, Hungarian-Turkish Assocation, March 10, 2010, Budapest

Slovakia, an Approach to Transition, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, March 3, 2010

Historical Review of the CEE Economies, Erste Bank Program, Budapest, January 24, 2010

Hungary and Slovakia: Different Transition Experience and Path; Lecture in the Technical University Vienna, European Integration Seminar, January 26, 2010,

Global Development Network 11th Annual Conference, Prague, Discussant of Plenary Session 2 'Lessons for Regional Integration from the EU: Is the EU sui generis?' January 16, 2010

Panelist, European Economic Forum, Krynica, Poland, September 2009

Conference Global Financial Crisis and Euro Zone Enlargement 8th April 2009 Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny v Krakowie Katedra Studiów Europejskich, invited speaker, Global Financial Crisis:Its Implications for the Hungarian and the Slovak Economy

‘Financial Crisis 2007, 2008, 2009 in the Global Economy’, Keynote lecture at the conference Global economic crisis: challenges and opportunities for Europe – framing the context conference organized by the British Embassy in Budapest, and the Central European University, February 2009,

“Return of Political Economy: Economic Theory and Political Problems,” (Návrat politickej ekonómie: ekonomická teória a politické problémy), 1. Slovenský politologický kongres (1st Slovak Political Science Congress), 2009, with M. Veselková, October 2009, Trnava

Defining a Conceptual Framework of Desired Expected Learning Outcomes in Economics, Participant of the Meeting of Experts, 4-5 May 2009, Brussels, OECD-AHELO Project

“Price Rigidity in Slovak Retail Stores,” 1st Bratislava Economic Meeting, Bratislava, June 12, 2008, Conference of the Slovak Economic Association

“Some Facts on Price Rigidity: Case of Slovakia,” The IXth International Academic Conference on Economic Modernization and Globalization Moscow, April 2008

“Aspects of Market Integration in a Transition Economy, “Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU25” Number–2006–1623/001-00, Brusells, 2008 March

“Relative Prices and the Border Effect,” Conference to 70th Birthday of Honor Mir Masoon Ali, Indianopolis, Indiana, Ball State University, May 2007

Frontiers in Central Banking, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, May 10-12 2007, Chair of Session 3

“Adjustment Dynamics, The Cases of Hungary and Slovakia, Aspects of Market Integration in a Transition Economy,” Jean Monnet Workshop, Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU25, Budapest 18-20 October 2007

“Relative Price Variability in Two Small Open Economies,” International Conference on Development Organized by the Moscow School of Economics, April 2007

Border Effects in Transition Economies: Case Study of Hungary and Slovakia, November 2006 Munich University Germany

Border Effects in Slovakia and Hungary, International Conference on Micro and Macro Modeling in Economics, Bratislava 2006, September,

Border Effects in Transition Economies: Case Study of Hungary and Slovakia, 2006 August, Global Development Network Conference, CERGE-EI Prague

The Law of One Price: Evidence from a Small Transition Economy, 2005 CAG Workshop, “Convergence within Europe,” at Castle Sulzbach-Resenberg, Germany, May 2005

Choice of Exchange Rate Regime: Implications for South-East Europe Austrian Central Bank, Conference on South East Europe and Future EU Enlargement, Vienna, Austria, November 2004

European Economics: Dilemmas of Western European Welfare States and Dynamics of Eastern Europe, Pontifica Universidad Catholica del Peru, November 2004

European Economics: Dilemmas of Western European Welfare States and Dynamics of Eastern Europe, Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Peru, November 2004

Price Variability and the Speed of Adjustment to the Law of One Price, University of Regensburgh, January 2004

Price Variability and the Speed of Adjustment to the Law of One Price Technical University of Vienna, November 2003

Price Variability and the Speed of Adjustment to the Law of One Price Bank of Finland, BOFIT Research Seminar, July 2003

Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, Bank of Finland, BOFIT Research Seminar, August 2003

Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, Economic University, Kosice, Slovakia, September 2004,

Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, Comenius University, Slovakia, April 2004

Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, Conference on Transition Economies, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, March 2002

Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, University de Paris 1, March 2001

On Banking and Exchange Rate Policy in Hungary, Vienna, Institute for Advanced Studies, Conference on Hungary and EU Eastern Enlargement, June 2002

On Political Economy of Government Budgeting, ZEI/CEPR Conference on Political Economy of Transition, University of Bonn, May, 2002

Supply and Demand Shocks in Europe: Large-4 EU Members, Visegrad-5 and Baltic-3 Countries Conference on Transition Economies, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, March 2002

