


The Red Planet Luke Bainbridge

Wake Elizabeth Knox

My Dearest Jane Jane Torday & Roger Mortimer

The Old Man and the Sea Anthony Smith

The Tongues of Men or Angels Jonathan Trigell

The Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Arguing Melissa Kite

Eren Simon P Clark


An End to Murder Colin and Damon Wilson

Toby Jug Denis O’Connor

They Laughed at Galileo Albert Jack

A Sports Hack Abroad Martin Johnson

How to Teach Your Dog to Drive Mike Haskins

The Lost Sock Gillian Johnson

The New Laws of Psychology Peter Kinderman

A Brief Guide to Prime Numbers Chris Caldwell

Taming the Tiger Parent Tanith Carey

Shoot to Kill James Craig


How to Beat Depression M Chellingworth & P Farrand

Overcoming Your Low Mood S Reynolds & M Parkinson

Romantic Intelligence Simon Watts

Top Performance Leadership Graham Jones


Practicing Happiness Ruth Baer

My Manager & Other Animals Richard Robinson

Legacy James Kerr

Living With an Open Heart Russell Kolts and Chodron

First Rule of Survival Paul Mendelson

A Man of Sorrows James Craig

The Bookshop That Floated Away Sarah Henshaw

Hurt Brian McGilloway

Reducing Stress Maureen Cooper

Mindful Compassion Paul Gilbert and Choden

Why Does My Dog Do That? Caroline Spencer



Luke Bainbridge

The story of Manchester United’s rise to glory, under Sir Matt Busby and latterly Sir Alex Ferguson, is one of the greatest sporting stories ever told. It’s a story that has attracted romantic dreamers, idealists and purists from all corners of the Red Planet to invest their own hopes and dreams in this greatest of football clubs. Bobby Charlton wasn’t talking lightly when he christened United’s home, Old Trafford, ‘The Theatre of Dreams’.

But there is another story to be told about Manchester United - the remarkable story of how this club became the most valuable sports brand in the world. It is the story of how a football club from the north of England came to dominate the world and see it as a Red Planet. The story of a club that faced bankruptcy several times in its history until it was rescued by charitable benefactors – and once, bizarrely, by a dog – but is now owned by a man who has never stepped inside Old Trafford yet bleeds millions out of the club every year. The club whose accountant was once refused money at the bank when he went to withdraw the players’ weekly wages, but now pays millions to its top players. It’s also a story that on a human level is infused with romance and tragedy, ecstasy and bitterness, brotherhood and betrayal. A story about the battle for the soul of a football club. A battle some will fight to the death; whatever it takes to keep the red flag flying high. A battle that some, conversely, think has already been lost.

This is the tale of a football club that was nearly taken over for a mere £10 million as recently as 1989, by a teacher-cum-property developer-cum-fantasist, but a decade later had reached the promised land as the only club in history to win the treble of Premier League, FA Cup and European Cup, cementing its position as the biggest sporting institution and richest club in the world. Today, Manchester United is worth £1.75 billion and boasts 659 million followers around the globe. In 2012, Manchester United commissioned the largest global football survey ever undertaken, from independent specialists Kantar, gathering 54,000 respondents around the world. Kantar concluded that Manchester United had 659 million followers around the world, and added that they could guarantee their results were correct to within 1%.

Manchester United has 659 million followers worldwide:

- 71 million in the Americas

- 90 million in Europe

- 173 million in Africa and the Middle East

- 325 million in Asia

Source: Kantar, May 2012

The sun never sets on the Mancunian empire. As well as telling the story of how a football club from the North of England took over the world, Red Planet will meet, travel and debate with the widely disparate ranks of this global red army, in order to explore the unique pulling power of this football club sui generis, and how the world was turned red.

Red Planet is Fever Pitch meets Moneyball meets The Class of ‘92, an unique insight into the global cult of Manchester United, and the myths, romance, hypocrisy, dreams, fears, money, debt, celebrity, egos, bitterness, and betrayal behind the world’s biggest club. Football, bloody hell…

About The Author

Luke Bainbridge is an award-winning author and journalist. He was one of the founding editors of the Observer Music Monthly and ghost writer of Shaun Ryder’s autobiography, The Sunday Times bestseller Twisting My Melon, as well as the follow-up What Planet Am I On? A lifelong, match-going Manchester United supporter, he has spent the last 20 years writing predominantly about music, Manchester United and the city of Manchester, for everyone from The Guardian and The Observer to Dazed & Confused and United fanzines, as well as appearing as a guest on numerous television and radio shows.

Imprint: Constable Pub date October 2015

Format Royal hardback Extent: 320 pp

Territories and markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Andreas Campomar


Elizabeth Knox

An invisible monster is what you can’t see coming. It has unknown qualities. With an invisible monster you never know when you’re in danger and when you’re safe – if you retreat to your fortress you can’t be sure you haven’t locked it in with you. The invisible monster is something on which no-one is an expert, but everyone has the same relationship to it. It could just as well be peering over your shoulder as over mine…

When local police officer Theresa Grey is called to the New Zealand town of Kahukura on Tasman Bay, she drives straight into a horror story. The locals have been overwhelmed by a collective madness, causing them to kill themselves and each other in truly gruesome ways. First, Theresa attempts to help; then, realising there’s nothing she can do, she puts compassion on hold and runs to protect herself. An hour later, she emerges to find everyone dead.

