
Tuning In!

Teacher’s guide

Evaluation situation

Secondary 4

Tuning In!

Topic: Music

Level: Secondary 4 core program

Goal of the evaluation situation:

The purpose of this evaluation situation is to allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the unit “Tuning In!” as well as to demonstrate their competencies in ESL. Therefore, it allows teachers to collect the data needed to determine the level of competency each student has reached with respect to Competency 1: Interacts orally in English, Competency 2: Reinvest understanding of oral and written texts and Competency 3: Writes and produces texts.

Material needed:

- Teacher’s guide

-Student’s booklet


-CD player + CD

- Computer (Internet)

-Over head projector


-This evaluation situation consists of nine seventy-five-minute classes.

-The time planned for each task is approximative.

Broad Area of Learning: Media literacy

➢ Warm-Up

Grouping: The class is divided in two different groups.

Duration: 20 minutes

Material needed: Teacher’s guide


1. Divide the class in two parts.

2. Ask the two groups to go on each side of the class.

3. Read the statements below.

4. The students must step forward if the statement applies to them.

5. After the reading of each statement, all the students move back to the initial line.

6. Discuss with students in order to make them realize that music is everywhere and that it is part of their everyday’s life.

7. Provide feedback.

➢ Activity 1: Music is everywhere

Grouping: Teams of four

Duration: 60 minutes

Material needed: Student’s booklet, bowl with questions

|ESL competencies |

|C1: Interacts orally in English |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Participation in oral interaction (interacting with their peers) |

|Content of the message (discuss the topics addressed) |

|Articulation of the message: accuracy and fluency |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

| |

|Communicates appropriately |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Degree of mastery of vocabulary, syntax and symbols |

|Degree of coherence of the message |

|Accuracy of the judgment made of the effectiveness of communication |

|Functional language |

|Simple past |

|Future tense |

|Feelings (it makes me feel… happy, sad, energized…) |

|Adjectives (boring, amazing, awesome…) |

|Conditional |

|I like ( I don’t like |

|Types of music |

|Text components |

|Argumentative speech |

|Cultural product |

| |

|American music, radio stations, musicians |


Explain the activity

1. Refer students to student’s booklet page 2.

2. Read the instructions on page 2 with the students.

3. Explain the evaluation criteria.


1. Do an example of the activity with a strong student. First, pick up a question and read it aloud. Then, discuss with the student.

(Example of oral interaction:

Question: What is your favorite type of music?

Teacher: My favorite type of music is Reggae.

Student: My favorite type of music is Hip Hop.

Teacher: I prefer Reggae because it makes me feel happy.

Student: Yes, it is true however hip hop also makes me feel happy.

Teacher: What are the things you prefer about Hip Hop?

Student: It makes me feel energized when I am tired.

This would continue.


1. Turn by turn, students will pick up a question and read it aloud.

2. They discuss the question with their team.

3. Then, another person picks up a question.

4. They do the same thing for all the questions.

5. During the activity, go around the class and evaluate the students.

C1: Interacts orally in English

Activity 1: Music is everywhere


| |

|Discussion Questions |

|How popular is live music in your country? When was the last time you went to a concert or a live show? |

|What kind of music do you like? Is there any kind of music that you can't stand? What types of music do people listen to in your |

|country? |

|Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument? Did you take lessons? If not why? |

|Do you own many CDs? Why or why not? |

|What musician would you like to meet the most? Why? |

|Why do you think American music is so popular? Can a band be a worldwide hit if they don't sing in English? |

|Do you listen to music on the radio? If so, how often? Do you have a favorite station? Why do you like this station? |

|If not, why? |

|Do you prefer music in English or in your own language? Why? |

|Do you like to sing? Have you ever sung karaoke? |

|When listening to a song, do you focus more on the melody than on the lyrics? Why? |

|Do you think CDs will still be sold in the future? |

|If not, what will replace them? |

|Did your opinion of what good music is changed as you grew up? |

|Is there a music type, an artist or a song you liked years ago that you can’t stand anymore? |


Adapted from:

C1: Interacts orally in English

Student’s name: _________________________________________________


|Content of the message |The student discusses about |The student discusses |The student discusses |The student mostly expresses |Expresses messages that|

| |music in depth, going beyond|about music in depth, |about music mostly on a|ideas that are repetitive or |are mostly |

| |the obvious. |going beyond the obvious. |superficial level. |have little content. |incomprehensible or |

| |AND | |(basic or obvious |OR |irrelevant to music. |

| |Brings up new ideas or | |ideas). |Expresses meaningful ideas, | |

| |aspects to fuel the | | |but does not interact with | |

| |discussion. | | |peers. | |

|Articulation of the | The student speaks with |The student speaks with a |Hesitations sometimes |Frequent hesitations |Expresses messages that|

|message: Accuracy |natural ease and confidence |significant degree of ease|interfere with |interfere with interaction. |are mostly |

| |when interacting. |and confidence when |interaction. |OR |incomprehensible or |

| | |interacting. Hesitations, | |Speaks with fluency, but does|irrelevant to music. |

