THE POST-LUCIFERIAN WORLD by KERTH BARKER When I was a young man I knew some members of the secret society that is now generally referred to as the Illuminati. This is a secretive cult of the

super wealthy. It's basically the mechanism by which people with "old money" manipulate the world to their advantage. They have a lot of creepy rituals and bizarre beliefs. Basically they are Luciferians. But most of them are well educated and some of them are quite intelligent. During the 1960s and 1970s there was a resistance movement within the Illuminati. They wanted to reform the Illuminati and make it less toxic to society. I'm descended from some lesser Illuminati leaders and I knew some of the people within this resistance. Although I was never fully initiated into this cult, some of its secrets were revealed to me. I was allowed to study some of the secret books that can only be found in the Illuminati's hidden libraries. The resistance members that I knew years ago are all dead and that reform movement failed. But I also know contemporary people who have done extensive research. Most citizens don't even know that the Illuminati exists, but if you're someone who's figured out that they are real then you may be interested in what I have to say. The Illuminati is in a transitional phase of its existence. Soon it will either take over the world or it will destroy itself trying. I believe that it will destroy itself. Then we will live in the Post-Luciferian world.

For more than two hundred years the Illuminati have terrorized the world and profited by doing so. But the top Illuminati aristocrats have made plans to betray most of the people who have been their faithful servants and followers. Many powerful Illuminati leaders now realize that their own welfare is threatened by the Illuminati's plans to takeover the world. A conflict within the Society of Lucifer is brewing. This conflict has the potential to bring the Luciferian age to an end.

EARLY LUCIFERIAN HISTORY. The word "Lucifer" is a pre-Christian word. It means the Light Bearer. Until medieval times, Lucifer wasn't a name for Satan. The ancient Greeks referred to the planet Venus as the Morning Star, or Lucifer. It was also a word for enlightenment. Lucifer was a symbol for secret knowledge bestowed upon an elite few. Yet although the word Lucifer goes back to the ancient Greeks, the essential beliefs and practices of Luciferianism go back much, much further. In a sense, Luciferianism is as old as recorded civilization.

Six thousand years ago a supernova lit up the sky here on planet Earth. For about a year it could be seen day or night from any location in the world. Radio waves from this supernova can still be detected through scientific means. But archeologists learned about this event before the astronomers did. Symbols for this event can be found in ancient ruins. It was the most pivotal event in the history of the world. This event marked the beginning of historical civilization, and it marked the beginning of Luciferianism. It was the Year of Light.

The Year of Light began the Sumerian civilization. The fearful superstitions of people viewing this new, bright star lead to the creation of a religious cult. It was easy for a Sumerian warlord to declare himself to be a god king; the presence of this bright star in the sky was the sign that proved his divinity. Before Sumerian times there had been civilizations based on shamanism and on warrior cults. But such civilizations were limited in how much control they could exert over the people. In Sumer, religion became the new mechanism of social control. Ancient leaders discovered that with religion they could control the minds and beliefs of their followers. Organized agriculture, city states, and governments began to emerge. Society developed three classes of people. Religious leaders, warriors, and hard working peasants.

When I was young I learned that there are two histories of the world. There is the "mundane" history of the world, which is what we were all taught in school. This is a history that is made up of both facts and deliberate lies. History is important because it gives individuals their world view, or model of reality. What you believe about the past influences how you think about your present environment. How you live in your present environment shapes your future. The Illuminati believe that whoever controls the public's perception of history also controls the minds of those who live in present society. This is why the Illuminati have invested so much effort in creating a distorted view of world history. This distorted presentation can be referred to as Mundane History.

But the Illuminati leaders themselves have to know what actually happened in the past, and so they have hidden Illuminati libraries with secret books. Only elite members of the Illuminati are allowed access to these archives. Decades ago, members of the Illuminati resistance allowed me to study the true history of the world and this experience was enlightening. The starting point of wisdom is to realize that you've been deceived all your life. To be free, you must realize that many things that you've read in mundane history books are actually clever deceptions. Facts and deliberate falsehoods are mixed together to create this fake history of the world.

