
PRE ANNUAL EXAM (2018-19)ENGLISH (SET-A)Time-3 hrs Class IX M.M.80General InstructionsThe question paper is divided into three sections.Section A: Reading comprehension 20 marksSection B: Writing & Grammar 30 marksSection C: Literature 30 marksAll questions are compulsory. Attempt the questions section-wise. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order________________________________________________________________________________SECTION-A: READINGQ1.Read the passage given below and answer the question that follow : (1X8=8)Make in India Campaign was launched by PM Modi in order to do investment from foreign investors in India as well as to increase the employment level of the country.India is the largest democracy in the world and also has the second highest population in the world with 1.25 billion people. People in India face many problems in their daily life. India is also affected by illiteracy, unemployment, falling male-female ratio, corruption, poverty, lack of health, education and hygiene facilities. From last few years, the scenario is changing. Many initiatives have been started by the Government of India to face those problems. Make in India is an initiative launched by the Government of India to encourage multinational, as well as national companies to manufacture their products in India. It was the part of a wider set of nation-building initiatives.It was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014. The main objective of make in India initiative is to focus on job creation and skill enhancement in various sectors of the economy and it also aims at high-quality standards and minimizing the impact on the environment. The initiative hopes to attract capital and technological investment in India. Make in India campaign focuses on 25 industries. Some of them are Automobiles, Oil and Gas, Aviation, Chemicals, Railways, Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Food Processing and other industries. In making public relation, “Zero Defect Zero Effect” is a slogan coined by Prime Minister of India, which signifies production mechanisms wherein products have no defects and the process through which product is made has zero adverse environmental and ecological effects. The slogan also aims to prevent products developed from India from being rejected by the global market. Aarisa Pitha of Jharkhand, Gushtaba of Kashmir, Chicken Curry of Punjab, Khakhra and Khandvi of Gujarat, Bamboo Steam Fish, Vada and Medhu Vada of Karnataka, Khaja and Inarsa of Bihar, Kebab of Uttar Pradesh and Puran poli of Maharashtra have been selected as traditional regional food to be promoted in the campaign.“Come make in India. Sell anywhere, make in India.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while introducing his vision to the public. And it seems that the world is more than ready to embrace this vision, which is already set on a path to become a reality.Answer any eight of the following questions briefly:(1X8=8)Why was “Make in India” campaign launched?India is haunted by several problems. Name any two.When was “Make in India” campaign launched?What is the main objective of “Make in India” campaign?Which industries are the focus of this campaignWhat is the slogan coined by our prime Minister?Name some of the food items selected as traditional regional food?Which vision of the Prime minister has been embraced by the world? Find a word from para 3 which means the same as drive.Q2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (12)Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.It is quite common to hear people say: “Think positive”, to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means? Positive thinking is the first and the main point that we have to do. Without positive thinking, all we are going to do is useless and worthless. When we start something, we must think that all we are going to do is success and worthy. And when we meet obstruction, still think positively (think about our goal, that we must reach it). Then see the result is better than usual. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind’s eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity. Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.I.Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words. (2X4=8)a) Bring out the meaning of positive thinking?b) Most people don’t take “think positive” seriously. Why?c) What are the benefits of positive thinking?d) Positive and negative thinking are contagious. How?e) What happens when your mind is negative?II. Find out the words that mean the same as the following. ( Any four)(1X4=4)Foretell (para1)Amuse (para3)Hindrance (para2)Unconsciously (para4)Annoyance (para4)SECTION-B: WRITING & GRAMMARQ3. “Thousands have lived without love not one without water”. Taking hints from verbal cues given below write an article on rejuvenating Ganga.Clean ganga-national efforts-govt committed to clean ganga-inland waterways-river navigation-extending sewage infrastructure-banning open defecation- development of ghats-no discharge by industries-provision for pilgrims and tourists. (8)ORYou are Riya/ Rahul, a student of class IX. Recently your friend got a puppy for his/her birthday. Seeing it you also wished to have one but your parents had vehemently denied it. After a few days you come to know from your friend that the puppy had torn her school assignment and also spilt ink on her drawing book. Write a diary entry in 100-150 words describing your mixed feelings towards the events.Q4. Using the given hints below develop a story in 200-250 words. Also provide a suitable title to your story .