CIGNA Dental Care Patient Charge Schedule


CIGNA Dental Care? (*DHMO) Patient Charge Schedule

Important Highlights

This Patient Charge Schedule lists the benefits of the Dental Plan including covered procedures and patient charges.

This Patient Charge Schedule applies

The administration of I.V. sedation,

only when covered dental services are

general anesthesia, and/or Nitrous

performed by your Network Dentist, unless Oxide is not covered except as

otherwise authorized by CIGNA Dental as specifically listed on this Patient Charge

described in your plan documents.

Schedule. The application of local

This Patient Charge Schedule applies to Specialty Care when an appropriate

anesthetic is covered as part of your dental treatment.

referral is made to a Network Specialty CIGNA Dental considers infection

Periodontist, Orthodontist or Oral

control and/or sterilization to be

Surgeon. You must verify with the

incidental to and part of the charges for

Network Specialty Dentist that your

services provided and not separately

treatment plan has been authorized


for payment by CIGNA Dental. Prior

This Patient Charge Schedule is subject

authorization is not required for specialty to annual change in accordance with

referrals for Pediatric and Endodontic

the terms of the group agreement.

services. You may select a Network

Pediatric Dentist for your child under the Procedures listed on the Patient Charge

age of 7 by calling Customer Service at

Schedule are subject to the plan

1.800.CIGNA24 to get a list of Network

limitations and exclusions described in

Pediatric Dentists in your area. Coverage your plan book/certificate of coverage

for treatment by a Pediatric Dentist ends and/or group contract.

on your child's 7th birthday; however, All patient charges must correspond to

exceptions for medical reasons may be

the Patient Charge Schedule in effect

considered on an individual basis. Your on the date the procedure is initiated.

Network General Dentist will provide care upon your child's 7th birthday.

The American Dental Association may periodically change CDT Codes

Procedures NOT listed on this

or definitions. Different codes may

Patient Charge Schedule are NOT be used to describe these covered

covered and are the patient's


responsibility at the dentist's

usual fees.


809111 a 11/09 DC-07

CIGNA Dental Care?

Patient Charge Schedule (DC-07)


Procedure Description

Patient Coinsurance

Office Visit Fee (Per Patient, Per Office Visit in Addition to Any Other Applicable Patient Charges)

Office Visit Fee


Diagnostic/Preventive ? Oral Evaluations are Limited to a Combined Total of 4 of the Following Evaluations During a 12 Consecutive Month Period: Periodic Oral Evaluations (D0120), Comprehensive Oral Evaluations (DO150), Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluations (D0180), and Oral Evaluations for Patients Under 3 Years of Age (D0145).


Consultation (Diagnostic Service Provided By Dentist $0.00 or Physician Other Than Requesting Dentist or Physician)


Office Visit for Observation ? No Other Services Performed



Case Presentation, Detailed and Extensive Treatment $0.00 Planning


Periodic Oral Evaluation ? Established Patient



Limited Oral Evaluation ? Problem Focused



Oral Evaluation for a Patient Under 3 Years of Age and $0.00 Counseling with Primary Caregiver


Comprehensive Oral Evaluation ? New or Established $0.00 Patient


Re-evaluation ? Problem Focused (Not Post-Operative $0.00 Visit)


X-Rays ? Complete Series (Including Bitewings) (Limit 1 Every 3 Years)



X-Rays Intraoral Periapical, First Film



X-Rays Intraoral Periapical, Each Additional Film



X-Rays Intraoral ? Occlusal Film



X-Rays (Bitewing) ? Single Film



X-Rays (Bitewings) ? 2 Films



X-Rays (Bitewings) ? 3 films



X-Rays (Bitewings) ? 4 Films



X-Rays (Bitewings, Vertical) ? 7 to 8 Films



CIGNA Dental Care?

Patient Charge Schedule (DC-07)

Code D0330 D0431 D0460 D0470 D0472 D0473 D0474 D1110




D1330 D1351 D1510 D1515

Procedure Description

Patient Coinsurance

X-Rays (Panoramic Film) ? (Limit 1 every 3 years)


Oral Cancer Screening Using a Special Light Source $50.00

Pulp Vitality Tests


Diagnostic Casts


Pathology Report ? Gross Examination of Lesion (Only $0.00 When Tooth Related)

Pathology Report ? Microscopic Examination of Lesion (Only When Tooth Related)


Pathology Report ? Microscopic Examination of Lesion and Area (Only When Tooth Related)


