Chapter 2 The GirlsAll his life Rodney had been dealing with the strangeness of girls. Things like combs and ribbons to make their fur look pretty. They had tail curlers or straighteners that they used depending on the latest fashion, and fur gloss, fur curlers, fur straighteners, also used depending on the latest fashion. Not to mention the puffs for powder and bits of fluff they kept just to stick in their fur on a daily basis. Their stuff was everywhere. Rodney did not understand it; it made his head ached to think of all the stuff girls believed they needed. Why he could get by just fine with a good lunch and 2 pair of sneakers, one pair for everyday and the other for, well you know all the other times. Not only did sisters have a lot of stuff but apparently, stuff needs to be moved around regularly. Personally, Rodney thought his sisters moved it around to make room for more stuff. Moreover, on occasion their stuff suddenly appeared in his room. His poppa and momma would never think to look in Rodney’s room for the newest fur curler or the revolutionary whisker softener. So they could hide stuff for a while until it was discovered and then they would say ‘Oh we’ve had that forever”. Poppa and Momma had tried to put a stop to all the stuff they bought with their allowances but it had never worked. Poppas and Mommas need to think faster than the kids and his Poppa and Momma were too busy just feeding everyone to think fast. Gradually, slowly but steadily his room and space in the family had decreased. Now the girls did not just have fur and tail stuff. Oh, no they also had hobby stuff. Take Clare for example. Clare was an organizer she had even gone so far as to drag home a people watch that someone had lost under the couch. He remembers the day she had come puffing down the wall with that shiny, silver watch clenched in her teeth. Her face was all sweaty from exertion but she was very proud of herself. What good did the fur cream do for her that day Rodney wondered? It became her pride and joy; this piece of machinery fit right into her need for order, now she could plan things to the minute. It now hung in her room on a nail through the wall and she used it to plan the family daily schedules. She even planned when they would eat which was ridiculous if you were hungry, you should just eat. Jane and Mary were the twins and twins that are more different would be hard to find. Jane had cooking stuff some of it she wouldn’t leave in the family kitchen because she was pretty sure Rodney would use it for some disgusting boy project. With her kitchen stuff she could make a dandelion and sunflower seed salad without even opening the cookbook she had bought. Mary on the other hand was more likely to use the flour as stardust falling from the sky. Mary would sneak the sunflowers for the salad, make a pattern on the counter, then try to stick them together with the honey dressing that Jane had just whipped up with her eyes closed. Mary stuff was necklaces made of pasta and rings made from bits of shiny wire.To her credit, though Mary loved to eat so it made her a great forager. She was always bringing home new foods for Jane to experiment with when making meals. Mary had even convinced Jane to sneak into the people garden one summer afternoon before the people got home. Together they had brought back chives and baby tomatoes. In Rodney’s opinion, that night’s dinner was one of the best.Now this leaves, Leesa, Millie, Annalise, and Naomi. Naomi was the youngest she was still in training. She did not know the Dangerous from the Silly yet, that would come in Year 2 of School. Right now, she was still growing and exploring. That was another full time job for poppa and momma. Mouse tradition says that Year 1 of School youngsters spend half of everyday with each parent. That way you get to learn about the whole mouse world. Lucky for Rodney she was not into fur or tails yet so he liked to spend time with her. Everything she saw was new. This explains why she tried to eat plaster. Annalise, was the source of all information. She read everything, from books, to newspapers, to addresses in envelopes she found in the recycle bins. She could tell you where Helena Smythe lived, who was Helena Smythe? None of them knew, it did not matter Annalise just knew where she lived and that she wrote to the people in the house. Annalise also knew Helena Smythe had slanted, spindly handwriting, and someday she was going to learn how to write too. She was saving the envelopes as samples, and to practice on. Annalise had read about the opening for Raccoon Research Assistant job in a way Rodney owed her for his job. This was a fact that Annalise was always reminding him of. He would have happily paid her back with a new book purchased with some of the money from his first paycheck, but she was holding out for something better. She did not know what is was yet but she had promised to let him know when the perfect thing came along. Girls were so strange he would probably end up by the latest tail straightener, as if he was going to hold his breath on that one.Millie, was there ever a sister like Millie? She is swirly and airy she is flowers and butterflies. Everything was wonderful and even in her world, all things had the right to exist and any curiosity into any living thing was an invasion to her. She would go out every day, bring back some kind of flower or grassy arrangement, and put them in the thimble that she used for a vase. She would put them on the kitchen table or the dresser in the hallway. Life was beautiful to her and she surrounded herself in it. Being around her was like breathing fresh air. But, you had to watch out for the gale force wind if every you crossed her idea of liberty and rights.The closest Rodney got to a cool sister was Leesa. Leesa had mail ordered for climbing gear so she could repelling between the studs in the walls trying to get to the second floor of the house. She was the first one of the sisters to congratulate Rodney on being hired by the city to do Raccoon Research. Leesa was always looking for excitement and a good laugh was just as good as a new adventure to her. Last summer during the rainy season that always comes before the Stone Lake trip all the younglings had been house bound; Rodney and his sisters had decided to scare the people. It was so funny to see the great people run and hide from little mice. They had taken turns peeking out from under the piano or dashing from one piece of furniture to another of the front of the people. Then suddenly Leesa had boldly gone out and stood in front of the piano. One of the people dropped a cardboard box over the top of her, and then slipped a piece of cardboard under the box; just as they were carrying it outside Leesa stuck her feet out from under the edge of the box. Holy cow that person screamed so loud that poor Leesa couldn’t hear for three days. Of all his sisters Leesa could be the coolest but she was still a girl, so she could change like a flash, and then she was just like the other girls. ................

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