Mary’s Dowry - England - 2020 - Inside The Vatican Pilgrimages

Mary's Dowry - England - 2020

T: +1.202.536.4555 | E: pilgrimages@ | W: | ITINER A RY CONT.

"Our unique encounters on pilgrimage give us insights that enlighten and strengthen us interiorly."

-Dr. Robert Moynihan

ITINER A RY CONT. | T: +1.202.536.4555 | E: pilgrimages@ | W:

Why Choose Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages?

With more than 25 years of publishing Inside the Vatican magazine, we have colleagues and friends all over the world -- and many of them have become part of our Pilgrimage family. Designing an Inside the Vatican pilgrimage begins with a theme or a particular country; then we weave in encounters with real people who live and work there, as well as those with expert knowledge in its historical and spiritual perspectives. Our itineraries include both world-renowned and little-known places, and every detail has been arranged to create a truly unique experience; we do not have cookie-cutter pilgrimages! Whether you choose one of our intimate-sized Signature Pilgrimages, or a Classic Pilgrimage with budget-friendly pricing, we work hard to ensure that every pilgrimage is a moving experience, an authentic spiritual journey for each pilgrim.

T: +1.202.536.4555 | E : pilgrimages@ | W:


Dear Pilgrim, I would like to extend a warm invitation to you, to join us on our "England: Mary's Dowry" pilgrimage. The tradition of referring to England as Our Lady's Dowry goes back to medieval times, specifically the reign of Richard II (1377-1399) and the prayer he made to Our Lady of Pew at the time of the Peasants' Revolt. The dowry tradition is associated with placing England under Our Lady's special protection, consecrating the country to her by right, as the Bride of the Holy Spirit. The famous Wilton Dyptich, now in the National Gallery, depicts King Richard enacting this spiritual "exchange." But it is as relevant today as it ever was. What is a dowry if not the riches that a woman brings to her husband? What are the riches of the Church, in a particular place, if not her saints? We shall be tracing the history of the British Church through these "living stones" on fire with the love of God, as we travel from the Carmelite Shrine of Our Lady in Aylesford, moving on to Canterbury, Ramsgate and Walsingham, "England's Nazareth," where we will celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin on August 15th. After which we will be in Norwich, home of that great English mystic, Mother Julian, whose writings have brought comfort and strength to so many down the centuries. We will conclude our pilgrimage by walking through the streets discovering Catholic London through the centuries and even today. We have worked hard to create a unique and special 10 days. I hope you will enjoy every aspect of your time with us, from places of great spiritual and historical resonance, to the people we shall meet along the way, all of whom are examples of how the Church is still thriving in England, in spite of centuries of persecution and obscurity. Come and experience Marian England. Come and experience England's Nazareth. With us, partake of Mary's Dowry.

- Robert Moynihan Founder and Editor of Inside the Vatican magazine

Why Pilgrimage to England, the Dowry of Mary?

In 2020, England will be re-dedicated by its Catholic Church as the "Dowry of Mary" -- as it was called in more ancient times -- in an effort to deepen and promote devotion to the Mother of God in England. The title originated in the medieval period, when devotion to Mary was particularly strong. It was believed that England belonged in some special way to Mary, who was seen as the country's "protectress" and who, through her powers of intercession, acted as the country's defender or guardian. Walsingham is one of the oldest shrines to the Mother of God; and in pre-Reformation times, it ranked with Jerusalem, Rome and Compostela as one of the most visited shrines in Christendom. The message of Our Lady at Walsingham is very simple: she asks us to "share her joy at the Annunciation," where her Son became our Savior. In preparation for the 2020 commemoration, a statue of Our Lady of Walsingham recently went "on tour," visiting all of the Catholic cathedrals of England. Join us on this pilgrimage as we, too, journey through England, both outwardly and inwardly seeking Our Lady, and deepening our own devotion to her.

August 11 - 20, 2020 Canterbury, Ramsgate, Norwich, Walsingham, Ely, London

T: +1.202.536.4555 | E: pilgrimages@ | W:


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