For example, America wasn't discovered by Columbus or even the Vikings. In fact there was a global seafaring culture which went back to prehistoric times. For this reason, the Sumerian model of social control, once developed, spread throughout the world. The Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe would all be affected by this cultural paradigm. By the time of ancient Egypt, the art of using religion to control people had virtually become a science. The leaders of such ancient civilizations realized that they needed to guard this secret knowledge and conceal it from the people they ruled. In ancient Egypt a secret society developed to protect this knowledge.

Luciferianism is the craft of controlling people by using deception and mythology to control their beliefs and imaginations. In this way a small group of people can control a larger group of people. This has been the basis of civilization since the Year of Light. The Luciferian paradigm for civilization has created some positive developments, but it is also quite cruel. If you're one of the aristocratic leaders, you may believe that Luciferianism is empowering. But any hierarchal civilization is dehumanizing for the inevitable slaves.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato was well versed in history and he revealed much in his book The Republic. In his own idealized way he described this basic structure for a Luciferian government. Plato hated democracy and favored a hierarchal view of government. The democracy of Athens was a rebellion against the hierarchal paradigm for government favored since Sumerian times. Athenian democracy demanded that citizens take responsibility for ruling themselves. Such self responsibility is the key to freedom. Plato's Republic is a weapon against those who love freedom.

Plato's utopian Republic is ruled by aristocratic philosophers who control the citizens with "Noble Lies." The contemporary name for Noble Lies is propaganda. The philosopher aristocrats (propaganda ministers) are Plato's upper class, and below them are a class of warriors who enforce the laws. This is what we call the police state. The lowest class is a group of peasants who do all the work and have no say in the government. With variations, this is the basic structure of all hierarchal, Luciferian governments.

Moses and his following of escaped Egyptian slaves represent the first organized rebellion against Luciferian control. Many of the struggles of the Hebrew people make sense when you understand how Luciferian secret societies have been manipulating civilization for thousands of years. After their Babylonian captivity, the Jewish leaders knew that they would need a Messiah to free them should such enslavement threaten them again. Ancient Rome would evolve into the ultimate Luciferian civilization of the ancient world. However, the early Christian movement again created a rebellion against this Luciferian model of government. There has been a philosophical war within Western Civilization ever since. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." The oppression of Luciferianism is based on calculated falsehood, and the rebellion against this is achieved by learning the truth and revealing it to others.

THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI. I once read a book from an Illuminati archive that described the true history of how the Templar Knights were actually destroyed. In 1187 the Crusaders lost a vital battle at the Horns of Hattin. Mundane history books describe a tactical mistake, based on foolish courage, made by Templars when they left a defendable position to face a larger Muslim force in the field. In doing this the Templars lost their advantage. Illuminati history books describe a different story. What really happened was that Templar leadership was bribed and blackmailed into deliberately making this mistake. This allowed the wealthy Islamic leaders to buy back the Holy Lands. But in spite of losing the Holy Lands, the Templars continued on as the first international bankers. They amassed a vast fortune. Again, in 1307 the Templars were betray by Knights within their own order. They arranged for their fellow Templars to be falsely accused of anti-Christian activity. While a majority of the Templars were being killed or suppressed by the Church, this group of betrayers stole much of the Templar wealth and set themselves up as royalty in other lands. Some of the surviving loyal Templars created secret societies.

Witch hunts and Inquisitions created an environment of secret societies in Medieval Europe. It was from that environment of secret societies that in 1776 Adam Weishaupt founded the ultimate secret society, the Bavarian Illuminati. The Barvarian Illuminati was quickly exposed and banned by legal authorities, but it was then taken over by others who were better organized and wealthier. The dream of the Illuminati was to take over the world. It grew in wealth, complexity and size. Now it is so powerful as a secret organization that its aristocratic leaders have realistic plans to achieve their dream of world domination. The Illuminati are the scientific realization of a classical Luciferian society.

Their plan to take over the world was put into a precise formula by Albert Pike in the years following the Civil War. He came up with a plan for the Illuminati to create three World Wars. This Great Plan is now coming to its final phase. World War Three is to bankrupt the world both financially and morally. The Illuminati believe that the emotionally broken survivors of World War Three will accept the rule of a any world government that promises peace. Then the

Illuminati will be all powerful. This is their plan for a New World Order. THE FALL OF THE ILLUMINATI. In the 1960s and 1970s their was a resistance against the Illuminati which came out of the Illuminati itself. The failure of

this resistance movement was that it tried to reform the Illuminati from within. The resistance only consisted of initiated Illuminati members and other people closely associated with them. The general public was still kept in the dark. However, the Illuminati leaders found out about this resistance and put an end to it.

