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GrammaticaPast Simple and Present PerfectWatch the video and choose the right answer.What do we use Past Simple for?Finished actions which have an effect in the present.Finished actions which do not have an effect in the present.Intentions and plans.Daily routine.In which of the following sentences the Present Perfect is used?Peter and Mary were married for three years.John goes to London every week.Sarah is sitting next to me.Peter and Mary have been married for three years.When do we use the Present Perfect?To talk about our daily routine and to describe an event.To connect past with present, and with expressions such as: since I was a child, recently, etc.To give specific information and with expressions such as: yesterday, last week, in 1990, etc.To give suggestions and advice.Find the correct sentence:Since is used with periods of time.Since is used with strange events.For is used with periods of time.For is used with a point in time. ................

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