Cleaning (Prophylaxis) ? Adult (Limit 2 Per Calendar $0.00 Year)

Additional Cleaning (Prophylaxis), In Addition to the 2 $0.00 Cleanings (Prophylaxes) Allowed Per Calendar Year

Cleaning (Prophylaxis) ? Child (Limit 2 Per Calendar $0.00 Year)

Additional Cleaning (Prophylaxis), In Addition to the 2 $0.00 Cleanings (Prophylaxes) Allowed Per Calendar Year

Topical Fluoride Application ? Child (Up to 19th Birthday) (Limited to 2 Per Calendar Year). There is a Combined Limit of a Total of 2 D1203s and/or D1206s Per Calendar Year.


Topical Fluoride Varnish; Therapeutic Application for Moderate to High Caries Risk Patients. Child (Up to 19th Birthday)(Limited to 2 Per Calendar Year). There is a Combined Limit of a Total of 2 D1203s and/or D1206s Per Calendar Year.


Oral Hygiene Instructions


Sealant ? Per Tooth


Space Maintainer ? Fixed Unilateral


Space Maintainer ? Fixed Bilateral



CIGNA Dental Care?

Patient Charge Schedule (DC-07)


Procedure Description

Patient Coinsurance

Restorative (Fillings)


Amalgam ? 1 Surface, Primary or Permanent



Amalgam ? 2 Surfaces, Primary or Permanent



Amalgam ? 3 Surfaces, Primary or Permanent



Amalgam ? 4 or More Surfaces, Primary or Permanent $31.00


Resin-Based Composite ? 1 Surface, Anterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 2 Surfaces, Anterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 3 Surfaces, Anterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 4 or More Surfaces or Involving Incisal Angle (Anterior)



Resin-Based Composite Crown, Anterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 1 Surface, Posterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 2 Surfaces, Posterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 3 Surfaces, Posterior



Resin-Based Composite ? 4 or More Surfaces, Posterior


Crown And Bridge All charges for crown and bridge are per unit (each replacement or supporting tooth equals one unit) ? Replacement limit 1 every 5 years.


Inlay ? Metallic ? 1 Surface



Inlay ? Metallic ? 2 Surfaces



Inlay ? Metallic ? 3 or More Surfaces



Onlay ? Metallic ? 2 Surfaces



Onlay ? Metallic ? 3 Surfaces



Onlay ? Metallic ? 4 or More Surfaces



Crown ? Porcelain/Ceramic Substrate



Crown ? Porcelain Fused to High Noble Metal



Crown ? Porcelain Fused to Predominantly Base Metal $250.00


Crown ? Porcelain Fused to Noble Metal



CIGNA Dental Care?

Patient Charge Schedule (DC-07)


D2780 D2781 D2782 D2790 D2791 D2792 D2910 D2920 D2930 D2931

D2932 D2933

D2940 D2950 D2951 D2952 D2954 D2960 D6210 D6211 D6212 D6240 D6241 D6242 D6245 D6602 D6603 D6604

Procedure Description

Patient Coinsurance

Crown ? 3/4 Cast High Noble Metal


Crown ? 3/4 Cast Predominantly Base Metal


Crown ? 3/4 Cast Noble Metal


Crown ? Full Cast High Noble Metal


Crown ? Full Cast Predominantly Base Metal


Crown ? Full Cast Noble Metal


Recement Inlay, Onlay or Veneer


Recement Crown


Prefabricated Stainless Steel Crown ? Primary Tooth $53.00

Prefabricated Stainless Steel Crown ? Permanent Tooth


Prefabricated Resin Crown


Prefabricated Stainless Steel Crown with Resin Window


Sedative Filling


Core Buildup, Including Any Pins


Pin Retention ? Per Tooth, In Addition to Restoration $27.00

Cast Post and Core, In Addition to Crown


Prefabricated Post and Core In Addition to Crown


Labial veneer (Resin Laminate) ? Chairside


Pontic ? Cast High Noble Metal


Pontic ? Cast Predominantly Base Metal


Pontic ? Cast Noble Metal


Pontic ? Porcelain Fused to High Noble Metal


Pontic ? Porcelain Fused to Predominantly Base Metal $210.00

Pontic ? Porcelain Fused to Noble Metal


Pontic ? Porcelain/Ceramic


Inlay ? Cast High Noble Metal, 2 Surfaces


Inlay ? Cast High Noble Metal, 3 or More Surfaces


Inlay ? Cast Predominantly Base Metal, 2 Surfaces $235.00



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