Use p

Use p.12-13 to find the following information.

1. The problem with students:

-read the “problems” a university professor complained about in 1953. What do you think the stereotyped “problems” are with teens today? In other words, what criticisms of your age group are common today?

|Stereotyped “problem” in the 1950s |

|-cannot read |

| |

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| |

|Stereotyped “problem” in 2010 |Also a “problem” in the 1950s|Do you agree this is a problem with teens today? (Yes or |

| |list? (Yes or No) |No) |

|-cannot read |Yes |No – literacy rates are high |

|-immature |No | |

| | | |

| | | |

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-fill-in the blanks on the next page according to the Scrapbook

-explain the meaning of the blank in your own words

-How often does this happen today? Use the rating system below (0-5) to fill-in the rating column.

Doesn’t happen at all------------------------------------ →Happens all the time

0 --------------------------------------------------→ 5

|Passage from the Scrapbook |What does this mean? (your own words) |Rating of how |

|(fill-in the blanks) | |often this still |

| | |happens |

| | |(1 - 5) |

|We had to line-up outside the ________ to get in | | |

|We had to line-up outside the ____________________ to get| | |

|in | | |

|We had to line-up when the ___________ went at the end of| | |

|a class | | |

|Having to move around all the time made us feel | | |

|_________________. The _______________ method of | | |

|teaching, with the teacher standing at the front of the | | |

|room and the class ______________________ listening, | | |

|didn’t help. | | |

|The _____________ had control of the class; to ask a | | |

|question, the student ________________ his ____________ | | |

|and hoped the teacher would pick up on it. | | |

|Kids were forbidden to _______________ to one another in | | |

|class. | | |

|Education: A system whereby ____________________ passes | | |

|from the teacher’s text through the student’s _______ and| | |

|unto his notes, without crossing the _____________ of | | |

|either. | | |

3. Some Rules:

There are a number of school rules listed. List the top 3 rules you are glad DO NOT exist in today’s education system. Explain why it is good they are now gone.

1. _________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________


3. __________________________________________________


4. On average, how much time was expected to be spent on homework? _____________ hours a day.

5. Students’ timetables were determined by their optional courses and students were streamed into 3 different paths of options: languages, _________________ or ___________________ subjects.

6. Every _______ weeks students could go to a school dance. Were these dances popular? _______________

7. Read the “Cast of Characters” that describes different social groups in high schools in the 1950s. Name 3 groups that still exist at this school.




Name 3 groups that exist at this school that did not exist in the 50s.




8. Read the report card subjects and summary. Would your report card be better or worse in the ‘50s compared to today? Justify your response.

Teenagers: A New Generation

Use p.14-15 in the Scrapbooks to answer the questions below.

9. Elvis Presley amazed both young and old with his _________________ performance, slicked-back hair, gold suit, _____________________ lyrics and pounding _______________ and _________________ beat. In 1956, Elvis appeared on the Ed Sullivan show (a popular show that highlighted up and coming performers) but was shown only from the _______________ up to avoid ______________________ the television audience.

10. Discovery of the Teenager: By 19___ there were ______________ boys and girls between the ages of ____________ and ____________. With jeans jangling with more than $______________ a year, Canada’s teenagers offered an exciting ______________ to merchants and big ______________.

10b) What businesses would ‘50s teens have supported (think of two)? _________________________________________________________

10c) What businesses do lots of teens support today (think of three)?


11. Weekend Activities: Categorize popular teen weekend activities into the organizer below:

|Weekend Activity |Rank order in the order you would |

| |like to participate in these |

| |activities |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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11b) Think about your own weekend activities. Which lifestyle do you think is more appealing? Mine / 50s (circle one) Which lifestyle do you think is healthier? Mine / 50s / equal (circle one)

12. Dating: “Going _________________” was a guaranteed date but “breaking up”, especially in the summer, was equally popular. “Making up” or finding a new steady was just as common in the _______________. A few teenagers went steady until ___________________.

12b) Do these same trends apply today?

-school year boy/girlfriends: Yes / No (circle one) Why/Why Not?


-dating steady until marriage: Yes / No (circle one)


13. Read the section entitled, “Reaction to Rock – 1955”.

13a) What music did this source feel would never be replaced by rock and roll? ______________ and ________________. Which, of the 3, lasted longer? _______________________________.

13b) What type of music did the source feel was making a comeback? ____________________ Did that type of music overtake rock and roll’s popularity? Yes / No (circle one)

13c) Why do you think that performers like Elvis Presley and The Beatles were so popular with young people in the 50s and 60s?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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