Progressive Era (1890’s to 1920’s)

Progressive Era (1890's to 1920's) Internet Scavenger Hunt APUSH

7.1.2.A - Some Progressive Era journalists attacked what they saw as political corruption, social injustice, and economic inequality, while reformers often from the middle and upper classes and including many women, worked to effect social changes in cities and among immigrant populations.

Identify which groupswere struggling for civil rights during the Gilded Age. /era.cfm?eraID=11&smtid=2

Whywas Mary Harris Jones, called by some "the most dangerous woman in America"? women/jones/MotherJones.html

Susan B. Anthony's social activism impacted American governmentbecause it led to what? /od/anthonysusanb/a/ m

What important issues were addressed by muckrakersin the early 1900s? re-the-muckrakers.htm

Summarize the idea or concept behind the Social Gospel. How was it a reflection of the Progressive Movement? . asp

How didIda Tarbellwork to shed light on economic inequality? .asp

How did muckraker Upton Sinclairchange the meatpacking industry? What acts were passed because of his work? .asp

Who was Jane Addamsand how did she impact the lives of immigrants ? . asp

How did Jacob Riiswork to impact the lives of immigrants? ory/story.php?storyId=91981589

7.1.2.b - On the national (and state)level, Progressives sought federal legislation that they believed would effectively regulate the economy, expand democracy, and generate moral reform. Progressive amendments to the Constitution dealt with issues such as prohibition and woman suffrage.

Business reformbecame an important issue of which presidency? What did he do to reform business? sp

In the early 1900s, which issue most concerned Wisconsin Senator Robert M. LaFollette ? turningpoints/tp-035/?action=mo re_essay

What reforms did Senator Robert LaFollettecreate that made Wisconsin a "laboratory of democracy?" turningpoints/tp-035/?action=mo re_essay

How did the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution give more political power to the individual voter ? ment

What amendmentswere passed during the Progressive Era and how did each try and solve a problem in society ? .htm(scroll to bottom of page)

How did the direct Primary impact theselection of the presidential candidate? ml

How did the Federal Reserve Actwork to stabilize the economy ? shisgov/themes/reform/progress ive.htm

How did the Clayton AntiTrust Act work tostrengthen the Sherman AntiTrust Act? shisgov/themes/reform/progress ive.htm

7.1.2.C - Preservationists and conservationists both supported the establishment of national parks while advocating different government responses to the overuse of natural resources.

How did the Newlands Reclamation Act(1902) encourage conservation? .asp

Who was the leading conservationist president ? .asp

Who was President of the Sierra Cluband what was his goal ? .asp

What is Roosevelt's conservation legacy? Give 3 specific examples.

What were the two views and what did they believe about the environment during the Progressive Era? (bottom of page)

7.1.2.D - Progressives were divided over many issues. Some Progressives supported Southern segregation, while others ignored its presence. Some Progressives advocated expanding popular participation in government, while other called for greater reliance on professional and technical experts to make government more efficient. Progressives also disagreed about immigration restriction.

What was Booker T. Washingtonsviews on segregation and African Americans?

.org/userfiles/2692/Classes/1154 1/AP%20US%20History%20Notes %20for%20January%2023%20pa ge%201-0.pdf

What was W.E.B. DuBoisviews on segregation and African Americans ?

What were the Civil Rights organizations founded during the Progressive Era?

In the presidential election of 1912, which party candidate benefited most from the influence of the Progressive Party? m/pages/h887.html

What was the Bull Run Party? s/h887.html

What were the arguments about immigration during the Progressive Era?

What restrictions were placed 580_immigrant-restrictions-durin on immigration ? g-progressive-era.html


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