August 31, 2006

August 31, 2006

REWARD: One Thousand Dollars


            The intent of this reward is to help demonstrate the truth that the Church of Scientology has corrupted its own justice system into a means to unethically control families and businesses in the Pinellas Country area. (Reference: St. Petersburg Times, June 25, 2006, front page article “The Unperson”) There are also detailed events and persons named in this reward offer.


            Citizens ought to recognize that to politically support Scientology-backed candidates and Scientology-sponsored programs is to support a corrupt “justice” system that has broken up families and broken up businesses.


The Reward


            If a political candidate, government official, or anyone can get an original or authentic copy of a Scientology justice committee tape, dated April-May 2004, concerning Randy Payne, Randy Payne will pay that person a thousand dollars for that tape, payable on the first authentic copy or original of the tape that he receives.

Randy Payne has already offered a thousand dollars to the Scientology Office of Special Affairs. (Office of Special Affairs, or OSA, is a branch of Scientology that collects data files, does investigations, and attacks individuals. [Example: FBI data showing OSA planning an attack on former Mayor Gabe Cazares,  ]. OSA has ignored this offer.


            A Scientology “justice” committee fabricated an official document against Randy Payne to “document” events that never happened. It stated that Randy Payne was allowed to plead guilty or not guilty to alleged crimes against Scientology. This made other Scientologists believe he was given a fair hearing. In addition, the committee refused to allow witnesses who would show that the church was extorting individuals to pay licensing and management fees.

This “justice” committee tape recorded its proceedings. Randy Payne offered a thousand dollars to the church of scientology for a copy of this tape should it prove that such a pleading “guilty or not guilty” event occurred. Even though this action has become a public issue, the church has not deigned to give any reply.

Randy Payne will pay a thousand dollars for one true copy of this tape.


The Church’s Underlying and Unexpressed Motivation


            Applied Scholastics (Scientology educational branch), ABLE (management group over Applied Scholastics), and the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST – controller of trademarks and copyrights for Scientology) all benefit from their practice of exacting ten percent of a school’s income, if the school’s owner is connected with this church. These Scientology corporations enforce the assumption that any Scientology school owner’s success is due and only due to the extensive use of Scientology material in this school and its curriculum. Randy Payne showed that less than 1 percent of his curriculum involved church materials. In 1997, Randy Payne refused to pay this demanded fee of ten percent of income from his string of “English as a Second Language” schools in Europe which made over a million dollars a year. For seven solid years OSA attacked Randy Payne to keep him off balance so his schools, including a small high school in Clearwater, could be taken over by Scientology groups willing to pay the ten percent.


            In the face of this “rebellion” by Randy Payne, the Church of Scientology felt they had to put Randy’s “head on a pike” [a reference to the historical habit of putting a traitor’s severed head up on a long pole as a deterrent to others of possibly like mind] so members of this church and people in the Clearwater community could see the control and power of the Church of Scientology.


It Happened to Another in Clearwater


            Another Clearwater school owner, Lance De Marcor, was also brought before a justice committee and forced to pay licensing fees. They are still battling over this.


            The chairman of Lance De Marcor’s justice committee was Conan Royce. An official church justice document directed Conan Royce to investigate Lance De Marcor for refusal to be licensed to Applied Scholastics. (Lance De Marcor’s Scientology justice document was turned over to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, all Clearwater City Council persons and city attorney, and the St. Petersburg Times.)


            Pressure was also applied by Scientology ethics officer Emil Proest. Lance De Marcor’s wife, Mary Ann De Marcor, was told by Emil Proest that Lance was bad and should come in line with church policy. Shortly thereafter Mary Ann fell ill, never recovered; Mary Ann died a year later.


            Randy Payne requested witnesses, at his justice committee, including ethics officer Emil Proest, who had pressured Randy Payne’s wife the same way he did Lance De Marcor’s wife, and school owner Lance De Marcor. The above mentioned Conan Royce, chairman of Lance De Marcor’s justice committee, was a member of Randy Payne’s justice committee.


            Conan Royce lied straight-face to Randy Payne. Conan Royce stated that there was no reason to call Lance De Marcor as a witness because Lance De Marcor’s investigation had nothing to do with Applied Scholastics’ licensing. Please realize Conan Royce’s name appears both on Lance De Marcor’s Scientology justice document and on Randy Payne’s Scientology justice document. Yet there was the actual connection between the two matters: the identical pressure on family bonds to enforcement payment of licensing fees.


            This is another reason Randy Payne offers the thousand dollar reward for the committee of evidence tape recording: the proof of Conan Royce’s lie.


Connecting the Dots


            Peter Mansell (Clearwater OSA investigator) was the chairman of Randy Payne’s pretended Scientology “justice” commitee. Peter Mansell was also present at an attempted Scientology sting operation on Shawn Lonsdale last month in downtown Clearwater.


A Scientologist attacked Shawn Lonsdale while he, Shawn Lonsdade, was filming Scientology activities in the streets of downtown Clearwater. There were a number of Scientologists present claiming Shawn Lonsdale swung first; Peter Mansell appeared to be directing them, according to Shawn Lonsdale. (Reference: August 2006 Scientology legal deposition of Shawn Lonsdale)


Shawn Lonsdale had a second video camera that taped the incident. He showed the Clearwater police the tape. The tape demonstrated to the police that Pinellas County Scientologist Michael Fitzgerald provoked the fight. Shawn Lonsdale stated that Peter Mansell was cussing at him when Michael Fitzgerald was taken away in handcuffs.


Randy J. Payne

514 Missouri Ave. North

Clearwater, Florida



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