| | |although present, do not | |not interact with peers. | |

| | |interfere with | | | |

| | |interactions. | | | |

|Fluency |When interacting, the |When interacting, the |When interacting, the |When interacting, the student|Expresses messages that|

| |student expresses messages |student expresses messages|student makes errors |makes errors that regularly |are mostly |

| |that are clear and contain |that are clear, but |that sometimes affect |affect clarity of messages. |incomprehensible or |

| |only a few minor errors, if |contain several noticeable|clarity of messages. |With a lot of interpretation,|irrelevant to music. |

| |any. |errors. |Messages are understood|messages are understood or | |

| | | |with some |mostly understood. | |

| | | |interpretation. |OR | |

| | | | |Speaks with accuracy, but | |

| | | | |does not interact with peers.| |

Teacher’s comments: _____________________________________________________________________________

➢ Activity 2: MTV : Shaping the Music Video Medium

Grouping: Individual

Duration: 75 minutes

Material needed: Student’s booklet, dictionary

|ESL competencies |

| |

|C2: Reinvest understanding of oral texts |

|Evaluation Criteria |

| |

|Evidence of understanding |

|Use of knowledge from texts appropriate to the reinvestment |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

| |

|Uses information |

|Exercises critical judgment |

|Evaluation Criteria |

| |

|Quality of critical analysis |

|Coherence of organization of information |

|Quality of expression of his/her point of view |

|Ability to refine his/her judgment |

|Functional language |

|Reflecting |

|Talking about music |

|Expressing, supporting and justifying personal opinions |

|Music and types of music |

|Text components |

| |

|Argumentative text |

|Cultural product |

| |

|Video about the music industry : Shaping the Music Video Medium |


Explaining the activity:

1. Explain to students that they will watch a video in order to give their opinion about video clips.

2. Read the introduction of the video with them on page 4.

3. Ask them to read the questions that they will have to answer in their text.

4. Explain the evaluation criteria.


1. Use the board to explain the elements required. Explain to students how they should support their arguments with examples from the video as well as how to include personal examples.


Playing the video:

1. Play the video a first time (duration: 8:16).

2. Play the video a second time and ask students to take notes.

Writing the text:

1. Tell students to go on page 6 and to read the questions in order to start brainstorming about their text.

2. Tell them that on page 7, they have some pictures to help them remember some elements presented in the video.

Activity 2 C2: Reinvest understanding of oral texts


1. Your task consists in watching the video “MTV: Shaping the Music Video Medium” in order to give your opinion about music videos.

2. First, read the introduction below of the video you are about to watch.

3. Read the questions that you will have to answer in your text.


- You must use at least three elements from the video to support your ideas (e.g. values, lifestyles, social implications, political implications, etc.)

- You must you give two personal examples from your own experience.

4. Watch the video a first time.

5. Watch the video a second time and take notes.

➢ Activity 3: Title

6. Read the questions on the following page in order to start

brainstorming about your text.

Reflecting on the video…

7. Here are some pictures to help you remember some elements

presented in the video.

8. Write your text.


- You must use at least three elements from the video to support your ideas (e.g. values, lifestyles, social implications, political implications, etc.)

- You must you give two personal examples from your own experience.

C2: Reinvests understanding of oral texts

Student’s name : _________________________________________________


|Use of knowledge |The text contains |The text contains |The text contains |The text contains |The text does not |

|(The text contains relevant |information relevant |complete information |information relevant |information relevant to |include information |

|information pertaining to the |to all two |relevant to the two |to the two |the two requirements but|relevant to the two |

|required elements: |requirements |requirements. |requirements but 1or 2|2 or 3 elements are |requirements. |

|-3 elements from the video |AND | |elements are missing. |missing. |OR |

|-2 personal examples) |Contains additional | | | |The text contains a |

| |details from the | | | |great deal of |

| |original text that | | | |information that is not |

| |help build/enrich the | | | |relevant to the |

| |text. | | | |requirements. |

Teacher’s comments:


➢ Activity 3: What type of music am I?

Grouping: Individual

Duration: 150 minutes

Material needed: Student’s booklet

|ESL competencies |

|C3: Writes and produces texts |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Compliance with instructions |

|Pertinence of the text |

|Formulation of the text |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

|Exercises critical judgment |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Quality of expression of his/her point of view |

|Ability to refine his/her judgment |

|Functional language |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Expressing, supporting and justifying personal opinions |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Talking about music |

|Text components |

|Argumentative text |

|Cultural product |

|Types of music (Hip-Hop/R’n’B, Metal, Pop, Punk, Rap, Reggaeton, Rock, Techno, etc.) |


Introducing the activity

1. Tell students that all types of music have their own characteristics.

2. As an example, you could say that when we think about country music, we think of cowboy hats and loneliness.

Explaining the activity

1. Refer students to page 11 of the student’s booklet and read the instructions with them. Make sure they understand what to do at each stage and tell them they are allowed to use a dictionary.