(10)It was a dark room. Clearly nobody had stepped inside for years. Smell of moths made me sneeze….OROh well we did it again! We were stuck in the wooden cabin in this torrential rainfall. So we decided to do something funny….Q5. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable words from the ones given in the bracket. (Any four)(1X4=4) Since ancient times, the pearl (a) _____( has/have/is/had) been a symbol of unblemished perfection. It is the oldest gem (b)________(or/and/if/which) for centuries it was considered the most beautiful. The Latin word for pearl literally (c) ______(mean/meaning/means/meant) 'unique', stating that no two pearls are identical. Pearls have been considered as ideal wedding gifts because d)_______(it/they/them/of) symbolize purity and innocence. They are delicate and e) _________(love/ loved/ lovely/loveable) by all. Q6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the individual lines. Write in your answer sheet the incorrect word and the correction as given below against the correct blank number. (Any four) (1x4=4)The Original, cosmic evolution of the biosphere is one eg. Iswasthat promoted, supported, nourished, sustained and enhance life. a)___ ____Life go on adding to the evolution with newer species and b)___ ____ecosystems, even most beautiful and vibrant than the ones before. c)____ ____Their biosphere accommodated a pleasant weather cycle and d)____ ____ climate system which support these newer species. e)____ ____Q7. Read the given conversation and report it :(ANY FOUR) 1x4=4Ajay ? ?: ? Do you want to play with us?Mohan : ?Yes, But I have been too late.?Ajay ? ? : ? It does not matter, we can still play for a while.Mohan : ? Thanks, you are really my good friend.?Ajay asked (i)---------------------------Mohan replied(ii)---------------------Further Ajay said (iii)-----------and adviced him to(iv)--------Mohan thanked him and said-(v)---------------------------.?SECTION-C: LITERATUREQ8. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:(1X4=4)Then the matterof scorching and chokingin sun and air.browning, hardeningtwisting, witheringand then it is done.a) What is 'it' here?b) How does the sun and the air contribute to its killing?c) Find the word that means the same as 'burning in the hot sun.' d) How is ‘it’ finally killed?ORThere look what you did-you threw them all downYou tore the pages of the booksYou brought the rain againYou’re very clever at poking fun at weaklingWhom does the poet address as you?How did ‘you’ manage to tear the pages?How does ‘you’ poke fun at weakling?What does ‘them’ refer to?Q9. Answer the following questions in 20-40 words. (Any five) (2X5=10)a. What happened when Bill Bryson was penning down his thoughts on a plane flight ?b. The Baudha Stupa have been described as heaven of quietness. Why does the writer feel so?c. Why did Jerome volunteer to do the packing?d. How did the king and the minister die in place of Guru and his disciple?e. The last leaf was Behram’s master piece. How can we say that? f. How does Einstein prove himself to be a man of humanitarian considerations ?Q10 Answer the given question in 100-150 words: (Any one)(8) How can you say that 'the Bond of Love' shows kind and loving attitude of the narrator and his wife towards Bruno? How should we take care of animals?ORIf you are given a choice which school would you prefer from the two mentioned in the story “The Fun they Had”. Support your answer with valid justification.Q11. Answer the given question in 100-150 words: (Any one)(8) Devotion and dedication to a noble cause is always rewarded in the end. Justify the truth of these words in the light of what Prashant did for the cyclone ravaged people of his village. (Weathering the Storm in Ersama)ORThrow light on the theme and message of the story ‘In The Kingdom of Fools’.PRE ANNUAL EXAM (2018-19)ENGLISH (SET-B)Time-3 hrs Class IX M.M.80General InstructionsThe question paper is divided into three sections.Section A: Reading comprehension 20 marksSection B: Writing & Grammar 30 marksSection C: Literature 30 marksAll questions are compulsory. Attempt the questions section-wise. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order________________________________________________________________________________SECTION A- READING (20 MARKS)Q1. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.