(All pieces of text marked in yellow should be completed in text or deleted)(NB: The letter should be signed and printed on the co-funder’s headed stationery)(please note: the Call for Proposals NWA-ORC 2020/21 mentions that a ‘joint’ statement of intent of all co-funders should be submitted. However, it is also allowed to have each co-funder sign a separate statement of intent, and to combine those separate statements in one PDF file when submitting the pre-proposal via ISAAC).To:<Name main applicant> <Main applicant’s institute/affiliation>Subject: Statement of intent to “NWA–ORC 2020 proposal” <project title/acronym><Place, date>Dear <Name main applicant>,With this letter I declare on behalf of <name of your company/organisation> our interest in and support for your research proposal <Title project proposal>, submitted in the ‘Dutch Research Agenda - Research along routes by Consortia 2020 (NWA-ORC)’ call 2020 from NWO. We are very interested in participating in this research project.<Paragraph 1: Insert a description of your core business containing at least : type of company/organisation, size, which service or products you company/organisation delivers.><Paragraph 2: Insert your interest in the proposal and the research group(s). Please describe the role foreseen for your company/organisation in the proposed research.>If this proposal is selected for full proposal phase of the assessment procedure of this call we intend to contribute in-cash and/or in-kind to this proposal. With the full proposal we will then submit a support letter specifying our contribution to the research proposal. Yours sincerely,<signature>............................................<Name of a representative of your company/organisation><Role within the company/organisation><Name of your company/organisation> ................

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