2. Tell students that part I Preparing to write and part II Writing the draft are optional, but that they are helpful.

3. Explain the evaluation criteria to students.


1. Write an example of the three possible text structures on the board for the development.

a) Paragraph 1: Type of music (Punk) (First argument

Paragraph 2: Type of music (Punk) (Second argument

Paragraph 3: Type of music (Punk) (Third argument

b) Paragraph 1: Type of music (Punk) (First argument

Paragraph 2: Type of music (Punk) (Second argument

Paragraph 3: Type of music (Techno) (Argument

c) Paragraph 1: Type of music (Punk)( Argument

Paragraph 2: Type of music (Metal) (Argument

Paragraph 3: Type of music (Techno) (Argument


1. Ask students to write and to correct their text in the student’s booklet using the self-evaluation checklist.

Activity 3: What type of music am I?

C3: Writes and produces texts


-Write an argumentative text that explains which type of music represents you the best. (You can refer to more than one type of music.)

- Give three arguments to justify your choice.

E.g. similar lifestyle, fashion style, reference to an idol, identification to the lyrics, similar philosophy, identification to the message/values conveyed by this music, etc.)

- Your introduction must contain a broad view of the topic, a thesis statement and the structure of the text.

-Your development must contain three paragraphs. You have to give your opinion and support your ideas.

-Your conclusion must contain a summary and an opening.

-Refer to the checklist to make sure your text follows the requirements.

Part I: Preparing to write (Optional)


Broad view of the topic __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thesis statement


Structure of the text







Part II: Writing the draft (Optional)

What type of music am I?

Part III: Revising



|Did I follow the instructions? |Yes |

|My text is written at the first person singular. | |

|It reflects my personal opinion. | |


|-I wrote the broad view of the topic. | |

|-I wrote the thesis statement. | |

|-I wrote the structure of the text. | |


|-I gave my opinion. | |

|-I supported my arguments. | |

|I separated my development in three paragraphs. | |


|-I summarized my text. | |

|-I added an opening. | |

|Did I correct my text? | |

|-I put all my ‘’s’’ at the third person singular. | |

|-I conjugated all the verbs. | |

|-I put all the necessary capital letters. | |

|-I used the correct punctuation (periods, commas, etc.) | |

|-I used the plural correctly. | |

|-All the adjectives are invariable. | |

|-I used the appropriate pronouns. | |

|-I used the appropriate determiners. | |

|-I used the possession correctly (‘s, s’). | |

|-I looked up the words I wasn’t sure of in a dictionary. | |

|-All the words are in English. | |

Part IV: Final copy

What type of music am I?

C3: Writes and produces texts

Student’s name : _________________________________________________


|Evaluation Criteria |

|Participation in oral interaction |

|Content of the message |

|Articulation of the message: accuracy and fluency |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

| |

|Uses information and communication technologies |

|Communicates appropriately |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Degree of mastery of vocabulary, syntax and symbols |

|Degree of coherence of the message |

|Accuracy of the judgment made of the effectiveness of communication |

|Functional language |

|Simple past |

|Future tense |

|Feelings (it makes me feel… happy, sad, energized…) |

|Adjectives (boring, amazing, awesome…) |

|Conditional |

|I like ( I don’t like |

|Types of music |

|Text components |

|Argumentative speech |

|Cultural product |

|Songs: |

|- Don’t worry be happy- Bob Marley |

|- Sorry, blame it on me – Akon |

|-Name less, face less, never born - Martyr |


Explaining the activity

1. Refer students to student’s booklet on page 18.

2. Tell the students they are going to hear three different types of music.

3. Read the instructions on page 18 with the students.

4. Explain the evaluation criteria to students.


1. Model an example of what students will have to do. Listen to a classical song with them. Ask students to think about what they would write in the following chart. Complete the chart, with the help of the students, on the board.

|Questions |Your answer |

|1. What do you like or do not like about this type of music? | |

|2. What does this type of music inspire you? How do you feel? | |

|3. Where can we hear this type of music? | |

|4. Where is it impossible to hear this type of music? | |

|5. What do you think about when you hear this type of music? | |

|6. When would you listen to this type of music? Why not? | |

|7. Positive or negative impact on the society? Why? | |


1. Listen to the first type of music with the students.

2. Ask them to complete chart 1.

3. Ask students to discuss with their teammates in order to compare their feelings and thoughts about this type of music.

4. Do the same thing for the three different types.

5. At the end, students must find out what is their favorite type of music and explain the reasons why.

6. During the activity, go around the class and evaluate students.

Group discussion

1. Ask each team to explain what their favorite type of music is and to give reasons why.

2. Write and compare the answers of the different teams on the board.

C1: Interacts orally in English

Activity 4: Music is everywhere

This activity is an opportunity for you to compare your feelings and thoughts about three different types of music with your classmates.

