Internet Resources

I. Introduction:

A. Geography

Test Your Geography Knowledge: World Geography quiz (Oceans and Continents) -

World Geography

News World Geography. ... Changing World Geography; Polar Regions; Icebergs in the Northern Hemisphere: FAQ; Oceans and Seas


Geography Maps Quizzes. Everyone Should Know ! These interactive Quizzes will help

you rapidly learn the locations of the countries of the world.


World Geography. Geography Glossary. The Continents, Explorations. ipa/A0873835.html

Geography World Atlas: Maps and Geography of the World. This online World Atlas includes maps and geographical information.


, geography, climate, countries, flags, maps, world population, economy. Climate Flags Country Ranks Climate, Flags

Atlapedia Online section, provides facts, figures and statistical data on geography, climate, people, religion, language, history, economy & more.

World Geography. So you want to learn about the World. Pages on world geography: Index; Books about World Geography; Other links on World Geography.


B. Political Systems

Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century: Definitions and Maps of World Political Systems throughout history

Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties,Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world

C. Economic Systems

Comparison of world economic systems

D. Culture

Elements of Culture.

II. World Belief Systems

A. Judaism

Judaism 101

Sacred Texts of Judaism

Judaism – Wilipedia Encyclopedia

Jewish Journal of Thought

B. Christianity

What is Christianity?

Virtual Christianity – A Gateway of Resources dealing with the Christian Religion.

Christianity from Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Sacred Text of Christianity

C. Islam

Muslim for Non-Muslims

Islam – Resources and Information

Islam 101

Sacred Texts of Islam

D. Hinduism

Hinduism – The Basics

Hinduism Home Page

Hinduism – Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Sacred Texts of Hinduism

E. Buddhism

An Introduction to Buddhism

What is Buddhism?

Sacred Texts of Buddhism

F. Confucianism

The Basics of Confucianism

Sacred Texts of Confucianism

Confucianism: An Introduction

Confucianism – Wikipedia Encyclopedia

G. Taoism

Taoism Information Page

Taoism – Basic Information

III. Ancient Civilizations

Maps, history, articles and photos.

Ancient civilization links nipissingu.ca/pd/socstud/Ancient-Civilizations.htm

A. Mesopotamia:

Resources of Art, Biographies, Daily Life, Maps, Pictures and Research on Mesopotamia.


Ancient Tablets, Ancient Graves: Accessing Women's Lives in Mesopotamia.


Mesopotamia 9000 - 500 BC


B. Egypt:

The Mystery that was Egypt

Ancient Egypt Guardian's Web Virtual Egypt - Take a Journey Back in Time! ...


Ancient Egypt WebQuest: Through this Webquest you will travel back in time to the lands of Ancient Egypt. ... This journey will improve your understanding of Ancient Egypt. ...


Mysteries of Egypt - Egyptian civilization - a land of mysteries.


C. Ancient China:

Ancient China [encyclopedia]

The rise of ancient China


Ancient China News


The Great Wall of China

D. Ancient India

Library of Congress article on early India and its place in history.

Harappa Mohenjo-Daro

Indus River Valley

IV. Greece and Rome

A. Greece

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece for Kids

The Ancient Greeks, Life in Athens

The Ancient Greece Resources Page

The Ancient City of Athens

The Science and Technology of Ancient Greece

History Link to Ancient Greece (Maps, Documents, Daily Life)

The Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece

Important people, places and things in Ancient Greece

History On-Line Ancient Greece

The Philosophers of Ancient Greece

”The Apology by Socrates” (.pdf) file

B. Rome:

A timeline of Roman History

Life in Rome during its’ prime

Pictures, Facts, Art, Literature, Government, everything you need to know about Rome

An Illustrated Timeline and History of the Roman Empire

History On-Line of Ancient Rome

Maps, Timelines and General History of the Roman Empire

The Biography of Julius Caesar

A Historical Biographical Timeline of the Great Roman Dictator Julius Caesar

Why did the Roman Empire Collapse?

V. Golden Ages

A. Byzantine Empire:

The Byzantine Empire and Kievan Russia

Byzantine Empire The Byzantine Empire is also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, for it was in fact a continuation of the Roman Empire into its eastern part.


Medieval Sourcebook; Selected Primary sources from Byzantium

B. Islamic Golden Age:

Encyclopedia: Islamic Golden Age

Golden Age of Islam

The History of Islam

C. India’s Golden Ages

India: Maurya and Gupta Empires

The Heritage of golden age India

Treasure House of India's Culture, Art and Architecture!