( 8 marks)INCLUSIVE EDUCATION ?Inclusive education happens when children with and without disabilities participate and learn together in the same classes. Research shows that when a child with disabilities attends classes alongside peers who do not have disabilities, good things happen. For a long time, children with disabilities were educated in separate classes or in separate schools. People got used to the idea that special education meant separate education. But we now know that when children are educated together, positive academic and social outcomes occur for all the children involved.We also know that simply placing children with and without disabilities together does not produce positive outcomes. Inclusive education occurs when there is ongoing advocacy, planning, support and commitment. These are the principles that guide quality inclusive education: All children belong.Inclusive education is based on the simple idea that every child and family is valued equally and deserves the same opportunities and experiences. Inclusive education is about children with disabilities – whether the disability is mild or severe, hidden or obvious – participating in everyday activities, just like they would if their disability were not present. It’s about building friendships, membership and having opportunities just like everyone else.All children learn in different ways.Inclusion is about providing the help children need to learn and participate in meaningful ways. ?Sometimes, help from friends or teachers works best. Other times, specially designed materials or technology can help. The key is to give only as much help as needed. It is every child’s right to be included.Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act clearly states that all children with disabilities should be educated with non-disabled children their own age and have access to the general education curriculum. ?1.1 On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions. (Attempt any 8)i) When can inclusive education take place?ii) What is the finding of the research?iii) What happens when all the children are educated together?iv) Inclusive education can happen only if certain requisites are fulfilled . What are those ?v) Mention the principles of inclusive education?( State any two)vi) According to the passage, what is the meaning of inclusion?vii) Explain ‘ Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege.’viii) What does “Individual with Disabilities Education Act’ state?ix) Find a word from para 1 which means same as ‘ people one works with’.?Q2. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.(12 marks)Can’t cook or Won’t cook?1)“ I can’t cook.” I’ve lost count of the number of times I have heard this phrase over the last few years. It is uttered by both men and women, old and young, married and single people. Lacking the ability to cook, is apparently, an equal opportunity offence. ?Yes, you read that right. I did use the word ‘offence’. And that’s because as far as I am concerned, not being able to cook is to lack a vital life skill- the kind that keeps you alive. And I cannot fathom why people take pride in announcing that they possess it.2)I am very well aware that in modern age , people who don’t know how to fry an egg will not go hungry. That our heaving restaurants that will keep them well fed if they don’t know how to cook. These non cooks when they venture out can order anything from Hakka noodles to Sushi Rolls to Chana Bhaturas. ?Most middle class folk in India can afford to hire a part –time cook who comes once a day and stocks their fridge with food that they can reheat for lunch and dinner. So, I accept that in this day and age, it is often not necessary to cook at all. I can also get on board with the fact that many people simply don’t want to cook. That they have demanding jobs that leave them drained at the end of the day and they don’t want to come home and spend a few hours in front of a gas range. Some of them nay not just enjoy cooking and then there are those who are simply not good at this skill. There are many reasons to not cook but there really is no reason why anyone should take pride in the fact that they can’t cook at all.3)For many people this pride is an announcement of privilege. Other people may need to feed themselves, but not me. I have a wife/cook/expense account to keep me in three course meals complete with dessert. ?For women, this pronouncement comes imbued with a whiff of feminism as well. After centuries of being stuck in the kitchen while men went off and conquered the world, it feels empowering to announce that you have no use in the kitchen.4)I am by no means suggesting that everyone needs to sign up for Cordon Bleu lessons or even invest in a full set of Nigella Lawson cookbooks. What you should be able to do is to feed yourself more than Maggi noodles or chocolate biscuits if you are left to your own devices. You deserve better than a hastily slapped together sandwich with mayonnaise and cold meat or a packet of crisps and a Diet coke or even a wedge of cheese and some crackers. You deserve a meal that some time and effort has gone into. Because you are worth the time and effort.On the basis of your reading answer the following questions (Attempt any 4) (2*4= 8 marks)People will not go hungry even if they don’t know the skill of cooking. How can they feed themselves then?State reasons why many people are unable to cook?Justify ?the author that announcing ‘ I won’t cook’ is a privilege? Give reasons.?Why is it empowering for women to announce that they can’t cook?According to the author, why is the inability to cook an equal opportunity offence?2.2 Find word which are similar in meaning to:- ( ATTEMPT ANY ?FOUR 4*1=4 MARKS)i) important (para 1)ii)understand (para 1)iii) a special right ( para 3)iv) Challenging(para 2)v)at a fast pace (para 4)SECTION BWRITING SKILLS AND GRAMMAR (30 MARKS)Q3. ?Your school recently celebrated ‘ Cleanliness drive’ . This gave you a motivation to write an article on ‘ Clean India Campaign ‘ for your school magazine. You may use the following hints to frame your answer . ?