First type: Heavy Metal

Song: Name less, Face less, Never born - Martyr

Chart 1: Heavy Metal

|Questions |Your answer |

|1. What do you like or dislike about this type of music? | |

|2. What does this type of music inspire you? How do you feel? | |

|3. Where can we hear this type of music? | |

|4. What do you think about when you hear this type of music? | |

|5. When would you listen to this type of music? | |

|6. Does it have a positive or a negative impact on the society? | |

|Why? | |

Second type: Hip Hop

Song: Sorry, blame on me - Akon

Chart 2: Hip Hop

|Questions |Your answer |

|1. What do you like or dislike about this type of music? | |

|2. What does this type of music inspire you? How do you feel? | |

|3. Where can we hear this type of music? | |

|4. What do you think about when you hear this type of music? | |

|5. When would you listen to this type of music? | |

|6. Does it have a positive or a negative impact on the society? | |

|Why? | |

Third type: Reggae

Song: Don’t worry be happy- Bob Marley

Chart 3: Reggae

|Questions |Your answer |

|1. What do you like or dislike about this type of music? | |

|2. What does this type of music inspire you? How do you feel? | |

|3. Where can we hear this type of music? | |

|4. What do you think about when you hear this type of music? | |

|5. When would you listen to this type of music? | |

|6. Does it have a positive or a negative impact on the society? | |

|Why? | |

Guiding sentences for final team discussion

1. Our favorite type of music is _____________ because_____________.

2. We did not like this type of music because_______________________.

3. This type of music has the most positive impact on society because ____.

4. This type of music has a negative impact on society because__________.

C1: Interacts orally in English

Student’s name: _________________________________________________


|Content of the message |The student discusses |The student discusses |The student discusses |The student mostly |Expresses messages that |

| |about music in depth, |about music in depth, |about music mostly on a |expresses ideas that are |are mostly |

| |going beyond the obvious.|going beyond the obvious. |superficial level. (basic |repetitive or have little |incomprehensible or |

| |AND | |or obvious ideas) |content. |irrelevant to music. |

| |Brings up new ideas or | | |OR | |

| |aspects to fuel the | | |Expresses meaningful ideas,| |

| |discussion. | | |but does not interact with | |

| | | | |peers. | |

|Articulation of the | The student speaks with |The student speaks with a |Hesitations sometimes |Frequent hesitations |Expresses messages that |

|message: Accuracy |natural ease and |significant degree of ease|interfere with |interfere with interaction.|are mostly |

| |confidence when |and confidence when |interaction. |OR |incomprehensible or |

| |interacting. |interacting. Hesitations, | |Speaks with fluency, but |irrelevant to music. |

| | |although present, do not | |does not interact with | |

| | |interfere with | |peers. | |

| | |interactions. | | | |

|Fluency |When interacting, the |When interacting, the |When interacting, the |When interacting, the |Expresses messages that |

| |student expresses |student expresses messages|student makes errors that |student makes errors that |are mostly |

| |messages that are clear |that are clear, but |sometimes affect clarity |regularly affect clarity of|incomprehensible or |

| |and contain only a few |contain several noticeable|of messages. Messages are |messages. With a lot of |irrelevant to music. |

| |minor errors, if any. |errors. |understood with some |interpretation, messages | |

| | | |interpretation. |are understood or mostly | |

| | | | |understood. | |

| | | | |OR | |

| | | | |Speaks with accuracy, but | |

| | | | |does not interact with | |

| | | | |peers. | |

Student’s overall grade: C1: A B C D E

➢ Activity 5: Canadian musicians

Grouping: Individually

Duration: 75 minutes

Material needed: -Student’s booklet, dictionary

|ESL competencies |

|C2: Reinvestment of written texts |

| |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Evidence of understanding of texts |

|Use of knowledge from texts in a reinvestment task |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

| |

|Uses information |

|Exercises critical judgment |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Quality of critical analysis |

|Quality of expression of his/her point of view |

|Functional language |

|talking about music: adverbs of degree or intensity |

|types of music |

|Text components |

|Information-based: Biographies |

|Cultural product |

|Canadian musicians: |

|Avril Lavigne, K-Maro, Shania Twain, Oscar Peterson, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Nickelback, Nelly Furtado, Sara McLachlan |


Explain the activity

1. Refer students to page 21 of the student’s booklet.

2. Tell the students they are going to read four texts about different Canadian musicians.

3. Read the instructions with the students.

4. Explain the evaluation criteria to students.


1. Model an example of what students will have to do. Select an artist on the first page (p.22 of the student’s booklet) and write his/her name on the line “I chose: _____________”. Do the same with the four pages.

2. Explain that once they have chosen their four musicians they should read the four appropriate texts.

3. Then, demonstrate the task to be performed:

• Who do you think succeeded the best? Explain.

Eg: I think Shania Twain is really successful because…

• Which one of these musicians inspires you the most? Explain.

Eg: Oscar Peterson inspires me a lot since he plays the piano very well …

• Why didn’t you choose the three other musicians? Support your ideas with elements found in each of the four texts.

Eg: K-maro is not as successful since… Oscar Peterson plays an instrument I don’t like… Nickleback has a style I don’t like because...

4. Explain that the elements found in the texts must be paraphrased, so in their own words and that they need to underline or highlight these elements.

* Don’t forget, the elements must be written in your own words*

1. Who do you think succeeded the best? Explain.

2. Which one of these musicians inspires you the most? Explain.

Answer question 1 or 2 and the question below

Why didn’t you choose the three other musicians? Support your ideas with elements found in each of the four texts.