B. China; Tang and Song Dynasties

Portraits of Emperors: Portraits of emperors Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing

Imperial Era of China: Tang and Song Dynasties

Art and History of the Tang Dynasty

Art and History of the Song Dynasty

Chinese History: The Golden Ages of the Tang and Song Dynasties

Regents review overview of China’s Golden Ages

VI. Asia

Genghis Khan – A brief History

A Detailed History of the Mongol Ruler: Genghis Khan

A Detailed Timeline of the Mongol Civilization from B.C. through 1740

The Relationship between China and the Mongols during the time of Khan

China’s Ming Dynasty

A Comprehensive History of the Ming Dynasty in China

Ming Dynasty – Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Maps of Ancient China and All of its’ Dynasties

A timeline and history of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan

Tokugawa and the Shoguns of Japan

Political System of the Tokugawa Shogunate

VII. The Middle Ages:

What Was it Really Like to live in the Middle Ages?

Index of primary sources and internet links on the Middle Ages

Tour of Medieval Europe


Feudal Classes and roles in feudal society

Art of the Middle Ages

Electronic passport to the Middle Ages

The Labyrinth: Extensive Resources for Medieval Studies from Georgetown University

The Middle Ages, Chivalry and Knighthood

Tales of the Middle Ages: True stories, fables, and anecdotes from the Middle Ages.


Eyewitness To History: A Collection of Primary Sources describing life in Medieval Europe

VIII. Renaissance/Reformation

Renaissance – Virtual Tour of the time period. View paintings, writings and different works from this historical time period.

The Renaissance in Italy: Major historical figures, works and the impact they had on future generations.

A timeline and exhibition of works, events and significant contributions from the Renaissance Era.

Artcyclopedia: A guide to looking at and understanding the art of the Renaissance.

English Literature from the time of the Renaissance, organized and chronicled by author.

A Comprehensive Site: Everything you need to know about the Renaissance.

A Biography of Links: Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince and other works.

Major works, chronicled in a timeline of the major characters during the Protestant Reformation.

A Reformation Timeline: From beginning to end, Luther through Loyola and the Counter Reformation.

An in-depth Timeline of the Reformation with a description of the repercussions of the Reformation and counter-reformation on the Church.

How is the Reformation viewed today from a World Perspective? Find out from the BBC!

IX. The Encounter

A. Africa

PBS interactive site on Africa’s geographic regions

African culture and early civs: Ghana, Mali & Songhai

The Fall of Mali & Songhai

The story of Africa: BBC site on West African Kingdoms with audio

Civilizations in Africa: History and resources

The Middle Passage: The African Slave trade

The Trans-Atlantic Slave trade and triangular trade

The story of Africa: BBC site on Slavery and its effects with audio accounts

African Slave Trade & European Imperialism

B. Meso American Civilizations

The Aztec account of the Spanish Conquest of Africa

Comparison of the Maya and Incan Societies

Great site describing the geography, history, art, religion, culture and government of the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas.

Regents prep on Mesoamerican societies

C. European Encounter

Web links and primary sources on European Exploration and its effects

Can you identify the Explorers?

The Explorer’s Theme Page


The Columbian Exchange

The Great Encounter: Native Peoples and European Settlers in the Americas, 1492-1800

What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe and the Americas?

X. The European Age of Absolutism and Limited Monarchy

A brief Biography of the some of the major monarchs that ruled their respective countries during the 17th and 18th centuries.

An in-depth PowerPoint presentation dealing with absolutism, the divine right of kings and the growth and demise of the power of the monarch. From Cornell University!

Absolutism: Broken down by country and individual rulers. A timeline of rulers and the countries they ruled. Bios on many of the rulers is included

An in-depth list of links, historywiz makes a complete list of in depth links dealing with the European Age of Absolutism.

XI. The Enlightenment in Europe

The Enlightenment in Europe

Primary Sources from the Age of Enlightenment in Europe

Overview of the Enlightenment

The Philosophes

The Scientific Revolution

Early Modern Europe: The Scientific Revolution


Internet Resources

I. The French Revolution

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution: This site has more than 600 primary documents

Links on the French Revolution.

Primary Sources on the French Revolution

French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror This webpage discusses the irony of the bloody French Revolution and its initial failure. thoughts/french/french.html

The Origins of the French Revolution

The Chronology of the French Revolution

Condensed study guide information for the French revolution


PBS site on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte

Frequently asked Questions about Napoleon

BBC site on the life and impact of Napoleon

The Congress of Vienna

II. Latin American Independence & European Nationalism

Latin American Independence Leaders

19th Century Latin America

The Haitian Revolution

Chieftains of the Mexican Revolution

The Life of Simon Bolivar.

Simon Bolivar and the Latin American Wars of Independence


19th Century European nationalism


Maps of Italian and German Unification

What is Nationalism? Italian and German Unification

Bismarck's Unification of Germany, 1862-1871

The Italian Unification

III. The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial revolution: Causes, characteristics and effects

Reference Resources on the Industrial revolution

The Plight of Women's Work in the Early Industrial Revolution in England and Wales

Machines of the Industrial revolution


The Industrial Revolution and the Railway System Features a range of historical information and data including research papers, images, and extracts...