( 100-150 words)Clean India Campaign launched - Prime Minister Narendra Modi - mission beyond politics- inspired by patriotism—cleanliness responsibility of all 1.25 billions ORYour school celebrated Children’s Day on November 14, as a tribute to Nehruji who gave emphasis on giving love and affection to children and considered them as the bright future of India. Write a factual description of the event in 100-150 words.Q4. Develop a short story which begins with the given clue. Also give a suitable title to the story. (150-200 words)??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 10 marksVeeru and Karim were two young Keralites returning to their village when suddenly they were caught in a torrent of rain……….ORMohan received a call from an unknown number. He couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the voice on the phone…………….Q5. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable words from the ones given below. (Any four)It was a rainy day. Traffic (a)………… busy on the road. A (b)…………. hit a car badly in the market. Five commuters were badly injured (c)--------one person (d)……………………..on the spot. The injured persons were taken to the nearest hospital. The local people were (e)-------great help.(a) (i) will be ???????????????? (ii) was ??????????????????? (iii) is ????????????????????????? (iv) has been(b) (i) speeding bus ??? (ii) ?speeded bus ??? (iii) sped up bus ?????? (iv) speed bus(c) (i) and (ii) whereas (iv) when (v) while(d) (i) was died ??????????? (ii) ?had died ??????????? (iii) died ???????????????????? (iv) is died(e) (i) to (ii) of (iii) from (iv) only Q6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and word that comes after it in your answer sheet. (Attempt any four) (1*4=4 marks)Before Word AfterSocial media basically means human communication ?(a)----- ------------ ------- or sharing information on internet occurs through the medium (b)----- ----------- ------- of computer, tablet or mobile. There are numerous websites and apps that make it possible. Social media is now becoming (c) ----- ----------- -------one of the largest means of communication is gaining popularity rapidly.(d) ----- ----------- -------Social media enables you to share ideas and news etc. a much faster speed.(e) ----- ---------- -------Q7. Read the following dialogues and complete the report appropriately. (Attempt any four) 1*4= 4)Preeti: Where did you spend your holidays?Naman: I went to many hill stations.Preeti: Which one did you like the most? Naman: I liked them ?all as I am very fond of hills.Preeti : ?I prefer sea side to hills.Preeti asked Naman (a)____________________________________his holidays. Naman replied (b)__________________________________.Preeti then asked him (c)_________________________________the most. Naman said that (d)______________________________________.Preeti ?said (e)___________________________________.SECTION CLITERATURE (30 MARKS)Q8. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions below.Along the sandHe lay until observedAnd chased away, and nowHe vanishes in the ripplesAmong the green slim reedsa) What happened to the snake when it lay along the sand unobserved?b) Who chased the snake?c) What is implied by ‘ Along the sand he lay until observed.’d) Find a word from the given stanza which means opposite of ‘appear’. ORDo this, and the wind will be friends withThe wind blows out weak fires.He makes strong fires roar and flourish.His friendship is very good.What does the wind do to the weak fires?How does it treat the strong fires?What do you think we should do to make friends with the wind?Find a word from the stanza which means opposite of ‘ wither’.Q9.Answer the following questions briefly: (Attempt any five questions in about 30-40 words) 2×5=10a)Why was Kezia scared of her father ?b) Bruno once got paralysis. Why? How was it treated?c)How can you say that Bismillah Khan was a true Hindustani ?d) What was the effect of the cyclone on Prashant's village ?e)In what manner does the poem , No Men Are Foreign throw light on the value of ?universal brotherhood ?f) Describe the incident that led Johnsy to change her mind ?Q10 Answer the given question in 100-150 words: ? (Any One)(8)What opinion do you form of the doctor in the story “The snake and the mirror”. ??? ORMake a comparison of the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the Pashupatinath temple.??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Q11. Answer the given question in 100-150 words: ??(Any One)(8)Justify the title “ A house is not a home”.??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? OR“Bring me the two most precious things in the city”, said God to one of his Angels; and the Angel brought him the leaden heart and the dead bird. Do you agree that the leaden heart and the dead bird were the most precious things in the city? Support your answer with valid justification . ?????????????????????????????????????????? ................

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