Write at least 200 words

I chose question #:_____


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I have _______ words

C2 : Reinvestment of written texts

Student’s name : _________________________________________________

|EVALUATION CRITERIA |Evidence of understanding of texts |Use of knowledge from texts in a reinvestment task |

|Observable behaviour |The facts/ideas in the text are true to the original |The text contains relevant information pertaining to the |

| |texts. (i.e. do not contradict the facts and ideas in |required elements: |

| |the original texts). |The text has at least 200 words |

| | |6 elements from the texts are presented in the student’s own |

| | |words |

| | |The four musicians are presented in the text |

| |All the facts/ideas are true to the original texts |The text contains information relevant to all three |

|A | |requirements and contains additional details from the original |

| | |texts that help build/enrich the text |

| |One fact/idea is not true to the original texts |The text contains information relevant to all three |

|B | |requirements |

| |Two facts/ideas are not true to the original texts |The text contains information relevant to: |

|C | |The four musicians |

| | |AND |

| | |The six elements written in the student’s own words |

| |Three or more facts/ideas are not true to the original |The text contains information relevant to: |

|D |texts |The four musicians |

| | |OR |

| | |Contains a great deal of information that is not relevant to |

| | |the requirements |

| |Very little is related to the information in the texts |The text does not include the four musicians |

|E |OR |OR |

| |The text cannot be understood |The text does not include the six elements from the texts |

| |OR |written in the student’s own words |

| |The text is mostly made up of parts copied from the |AND |

| |original texts |The text does not contain at least 200 words |

Student’s overall grade: C2 A B C D E

Teacher’s comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

➢ Activity 6: Famous Forever

Grouping: Individual

Duration: 150 minutes

Material needed: - student’s booklet, computer (Internet)

|ESL competencies |

|C3: Writes and produces texts |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Compliance with instructions |

|Pertinence of the text |

|Formulation of the text |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

|Exercises critical judgment |

|Evaluation Criteria |

|Quality of expression of his/her point of view |

|Ability to refine his/her judgment |

|Functional language |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Expressing, supporting and justifying personal opinions |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Talking about music |

|The future tense |

|Text components |

|Argumentative text |

|Cultural product |

|Songs: |

|- ‘’Who let’s the dogs out?’’ by Bana Men |

|- ‘’Jailhouse rock’’ by Elvis Presley |

|-‘’Blue suede shoes’’ by Elvis Presley |


Introducing the activity

1. Tell students that they are going to watch three different video clips.

2. Play the first video ‘’Who let’s the dogs out? by Bana Men’’.

3. Then, ask them: Do you know this song? Do you know other songs performed by Bana Men?

4. Explain that some artists have performed only one song that became a hit during their career and that it is called a ‘’one-hit wonder’’. For example, Bana Men is one of these artists.

5. Play the video ‘’Blue suede shoes by Elvis Presley’’.

6. Ask students if they know this song.

7. Play the video ‘’ Jailhouse rock by Elvis Presley’’.

8. Ask students if they know this song.

9. Tell the students that these songs have been performed in 1956 (Blue suede shoes) and in 1957 (Jailhouse rock) and that even after 53 or 54 years, Elvis Presley is still famous and called the King.

Explaining the activity

1. Refer students to page 29 of the student’s booklet and read the instructions with them. Make sure that they understand what to do at each stage and tell them that they are allowed to use a dictionary.

2. Tell students that part I Preparing to write and part II Writing the draft are optional, but that they are helpful.

3. Explain the evaluation criteria to students.


1. Read the required elements on page 29 of the student’s booklet and explain each of them.


1.Ask students to write and to correct their text in the student’s booklet using the self-evaluation checklist.

Activity 6: Famous Forever

C3: Writes and produces texts

(After watching these videos, we can conclude that some artists such as Bana Men perform a ‘’one-hit wonder’’ and others such as Elvis Presley are loved by the public over a long period of time. According to you, which artist whom is currently popular will still be famous in 20 years?


- Write an argumentative text that explains which artist you think will still be famous in 20 years.

- Give three arguments to justify your choice.

-Refer to the checklist to make sure that your text follows the requirements and that you corrected all your mistakes.

Part I: Preparing to write (Optional)


Broad view of the topic



Thesis statement


Structure of the text








Part II: Writing the draft (Optional)

Which artist whom is currently popular will still be famous in 20 years?

Part III: Revising



|Did I follow the instructions? |Yes |

|The text reflects my personal opinion. | |


|-I wrote the broad view of the topic. | |

|-I wrote the thesis statement. | |

|-I wrote the structure of the text. | |


|-I gave my opinion. | |

|-I supported my arguments. | |

|I separated my development in three paragraphs. | |


|-I summarized my text. | |

|-I added an opening. | |

|Did I correct my text? | |

|-I put all my ‘’s’’ at the third person singular. | |

|-I conjugated all the verbs and I used the future tense as often as possible (will, be going to). | |

|-I put all the necessary capital letters. | |

|-I used the correct punctuation (periods, commas, etc.) | |

|-I used the plural correctly. | |

|-All the adjectives are invariable. | |

|-I used the appropriate pronouns. | |

|-I used the appropriate determiners. | |

|-I used the possession correctly (‘s, s’). | |

|-I looked up the words I wasn’t sure of in a dictionary. | |

|-All the words are in English. | |

Part IV: Final copy

Which artist whom is currently popular will still be famous in 20 years?