There are other survivors – fourteen people, all of whom were just outside the town when the madness hit. And now the immediate risk of attack has receded, they piece together their new reality: trapped by an invisible barrier, cut off from the outside world.

What begins as a story of horror soon settles into a story of survival. Fourteen ordinary people must learn to cope in extraordinary circumstances. They must face the horror, bury the dead, establish routines, roles, relationships – become a community; they must face their own fears, their own weaknesses; and ultimately they must fight – because whatever caused the insanity is still there. And it hasn’t finished.

Rich with atmosphere, alive to character and emotion, reminiscent of Margaret Atwood and Stephen King, Wake is a riveting literary tour-de-force from one of New Zealand’s preeminent authors: an uniquely compelling story about how people preserve their sanity, their humanity – both their own and each other’s – when threated by an invisible monster.

About the author:

Elizabeth Knox is one of New Zealand’s leading writers. She is the author of eight previous novels, including The Vintner’s Luck and its sequel The Angel’s Cut.

She was made an Arts Foundation Laureate in 2000 and an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002. She lives in Wellington with her husband and son.

Imprint: Corsair Publication date: April 2015

Format: B paperback Extent: 448 pp

Markets: World X New Zealand

Rights: Constable & Robinson Ltd

In-house editor: Sarah Castleton

MY DEAREST JANE: Letters from a Wayward Father

Roger Mortimer and Jane Torday

Following the hugely popular “DEAR LUPIN”, Charlie Mortimer’s collection of letters from his father Roger, Charlie’s older sister Jane Torday now shares her own letters. Roger Mortimer was a prolific communicator and wrote hundreds of letters to his daughters, all as witty, poignant and as irreverent as those he wrote to Charlie. Though their lives led them in very different directions, the Mortimer children all received his unbounded affection - and a hefty dose of exasperation too - in the incomparable letters he wrote.

The letters collected in DEAREST JANE are an arresting and extraordinary record of a very English family between the early 1960s and 1991.

Jane Torday is a freelance writer and specialises in gardening, food, social history and memoir. She lives in Northumberland.

Roger Mortimer was born in 1909 and educated at Eton College and Sandhurst. In 1930 he took a commission in the Coldstream Guards. In 1940 he fought at Flanders, was taken prisoner and remained a POW until the end of the war. He was Racing Correspondent for the Sunday Times for almost thirty years and wrote several classic books on racing. He died in 1991.

Imprint: Constable Pub date: April 2014

Format: Demy HB Extent: 192 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Andreas Campomar

Material: 1st proofs

DEAR LUPIN and DEAR LUMPY have been sold to Thomas Dunne Books, New York; DEAR LUPIN has also been sold to JUST Publishers in Holland and Poplar Publishing Co in Japan.


Anthony Smith

An Atlantic pipe-dream - the thrilling account of 84-year-old Anthony Smith’s epic journey across the Atlantic on a raft.

The journey was originally inspired by both the Kon Tiki Expedition of Thor Heyerdahl (who Anthony knew), and the incredible story of the survivors of a 1940 boat disaster who spent 70 days drifting through the Atlantic on a raft, eventually reaching land emaciated and close to death. While this might sound like a voyage no-one would wish to emulate, to octogenarian Anthony Smith it sounded like an adventure, and he placed a typically straightforward advertisement in the Daily Telegraph that read "Fancy rafting across the Atlantic? Famous traveller requires 3 crew. Must be OAP. Serious adventurers only."

In his inimitable style, Anthony details their voyage and the hardships they endured with a matter-of-fact air that makes his story seem all the more impressive. His advanced age allows him a wider perspective not only on the journey but on life itself, and his never-say-die attitude to the difficulty of the journey is truly inspirational. ‘Old men ought to be explorers’ said T.S. Eliot, and this book certainly gives a compelling argument in his favour. It is both a great story (a huge storm on the final night of the voyage almost wrecked them on a reef) and a call to action for the older generation – do not go quietly, says Anthony Smith, but seek out adventure as long as you are able.

Anthony Smith is a writer, explorer, journalist and former Tomorrow’s World presenter, and has written numerous books about his incredible travel experiences, including BLIND WHITE FISH IN PERSIA and THROW OUT TWO HANDS, which details his flight in a hot air balloon from Zanzibar to East Africa, and across the Ngorongoro crater. His bestselling work THE BODY (later titled THE HUMAN BODY) sold over 800,000 copies worldwide and was tied into a BBC TV series which aired across the world.

Imprint: Constable Pub date: October 2014

Format: Demy HB Extent: 288pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Hugh Barker

Material: final text files



Jonathan Trigell

Who was the real Jesus? In The Tongues of Men or Angels, Jonathan Trigell performs an act of literary resurrection and, in doing so, dramatizes the birth of Christianity.

After the crucifixion, Jesus’ brother James and right-hand man Peter remained devout Jews, vigorously opposed to Roman occupation. But a rival faction emerged, led by Paul of Tarsus, a charismatic itinerant who would transform a small sect of Judaism into a world religion. While the Judaeans were being massacred in their thousands, Paul’s followers desperately tried to prove that their Messiah was peaceful. And in doing so, they began telling stories that would transform a small sect of Judaaism into a world religion.

