The Outsiders

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The Westing Game

Ellen Raskin

Name:__________________________________ Period:_________

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Novel Expectations


We will read much of novel in class. We will discuss content, concepts, and vocabulary. Your daily attendance is critical in order for you to understand this novel. It is your responsibility to stay current with the readings even on days when you are absent. Please check the homework web site. You can expect:

A. Comprehension Questions: As you read each chapter, you will need to complete the assigned comprehension questions. The answers should be written in sentence form in your composition books. (30 points)

B. Vocabulary Study: While reading the novel, you will complete the vocabulary study pages in this packet. These words are important to understand the novel. Please refer to the rubric for the expectations and requirements that go along with this component. (35 points)

C. Enrichment Activities: There may be enrichment activities for some chapter. Information for these assignments will be forthcoming. These assignments vary in point value.

D. Project: When you are finished reading the novel, you will complete an end of novel project.


Grade / 35

Vocabulary Word Bank Guidelines & Rubric

You will be completing the vocabulary study worksheets for 20 words from the novel. Include the following requirements for each word:

1. The sentence from the book (remember to use quotation marks!) in wish you have found the word with the page number.

2. Other forms of the word.

3. The part of speech of the word as it is used in the novel.

4. A definition that matches the meaning in the text.

5. An original sentence using the word with context clues.

6. A non-verbal symbol or illustration that represents the word.

| |Are the 20 words completed? |Does it follow directions? |Does it show you care? |

| |(20 pts.) |(10 pts.) |Neatness! |

| | | |(5 pts.) |

| |18-20 words or more |All words have all the required info. |Entries are neatly written. Symbols include color.|

| |(18-20 pts.) |(9-10 pts.) |(5 pts.) |

| |16-17 words |Almost all of the required info is |Entries are neatly written. Symbols do not include|

| |(16-17 pts) |present. Omissions are minor. |color. |

| | |(7-8 pts.) |(4 pts.) |

| |14-15 words |One of the six requirements is omitted |Word bank is written in pencil. |

| |(14-15 pts.) |from the word bank. |(3 pts.) |

| | |(5-6 pts.) | |

| |12-13 words |Two of the six requirements are |Some writing is illegible. |

| |(12-13 pts.) |omitted. |(2 pts.) |

| | |(3-4 pts.) | |

| | ................

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