
I. Sentence patterns: 2 points each

Identify the sentence pattern of each of the sentences below.

1. The thickness of the pudding decreased.


2. My accountant is a mediocre golfer.


3. The scientist designed an experiment.


4. The weasel sleeps in its den.


5. Your book is on the desk.


6. The Nationals defeated the Dodgers.


7. My cousin was singing.


8. My uncle was a Congressman.


9. The sunset was beautiful.


10. The meeting is at 11a.m.


Sentence patterns and verb tenses

Identify the verb tense (1 point) and the pattern (1 point) for each sentence below.

11. The adornments of primitive peoples astonish us.

Present, S-V-O

12. They were on all the continents.

Past, S-V-Adj

13. They were wearing pendants.

Past progressive, S-V-O

14. They were face-painters.

Past, S-LV-N

15. We are different.

Present, S-V-Adj

16. We will have a good laugh.

Future, S-V-O

17. One friend has tattoos.

Present, S-V-O

18. Another friend had worn a nose ring.

Past perfect, S-V-O

19. We have advanced far.

Present Perfect, S-V-Adv

III. Forms 2 points each

For the underlined part of each sentence,

a) identify it as a noun phrase or prepositional phrase

b) identify the defining constituent parts

20. Edison invented the phonograph.

Noun Phrase. article, noun.

21. For many years, lightning has been a leading cause of injuries.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “for” + NP “many [adv] years [N]”

22. The diplomat from Holland made the Belgian waffles from an old family recipe.

Noun phrase. “the [det] diplomat [N] from Holland [adj phrase]”

23. President Carter returned to Georgia after the election.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “after” + NP “the [det] election [N]”

24. The sunrise on the lake was worthy of a prize.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “on” + NP “the [det] lake [N]”

25. The disobedient mule kicked the side of my wagon.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “of” + NP “my [det] wagon [N]”

26. The comic is the popular guy at the party.

Noun phrase. “the [det] popular [adj] guy [N] at the party [adj phrase]”

IV. Functions 2 points each

For the underlined part of each sentence,

a. identify its function (adjective, adverb—or for any type of noun, subject, direct object, object of preposition, predicate nominative)

b. explain how you determined the function by 1) identifying the relevant adjacent slots and 2) explaining the relationship of the underlined words to relevant words outside the underlined portion (the questions answered in relation to the other words).

For adjectives, show where they fit in the noun phrase.

27. Artists made ceramic pottery.

Direct object. It answers, “What is made by the artists?”

28. Gramps was being an old grouch.

Adjective that answers, “What kind of grouch?”

29. The bank is on the corner.

Prepositional phrase. It answers, “Where is the bank?”

30. Squirrels survive winter with nuts.

Direct object. It answers, “What do the squirrels use to survive?”

31. Lightning has caused many injuries.

Subject. It is what is acting in the sentence.

32. In the last century, an earthquake destroyed both Tokyo and Yokohama.

Subject. It is what caused the damage.

33. The disobedient mule kicked the side of my wagon.

Direct object. Answers, “Kicked what?”

34. The Belgian waffles are delicious.

Adjective describing the waffles.

35. The Belgian waffles are the chef’s special.

Predicate nominative. It redefines the waffles.

V. Forms and functions, 4 points each

For the underlined part of each sentence,

a) identify it as a noun phrase or prepositional phrase

b) identify the defining constituent parts

c) identify its function in the sentence: adjective, adverb, subject, direct object, object of preposition, predicate nominative

d) explain how you determined the function by 1) identifying the relevant adjacent slots and 2) explaining the relationship of the underlined words to relevant words outside the underlined portion (the questions answered in relation to the other words).

For adjectives, show where they fit in the noun phrase.

36. Primitive people wore ornaments for religious ceremonies.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “for” + NP “religious [adj] ceremonies [N]”

It is used as an adverb answering, “Why do they wear ornaments?”

37. The ladder is a useful tool.

Noun phrase. “a [art] useful [adj] tool [N]”

It is used as an adjective answering, “What is a ladder?”

38. The judge snored during closing arguments.

Noun phrase. “The [art] judge [N]”

It tells who snored.

39. The end of the movie seemed contrived.

Prepositional phrase. Prep “of” + NP “the [det] movie [N]”

Used as an adjective. Answers, “The end of what?”

40. I started with the end of the book.

Noun Phrase. “the [art] end [N] of the book [adj phrase]”

Adverbial. Answers, “You started with what?”

41. I love old sailboats.

Noun phrase. “old [adj] sailboats [N]”

Adjective. Answers, “What do you love?”

VI. Conversions, 1 point each

Change the following linking-verb patterns into NPs.

42. The paint was blue.

The blue paint

43. Her direction was strategic.

Her strategic direction.

44. His mule was disobedient.

His disobedient mule.

Change the following NPs into linking-verb clauses. You may have to adjust the determiners.

45. those loud boys

those boys were loud

46. tasty strawberries

the strawberries were tasty

47. the thick pudding

The pudding is thick

Change the NP to signal possession by prepositional phrase rather than possessive construction.

48. Thomas Edison’s inventions rocked our world.

The inventions of Thomas Edison rocked our world.

Change the NP to signal possession by possessive construction rather than prepositional phrase.

49. the powerful neighbor of Ireland

Ireland's powerful neighbor


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