Shocks and Monetary Integration Efforts, An Empirical Assessment of Slovakia, Conference to celebrate the 115th birthday of Robert Schuman, Bratislava, December 2001

Latest Development in the Process of Accession – Updates from Applicant Countries, Slovakia, presentation in a Conference, EU Structural Support: Its Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects and Social Environment, November 11, 2001, Institute of International Relations, Prague

Supply and Demand Shocks in Europe: Large-4 EU Members, Visegrad-5 and Baltic-3 Countries University de Paris 1, Paris, March 2001

Optimálna kurzová a menová politika pri vstupe do EÚ a EMÚ, Lecture at a Conference Politické a ekonomické dôsledky členstva Slovenska v EÚ a EMÚ, Conference Bratislava 13-14 September 2001, Academia Istropolitana Nova, European Commission and Higher Education Support Program,

The State of Economics in Slovakia, Lecture, Conference The State of Three Social Sciences Disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe, 10-13 October Collegium Budapest, 2001,

On Euroization, Conference Lecture, University of Duisburg, October 2001

On Currency and Exchange Rate Regimes, Example of Slovakia, Conference, University of Duisburg, October 2001

European Pluralism and the End of History, Paper presented with Marco Bifulco at Rethinking Europe, University Association for Contemporary European Studies, UACES 30th Anniversary Conference and Fifth Research Conference, Budapest 6-8 April 2000

Capital Flows and Constraints on Government Policies, Presentation at CEU, IRES, June 2000

Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies; Case Study of the Czech Republic University of Bonn, ZEI, September 1998

Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies; Case Study of the Czech Republic CentER, University of Tilburg, October 1998

Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies; Case Study of the Czech Republic Oakland University, USA, January 1999

Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies; Case Study of the Czech Republic University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, February 1999

Stability of Monetary Unions: Lessons from the Break-up of Czechoslovakia, European Economic Association Conference, Berlin, September 1998

“Exchange Rate Regimes in the Transition Economies. Case Study of the Czech Republic: 1990-1997”, University of Bonn, ZEI, Germany, September 1998

”Stability of Monetary Unions: Lessons from the Break-up of Czechoslovakia” Summer School on International Macroeconomics, University of Bonn, Germany, August 1998, European Economic Association, Berlin, Germany, September 1998

”Optimum Currency Areas and the European Monetary Union,” Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, New York April 1998

”Optimum Currency Areas and the European Monetary Union,” Old Dominion University, Virginia, March 1998;

”Optimum Currency Areas and the European Monetary Union,” Manhattan College February 1998.

”Macroeconomics Interdependence and Integration in the Indian Sub-continent,” Allied Social Science Association, January 1998, Chicago, with S. Sharma

”Optimal Currency Areas and Economies in Transition”, Southern Economic Association Conference, November 1997, Atlanta

” The Role of Economic Size in the Determination of Inflation: An Empirical View” Southern Economic Association Conference, 23-25 November 1996, Washington, with A. Novo

” ‘Core’ and ‘Periphery’ in the World Economy: An Empirical Assessment of the Dependence of Third World Growth on the Developed Countries,” Southern Economic Association Conference, November 1996, Washington, with R. Grabowski

”Prospects of African Integration in Light of the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas” Midwest Economic Association Meeting, March 1996, Chicago with R. Grabowski

Austrian Economics Seminar, Participant, July 1995, The Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York

”Investigations into Common Features and Convergence among Some European Countries,” Southern Economic Association Conference, November 1995, New Orleans, with S. Sharma

Articles in Press, Various

1. Átalakul-e a csehszlovák gazdaságirányítás?, Figyelo, 1988, October 6

2. Egy csehszlovák reformer, beszélgetés Karel Koubával, HVG, Heti Világgazdaság, 1988, October 22, pp. 10-11,

3. Huszita szekérvár, HVG, Heti Világgazdaság, 47, 25 November 1989

4. Beszélgetés A.J. Liehmmel, HITEL 1989, Június 7, 12, with T. Reti

5. Mikor, ha nem most, interview, 1990, 02/01 Magyar Rádió

6. A csehszlovák gazdaság forradalom után, Figyelo, 1990, 18 January, with Tamás Réti

7. Faculty Profile: Akira Takayama, The Marginalist, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, August, 1995/1

8. Faculty Profile: Rolf Fare, The Marginalist, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Fall 1995/2

9. Faculty Profile: Dan Primont, The Marginalist, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Fall 1996/1

10. Faculty Profile: Shawna Grosskopf, The Marginalist, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Fall 1996/2

11. The Guardian, December 12, 2002, Thursday, “Euroscepticism gains ground in the east” by Ian Traynor;,7369,858281,00.html

