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Case StudiesInstructions: Using what you have learned about anatomy and the workings of the human brain, describe the brain areas activated in each situation and how such brain stimulation relates to the behavior in the scenario. Although many brain structures are obviously operating simply because the people in the cases are conscious and active, you should focus on the brain areas activated more than usual in these cases. You may use your notes and textbook. You will work in groups, but each person should record the answer to use for later studying.Case Study #1Anne, the landscape artist, is standing at her easel, painting with her right hand as she looks out the window at her garden. She’s listening to classical music as she paints.Neuroanatomy StructureRelated FunctionCase Study #2Crazy Eddie, the professional wrestler, is in the ring wrestling. The crowd is yelling and his opponent is taunting him. Eddie yells back at his opponent. The two of them are out of breath and sweating profusely. They continue their well-orchestrated series of wrestling moves.Neuroanatomy StructureRelated FunctionCase Study #3Jill is a law student studying for her exam. She is reading about violent rape and murder cases. She is smacking on popcorn and drinking coffee.Neuroanatomy StructureRelated FunctionCase StudiesInstructions: Using what you have learned about anatomy and the workings of the human brain, describe the brain areas activated in each situation and how such brain stimulation relates to the behavior in the scenario. Although many brain structures are obviously operating simply because the people in the cases are conscious and active, you should focus on the brain areas activated more than usual in these cases. You may use your notes and textbook. You will work in groups, but each person should record the answer to use for later studying.Case Study #1Anne, the landscape artist, is standing at her easel, painting with her right hand as she looks out the window at her garden. She’s listening to classical music as she paints.Neuroanatomy StructureLeft motor cortexLeft frontal lobeVisual cortexBoth occipital lobesAuditory cortexesBoth temporal lobesRight hemisphereThalamusFrontal lobesLeft sensory cortexLeft parietal lobeCerebellumRelated FunctionControls right handContains motor cortexUsed for visionContain visual cortexesUsed for hearing musicContain auditory cortexesSpatial ability for paintingRelays sensory informationDeciding what to paintFeeling the paintbrushContains sensory cortexCoordinates moving armCase Study #2Crazy Eddie, the professional wrestler, is in the ring wrestling. The crowd is yelling and his opponent is taunting him. Eddie yells back at his opponent. The two of them are out of breath and sweating profusely. They continue their well-orchestrated series of wrestling moves.Neuroanatomy Structure Both motor cortexesFrontal lobesBoth sensory cortexesParietal lobesVisual cortexesBoth occipital lobesRight hemisphereWernicke’s areaLeft temporal lobeBroca’s areaLeft frontal lobeThalamusFrontal lobesNeuroanatomy structureMedullaAmygdalaReticular formationCerebellumHypothalamusHippocampusRelated FunctionMove musclesContain motor cortexesNeeded for sense of touchContain sensory cortexesUsed for visionContain visual cortexesSpatial ability for wrestlingUnderstanding taunts and yellsContains Wernicke’s areaProducing speech (yells)Contains Broca’s areaSensory relayDecision making and attentionRelated functionRegulates heart and breathingAggression and fearControls arousalBalance and coordinationRegulates temperatureMemory for movesCase Study #3Jill is a law student studying for her exam. She is reading about violent rape and murder cases. She is smacking on popcorn and drinking coffee.Neuroanatomy Structure HippocampusWernicke’s areaLeft temporal lobeAmygdalaFrontal lobesHypothalamus Angular gyrusRelated FunctionRemembering and learningLanguage comprehensionContains Wernicke’s areaAnger and fear about casesDecision making and attentionRegulates hunger and thirstNeeded for reading ................

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