The History of Industrialization: BBC

Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

Inventors of the Industrial Revolution lessons/inventor/ind-rev-open.htm

Working Conditions in the Industrial Revolution

Living and Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution


Victorian Economics: An Overview


Adam Smith | Economist and Philosopher


Karl Marx, 1818-1883

A detailed biography of Karl Marx


Primary Source Documents on the Age of Imperialism

The Age of Imperialism: The Partition of Africa and the British Empire

Vladimir Lenin: Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism

Imperialism in India, Africa and Asia

The New Imperialism

Maps: Imperialism and the Balance of Power

The New Imperialism: Web Links and Primary Source Documents

The Berlin Conference on Africa:1884

The White Man’s Burden

The Age of Western Imperialism

The Indian Independence Movement

The Official Mahatma Gandhi eArchive & Reference Library



The Story of African Independence| BBC World Service

African Resistance, Nationalism and Independence

Imperialism in China: The Boxer rebellion

The Decline and Fall of Imperial China

V. World War I & the Russian Revolution

World War I - Trenches on the Web

The World War I Extensive Document Archive


BBC - History - World War One


BBC - Schools Online World War One - Homepage

Read and listen to stories of the War from the people who lived it. Explore diaries, letters, scrapbooks, newspaper cuttings, photos and keepsakes.

First World - A multimedia history of World War One

EyeWitness To World War I: First hand accounts of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and WW I battles. w1frm.htm

1914-18 war - Art of the First World War: World War I as seen by 54 painters on both sides gb/index2.html

Timeline of the First World War: PBS

Maps of World War I

Historical sources and documents on Russian history 1905-30

Links and Primary source documents on the Russian Revolution

Events and Issues in Russia: 1914-25; Russian Revolutionaries: 1914-20

Summary: A Concise History of the Russian Revolution

Stalin Biographical Chronicle

Joseph Stalin

VI. World War II

BBC - History - World War Two

World War Two in Europe Timeline Complete World War Two in Europe timeline with photos, text, and over 100 links


Resource listing for WWII: World War II Resources. Primary source materials on the Web. Original documents regarding all aspects of the war. pha/

Extensive World War Two documents and information

Maps of World War II maps/wwii/


The Great Depression and the Totalitarian State

The World Depression

The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Fascism

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Holocaust History Project Homepage

A Cybrary of the Holocaust is an educational forum bringing together Holocaust survivors, children of Holocaust survivors, art by children

VII. The Cold War

The Cold War Museum

CNN Interactive cold war site

Cold War Web Resources

Cold War Policies 1945-1991

The Fall of Communism

TIME 100: Mikhail Gorbachev

NEWSEUM: THE BERLIN WALL Two Sides One Story. The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall. berlinwall/

Solidarity on the Frontier of Eastern Europe

Web Links and Primary Source Documents on the Collapse of Communism and the New World Order

HistoryWiz: The Collapse of Communism

VIII. Communist China

BBC News | Special Reports | China's Communist Revolution

A collection of articles written by Mao from 1926 to 1940.

TIME 100: Mao Zedong - profile, timeline, and movie clip of the Chinese leader.

The History of China: Civil War through the Cultural Revolution

Posters of the Cultural Revolution

China and the Four Modernizations, 1979-82

The Life of Deng Xiaoping

Hundreds of images illustrating the events in Tiananmen Square, Peking, April - June 1989.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Modern China

China's One Child Policy

Human Rights Watch: China and Tibet

IX. Middle East

Extensive Middle East History & Resources

History in the News: Middle East History, Society, and Culture ...

This is a guide to resources available on the WWW for those interested in Middle

East culture and history. Department of History, History, History, Society


History of the Middle East Database.

Middle East Conflicts Document Center

BBC News Online highlights some of the key dates of recent Middle East history and looks back at the origins and development of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

NPR : The Middle East and the West, A Troubled History In a six-part series, The Middle East and the West, news/specials/mideast/the_west/

Middle East Information Center :: Arab Israeli Conflict News .

BBC NEWS | In Depth | Conflict with Iraq Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories.

The Story of the Iranian Revolution - BBC Persian The story of the Revolution: hear how the Iranian revolution happened in the words of Iran's leaders. BBC World Service Home Page BBC Persian Home Page.

The Iranian Revolution and its Global Impact

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk:1881 – 1938 Father of the Turkish Revolution

X. Modern Global Issues

A. Africa:

Bitter Union: The Story of South Africa

Apartheid and Nelson Mandela in South Africa

HUMAN RIGHTS :Historical images of Apartheid in South Africa

Timeline of South African Apartheid

Conflicts in Modern Africa

Global Studies Web Links: The History of Modern Africa

The Rwandan genocide

The Green Revolution: A report on India's historic Green Revolution

The official Web Site of the United Nations Headquarters in NewYork.

Amnesty International defends the human rights of people around the world.

20th Century Latin America

XI. Review:

Regents Exam Prep Center: Global History & Geography

Social Studies Regents Examinations


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