Over time, those stories turned to stone, while other truths vanished, crushed beneath the heel of orthodoxy and altered by the passing of years.So who was Jesus – the warrior or the pacifist?

Trigell’s tour-de-force can be likened to The Good Man Jesus by Philip Pullman, The Testament of Mary by Colm Toibin, and The Liars’ Gospel by Naomi Alderman. It is a thought-provoking and controversial novel that grapples with the very language and history of Christianity. Trigell’s narration brings into question the origins of the idea of the “peace-loving” Christ.

Jonathan Trigell was born in Hertfordshire in 1974. BOY A , his first novel, won the Waverton Award for best first novel of 2004; the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and the inaugural World Book Day and became an award-winning film by the Weinstein Co and Film 4. His novel Genus is also published by Corsair.

Imprint: Corsair Pub date: August 2014

Format: Demy hb Extent: 288pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: James Gurbutt

Material: no edited text yet; synopsis available


Melissa Kite

Amelie crossed with Muriel’s Wedding – The Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Arguing is the whimsical tale of one woman’s inability to stop arguing long enough to find happiness - a girl who, try though she might (and most of the time she really doesn’t try) cannot stop arguing.

Madison Flight refuses to be born for five days, but eventually comes out kicking and screaming. Her mother Cynthia takes her home and realises that she has given birth to the world’s first arguing baby.

Madison’s first argument is when she refuses her grand-mother Peggy’s attempts to bottle-feed her Sangria in a Benidorm hotel room to stop her screaming. As a child, she is incredulous when a teacher asks her “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?’ ‘I want to be right, of course,’ says Madison, thinking the woman is clearly stupid.

Madison has a grossly over-exaggerated sense of right and wrong, and simply cannot pass an injustice by. If something is awry she has to say so. But there is no bigger injustice, in our heroine’s eyes, than love. Madison cannot fall in love because she is not willing to compromise on anything. She cannot form a lasting relationship, because she sees every compromise as a terrible disaster. Madison believes that by becoming a divorce lawyer she is saving the world from the torment of love.

Her methods are unorthodox, but, she gets results… until one day, when 50-something heiress Belinda Bilby walks into her office and asks Madison to represent her in her divorce from her “useless” toy-boy husband, Seth. Seth turns out to be so useless that he refuses even to argue. He retains a cheap lawyer and sits passively in court allowing his wife, and Madison, to wipe the floor with him.

For the first time, with nothing to fight against, Madison feels a pang of guilt about her pedantic point-scoring. She becomes increasingly aware that the cynical prison she has created for herself isn’t just not making her happy, it is not making her feel that ‘right’ either.

As she observes the passive, tragic yet unfathomably happy Seth, she starts to wonder if making up her mind to “give in” and be happy might be the moral and the sensible thing to do after all.

But she doesn't need to worry because matters are taken out of her hands. Madison finds herself in court one day feeling distinctly faint and weak. She tries to leap up to object and feels a rush of blood to the head so violent that she loses her balance, gets her foot tangled in the chair, trips, and falls to the floor, badly banging her head. When she comes round from her funny turn, she suddenly realises that she has lost the ability to argue...

Imprint: CANVAS Pub date: October 2014

Rights: Constable & Robinson Editor: James Gurbutt

Material: no edited text yet


Simon P Clark

A beautiful and unsettling debut novel for middle-graders and older, in which a young boy learns all about the dangerous power of stories – sharing them, keeping them, and putting yourself in them.

“Tell the story to its end,” says Eren with a grin. His yellow eyes are glowing like embers in the night.

“When I reach the end,” I say, “what happens? You’ll have the whole story.”

“Hmm,” he says, looking at me and licking his lips with a dry, grey tongue. “What happens then? Why don’t we find out?”

People are keeping secrets from Oli. His mum has brought him to stay with his aunt and uncle in the countryside, but nobody will tell him why his dad isn’t with them. Where is he? Has something happened? Oli has a hundred questions, but for now he is content to have a secret of his own…Oli has discovered the creature that lives up in the attic, a creature that is hungry for stories: Eren.

He knows he is hungry for stories… and, scared though he is, Oli knows he wants to feed him. Sharing his stories with Eren may help him make sense of what’s happening downstairs with his family. It may make him feel less lonely – at least Eren listens to him. But what if it’s a trap? Soon, Oli must decide whether he is prepared to hear the truth – or abandon himself to Eren’s world of forever.

• Reminiscent of Skellig, and the writing of Neil Gaiman

• Richly atmospheric, told with great heart in gorgeous prose, EREN is the story of the crucial moment between childhood and growing up.

Simon P. Clark grew up in England, has taught English in Japan, and now lives in New Jersey. He is 28.

Imprint: Much-in-Little YA FICTION Pub date Sept 2014

Format: A hb Extent: 224 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Sarah Castleton

Material: final text files



Colin and Damon Wilson

AN END TO MURDER is an analysis of the overall spectrum of human violence by two authors who have between them written about criminology for more than fifty years. Colin and Damon Wilson explore the possibility that humankind is on the verge of a fundamental change: are we about to become more civilised?

