The Progressive Era 1890 - 1920 - History and Social Studies

The Progressive Era 1890 - 1920

Bell Work: 10/13/14 (Monday)

"Now, it is very necessary that we should not flinch from seeing what is vile and debasing. There is filth on the floor, and it must be scraped up with the muck rake; and there are times and places where this service is the most needed of all the services that can be performed. But the man who never does anything else, who never thinks or speaks or writes, save of his feats with the muck rake, speedily becomes, not a help but one of the most potent forces for evil.... The effort to make financial or political profit out of the destruction of character can only result in calamity." - Theodore Roosevelt

What do you think Roosevelt is referring to? What is a muckraker? Do you think he is in favor of or opposed to muckraking?


Identify the causes of Progressivism.

Analyze the role that journalists played in the Progressive Movement.

Section 1: The Drive For Reform

Reformers crossed social, economic, political lines


Industrialization and urbanization had created troubling social and political problems

Wanted society and government to help people

Use logic & reason to solve problems End corrupt government

Some sought political reform

Vote for women

End political machines that allowed some to prosper while others lived in dangerous conditions

Big business ? break up the trusts

Social ? stop the growing gap between rich and poor, child labor, conditions, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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