Now there is a different type of resistance. This resistance is informational and it is coming from outside the Illuminati. Persons outside the Illuminati are using the internet and books to reveal the true nature of the Illuminati to the public. Although most people still think that the Illuminati is a conspiracy theory, more and more people are realizing the truth.

Many initiated members of the Illuminati know that if the New World Order plan is realized then they too will be killed, enslaved, or surgically degraded. The Illuminati aristocrats have a long history of betraying anyone who trusts them. They brag about their betrayals at their fancy parties. They love to tell stories of how their families came into power through clever betrayals. They are proud of their deceptions and betrayals. No one of any wisdom trusts the aristocratic Illuminati leaders. And some Illuminati members have wisdom. This is why some members within the Illuminati itself have assisted this movement against the Illuminati. They covertly leak information to those persons dedicated to exposing the Illuminati to the world. The Illuminati's power presently arises from their ability to deceive. The truth itself, when publicly revealed, is the weapon that is going to destroy the Illuminati.

WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. We live in a world of illusions. The Illuminati aristocrats are self-deluded in their imagined godhood. The Illuminati's lower ranking members are deluded in thinking they can trust the aristocrats. The public has been deceived about the history of the world. The present day news outlets put out regular disinformation. Truthers are the stormtroopers of reality. The walls of falsehood which the Illuminati have used to imprison the world will soon crumble. Then everyone will have to deal with the real world.

I doubt that the early days of the Post-Luciferian age will be a paradise. The Luciferian's New World Order, one world government, is destined to fail. But the world will still be dangerous and difficult. There will be political corruption, food shortages, riots, wars, and confusion. But there will also be an environment where an authentic hope for the future is possible. When you plant a tree you don't do it for yourself, you do it for future generations. We may have to survive a certain amount of hell so we can leave something better for future generations.

I believe that there will be four pillars to the Post-Luciferian world. These will be authentic information sources, authentic democracy, authentic capitalism, and authentic spirituality.

The keys to authentic information sources will be decentralization and a new attitude of reasonable skepticism. The mass media outlets in America are now controlled by a surprisingly small group of corporations. Worse than that is the public's willingness to believe whatever they're told by the so called authorities on television. The internet and new ways of networking is changing this. As the public comes to understand the extent and nature of the lies they've been told, a new attitude will develop. Laws can be passed that will demand a decentralization of ownership for news outlets.

The key to authentic democracy will be to separate the control of Wall Street from the election process and legislature. Presently, elections can be brought and legislation is practically dictated by powerful lobbyists. The corruption of our present government is blatant. Political parties don't matter once both sides of the aisle have proven their inability to rule. More and more people everyday realize that the voting public has little say in who gets elected or how the government operates. Presently we have taxation without representation. But this can change, even has it has before. Democracy is the best mechanism ever devised to create social order and cultural evolution. It will come back.

Authentic capitalism allows for a fair playing field in the realm of economics. Without a return to economic integrity money will lose it value and those who have wealth will be no better off than those who don't. The collapse of the global economic system was always a part of the New World Order's plan to take over the world. Once everyone is in debt to them, then the Illuminati aristocrats believe that they will own everyone and everything. But their plan is actually a recipe for their own self destruction. Once the Illuminati have self-destructed, the healing of our economic system can begin. With appropriate regulations, corporations can thrive again. Jobs can be created. Hard work and innovation can be rewarded once more. Criminality can be put to an end.

God is not a doctrine to be memorized but rather an experience to which you can open yourself. Luciferians are really just atheists with an attitude. They don't really believe in God, they merely believe in power. Religious dogma is the weapon of the atheistic Luciferians. Their only use of religion is as a mechanism of mind control. Authentic spirituality is an ongoing process of awareness and discovery. Real spirituality isn't about controlling others. Human beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. For most of that time we've been free. The Year of Light began the age of Luciferianism. For much of this era mythology and propaganda has been used to manipulate people. Yet, as people learn to overcome this mind control, they can learn to reconnect with their natural spirituality which can only be found in freedom.


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