Creatively and intellectually there is no other species that has ever come close to equalling humanity’s achievements, but nor is any other species as suicidally prone to internecine conflict. We are the only species on the planet whose ingrained habit of conflict constitutes the chief threat to our own survival. Human history can be seen as a catalogue of cold-hearted murders, mindless blood-feuds, appalling massacres and devastating wars, but, with developments in forensic science and modern psychology, and with raised education levels throughout the world, might it soon be possible to reign in humanity’s homicidal habits? Falling violent crime statistics in every part of the world seem to indicate that something along those lines might indeed be happening.

Colin and Damon Wilson, who between them have been covering the field of criminology for over fifty years, offer an analysis of the overall spectrum of human violence. They consider whether human beings are in reality as cruel and violent as is generally believed and they explore the possibility that humankind is on the verge of a fundamental change: that we are about to become truly civilised.

As well as offering an overview of violence throughout our history – from the first hominids to the twenty-first century, touching on key moments of change and also indicating where things have not changed since the Stone Age – they explore the latest psychological, forensic and social attempts to understand and curb modern human violence.

To start, they examine questions such as: Were the first humans cannibalistic? Did the birth of civilisation also lead to the invention of war and slavery? Priests and kings brought social stability, but were they also the instigators of the first mass murders? Is it in fact wealth that is the ultimate weapon?

They look at slavery and ancient Roman sadism, but also the possibility that our own distaste for pain and cruelty is no more than a social construct. They show how the humanitarian ideas of the great religious innovators all too quickly became distorted by organised religious structures.

The book ranges widely, from fifteenth-century Baron Gilles de Rais, ‘Bluebeard’, the first known and possibly most prolific serial killer in history, to Victorian domestic murder and the invention of psychiatry and Sherlock Holmes and the invention of forensic science; from the fifteenth-century Taiping Rebellion in China, in which up to 36 million died to the First and Second World Wars and more recent genocides and instances of ‘ethnic cleansing’, and contemporary terrorism. They conclude by assessing the very real possibility that the internet and the greater freedom of information it has brought is leading, gradually, to a profoundly more civilised world than at any time in the past.

Colin Wilson was born in 1931, a prolific writer who first gained prominence in 1956 with his seminal book The Outsider. He has since written widely on true crime and mysticism. He died in December 2013.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date October 2014

Format: B paperback Extent: 512 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Duncan Proudfoot

Material: no edited text yet


Denis O’Connor

A heart-warming new story of the way one animal can change a man’s life

From the best-selling author of PAW TRACKS IN THE MOONLIGHT comes a new adventure with Denis O’Connor and his beloved cat Toby Jug.

When Denis receives a call to help an abused and starved racehorse called Lady May, he has no idea how this new bond of friendship will shape his life. Toby, Denis and Lady May’s adventures through the Northumberland countryside tell a special story filled with love, laughter and loss.

Denis O’Connor trained as a psychologist and teacher. Throughout his career he taught in schools and lectured in colleges and universities. He holds a doctorate in education and psychology. He is retired and lives with his wife Catherine on the south coast.

Imprint: Constable Pub date October 2014

Format; B paperback Extent: 160pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson


Albert Jack

“That will never work…”

From the wireless to the computer, and from hula hoops to interplanetary travel, inventions and discoveries have changed our lives in ways that would have astounded our ancestors. Each was developed by visionaries who dreamed of the seemingly impossible, and who were opposed by experts publicly declaring that “it cannot be done!”

Well, yes it could, and here is the story of how those dreamers overcame the odds against their inventions taking shape.

Albert Jack is an English writer and historian. His first book, Red Herrings and White Elephants, became an international publishing sensation and stayed in the Sunday Times Top Ten best Sellers list for sixteen months.

Imprint: Constable Pub date October 2014

Format: B hardback Extent: 256 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

In-house editor: Hugh Barker


Martin Johnson

Tours, teams and total misery – the hard life of a sports journalist

In 27 years as a sports journalist for the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times and the Independent, Martin Johnson covered sporting events all over the world, including cricket in Australia, boxing in Cairo, volleyball in Brazil and football in China.

You think that sounds like a nice job? Maybe not! Have you ever tried to write a coherent report after a night out with Ian Botham? Or been hijacked in Moscow by a drunken Russian? Here are the true stories, from a deeply disenchanted journalist.

Martin Johnson was born in Monmouthshire in 1949. He was cricket correspondent at the Independent for ten years, sports writer at the Daily Telegraph for nine years and is currently sports writer at the Sunday Times.

Imprint: Constable Pub date October 2014

Format: Demy HB Extent: 256 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Andreas Campomar


Mike Haskins

Is your eyesight failing, are you not very good at driving, or are you simply almost blind drunk?

These are just a few of the reasons why it would make perfect sense to teach your dog to be your new chauffeur.

Here, for the first time, is a complete guide: how to get your dog acquainted with the controls, which breeds are the safest drivers, how to make sure your dog passes all the driving tests, and frequently-asked questions.

Mike Haskins has written many humour books, including the best-selling joke collection Man Walks Into a Bar. He has also written scripts for Steve Coogan, Simon Pegg and other well-known actor/comedians.

