Clover Sites

Monthly Growth Report

for Mission Pastors & Church Planters

Return before the 1oth of every month to NSBA Office – 11411 McLaughlin Lane, Hammond, LA 70401, or by fax – 225.567.5148, or by email – lanecorley@.

|Month/Year |      |Date Report Completed |      |

|Church Name |      |

|Church Address |      |

| |City |      |LA |ZIP |      |

|Church Phone |      |Church Fax |      |

|Church Website |      |

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|Pastor Name |      |

|Pastor Address |      |

| |City |      |LA |ZIP |      |

|Pastor Phone |      |Pastor Cell |      |

|Pastor Email |      |


|# of Worship Gatherings |      |Average Worship Attendance |      |

|# of Small Groups |      |Average Small Group Attendance |      |

|# of Leadership Meetings |      |Average Attendance of Leadership Meetings |      |

|Special Events |      |Average Attendance at Special Events |      |

|Professions of Faith |      |Baptisms |      |Other Decisions/Additions |      |

|Ministry Opps / Mission Trips |      |Members Sent Out for Ministry & Missions |      |

| | | | |

|Income | |Outflow | |

|Tithes Received |      |Cooperative Program |      |

|Sponsor Church |      |NSBA Giving |      |

|NSBA |      |Other Missions Giving |      |

|LBC/NAMB |      |Ministry Expenses |      |

|Other Sponsors |      |Personnel Expenses |      |

|Designated Giving |      |Facilities |      |

|Total Receipts |      |Other Expenses |      |

| | |Total Outflow |      |

Personal Ministry

|Sermons Preached |      |Other Teaching Opportunities |      |

|Meetings with Mentor |      |Meetings with Denom. or Network |      |

|Witnessing Opportunities |      |Gospel Presentations |      |

|Cultivative Visits |      |Pastoral Visits |      |

|Discipleship Appointments |      |Leaders in Training |      |

| |      |Approximate Total Contacts |      |

|Highlights from this month: |

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|Plans for next month: |

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|Lessons learned / Experiences gained: |

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|Signature: |      |Date: |      |

Return before the 1oth of every month to NSBA Office – 11411 McLaughlin Lane, Hammond, LA 70401, or by fax – 225.567.5148, or by email – lanecorley@.


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