12. Sydney Morning Herald, 2002, December 14, .au/articles/2002/12/13/1039656218505.html

13. The Irish Times, 2002, October 9, News in Focus, Nice Referendum 2002, “Hungary’s EU entry faces domestic threat,”

14. La Folha de Sao Paolo, 2004

15. Szlovákia bátor ország, Népszabadság, 2004, October 14 with Ronald Blasko

16. Mélypolitikai áramlatok az EU-ban, Beszélgetés Julius Horváth-tal, Kritika, Hungary, 2005 March, pp.6-9

17. 168 óra, 2005, November 4, XVII, 44, pp.49-50

18. Euro alebo americký dolár, p. 16, SME, 2004, 10 December 2005 with R. Blasko

19. 29.6. 2006 – “Ako vplýva kultúra na bohatstvo a chudobu krajín sveta,” (How culture influences wealth around the world) article in Slovak daily SME, p35

20. 11 May 2006 – interview in Slovak TV2, in the program Under the Lamp

21. 31 July 2006 – Vstúpiť do eurozóny? (When to enter into the eurozone) article in Slovak weekly Tyzden, pp.34-37, with R. Blasko

22. August 2006 - Reuters Television interview on Slovak – Hungarian Relations

23. Who’sWho in the World 2006, 23rd Edition, Marquis Who’s Who, p. 1140

24. Interview with Julius Horvath, Politimes, Trnava, 2008/2, pp 6-7

25. Interview with Julius Horvath, Dimenzie, 2008 June, pp 6-12

26. Interview in Debreceni Disputa, with Barna Attila, 07/08 pp 19-23

27. 6 March 2010, Lidove Noviny, Interview with Lenka Zlamalova ,

28. Positive Development in the Central European Economies, Book of Lists 2016/2017, Budapest Business Journal, 2016

29. Večera s Havranom, STV2, Bratislava, Slovak Television, Evening on Hungarian Politics, 2017, June;

30. Il Foglio, Italian Journal, 2 December, 2017, 06:15 article on Hungarian politics; ;

31. New York Times ;

32. Interview Voice of America, 2019, April 4;

33. Interview Al Jazeera, 2019, April 18;

Professional Activity, Honors

1. Mexico City Institute's Board of Counselors, from January 2019

2. Pamätná medaila Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, November 2017

3. Member of the Committee of Economic and Legal Sciences, IX Department of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 2017-2020

4. Member of the SZMTA of Hungarian Academy of Science, 2017-2020

5. Global Labor Fellow, 2017

6. Member of the Panel of Experts for Re-Accreditation of Post-Graduate Doctoral University Study, Agency for Science and Higher Education Croatia, University of Rijeka, University of Pula May 2017

7. Award for Service, Given by Minister of Education of the Czech Republic on 19th July 2016

8. Departmental Teaching Award, CEU, Department of Economics, June 2016

9. Member of the Scientific Council, Economic University Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2015-

10. Member of the Scientific Council, University of Constantine the Philosopher, Nitra, 2014 – 2018

11. Member of the Scientific Council of Národohospodarska fakulta, Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics, Prague, from September 2014 till August 2018

12. Member of the Scientific Council, Selye Egyetem, Komarno, 2012-2018

13. President of the Slovak Economic Association, from June 2014 till June 2016

14. Member of the Czech Accreditation Committee, from September 2011 till July 2016

15. Member of the Scientific Council, Prešov University, from September 2011-2018

16. Member of the Scientific Council, Economic University Bratislava, April 2011 –2018

17. Member of the Scientific Council, University of Constantine the Philosopher, Nitra, 2010 – 2014

18. President-Elect, Slovak Economic Society, June 2010- June 2014

19. Member of the Accreditation Committee of the Slovak Government, from September 2010 – August 2016; Head of Economic, Social and Behavioral Sciences Section;

20. Member of the APVV, Slovak Agency for Founding Research, from June 2010 till June 2011

21. Member of the External Counseling Body, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, from February 2010 till 2012

22. Member of the External Counseling Body (MTA Kozgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatókozpont kulso tanácsadó testuletének tagja) from December 2012 till 2020

23. Member of the National Bank of Slovakia Research Comittee, from November 2009

24. Member of the Scientific Council of University of Constantine the Philosopher, Nitra, Slovak Republic, Faculty of Central European Studies, from June 2009 till 2018

25. Head of the Complex Accreditation of the University of Komárno, Slovak Republic, January 2009-August 2009

26. Head of the Complex Accreditation of the Economic University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, May 2008-August 2009