Imprint: Constable Pub date November 2014

Format: PB, 170 x 127mm Extent: 128 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Hugh Barker


Gillian Johnson

Where do all the odd socks go? The answer lies in this charming fully-illustrated book

When a man loses one sock from his favourite pair in his washing machine, he sets out on a quest to discover why every sock drawer contains so many single odd socks.

Along the way he discovers why you always lose the sock you love most, visits a ‘sockiatrist’ who teaches him about the Planet of Lost Socks, and finds his perfect partner at a puppet show. THE LOST SOCK is a wry and sweet story of love, loss and destiny.

Gillian Johnson, writer and illustrator, is the creator of the delightful ‘Thora’ novels about a half-mermaid. She is also the illustrator of the best-selling Constable title We’re Going on a Bar Hunt.

Imprint: Constable Pub date October 2014

Format: HB, 210 x 165mm Extent: 64 pp

Full-colour illustrations throughout

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson



Why Nature and Nurture alone can’t explain human nature

Peter Kinderman

Is the concept of ‘mental illness’ out of date? Professor Peter Kinderman thinks so – and sets out the alternatives in this pioneering new book

Clinical psychologist Professor Peter Kinderman’s groundbreaking approach presents a simple and radical new model of mental well- being. In his challenging new book, he describes how human behaviour – thoughts, emotions, actions and mental health – can be largely explained if we understand how people make sense of their world; how that framework of understanding is learnt.

Published to tap into the controversy that already surrounds the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM 5 – the diagnostic handbook used by psychiatrists worldwide – Kinderman confronts the notions of ‘mental illness’ and ‘abnormal psychology’ as old-fashioned, demeaning and invalid, proposing diagnoses such as ‘depression’ and ‘schizophrenia’ as unhelpful. For him, one consequence of our obsession with an over-medicalised approach to human well-being and distress is that human problems are often merely diagnosed and treated rather than understood.

PETER KINDERMAN, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Head of the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool, is a member of the Office for National Statistics’ Technical Advisory Group for the measurement of national well-being and a consultant to the BBC Headroom campaign.

Imprint: Robinson Pub Date: July 2014

Format: Demy trade pb Extent: 272pp

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Charlotte Macdonald

Material: final text files in March


Tanith Carey

A balanced response to Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Mozart in the womb, Baby Einstein DVDs for new-borns and iPad learning apps for toddlers – from the moment the umbilical cord is cut, today’s parents feel trapped in a never-ending race to ensure their child is the brightest and the best. But, while it’s completely natural to want this, at what point does too much competition become damaging? How can we tell when hot-housing children is doing more harm than good?

In this ground-breaking and provocative book, award-winning journalist Tanith Carey presents the latest research and explains why hot-housing can backfire, with long-term repercussions that include damage to our children’s emotional well-being and fractured relationships with the people who love them most – their parents.

Tanith Carey offers practical and realistic solutions that give parents permission to ease off and reclaim a more relaxed family life. TAMING THE TIGER PARENT is a timely guide to safeguarding your children’s well-being in a competitive world, so that they can grow into happy, well-balanced adults.

Tanith Carey is an award-winning journalist and writer on parenting for The Guardian, the Independent and the Daily Mail, and is also the author of three parenting books.

Imprint: HOW TO BOOKS Pub date: August 2014

Format: B pb Extent: 192 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Nikki Read

Material: full synopsis; no edited text yet



Marie Chellingworth and Paul Farrand

The first in a new series of self-help books

IAPT – Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – is a UK government-sponsored programme of psychological therapies for patients with low-intensity needs. This book fills a significant gap identified by AIPT workers who have been looking for self-help materials for their clients.

How to Beat Depression is the first in a series of shorter titles written specifically for this market. Further books in the series will focus on OCD, generalised anxiety, and panic and agoraphobia.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date December 2014

Format: 178 x 126mm PB Extent: 128 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson


Shirley Reynolds and Monika Parkinson

An age-appropriate self-help guide for teenagers to help overcome low moods

Created especially for young people from 13 to 17 who experience low moods and depression, and for their families, friends and health professionals, this is an accessible, engaging and age-appropriate self-help guide based on current research and best practice as recommended by NICE, IAPT treatment pathways and Books on Prescription, all of which promote CBT.

It adopts a clear narrative approach with graphic elements and incorporates case studies and interactive exercises to help overcome low mood.

Professor Shirley Reynolds is the Director of the Charlie Waller Institute at the University of Reading, where she conducts research into depression in young people.

Dr Monika Parkinson works clinically with children, young people and families. She has been involved in several large-scale treatment research trials.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date August 2014

Format: B pb Extent: 240pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Companion title: Helping Your Child Overcome His Low Mood, written specifically for parents

ROMANTIC INTELLIGENCE: Love stories for the 21st Century

Simon Watts

Drawing on extensive academic research, this book presents a range of concepts or ‘stories’ of love and explains how understanding what we and our partners mean by love can profoundly improve and deepen our relationships.

When you think of love, what comes into your head? Cupid’s arrow or trusting support? Committed communication or a transformative adventure? Drawing on his academic research, Watts looks at the science behind the emotion, and isolates the expectations that shape our experience of love. From this he identifies a number of common love stories and explores how we understand love and how this knowledge feeds into our relationships. Finally, the book looks at how we can use this knowledge to avoid the common romantic pitfalls and provides advice for how to make relationships work by understanding both our own love stories, and those of our partners.

