2nd Semester Final Exam - ¡Español es divertido!

Nombre: __________________________

2nd Semester Final Exam Study Guide

Present Progressive (Pg. 146)

You form the present progressive by using the verb ______________ and adding ________/_______.

Some verbs have spelling changes and therefore are irregular. Write the participle of the following verbs.

Caer: _______________________ Decir: _______________________

Leer: _______________________ Pedir: _______________________

Traer: _______________________ Mentir: _______________________

Dormir: _______________________ Morir: _______________________

We can use two other verbs instead of estar. They are __________________ and ______________.

Put the following sentences into Spanish. You can use pg. 177 as a reference for the vocabulary.

1. Right now, my mom is in the hospital having a baby.


2. I am graduating today.


3. You are eating lobster, rice, beans, and watermelon for dinner.


4. They are separating from each other.


5. We are getting divorced this month.


6. I am making fried chicken with lemon and chocolate cake for dessert.


7. You are talking to your stepfather.


8. He is bringing watermelon to the funeral.


9. They are reading the recipe (la receta) for turkey with stuffing.


10. My family and I are traveling to Ohio for the family reunion.


You can also use direct objects with the present progressive tense.

The four direct objects are: ____________________________________

You can place the direct objects in two ways:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

Rewrite the following sentences replacing with direct objects. Write them in both ways!

1. Estoy tomando clases de ejercicio en el gimnasio.



2. Sigues preguntando preguntas buenas en clase.



3. Ella anda dibujando los animales en su cuaderno.



4. Mis hermanos están sacando las fotos en la reunión familiar.



5. Mis amigos y yo estamos comprando ropa nueva para el año escolar.



6. Estoy mirando el partido en la televisión.



7. Estás escuchando la música nueva en el radio.



8. Los estudiantes están estudiando el tópico del día.



9. Mis clases están practicando el verbo del día.



10. Ella sigue leyendo los libros.



Present Perfect (Pg. 148)

For present perfect, you use the verb __________________ plus _________________________.

Conjugate the verb we use.

|Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

Of course in Spanish, there are irregulars. They are:

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Normal –ar verbs get _______________ and normal –ER/-IR verbs get ______________.

Put the following sentences into Spanish.

1. She has visited her sister in Ohio.


2. I have written a book.


3. The boys have lived in Bartlett.


4. We have eaten watermelon with salt.


5. You have set the table.


6. He has told the truth to his mom.


7. They have discovered the secret about their friend Megan.


8. You have listened to us.


9. I have returned the movie to the library.


10. We have broken the table because we were fighting each other.


Present Perfect Subjunctive (Pg. 150)

For present perfect subjunctive, we follow a similar pattern to present perfect. We use the verb ____________ and after put __________________.

The only difference between present perfect and present perfect subjunctive is that haber is in the __________________ form.

Conjugate haber now in the correct form for present perfect subjunctive.

|Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1. It’s logical that he has gone to the movies.


2. It’s normal that we have written a paper in Spanish class.


3. It’s horrible that you have had no friends your whole life.


4. After the bad car accident, it’s natural that they have died.


5. It’s marvelous that the team has won 15 games.


6. It surprises her that I have seen the movie.


7. It angers them that we have eaten all the cake.


8. It’s a shame that they have cancelled the game.


9. It’s sad that I have not played volleyball in 2 years.


Preterite (Pg. 160)

We use the preterite to show actions that were ____________________ or _________________ at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, we have key words that help us identify that the actions occurred in the past.

Write the English definition of the following words.

Ayer: _______________________ Anoche: _______________________

La semana pasada: _______________________ El fin de semana pasado: _____________________

El verano pasado: _______________________ El mes pasado: _______________________

Write the endings for normal verbs below:


|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

However, many verbs are irregular in the preterite. To the right of each verb, write the English definition, then conjugate for the preterite tense.

DECIR: _____________________ ESTAR: _____________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

HACER: _____________________ PODER: _____________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

IR: _________________________ PONER: _____________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

QUERER: ____________________ SABER: ______________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

TENER: ______________________ TRAER: ______________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

VENIR: ______________________

|Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

Some verbs change meaning in the preterite. Write what each of the verbs mean in the present and what they change to in the preterite.

Present: Preterite:

Conocer: ______________________ ______________________

Saber: ______________________ ______________________

Querer: ______________________ ______________________

No querer: ______________________ ______________________

Past Progressive (Pg. 164)

The past progressive describes actions that were in progress. It is formed using the verb ________________ in the ______________________ tense and adding _______________________.

Write the following sentences in Spanish.

1. My mom was having a baby in the hospital.


2. I was graduating when you called me.


3. You were eating lobster, rice, beans, and watermelon for dinner.


4. They were separating from each other.


5. We were getting divorced when I had a baby.


6. I was making fried chicken with lemon and chocolate cake for dessert.


7. You were talking to your stepfather.


8. He was bringing watermelon to the funeral.


9. They were reading the recipe (la receta) for turkey with stuffing.


10. My family and I were traveling to Ohio for the family reunion.


You can also use direct objects with the past progressive tense.

The four direct objects are: __________________________

You can place the direct objects in two ways:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

Rewrite the following sentences replacing with direct objects. Write them in both ways!