27. Chair of Slovak Accreditation Committee Chapter on Social and Behavioral Science, June 2008 - August 2010

28. Chair of Slovak Accreditation Committee Section on Political Sciences, September 2004-January 2006

29. Member of the Accreditation Committee of the Slovak Government, from September 2004 – August 2016

30. Member of the Rector’s Committee of Corvinus University to evaluate applications for the Chairman of Macroeconomics Department, 2007, May

31. Member of the Advisory Hungarian Governmental Committee to Choose 2010 Cultural Capital of Europe, Summer 2005

32. Member of the Academic Senate of the Central European University, from October 2004

33. Member of the Scientific Council of the Comenius University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Bratislava, from September 2003 till 2012

34. Vice-Chairman, Kopint-Datorg Foundation Budapest,

35. Founding Member Slovak Economic Association, June 2008

36. Member of the Board of the Summer School, Central European University, from 2005 till 2010

Articles Referee

Acta Oeconomica, Competitio, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economics of Transition, Economic Change and Restructuring, Economic Modeling, Economic Systems, Ekonomický Časopis, European Societies, Eastern Economic Journal, European Journal of Political Economy, International Economics and Economic Policy, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, The Manchester School, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Sigma, French Istitutute of Advanced Studies Le Studium, Politics and Policy, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, East European Politics, Horizon Research Publishing, Hitelintézeti Szemle, South African Journal of Economics, Národohospodářský Obzor (Review of Economic Perspectives), Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review Cracow, Public Integrity, Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation; History of Economic Thought and Policy, East Central Europe Journal

Grants and Books Referee

Austrian Science Fund I; Slovak National Grant Agency APVV; Cambridge University Press; Routledge; Killam Program, Canada Council for the Arts; The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); Institute of Advanced Studies, CEU, Senior Fellows;

Editorial Membership

International Economics and Economic Policy, Springer Verlag, Germany, from 2004-

Közgazdasági Szemle, 2017-

AUCO Czech Economic Review, Charles University Prague Czech Republic,2006-2016

Studia Humana, Interdisciplinary Quarterly, Poland, 2007-

Köz-Gazdaság Tudományos Füzetek, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, 2006-

Külgazdaság, Kopint-Tarki, Hungary, from 2006-

Competitio, Debrecen University, Hungary, 2005-

Slovenská Politologická Review, Slovak Journal for Political Science, Slovakia, 2010-

Ekonomicky Casopis, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2012-

Slovak Scientific Journal: Management Science and Education, Zilina, Slovakia, 2012-

Národohospodářský Obzor (Review of Economic Perspectives), Masaryk University, Brno, 2014-

Politické vedy (Political Sciences), University of Matej Bell, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 2015-

Nashe Gospodarstvo, Maribor University, Slovenia, 2003-2013

Eastern European Business and Economics Journal, Latvia, 2015-

Perspectives, Journal of Economic Issues, Slovakia, 2015-

Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye, Slovakia 2012-

Economic Alternatives, Sofia, Bulgaria 2016-

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Ukraine, 2018-

Grants and Fellowships

IWM, Vienna, “Revisiting Communism, Collectivist Economic Thought in Historical Perspective,“ 2015

Fellow of Všeobecná Úverová B0anka (VUB) Slovak Republic, Delivery of Lectures to Technical University in Kosice on International Finance, 2010 Fall

“Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU25” Number–2006–1623/001-001, European Commission, 2007

Global Development Network Research Project: “Price Convergence in the New Member States of the European Union: the Case of Hungary and the Slovak Republic,” 2006

Central European University Research Grant 2004

World Bank Research Project: Determinants of Economic Growth, in Global Development Network, “The Constraints of the Growth in Visegrad Countries” 2003

The Phare ACE Programme Action for Cooperation in the Field of Economics, on “Optimum Choice of Exchange Rate Regime for the Accession Countries: Cost and Benefit Analysis of EMU Membership,” 2000- 2001

Summer School on International Macroeconomics, University of Bonn, Germany, August 1998

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ZEI, University of Bonn, Germany, May 1998 - September 1998

Postdoctoral Research Grant, ESC-CERGE, Prague, September 1996-August 1997

Dissertation Research Fellowship, Southern Illinois University, August 1995-August 1996

Summer Fellowship for the Seminar on Austrian Economics, New York University, 1995

Doctoral Fellowship, Southern Illinois University, Summer 1994 to Spring 1995


Slovak (native), Czech (near native), Hungarian (near native), English (fluent), Russian (near fluent), German (passive), Italian (passive)

August, 2020


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