Dr Simon Watts is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for the M.Res./M.Sc. Psychological Research Methods in the Division of Psychology at Nottingham Trent University. Dr. Watts teaches a popular undergraduate module on personal relationships. His Ph.D. dissertation, “Stories of Partnership Love,” laid the research foundations for the stories and insights contained in this book.

Dr Watts continues to study and publish in this area, and has taught at the University of East London, and at University College London.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date: October 2014

Format: B pb Extent:

Material: outline

Markets: World

Rights: Constable& Robinson

Editor: Andrew McAleer

Material: No edited text yet

Already published:


Ruth Baer

How mindfulness can free you from psychological traps and help you build the life you want

‘Mindfulness’ is a way of paying attention to one’s mood that originated in Eastern meditation traditions but is increasingly practiced in the West. It’s usually defined as focussing one’s complete attention on present-moment experiences in a non-judgmental and accepting way.

Buddhist tradition suggests that the cultivation of mindfulness through the practice of meditation reduces suffering and cultivates positive qualities such as insight, wisdom, compassion and equanimity.

PRACTICING HAPPINESS integrates techniques from scientifically-supported mindfulness approaches of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy (MBCT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and is the first self-help book to integrate these disciplines in one comprehensive and accessible volume.

Ruth Baer is Professor of Psychology in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at the University of Kentucky. She has written extensively and gives workshops and talks for mental-health practitioners and research works throughout the USA, the UK, Europe and Australia.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date: January 2014

Format: Trade pb Extent: xxx pp

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Material: finished copies

Sold: Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds, Holland; Ediciones Urano, Spain; New Harbinger, USA


Richard Robinson

From the author of international best-seller WHY THE TOAST ALWAYS LANDS BUTTER-SIDE DOWN, a new view of evolutionary psychology.

Deep down, we're just like animals. Some of us are selfish like apes. Some are chaotic like ants. Mostly we are a bit of both, which is best. Richard Robinson’s new book examines the evolutionary psychology of work, focused on the office, workshop, corporation or government department, and the complex and fascinating evolutionary tactics that have developed to deal with working life.

Astounding discoveries in human and animal behaviour (particularly ants) have shown that, in all animals, cooperation and altruism is more common than we think and more useful than we could imagine. It seems we contain an inner ape and an inner ant. How confusing; they seem like opposites. After all, cooperation means helping others, competition means swatting them.

What are we, ape or ant? Some books extol one, some worship the other. This book shows that ant and ape are both important. Cooperation without leadership is random, leadership without cooperation is slavery. The result of these two colliding is the mad mad mad world of work and life, lovingly described in the book. And out of the chaos has emerged Civilisation, which isn’t all that bad, when you think about it. The world is a mess, but it is a perfect mess.

Richard Robinson is the author of many popular science titles, including WHY THE TOAST ALWAYS LANDS BUTTER-SIDE DOWN, translated into 17 languages, and WHY THE ONE YOU FANCY NEVER FANCIES YOU. He works full-time as a science presenter, and was a founder member of Spitting Image.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date March 2014

Format: B Paperback Extent: 256 pp/60k words Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Hugh Barker

Material: 1st proofs

Sold: Posts & Telecommunications Press, Shanghai


James Kerr

The secrets of the All Blacks: lessons at winning at life, from the world’s most successful sporting team - simple, powerful and profound life lessons from the best-selling author of The Alphabet of the Human Heart.

In LEGACY, James Kerr goes deep into the heart of the world's most consistently successful sporting team, the All Blacks of New Zealand, to reveal how their secrets of sustained success can help ordinary people lift their game, in all arenas of life.

Not so much a book about sport as one about winning at life, Legacy addresses the eternal questions: What is success, REAL success? How to you maintain it, day after day, week after week, year after year? How do you define and maintain your values, your vision and your quest here on Earth? What do you leave behind you after you're gone?

What will be your legacy?

JAMES KERR is a highly experienced brand and business consultant, and advises clients, including KPMG, Raffles Group, adidas, Heineken and the Economist, to establish a compelling vision, values, purpose and positioning and to effect transformational organisational change.

Whaia e koe ki te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu oe, me he maunga teitei.

Seek the treasure you value most dearly;

if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Imprint: Constable Publication: November 2013

Format: B format hardback

Extent: TBC

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Markets: WXAusNZ

Sold: Club House Publishers, Argentina


Russell Kolts & Venerable Thubten Chodron

Compassion, a virtue long-championed in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions, is gaining traction in mainstream western culture as a way to transform the mind in healthy ways. While it is easy to aspire to compassion, actually cultivating it in the context of a busy day-to-day life can be challenging. LIVING WITH AN OPEN HEART provides readers with a host of vignettes, reflections, and exercises, presented in the form of brief, pithy readings that will assist them in bringing compassion into their everyday lives. The entries, designed to be read individually in short sittings, perhaps over breakfast or in the evening before bed, give a vehicle for understanding and cultivating compassion throughout the day. Ultimately, the goal of the book is to bridge the gap between aspiration and actualization – to answer the question “How do I become a more compassionate person?” in a way that allows readers to gradually transform their minds, moment by moment.

