
Name _____________________________________

Date _______________________ Hour _____

Living Planet Report:

Graphing Analysis:

Directions: Use the graphs to answer the related questions. Most questions must be answered in complete sentences. The exception to answering in complete sentences is for questions where a line is provided.

Use Figure 18 to answer these questions.

1. What is the title of the graph? _______________________________________________

2. What type of graph is used to display the data? _________________________________

3. What is the x-axis showing? ________________________________________________

4. What is the y-axis showing? ________________________________________________

5. Why is the bar shown in multiple colors? What do the multiple colors indicate?

6. What does the red line that runs across all the bars represent?

7. What information is provided by this graph? [In other words, what can you learn by reading this graph?]

8. What was the criterion for including a country on the list? [Hint: Look at the description of the figure.]

9. Which two countries use the most CO2 from fossil fuels per person?

a. _____________________________________

b. _____________________________________

10. Which country has the largest use of grazing land per person? ______________________

11. Describe one significant difference in the pattern of countries with the highest ecological footprint per person with the countries with the lowest ecological footprint per person. [Consider the different factors influencing the footprint.]

Use Figure 19 to answer these questions.

12. What is the title of the graph? _______________________________________________

13. What is the x-axis showing? ________________________________________________

14. What is the y-axis showing? ________________________________________________

15. What information is provided by this graph? [In other words, what can you learn by reading this graph?]

16. Which two components have changed the least during the past 40 years?

a. ____________________________________

b. ____________________________________

17. Which component has changed the most during the past 40 years? __________________

Use Map 5 to answer these questions.

18. What is the title of the map? ________________________________________________

19. Why does the map look “funny”? [In other words, what do the sizes of the countries mean?]

20. What do the colors of the countries show?

21. Which countries account for the majority of the world’s ecological footprint? [Do your best with country names.]

22. What does per capita mean?

23. Which countries and/or regions have the lowest ecological footprints per person?

Use Figure 20 to answer these questions.

24. What is the title of the graph? _______________________________________________

25. What is the x-axis showing? ________________________________________________

26. What is the y-axis showing? ________________________________________________

27. What does the dotted green line on each bar show? ______________________________

28. What does the number above the green line mean? Why are some numbers positive and some negative?

29. What information is provided by this graph? [In other words, what can you learn by reading this graph?]

30. Which region has the smallest population? _____________________________________

31. What is the population of the region with the smallest population? __________________

32. Which region has the smallest ecological footprint? ______________________________

33. Approximately what is the national ecological footprint of the European Union (Europe EU)? ____________________________________________

34. Approximately what is the biocapacity of Latin America and the Caribbean? ___________________________________

Use Figure 21 to answer these questions.

35. What is the title of the graph? _______________________________________________

36. What is the x-axis showing? ________________________________________________

37. What is the y-axis showing? ________________________________________________

38. Why are parts of the green and blue lines dotted?

39. What was the approximate ecological footprint of:

a. Low-income countries in 1970? ____________________________________

b. High-income countries in 1970? ___________________________________

c. Low-income countries in 1990? ____________________________________

d. High-income countries in 1990? ____________________________________

40. By approximately how much has the per capita ecological footprint changed in middle-income countries between 1960 and 2000? _____________________________________

Ecological Footprint Analysis:

Directions: Use the class discussions, previous course work and the reading and graphs/maps in the Living Planet Report to help you answer these questions. Remember that questions must be answered in complete sentences unless noted.

41. Typical Daily Activities: (Just list them!)

Developing Countries: Developed Countries:

42. What characteristics separate developing countries from developed countries?

43. What are resources?

44. What are renewable resources?

List a few examples:

45. What are nonrenewable resources?

List a few examples:

46. What does resource depletion mean?

47. It is possible for both renewable and nonrenewable resources to become depleted. Explain how that is possible.

48. What is an ecological footprint?

49. What was the GLOBAL ecological footprint in 2003? ____________________________ How does that compare with the amount replenished every year?

50. What is ecological overshoot?

51. How long has the Earth been in ecological overshoot? ____________________________

52. How is it possible for us to maintain our current levels of resource use even though the Earth is in ecological overshoot?

53. What is biocapacity?

54. What types of factors are included in a country’s built-up land?

55. How does the ecological footprint of the U.S. compare to Italy? (Quantify.)

56. How does the ecological footprint of the U.S. compare to Mongolia? (Quantify.)

57. How does the ecological footprint of the U.S. compare to Rwanda? (Quantify.)

58. Which country’s ecological footprint most surprised you? WHY?

59. Which regions of the world are using FEWER resources than are available in their region? (In other words, which countries have excess biocapacity?)

60. Create two lists of these regions – one showing greatest to least ecological footprint per capita and the other showing greatest to least population.

Ecological Footprint: Population:

61. How does the population of a region compare to the consumption of a region?

62. On page 18, the phrase “carrying capacity” is used. What do you think this means?

63. How has the population in developing countries changed during the past 40 years?

64. How has the population in developed countries changed during the past 40 years?

65. Consider Figure 21.

a. Which line best represents a developing country? ______________________

b. Which line best represents a developed country? _______________________

66. Explain the trends (pattern of information) shown in Figure 21.

67. How could global trade impact resource availability and resource use worldwide?

68. How is an ecological footprint related to sustainability?

69. How would a sustainable society look in terms of biocapacity and resource use?


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