The Passion Test

Julia Chung,JPuhli.aDC. hung, PhD, ACjuClia@jhutltiapc:/h/

(O) 312-787-321925-0787-2950

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The Passion Test

Passion is the innerfire which propel you forward through the combination of love for what you're doing and the inner sense of purpose which comes from connecting to one's deepest passions. Enjoymnet arises from this combination of love and purposefulness.

The following exercise can help you identify your passions with your life.

1. Make a list of ast least 10+ of the most imporatnat things you can think of wich would give you a life of joy, passion and fullfillment. Begin each item on your list with a being, doing or having verb. Each item should complete the following sentence: When my life is ideal, I am ...

2. After you've written your list, let it be for a while, then come back to it and compare the items on the list with one another to see which are the most imopratnt to you. Work with your list until you can identify your top 5 passions.

Examples of passions might be:

Enjoying glowing health Having fun in everything I do Being financiallyl free Having a rewarding speaking career Working to end world hunger

When my life is ideal, I am...

1 Sources: "The Passion Test" by Janet and Chris Attwood "Personal Transformation" Manual, ADD Coach Academy


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