Living with an Open Heart will appeal to readers of books on Buddhist psychology, psychology self-help and personal growth, spiritual seekers, and the growing secular audience of people who value kindness and are looking for books on compassion.

Russell Kolts is a clinical psychologist and professor at Eastern Washington University, USA and is the author of The Compassionate Mind Approach to Managing Your Anger. He has worked clinically in a wide variety of settings with patients with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, anger and attachment-related problems. Thubten Chodron grew up near Los Angeles. She graduated with a B.A. in History from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1971. In 1975 she went to Kopan Monastery in Nepal to continue to study and practice Buddha's teachings and in 1977 was ordained as a Buddhist nun in India.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date: November 2013

Format: Royal pbk / B pbk

Markets: World x USA

Rights: Constable & Robinson


Sarah Henshaw

• A charming memoir of an eccentric journey

• The hilarious story of how the UK’s only floating bookshop went on a tour of the country’s canals

In early 2009 a strange sort of business plan landed on the desk of a pinstriped bank manager. It had pictures of rats and moles in rowing boats and archaic quotes about Cleopatra's barge. It asked for a £30,000 loan to buy a black-and-cream narrowboat and a small hoard of books, which it would repay slowly by setting up as a travelling bookshop on the rural Trent and Mersey. The manager said no. Nevertheless The Book Barge opened six months later and enjoyed the happy patronage of local readers, a growing number of eccentrics and the odd moorhen before a gradual decline set in as customers turned to price-slashing online and homogenous supermarket bookshelves.

And so, one May morning, owner Sarah Henshaw set off for six months chugging the length and breadth of the country with no currency except her stock. Books were bartered for food, accommodation, bathroom facilities and calorific quantities of Victoria Sponge cakes. The journey covered 1,079 miles and 707 locks. During that time the bookshop suffered one flooded engine, went out to sea, got banned from Bristol and, on several occasions, simply floated away altogether.

This is the story of that bookshop. And everything Sarah did to keep it afloat.

Sarah Henshaw is the proud owner of the Book Barge, the UK’s only canal-based bookshop, which is currently still in business somewhere on the water in rural Staffordshire, close to Stoke-on-Trent.

Constable 256 pp, hb pub date April 2014

Illustrations: Black and white

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Hugh Barker

Material: Draft Ms


Paul Mendelson

Seven years ago in Cape Town three young white South African schoolboys were abducted in broad daylight on three consecutive days. They were never heard of again.

Now, a new case for the unpredictable Senior Superintendent Vaughn DeVries casts a light on the original enquiry which was, for him, a personal failure that has haunted him for those seven years and has cost him his marriage and peace of mind.

A former agent of the British government, friend of DeVries, provides evidence on this new case but is any of it admissible? Struggling in a mire of departmental and racial rivalry, DeVries seeks the whole truth, and unravels a complex history of abuse, deception and murder. As he challenges friends, colleagues and enemies, DeVries realises he doesn’t know who is which any longer.

Set against the backdrop of Cape Town and the endless rolling South African veldt, this chilling thriller reveals layer upon layer of abuse – physical, psychological and political.

Paul Mendelson is best known as the London Financial Times Bridge correspondent, and as a leading author on bridge, poker and casino gambling. Paul is also a fiction writer, working on thrillers and novels. His new title, FIRST RULE OF SURVIVAL, will be published by C & R Crime, an imprint of Constable & Robinson, in early 2014. At 21, he was then the youngest playwright ever to be performed at the National Theatre. His play, “You’re Quite Safe With Me”, at the Cottesloe Theatre, won strong reviews and landed him one of the country’s leading literary agents. He went on to write for television before focusing on, and developing, his career in bridge and associated mind-sports.

C&R Crime FICTION pub date: April 2014

Extent: xxx pp /100,000 words

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Krystyna Green

Material: bound proofs


Brian McGilloway

McGilloway returns with a nail-biting follow-up to best-seller LITTLE GIRL LOST

Late December. A sixteen-year-old girl is found dead on a railway track. Detective-Sergeant Lucy Black is called to identify the body. The only clues to the dead teenager’s last movements are stored in her mobile phone and on social media, and it soon becomes clear that her “friends” were not as trustworthy as she thought…

Lucy is no stranger to death; she is still haunted by the memory of a child she failed to save, and of the killer she failed to put behind bars. And, with a new boss scrutinising her every move, she is determined that, this time, she will leave no margin for error.

HURT is a tense crime thriller about how, in the hands of a predator, trust can turn into terror.

Brian McGilloway was born in 1974 in Derry, Northern Ireland, and teaches English at St Columb’s College in Derry. He lives near the Irish border lands with his wife and four children. He is the author of five previous crime novels: Little Girl Lost, the Rising, Bleed a River Deep, Gallows Lane and Borderlands.

Imprint: C&R Crime Pub date: November 2013

B pb, 352 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: James Gurbutt

Material: finished copy

Compassionate Mind Approach to REDUCING STRESS

Maureen Cooper

Stress is an integral part of modern life and affects us all in different ways at different times. It can be caused by trivial incidents or major life events. We all respond to stress in different ways; our minds and bodies have developed responses that can be very helpful but can also be unconstructive and make us feel worse.