C3: Writes and produces texts

Student’s name : _________________________________________________


|Class |Time |Grouping |Task |C |

|Class 1 | 75 min. |Two groups/class |-Warm-Up (15 min.) The teacher reads some statements about music. |---- |

| | | |Students are on each side of the class. When a statement applies to| |

| | | |them, they must step forward. The goal of this activity is to make | |

| | | |them realize that music is everywhere. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Teams of four |- Activity 1 (60 min.) In this activity, students are in teams of |C1 |

| | | |four. They discuss questions about music. | |

|Class 2 |75 min. |Individual |-Activity 2 (75 min.) Students listen to a video which is an |C2 |

| | | |analysis of video clips and have to answer the following questions | |

| | | |in a text: | |

| | | |-Do you think music videos reflect reality? Why or why not? | |

| | | |-How does it affect you? | |

|Class 3 | 75 min. |Individual |-Activity 3 (75 min.) Students write an argumentative text that |C3 |

| | | |explains which type of music represents them the best. | |

|Class 4 | 75 min. |Individual |-Activity 3 cont’d (75 min.) |C3 |

|Class 5 | 75 min. |Teams of four |-Activity 4 (75 min.) Students listen to three different types of |C1 |

| | | |music. They must write the different characteristics of these types| |

| | | |of music. At the end, they will discuss with their team in order to| |

| | | |find their favorite type of music. | |

|Class 6 |75 min. |Individual |-Activity 5 (75 min.) Students select one musician per page and |C2 |

| | | |write down his/ her name. They must have a total of 4 musicians. | |

| | | |Also, they must read the texts that concern the musicians they | |

| | | |chose and answer either question 1 or 2, supporting their opinion | |

| | | |with the help of the texts. | |

|Class 7 |75 min. |Individual |Activity 6 (75 min.) Students write an argumentative text that |C3 |

| | | |explains which artist they think will still be famous in 20 years. | |

|Class 8 |75 min. |Individual |Activity 6 cont’d (75 min.) |C3 |

|Class 9 |75 min. |Class |Wrap-Up (15 min.) The teacher explains that music has an impact on |---- |

| | | |our lives, reads some statements and discuss with students. | |

|Evaluation situation: Tuning In! |

|ESL competencies |

|C1: Interacts orally in English |

|C2: Reinvests understanding of texts |

|C3: Writes texts |

|Evaluation criteria |

| |

|Evidence of understanding of texts |

|Use of knowledge from texts in a reinvestment task |

|Participation in oral interaction (interacting with their peers) |

|Content of the message (discuss the topics addressed) |

|Articulation of the message: accuracy and fluency |

|Compliance with instructions |

|Pertinence of the text |

|Formulation of the text |

|Cross-curricular competencies |

| |

|Uses information |

|Exercises critical judgment |

|Communicates appropriately |

|Uses information and communication technologies |

|Evaluation criteria |

| |

|Quality of critical analysis |

|Quality of expression of hi/her point of view |

|Coherence of organization of information |

|Degree of mastery of vocabulary, syntax and symbols |

|Degree of coherence of the message |

|Accuracy of the judgment made of the effectiveness of communication |

|Ability to refine his/her judgment |

|Functional language |

| |

|Talking about music: adverbs of degree or intensity |

|Music and types of music |

|Simple past |

|Future tense |

|Feelings (it makes me feel… happy, sad, energized…) |

|Adjectives (boring, amazing, awesome…) |

|Conditional |

|I like ( I don’t like |

|Reflecting |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Expressing, supporting and justifying personal opinions |

|Vocabulary and expressions related to: Talking about music |

|Text components |

|Argumentative speech |

|Argumentative text |

|Information-based: Biographies |

|Cultural product |

| |

|American music, radio stations, musicians |

|Video about the music industry : Shaping the Music Video Medium |

|Types of music (Hip-Hop/R’n’B, Metal, Pop, Punk, Rap, Reggaeton, Rock, Techno, etc.) |

|Songs: |

|- Don’t worry be happy- Bob Marley |

|- Sorry, blame it on me – Akon |

|-Name less, face less, never born – Martyr |

|-Who let’s the dogs out?- by Bana Men |

|- Jailhouse rock - Elvis Presley |

|-Blue suede shoes - Elvis Presley |

| |

|Canadian musicians: |

|Avril Lavigne, K-Maro, Shania Twain, Oscar Peterson, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, n |

|Nickelback, Nelly Furtado, Sara McLachlan |


Bio. (2009). Celine Dion Biography. Retrieved March 4th 2010, from 9542132

Canadians. (2004). Famous Canadians. Retrieved March 4th 2010, from

ESL Partyland. (2009). Conversation questions: music. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from

