Coach J's Class

New Empires Emerge Review GuideDirections: Complete ALL questions on a SEPARATE sheet of paper in order to receive bonus points on your test. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************The Byzantine EmpireWhy did the Byzantine Empire form? Where was Constantinople located? How did this impact the economy of Constantinople & the Byzantine Empire? Explain the rule of Justinian and Theodora. In what ways did Theodora have an impact on Justinian?Why did Justinian stay to put down the Nika Rebellion?What were the accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire? How did it influence early Russia?Define: mosaicDescribe the Hagia Sophia. Why was it significant?How did the Byzantine Empire come to an end?Conflict in the Church – the Schism of 1054Define the term icon and iconoclastFor what reasons did the Christian church split in 1054? After the Schism, what were the resulting branches of Christianity called and where were they located? Early Russia & the MongolsWhy was the city of Kiev important?Important Russian LeadersExplain the contributions & significance of:Vladimir IYaroslav, the WiseIvan IIIThe Mongol PeopleMongolsWho were they?What was the extent of their empire?How did they treat the Russians? What impact did this have on the Russian culture?Genghis Khan Who was Genghis Khan?How did Genghis Khan impact the Mongols?The Development & Spread of IslamThe Origins of IslamHow and by whom was Islam founded? What are followers called?Values, Practices and BeliefsWhat is the holy book of Islam? What is believed in regards to this holy book?What is the holiest city in Islam?What are the five pillars of Islam? Explain the significance of:Faith (Shahadah) Prayer (Salah)Alms ( Zakat)Fasting (Sawm)Pilgrimage (Hajj)Identify the key beliefs and customs of IslamDefine: jihad; ka’abaExplain the major similarities and differences of Judaism, Christianity and Islam The Spread of IslamWhat were Muhammad’s successors called?How did Islam spread? Why was Islam able to spread so quickly?What led to the split between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims? What is the primary difference between these two groups?Explain the contributions & significance of:Suleyman the MagnificentWhy did the Islamic Empires prosper economically?Who captured Constantinople?Which empire built the Taj Mahal? ................

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