

I. Intro – Mark Twain’s writings were influenced by the places he visited and lived throughout his life.

II. Topic Sentence #1 – Living in poverty in Hannibal, Missouri contributed to how Mark Twain wrote in his early life.

A. Wrote seriously after fathers death in 1847 in Missouri (Source # 2)

B. Began his first apprenticeship, to Hannibal printer William Ament learning printing and writing (Source #4)

C. Henry Mark’s older brother makes Mark his apprentice (Source #4)

D. Writes “Life on the Mississippi” it is about his early life as apprentice on steamboat (source #4)

E. Twain told the East much about the physical and human geography of the West in his writings (Source #4)

F. Living near Mississippi made him write a lot about nature (Source #4)

III. Topic Sentence #2 – Bermuda the closest English speaking country near America influenced Mark Twain

A. Playing miniature golf contributed to petitions including the banning of the automobile in Bermuda (Source #2)

B. Bermuda is a tourist and social paradise influencing his writings (Source #1)

C. In Bermuda he found no rush, no hurry, no money-getting frenzy, no fretting (Source #1)

D. In Bermuda he also found no complaining, no fussing and quarreling, no telegrams, no daily newspapers, no railroads, no tramways, no subways, no trolleys (Source #2)

E. He wrote The Innocents Abroad during his visit to Bermuda (Source #2)

F. Became impressed by the status of black Bermudians who enjoyed basic Human Rights freedoms and liberties that his homeland still didn’t have. (source #2)

IV. Topic Sentence #3 – Mark Twain was influenced by his life on the Mississippi to write The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

A. Revisited the Mississippi Valley incessantly, in one literary work after another (Source #4)

B. Twain's imagination carried Huck, with a slave as side-kick, down the river, his picture of the West, with its intimate connection to the exploitation of slave labor (Source #4)

C. He stopped a third or the way in Huckleberry Finn to travel to Mississippi Valley, but the picture he came back with was that the Southwest had been destroyed by slavery, and its persistent racism (Source #4)

D. Mark Twain saw the problems with slavery and continued writing Huckleberry Finn (Source #4)

E. He no longer sees Mississippi Valley the same because of the slavery and racism (Source #4)

F. Twain’s feeling changed and he wrote Huckleberry from his point of view on slavery. (Source #4)

V. Topic Sentence #4 – When Mark Twain lived in San Francisco he wrote The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County A.) Changes traditional American humor (Source #4)

B.) Bad weather and not much food when working at Calaveras County (Source #6)

C.) Met Ben Coon in the mining hotel and listened to his stories. (Source #6)

D.) Dreary day Ben tells a story about a frog and Twain writes notes in his notebook for future reference. (Source #6)

E.) Started The Jumping Frog after he missed the gold nuggets without knowing while leaving Calaveras County. (Source #6)

F.) He wrote about The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by his notes and adding more when he returned to San Francisco (Source #6)

VI. Topic Sentence #5 – New York has influenced Mark Twain’s writings.

A. Worked as a type setter in New York (Source #4)

B. He was sent as a reporter to learn more about politics, the arts, fashion, commerce (Source #4)

C. Learned ways to entertain readers in New York (Source #4)

D. Finds new writing style emphasizing the writer's own response to what he sees (Source #3)

E. Learns a lot of history, literature, the current events and of the politics of his world. (Source #3)

F. Wrote letters to family with a new style of writing he acquired and he would use that style forever (Source #3)

VII. Mark Twain’s travel around America and other countries sparked his imaginative mind to write many different works.


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