ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTIONCourse Units: Unit 1: History of Advertising Unit 2: Marketing Basics Unit 3: Laws and Ethics Unit 4: Promotional Mix Unit 5: Sales and Communication Unit 6: Career Development Unit 7: Product Planning Unit 8: Advertising CampaignsActivities/Projects:Sales PresentationProduct and Logo DesignTV Story Board/Radio AdRole-Plays & Group ActivitiesCase StudiesAdvertising CampaignNew Product DevelopmentGrading Policy:Daily Work…………………..30%Projects……………………...60%Tests…………………………10%Materials Needed:Class Binder/Notebook Paper and Pencil (everyday)1 pack of markers or glue sticksPersonal laptops are highly encouraged (but not required)Professional Development Project: Each six weeks, you will complete an article summary. The work must be completed on your own time and turned in by the required deadline. 1st deadline: Feb. 6th 2nd deadline: April 3rd 3rd deadline: May 18th Absolutely no late work is allowed on Professional Development Points.Late Work:Late work will be accepted for two weeks after the due date. Five percent will be deducted for each day an assignment is late.NO LATE WORK ON PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POINTS!!!!!DECA (Marketing Association)Students are encouraged (but not required) to join the international marketing association, known as DECA. Since DECA is a co-curricular organization, related activities and curriculum will be used as part of all marketing classes. Opportunities for awards, scholarships and travel are available to DECA students through school events and activities! See for more information914400000STUDENTS NAME: _____________________________CLASS: Advertising and Sales Promotion PARENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTPlease read the enclosed class syllabus and return it with your student by ______________. Key Points:Professional Development Project: Each six weeks, students will complete an article summary. Students will choose a Marketing related article and complete a 2-3 page (double-spaced) summary of the article. The summary should include, what you learned from the article, how what you learned could help you in the future and any ties you can make to class discussions. There is no late work (or make-up points) allowed for Professional Development for any reason (even for absences). Grading: Grades will be given for daily work, quizzes, participation, projects, etc. Grades will be updated online at least once a week. Cell Phones: In order to create a more positive learning environment, cell phones will be NOT be permitted in class unless indicated for instructional purposes only. If a student is caught text messaging during class or using a phone during unapproved times, the teacher reserves the right to take the cell phone away. Communication: If your student is struggling or failing to turn in assignments, I will try my best to contact you. You may contact me at any time, with questions or concerns.PARENT EMAIL ________________________________PARENT PHONE _______________________________PARENT SIGNATURE____________________________ DATE____________STUDENT SIGNATURE___________________________ DATE____________Please feel free to email or call me before or after school. Thanks! Mrs. AllenEmail: hallen@frenship.usPhone: 866-4440 Ext. 156Disclaimer: Frenship I.S.D. offers career and technology education programs in Agriculture Science and Technology, Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science Technology, Marketing Education, Technology Education, and Trade and Industrial Education.? Admission to these programs is based on student interest and course prerequisites as listed in the Course Guide. It is the policy of Frenship I.S.D. not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in its career and technology education programs, services, or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Frenship I.S.D. will take steps to ensure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and career and technology education programs. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator. ................

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