Oscar Peterson. (2009). Oscar Peterson. Retrieved March 4th 2010, from

Poem Hunter. (2009). Bryan Adams. Retrieved March 4th 2010, from

RFI Musique. (2006). K-Maro. Retrieved March 4th 2010, from

YouTube. (2007). Who Let the Dogs out??- Baha men Original version. Retrieved

March 19, 2010, from

YouTube. (2006). Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock 1957 colour. Retrieved March 19, 2010,


YouTube. (2006). Elvis Presley blue suede shoes colour. Retrieved March 19, 2010,


You Tube. (2007). Shaping the Music Video Medium. Retrieved March 20, 2010, from


Statements (cont’d):

7. I know someone who plays music.

8. I listen to music when I practice sports.

9. When I go to the shopping center, I hear music.

10. When I watch television, I listen to music or video clips.

11. I think that music is important in society.

12. I have an I-pod or a MP3 player.

Statements :

1. I listen to music everyday.

2. I listen to music twice a week.

3. I have never listened to music.

4. I sing when I take a shower.

3. I listen to music when I am in a car.

4. I have some CDs at home.

5. I download music on the Internet.

6. I play music.

1. Select one musician per page

2. Write down his or her name

3. Read the texts that concern the musicians you chose

4. Answer one of the following

questions with complete sentences

5. Use at least 6 elements from the texts to support your ideas

6. Highlight or underline all the elements from the texts

I chose :___________________________

Avril Lavigne is another Ontario native who has made waves across the world.  Her debut Album "Let Go" and its first single "Complicated" shot the skater-punk to superstardom in a matter of weeks.  What really separates Avril Lavigne from other young pop stars is that she is completely in control of her own image, sound, and style.  In an age where pop stars are made by reality shows and producers, it's refreshing to see young talent rise above the trappings of the industry. She even updates her own web journal, typos and all, which you can read on her official website. We hope Avril has a long career and continues to impress us with her talent, charm, and honesty. 

Shania Twain has come a long way.  One of the few escapes she had from her poverty was her precocious talent for music; at the age of ten, she was writing, and performing her own songs, in hopes of a better future. She then moved, to Huntsville, Ontario, where she continued to perform at a local resort, until one day, some Nashville agents invited her to cut a demo, which was followed by a record deal with Mercury Nashville.  It wasn't until Shania Twain joined forces with husband-to-be, and gifted producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange, that she would record "Come on Over"; her breakthrough album which earned her the honors of having the biggest selling Country Album of all time, and winning several Grammy, and Country Music Awards.

I chose :________________________

Nelly Furtado came from a musical family. She was singing in both Portuguese and English by the age of four, recording her own songs in a portable tape recorder at the age of eight, and played ukulele and the trombone through her teens while at the same time exploring her new-found fascination with the world of Hip-Hop.  Nelly's first professional recording studio experience was at the age of 16, when she performed session back-up R&B styled vocals for a Toronto Hip-Hop group. It was these experiences, coupled with her strong musical ability, her understanding of musical technology,  and her open-mindedness towards different styles that gave Nelly Furtado her unique sound.

Cyril Kamar - better known to music fans as K-Maro - was born in Baalbek, Lebanon, on 31 January 1980. He spent his childhood in a country devastated by war until his family decided enough was enough and sought exile in Paris. In 1995, they moved from France and took up residency in Montreal, and it was here in Quebec that young K-Maro's career began. The budding young musician formed his own group, LMDS (Les Messagers du Son), performing under the stage name Lyric with his [friend] Mélo. The duo, great fans of Marseilles rap stars Iam and strongly influenced by French rap and American hip hop, proved to be an instant hit on the local scene. And they wasted no time in building on their reputation, performing hundreds of concerts across the region. His songs are in French, English and Arabic.

I chose :____________________________

Internationally renowned, Canadian jazz pianist Oscar Peterson has entertained the world with his mastery and prowess over the piano for over 40 years. Born in Montreal in 1925, he was the fourth of five children. All of the Peterson children were introduced to music in a good way before any of them can remember. Their father learned to play piano on his own while in the merchant marine, taught his children all he could until they achieved a certain proficiency. It was at this point, during his high school years, that Oscar came to study with an accomplished classical pianist, Hungarian Paul de Marky, who taught Oscar "technique and speedy fingers". He also helped Oscar come to believe that he had something special to give to the music world. bio/

Céline Dion was born in 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec. The youngest of 14 children of Adhemar and Therese Dion, she grew up in a musical family. Her parents formed a singing group, Dion's Family, which toured Canada when Celine was still an infant. They later opened a piano bar, where the five-year-old Celine would perform to the delight of customers. At the age of 12, Dion recorded a demo tape of a song she had written with her mother. They sent the tape to the manager and producer Rene Angelil. After hearing the tape and inviting Dion to perform for him in person, Angelil signed her immediately under the condition that he would have complete control over her career. By the age of 18, Dion had recorded nine French albums and won numerous Felix and Juno awards.