1. Estaba tomando clases de ejercicio en el gimnasio.



2. Estabas preguntando preguntas buenas en clase.



3. Ella estaba dibujando los animales en su cuaderno.



4. Mis hermanos estaban sacando las fotos en la reunión familiar.



5. Mis amigos y yo estábamos comprando ropa nueva para el año escolar.



6. Yo estaba mirando el partido en la televisión.



7. Estabas escuchando la música nueva en el radio.



8. Los estudiantes estaban estudiando el tópico del día.



9. Mis clases estaban practicando el verbo del día.



10. Ella estaba leyendo los libros.



Passive Voice with Ser (Pg. 198)

The majority of the time in English and Spanish, we use the active voice. Active voice is when a person does an action. Passive voice expresses when an action was/will be done by the person.

We have a formula that we use to form the passive voice.

________________ + _________________ + _________________ + por + __________________

It is important that the adjective agrees with the ____________________ not the ______________.

***Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Reference page 225 for help with the vocabulary.

1. The watercolor was painted by the artist.(male)


2. The architecture of the building was designed (diseñar) by my dad.


3. The sculptures will be sculpted by the sculptor.


4. The photographs were taken by her students.


5. The gallery was visited by famous people.


6. The modern bridge will be constructed by the workers.


7. The role of Dolly was played by Susie.


8. The review will be written by the reporter.


9. The lyrics were sung by Ke$ha.


10. The play will be viewed by the audience.


Subjunctive with Hopes and Wishes (Pg. 208)

The subjunctive is used to express ______________________, _______________________, or _______________________________.

Translate each of the following expressions into English.

Aconsejar que ____________________________________________

Es buena idea que ____________________________________________

Es mejor que ____________________________________________

Esperar que ____________________________________________

Querer que ____________________________________________

Recomendar que ____________________________________________

Sugerir que ____________________________________________

Proponer que ____________________________________________

Es importante que ____________________________________________

Pedir que ____________________________________________

Decir que ____________________________________________

Necesitar que ____________________________________________

Ojalá que ____________________________________________

Hace falta que ____________________________________________

Es necesario que ____________________________________________

When there is no change of subject between the two clauses, we omit the word que and use the ___________________________.

Translate the following into Spanish keeping the above information in mind.

1. It’s important that you go to the game tonight.


2. You need to drink less coffee.


3. Let’s hope that he studies for the exam.


4. I recommend that she knows the truth.


5. My mom asks that I do my homework before dinner.


6. The counselors advise that I take six classes next year.


7. It’s a good idea that we work hard.


8. We want to eat better.


9. They suggest that I give advice to my younger sister.


10. We hope that you graduate this year.


Past Perfect/Pluscuamperfecto (Pg. 212)

The past perfect is used to explain something that happened prior to a previous past action.

We use the verb ______________________ in the _____________________ tense, and then add the _______________________.

Conjugate the verb used above in the appropriate tense.

|Yo: |Nosotros: |

|Tú: | |

|Él/Ella/Ud.: |Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: |

Of course in Spanish, there are irregulars. They are:

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Normal –ar verbs get _______________ and normal –ER/-IR verbs get ______________.

Put the following sentences into Spanish.

1. She had visited her sister in Ohio.


2. I had written a book.


3. The boys had lived in Bartlett.


4. We had eaten watermelon with salt.


5. You had set the table.


6. He had told the truth to his mom.


7. They had discovered the secret about their friend Megan.


8. You had listened to us.


9. I had returned the movie to the library.


10. We had broken the table because we were fighting each other.


Indicative after expressions of certainty (Pg. 236)

The indicative is used with the following expressions. Write the English definition of each of the following.

Claro que ____________________________________________

Es cierto que ____________________________________________

Es evidente que ____________________________________________

Es obvio que ____________________________________________

Está claro que ____________________________________________

Estar convencido(a) de que ____________________________________________

Estar seguro(a) (de) que ____________________________________________

Le parece que ____________________________________________

No cabe duda de que ____________________________________________

Por supuesto que ____________________________________________

Sin duda alguna ____________________________________________

Todo el mundo sabe que ____________________________________________

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1. It’s true that she goes to the game tonight.


2. It’s evident that you need to drink less coffee.


3. It’s obvious that he studies for the exam.


4. It seems to me that she knows the truth.


5. The whole world knows that I do my homework before dinner.


6. It’s evident that I take six classes next year.


7. Without a single doubt we work hard.


8. It seems to be that she eats well.


9. She is convinced that I give advice to my younger sister.


10. It’s true that you graduate this year.


Subjunctive with doubt or disbelief (Pg. 238)

With an expression of doubt or disbelief, we use subjunctive. Next to each expression, write the English definition.

Dudar que: ____________________________________________

Es dudoso que: ____________________________________________

Es increíble que: ____________________________________________

Es imposible que: ____________________________________________

No pensar que: ____________________________________________

No es cierto que: ____________________________________________

No estar seguro(a) (de) que: ____________________________________________

No está claro que: ____________________________________________

No (poder) creer que: ____________________________________________

Parece mentira que: ____________________________________________

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1. She doubts that I go to the party.


2. It’s doubtful that she has visited the tower.


3. You don’t think that I have traveled to Mexico 13 times.


4. It’s not true that you have eaten three pizzas.


5. They can’t believe that we know the truth about her boyfriend.


6. It seems a lie that she breaks up with him.


7. They doubt that she has given me a present.


8. It’s impossible that we have cooked dinner.


9. It’s incredible that I have left the party early.


10. We aren’t sure that my brothers have set the table.



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