The Outsiders


Student Journal

The Outsiders

by S. E. Hinton

Reading Schedule

Group members: _____________________________________________________________


The Outsiders

Student Journal


Pages 2每4

Chapters 1每2

Pages 5每6

Chapters 3每4

Pages 7每8

Chapters 5每6

Pages 9每10

Chapters 7每8

Pages 11每12

Chapters 9每11

Pages 13每14

Chapter 12

Pages 15每16

Due Date

Discussion Date

The Exchange


What can life

teach us that

school cannot?

The Outsiders

Getting Started

What If?

You just graduated high school and need to make a decision about

your future. Do you go to college or take a year to travel? Your parents

really want you to go to college right away. But you do not know where

you want to go or what you want to study. You need some time to think

about it.

You have always wanted to see Europe. You might even do some

volunteer work in another country. But you know you have to convince

your parents that school can wait a year while you take some time to

see the world.

Make notes about how this would affect you.

? How do you convince your parents to let you go?

? What would be the consequences of delaying college for a year?

? What could traveling teach you that you could not learn in college?

Connect to The Exchange Question Discuss how this situation

could relate to The Exchange question: What can life teach us that

school cannot? Summarize your discussion.

Student Journal


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? Hampton-Brown

The Outsiders


Read the Introduction on pages 7每9 in The Outsiders. The Introduction

will help you understand key concepts in the book. Knowing them will

help you discuss and write about the book.

The Introduction includes information about

? the greasers and the Socials〞two rival groups in the story

? gang violence in the 1960s

? why the author wrote the book

After you read the Introduction, answer these questions to check your


1. How are the greasers and the Socials different? How are they alike?

2. What experience with gang violence led Hinton to write this book?

3. By writing The Outsiders, how did Hinton break the stereotype of

female writers in the 1960s?

Student Journal


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? Hampton-Brown

The Outsiders

Introduction: Key Concepts

Word Web

Key Concepts

Study the Word Web for delinquent. What words does delinquent

make you think of? Write a sentence using the word delinquent.








Word Web



Key Concept




On a separate sheet of paper, create a similar Word Web for each of the

Key Concept words. Write a sentence for each one.

Student Journal


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? Hampton-Brown

The Outsiders

Respond to Chapters 1每2

1. Personal Response Darry must be a parent to Ponyboy. He thinks

that the best way to discipline Ponyboy is to yell at him. If you were

Darry, how would you discipline Ponyboy?

2. Conclusions Ponyboy explains that people think of greasers as

delinquents. What do the greasers do that make people think of

them this way? Use the word delinquent in your response.

3. Allusion Ponyboy compares himself to Pip, the main character in

Dickens*s Great Expectations. People think less of Pip because he

is poor. Why does Ponyboy compare himself to Pip?

4. Generate Questions Write a question about this section for someone

else reading this book. Exchange questions with them. Do you agree

with their answer?

Student Journal


5 of 16

? Hampton-Brown


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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