I chose :____________________________

Nickelback is Chad and Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake, and Ryan Vikedel. the band's debut album "The State", was released in 2000 to critical acclaim, and followed up by "Silver Side Up". Their sound is raw, but sophisticated and insightful, and this is no doubt due to input from veteran producers like Randy Staub (Metallica), and Rick Parashar (Pearl Jam), and of course, the band's strong sense of melody.  Nickelback were also responsible for the theme song to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movie.

Sarah Ann McLachlan is a singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist. She was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1968. Starting with ukulele at age four, she played music throughout her youth while rigorously studying classical guitar (12 years of lessons), piano (six years), voice (five years) and opera (three years) at the Nova Scotia Conservatory of Music. In 1987, she recorded her debut album, Touch, with producer Greg Reely.

From the mid-'80s to the mid-'90s, Canadian singer/songwriter and guitarist Bryan Adams was one of the most successful recording artists in popular music worldwide. The energetic performer stalked stages around the globe, electric guitar in hand, singing his own up-tempo pop/rock songs and ballads. He released a series of multi-platinum albums containing chart-topping singles featured in popular motion pictures.





1. You must form teams of four.

2. On your table, you have a bowl with different questions

3. Turn by turn, you will pick up a question and read it aloud.

4. Discuss the question with your team.

5. Then, another person picks up another question.

6. You do the same thing for all the questions.

12. Now that you have listened to these three types of music, compare with your team the answers you wrote in the charts.

13. You can refer to the guiding sentences below.

9. Listen to a reggae song.

10. Complete chart 3.

11. Discuss with your teammates in order to compare your feelings

and thoughts about this type of music.


6. Listen to a hip hop song.

7. Complete chart 2.

8. Discuss with your teammates in order to compare your feelings

and thoughts about this type of music.

1. You must form teams of four.

2. Read the questions of chart 1.

3. Listen to a heavy metal song.

4. Complete the chart number 1. (Write only key words)

5. Discuss with your teammates in order to compare your feelings and thoughts about this type of music.

MTV : Shaping the Music Video Medium


In the past 25 years, MTV has developed into the cultural centerpiece of the music video industry. Many MTV videos look a certain way and have certain common elements. This analysis will offer critical commentary on the expectations of the MTV music video medium, the cultural relevance of music videos, a glimpse of the values associated with each video medium, and the portrayal of reality or not so reality in music videos.

Guiding questions:

← Do you think video clips reflect reality? Why or why not?

← How does it affect you?



MTV : Shaping the Music Video Medium


MTV : Shaping the Music Video Medium


Guiding questions:

← Do you think video clips reflect reality? Why or why not?

← How does it affect you?

Effects on the viewers…

How do people engage with music videos?

How does promoting the American culture influence the viewers?

(RNB, pop, country, rap, rock, …)

Social implications…

Do people identify with the stars?

How do people decide what to include in the videos?

Values and ideas…

What are the values and ideas transmitted? Are they real or ideal? [pic]

Political messages…

How are music videos based on political messages?


What kinds of lifestyles do we see in music videos?

Are these lifestyles realistic or ideal?


What do we expect to see in a music video?

Required elements in your text:

-Use the future tense as often as

possible (will, be going to)

- Introduction: broad view of the

topic + thesis statement +

structure of the text

-Development: three paragraphs

* Ideas are supported.*

-Conclusion: summary + opening

Artists that you could choose

Black Eyed Peas Akon Chris Brown

Metallica Slipknot Marilyn Manson

Michael Jackson Katy Perry Lady Gaga

Simple Plan Blink 182 Sum 41

Eminem 50 Cents Snoop Dogg

Daddy Yankee Wisin y Yandel Don Omar

AC/DC Avril Lavigne Linkin Park

David Guetta Tiësto Benny Benassi






Types of music:

1) Hip Hop/R’n’B

Artists: Black Eyed Peas, Akon, Chris Brown

2) Metal

Artists: Metallica, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson

3) Pop

Artists: Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga

4) Punk

Artists: Simple Plan, Blink 182, Sum 41

5) Rap

Artists: Eminem, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg

6) Reggaeton

Artists: Daddy Yankee, Wisin y Yandel, Don Omar

7) Rock

Artists: AC/DC, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park

8) Techno

Artists: David Guetta, Tiësto, Benny Benassi

9) Others …

Studies show that high school students who study music get better grades.

On the other hand, certain types of music can help lower heart rates.

Athletes often use music to pump them up before a big game or a special race.

Music also helps calm Alzheimer patients, and in nursing homes, playing the right type of music reduces tension at the dinner table.

Harp music has been found to have soothing effects, not only on humans, but also on both domestic and wild animals.

Some hospitals play background music in the intensive care units for premature babies. It is found that doing this helps them develop.

At age four months, babies react both positively and negatively to music. Harsh notes cause them to squirm and turn away, and tunes they like often make them coo.












Personal examples

Elements from the video


Supporting details

Supporting details

Supporting details

Argument 3

Argument 2

Argument 1

Type of music















Supporting details

Supporting details

Supporting details

Argument 3

Argument 2

Argument 1

Artist/ Band


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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