Stat 201

Stats 201 Project #1 – Fall 2020 – Haircut Customer Analysis and Interpretation BodyBy: Smokey XFor: Dr. CoonhoundDate: 09/18/2020Executive SummaryGraph 1 – Tip AmountThe distribution of tip amount is unimodal and very right skewed with many potential outliers. There are individuals who didn’t tip anything all the way up to people who tipped 40 dollars. The typical tip was the median which was 5 dollars. The interquartile range (IQR) is the appropriate measure of spread due to the skewness. The IQR was 4 which represents the middle 50% of tips ranging from 4 to 8 dollars. Obviously, this data demonstrates we have a wide range of tippers and room for improvement from 2.5% of our customers tipping $3 or less. Graph 2 – Day of the WeekWe considered many variables such as what customers relationship status, age, and what day of the week they came in. We concluded that most people are coming in on Friday and Saturday. Sundays and Thursdays are slow days; on these days people are not coming in. We see that on Sunday, we only had 1 customer coming in. However, on Saturday, we saw that we had about 25 people come in, representing 24.3% of our business. Graph 3 – Payment MethodWe analyzed what payment method married people and non-married people used when paying. This data showed that married people are more likely to pay with a card. People who are not married are more likely to pay with cash. In the table, 70.73% of married people use a card to pay with. Only 29.27% of married people payed in cash. Only 41.94% of non-married people payed with card. 58.06% of people not married payed in cash. Graph 4 – Association of Tip Amount and Payment MethodWe analyzed how much people tipped based on their payment method. This data shows that people who pay with a card tip less than someone who pays with cash. The median tip for someone who pays with a card is $5 and the median tip for someone who pays with cash is $6. The maximum tip for someone who paid with cash is $40. The maximum tip for someone who paid with a card is only $15. The IQR for people who paid with cash is $5 and the IQR for people who paid with a card is $4. People who pay with cash have a bigger range than people who pay with a card. Both box plots are right skewed with outliers. The 50th percentile for people paying with cards is $5 compared to the 50th percentile for people paying with cash which is $6. We need to focus on how to increase tips for credit card payments. They may tip less since they are more likely to be married and have more financial responsibilities.Future Research ................

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