American Red Cross

The Mayor's Fund is devoting 100% of donations to the Haiti Relief Fund to organizations on the ground in Haiti. Below are the Fund recipients to date:

American Red Cross

The Red Cross is the nation's premier emergency response organization. As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.

In Haiti, the Red Cross is providing first aid in camps and prioritizing the need for food, water and other basic supplies. There are more than 400 Red Cross workers from around the world in Haiti, as well as thousands of local volunteers. Responders from seven countries are treating injuries and performing surgery at hospitals and medical centers throughout Port-au-Prince. The American Red Cross has provided 3 million pre-packaged meals to the United Nations World Food Programme as well as $30 million in funding to help feed an additional 1 million people for a month. To meet the dire need for clean water, it has also distributed more than 1 million water-purification sachets as well as containers that allow people to clean and carry water. The American Red Cross is also providing supplies for 130,000 people and working with Red Cross teams from other nations distributing relief items, such as blankets, kitchen supplies, hygiene kits and buckets.In coordination with other relief agencies, the Red Cross aims to address the complex shelter situation in Haiti through a combination of strategies, including providing local families with solutions that will encourage them to rebuild safely near their pre-disaster homes, supporting host families who are housing displaced people, and supporting people in post-quake settlements by providing both tarps and tents.

The American Red Cross uses over 90% of funds on programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.


Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the world's largest humanitarian aid agencies. In nearly 70 countries, CARE works with the poorest communities to improve basic health and education, enhance rural livelihoods and food security, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity, and provide lifesaving assistance after disasters. CARE has been working in

Haiti since 1954, providing projects in HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, maternal and child health, education, food security, and water and sanitation.

CARE is focusing on the areas of P?tionville and Delmas in Port-au-Prince, and the neighboring towns of Carrefour and L?og?ne. CARE staff in Haiti includes emergency personnel who were part of the response to the devastating Hurricane Hanna in 2008. CARE has also deployed an experienced emergency team that has allowed them to start providing emergency assistance, while planning for longer-term recovery. The relief phase (present ? April 2010) is focusing on food and emergency supplies, temporary shelter and access to clean drinking water. The CARE team in Haiti has now begun planning for the longer-term response.

CARE uses over 90% of funds on programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.

Doctors Without Borders/M?decins Sans Frontieres

Doctors Without Borders/M?decins Sans Fronti?res (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971.Today, it provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters and provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need.

Doctors Without Borders has more than 700 staff members on the ground in Haiti. Teams are working out of hospitals in and around Port-au Prince, including: Choscal Hospital, Martissant Health Center, Trinite Hospital, Carrefour hospital, and Jacmel Hospital. As of February 8 MSF teams treated more than 11,000 patients. During that time, MSF surgeons worked around the clock, carrying out more than 1,300 surgical operations, including 140 amputations. An inflatable hospital with an additional two operating theaters is being constructed in the Delmas area, and operating theaters are being prepared west of the capital in Leogane and Grand Goave. Doctors Without Borders is also beginning to address chronic and long term health care needs and is also initiating psychological support services for amputees at the hospital in Carrefour.

Doctors without Borders uses 87.3% of funds on programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.

Partners in Health

Partners In Health is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts, and active in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Russia, and the United States. Its mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. Through service, training, advocacy, and research, and by establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations, PIH strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair. PIH has been working in Haiti for 20+ years and provides comprehensive healthcare from its twelve clinical facilities across Haiti's Central Plateau and Artibonite Valley. The organization works in close partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health.

After the earthquake PIH quickly established field hospitals in Port-au-Prince, helping set up 20 operating rooms, 12 of which were able to function around the clock. PIH was the first group designated by the World Health Organization to serve as the primary coordinators of University Hospital in Port-au-Prince (HUEH) and will continue to support the Ministry of Health leadership at HUEH. PIH established a comprehensive triage and relief transfer system to move patients back and forth from Port-au-Prince to PIH sites in the Central Plateau and Lower Artibonite Valley based on the services available at various sites. It was also one of the first NGOs to evacuate patients in critical condition to hospitals in the United States and Dominican Republic as well as to the United States Naval Ship, the U.S.N.S. Comfort. PIH has sent 66 plane loads with more than 235 medical volunteers ? orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, surgical nurses and other medical professionals ? and roughly 100,000 lbs of medical supplies to support the large network of PIH's local health care providers already working in Haiti.

PIH uses 95% of funds for programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.

Save the Children

Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. Recognized for its commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, its work takes Save the Children into the heart of communities, where they can help children and families help themselves.

To date, Save the Children's child protection programs have benefitted more than 15,000 children through 18 mobile child-friendly spaces in Port-au-Prince and Jacmel. In conjunction with UNICEF, the International Rescue Committee and the Red Cross, the organization is registering children at hospitals and in camps so as to trace their families and reunite them with loved ones. Save the Children's 14 mobile health teams have seen 10,630 patients at 45 locations in Port-au-Prince, Leogane and Jacmel. In addition, the organization has distributed food to more than 120,000 people, including 72,000 children. The agency also has provided clean water to more than 59,000 people; latrines for 7,800 people; and essential items such as blankets, hygiene kits, and plastic sheeting to some 48,000 people.

Save the Children uses over 92% of funds for programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.


UNICEF works to overcome obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child's path. The organization advocates for measures to give children the best start in life, as it believes that proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person's future. UNICEF has had a presence in Haiti since the 1940s.

In Haiti UNICEF and its partners are intensifying emergency operations to protect the health and safety of children at risk, especially children who have become separated from their families and may find themselves without shelter, food, water or other basic necessities. Almost half the population of Haiti is under 18 years old and children are at a high risk for diarrhoeal diseases. UNICEF is using materials already in the country and is sending supplies from its regional stock in

Panama, including water tanks, water purification tablets, water bladders, and oral rehydration salts for children with diarrhea. UNICEF is continuing to deliver these materials to the Port-au-Prince and Santo Domingo airports. Additionally, UNICEF specialists are on hand to try to reduce bottlenecks at transportation hubs to ease distribution of relief materials.

UNICEF USA uses 90% of funds on programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator. For Haiti relief UNICEF USA is currently devoting 100%.

United Nations World Food Programme

The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In emergencies, WFP gets food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, it uses food to help communities rebuild their shattered lives. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. Born in 1962, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. WFP works towards that vision with sister UN agencies in Rome -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -- as well as other government, UN and NGO partners.

WFP has now reached over 3 million people (3.2 million) in Port-au-Prince and across the disaster zone with food supplies since the earthquake struck. Outside the capital, WFP has reached more than 200,000 people in and around Leogane, is providing over 30,000 people in Jacmel with a daily cooked meal and is expanding distributions to 50,000 people from the new St Marc office. Most of the rations consist of High Energy Biscuits, but rations of rice, pulses, vegetable oil and salt are being delivered to orphanages and hospitals in order to reach the most vulnerable.

The World Food Programme uses over 94% of funds on programs & services, and is a four star charity on Charity Navigator.


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