Understanding the function of stress and how to deal with it is vital, and lack of understanding can lead to bad coping mechanisms. REDUCING STRESS uses ground-breaking compassion-focussed therapy to help the reader to develop a fuller understanding of how we respond to stress and to be able to recognise adverse reactions to stop the unhelpful behaviours and deal with stress more effectively.

Maureen Cooper has more than twenty years’ experience as a professional educator and senior manager using Buddhist practices as management techniques. In 2004 she founded Awareness in Action, a consultancy dedicated to the secular application of mindfulness, meditation and compassion in the workplace. She now lives in Amsterdam.

Robinson Popular psychology Pub date Sept 2013

Format: Royal pb, 272 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson


A Guide to Using Compassion and Mindfulness to Improve Your Well-being

Paul Gilbert and Choden

Professor Paul Gilbert OBE has spent twenty years developing Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT), which has gained an international following with its emphasis on developing compassion for the self and others to increase well-being and aid recovery. In recent years mindfulness, with its roots in ancient meditation practices, has also become recognised as a powerful healing tool, proven to help reduce ‘brain chatter’ and help users respond more appropriately to thoughts and feelings and increasingly used to treat mental-health problems such as depression, stress and stress-related insomnia.

In this ground-breaking new book, Professor Gilbert and Buddhist expert Choden combine the best of CFT with the most effective mindfulness techniques. The result, based on their latest research, is an effective approach to overcoming everyday emotional and psychological problems and improving one’s sense of well-being.

PROFESSOR PAUL GILBERT OBE, head of University of Derby’s Mental Health Research Unit, is the author of The Compassionate Mind and Overcoming Depression. Formerly a monk within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, CHODEN (aka Sean McGovern) has been a practising Buddhist since 1985. An honorary fellow of the University of Aberdeen, he teaches on its Postgraduate Study Programme in Mindfulness.

Imprint: Robinson Pub date: January 2013

Format: 234x156 hardback, 544 pp

Rights: Constable& Robinson

Markets: World

Sold: Arbor Verlag, Germany; Shanghai Wits, PR China; Elsevier Masson, France

Editor: Fritha Saunders



Set against the backdrop of contemporary London, James Craig’s crime series is fast-paced and gripping from the start.

The Inspector Carlyle titles have been sold to Goldmann in Germany, Fundamento in Brazil and Muza in Poland.


James Craig

Book 6 in the best-selling Inspector Carlyle series

As he hunts down a paedohile priest, Inspector Carlyle finds himself up against his old adversary, Christian Holyrod. The Mayor of London is responsible for hosting a forthcoming visit by the Pope, and does not want any more scandals involving the Catholic Church.

Carlyle won’t let this slide, and is on a collision course with both the mayor and the Church. Without his sympathetic boss to protect him, is this the end of the line for Carlyle?

James Craig is a media professional. He lives in central London. He was born in Scotland but has lived and worked in London for more than 30 years.

Imprint: C&R Crime Pub date: February 2014

B PB, 320 pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Editor: Krystyna Green

Material: no edited text yet

Books 1 and 2 in this series are published by Goldmann in Germany and Muza in Poland 


James Craig

The fifth Inspector Carlyle mystery finds him on the hunt for an Israeli hit-squad who are leaving a trail of bodies across London…

Pub date: August 2013


James Craig

THE CIRCUS is the fourth in the bestselling Inspector Carlyle series. Previous titles in the series, BUCKINGHAM PALACE BLUES, LONDON CALLING and NEVER APOLOGISE, NEVER EXPLAIN, have sold over 100k copies to date.

Publication: February 2013


James Craig

When Inspector John Carlyle discovers a disorientated girl in a park near Buckingham Palace, he takes it upon himself to find out who she is and where she’s from.

Publication: August 2012


James Craig

This is the second Inspector Carlyle novel. It takes place in a world where happy families are hard to find; where good and bad go head to head, with no winner in sight.

Publication: February 2012


James Craig

LONDON CALLING introduces us to John Carlyle, a Metropolitan Police Inspector working out of the Charing Cross police station in central London.

Pub date Aug, 2011

Sold: Goldmann, Germany; Fundamento, Brazil, Muza, Poland



Understand and Improve Your Dog`s Behaviour and Build a Friendship Based on Trust

Caroline Spencer & Robin Glover

The methods used in this book will enable you to correct undesirable behaviour in your dog and develop a friendship built on love and trust.

This practical, accessible book provides an unique way to communicate with dogs, and will give a better understanding of why they do what they do.

Dogs communicate with body language - there is a message in everything they do. This book will help owners understand what these messages mean so that they can help them learn the boundaries and manners they need to fit into our world.

CAROLINE SPENCER and ROBIN GLOVER have over 50 years combined experience of training and working with dogs. Caroline now runs Pure Dog Listeners Ltd and offers seminars and consultations to dog owners, teaching canine communication methods to correct undesirable behaviour in their dogs.

How To Books Paperback original Pub date July 2013

Format: 210 X 148mm, 192pp

Markets: World

Rights: Constable & Robinson

Sold: Alianza (Spain); Santillana (Latin America); Pagina (Sweden)

Editor: Nikki Read


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