THE JESUITS - GloryBound


2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them ? bringing swift destruction on themselves.

To understand how the New World Order operates, it is essential to understand the Jesuits since they run the New World Order. They are the Catholic priests that run the Vatican. When popes fight against the Jesuits, those popes are usually poisoned.

Ignatius Loyola was a determined soldier of Catholicism. He was believed to be part of a group called the Alumbrados, which is another name for Illuminati. He was involved in witchcraft, and his writings on Spiritual Exercises were total mind control and demon possession techniques. He became the leader of a small secret group in 1534 with the plan of leading people back to the Pope. The Bible was being accurately translated and distributed in large quantities in the languages that people could read, and people were leaving Catholicism when they learned the truth. William Tyndale was captured through someone he thought was a friend, and he was burned at the stake in 1536 for accurately translating Bibles so that people could read them. In 1537, Loyola's group asked to be made an official order of the Catholic church. In 1540, Loyola's group, known as the Society of Jesus, was officially given authority by the Vatican to bring everyone under the Pope's control. In 1546, at the Council of Trent, ten years after Tyndale was killed, 14 books were added to the Catholic Bible. William Tyndale never translated any of those

Apocryphal books.

The members of the Society of Jesus are known as Jesuits. The Jesuits are a secret organization of espionage. The Jesuits take secret oaths to kill at their superior's command. Through Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, they are trained to believe and obey their superiors without questions. Although the Pope is considered the head of Catholicism, the head of the Jesuits is called the Black Pope and leads the Vatican. Jesuits are trained to infiltrate churches, organizations, and governments, to overthrow them, and take control. When there are people preaching the Gospel or exposing Catholicism and the Jesuits, the Jesuits secretly get involved and cause divisions and scandals. They get close to gather information, and try to make leaders fall through sin and blackmail. Then they try to publicly destroy that person's reputation. Finally, they assassinate the person. For more information, read the testimonies of Alberto Rivera and others through Chick Publications. Keith Green wrote four scholarly tracks exposing Catholicism before he suddenly died in a plane crash. After he died, the four tracts were removed from printing. It is common for people to suddenly die after successfully exposing the Vatican and the Jesuits. Alberto Rivera himself supposedly died from food poisoning. Another method of the Jesuits is to pose as ministers of Christian churches in order to introduce false teachings and cause divisions. They rehearse false testimonies of salvation and even publicly denounce the Jesuits and Catholicism in order to pretend to be what they are not. They believe that the end justifies the means. They commit various acts of evil and believe that they are forgiven because they are doing it for the promotion of the Vatican. They confess to their superiors in the Jesuit order whom they obey mindlessly, and believe that they are justified because of their loyalty to the Vatican. They are masters of deceit and manipulation and run the

many secret orders, secret societies, world leaders, and government espionage agencies around the world. In a book by Charles Chiniquy, Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying that the Jesuits were the cause of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln also opposed any Central Bank by the Rothschilds in the USA, so he obtained funding from private citizens. Lincoln was assassinated.

By 1773, the Jesuits were banned from nearly every nation in Europe. In 1776, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt changed the name to the Illuminati, and used the Freemasons to carry out plans. The Church of the Gesu in Rome is the headquarters of the Superior General of the Jesuits. The word Gesu is sometimes used to designate Jesuit churches and schools. There is no letter "J" in Italian, so the letter "G" in Freemasonry is used for the Gesuit. The Superior General of the Gesuits in Rome is the architect of the plans of the New World Order. There are informative books on the Jesuits published by Jack T. Chick, such as "Smokescreens", which can be read free online at

Many of the world dictators with the worst history of atrocities against mankind have been trained by the Jesuits, commanded by the Jesuits, or were Jesuits. The Freemason Albert Pike created the KKK. The Freemason Giuseppi Mazzini created the Italian Mafia. Thomas Malthus, a leading philosopher in depopulation, was educated at Cambridge. Karl Marx was trained by Jesuits in England and commissioned by them to write the Communist Manifesto. Vladimir Lenin was trained and financed by the Jesuits in Geneva, Switzerland. Joseph Stalin was trained at a Jesuit University for seven years. The list of world leaders who are Jesuit trained. of Jesuit schools, colleges, and universities, and their alumni who are world leaders, is eye opening. Even Shimon Peres, the President of Israel, was trained by Jesuits and is a Freemason in the Order of the Knights of Malta. The Jesuits

are at the top of Satan's global hierarchy and can only be getting their orders from Satan himself. After becoming a born again Christian, a woman named Svali testified in a lengthy and detailed radio interview that she had been initiated into the Illuminati as a young child through a human sacrifice under the Vatican in Rome. After the radio broadcast, she suddenly disappeared. Svali's testimony can be heard at

The Jesuits tell the world leaders what to do. There is a lot of information available showing the connections between the Jesuits, Freemasonry, and world leaders. Wars are controlled from all sides. The mass media intentionally leads people astray and is used for propaganda to control people's opinions and emotions. In 1986, the Pope called for a cease fire in all wars around the world and there was a cease fire on all sides. The Rothschilds capitalize on the wars at the Jesuit's directions. The Jesuits at the Vatican run the United Nations and plan to depopulate the world for their own power, just as they did in Nazi Germany. Catholicism pretends to be Christian because Jesus Christ is God, and they want to lead people away from the true Jesus Christ. The inner circles at the top of Pagan religions intentionally lie to the lower ranks. This is called esotericism. The Jesuits control the world religions, the educational systems, the mass media, the world leaders, and the world currencies. The mass media programs people to think they have freedom to choose, while they are being programmed what to believe and how to act. The mass media and the educational systems program people to believe that they can do anything without God, and that anything that is about Jesus is something to avoid.

The coming global religion and empire of Satan was prophesied in the Bible, but the defeat of Satan forever by Jesus Christ was also foretold. Jesus Christ will save those with faith in Him. Religious organizations and world leaders cannot save you. Only faith in

Jesus Christ, who is God eternal, can save you. Don't be afraid to read the Bible and to ask God to show you the truth.


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