


Social Work Research Resources


Circulating Books

On-campus and off-campus, to find circulating books on social work topics using your key words or ideas:

✓ Go to the Kean University Library Homepage, .

✓ Click Kean Catalog.

✓ Scroll and enter your key words in the search box underneath Find This:

✓ Click Search.

✓ Scroll down to view the Search Results list. Circulating titles are located in the Main Collection on the second and third floors of the Kean University Library.

✓ Make note of the call number for any titles of interest.

Reference Books

Listed below are handy reference titles provided for quick look-up by call number in the Reference Collection located on the first floor of the library. The first column displays the reference call number. The second column displays the corresponding title.

Call Numbers Reference Titles

Ref HN 57 .E59 1997 Encyclopedia of Social Issues

Ref HQ 9 .D38 2000 Encyclopedia of Marriage, Divorce, and the Family

Ref HQ 534 .E53 1999 Encyclopedia of Family Life

Ref HQ 1061 .E534 2002 Encyclopedia of Aging

Ref HT 123 .E5 1998 Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and Suburbs

Ref HV 12 .B37 2003 Social Work Dictionary

Ref HV 35 .S6 1995 Encyclopedia of Social Work

Ref HV 40 .S6464 2002 Social Workers’ Desk Reference

Ref HV 89 .A55 Public Human Services Directory

Ref HV 4493 .E53 2004 Encyclopedia of Homelessness

Ref HV 5804 .E53 2001 Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, & Addictive Behavior


Provided below is a list of select journals available in electronic format through the library’s databases. Please check the Periodicals listing () for holdings information about these titles and numerous other social work journals.

Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work  Journal of Gerontological Social Work 

Administration in Social Work Journal of Social Work Education 

Australian Social Work  Journal of Social Work Practice 

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal  Research on Social Work Practice

Child and Family Social Work  Social Work 

Clinical Social Work Journal Social Work Education 

Health and Social Work Social Work in Health Care 

Hong Kong Journal of Social Work Social Work Research

Families in Society Social Work with Groups 

International Social Work


To start using these electronic databases, go to the Kean University Library Homepage, . Click Databases. [Note: To log in from off-campus, enter your Kean Library Barcode located on the back of your Kean University photo ID card. Click Enter.] It is recommended that you use Social Work Abstracts, EBSCOhost Research Databases, WilsonWeb, Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, and/or LexisNexis Academic to identify and retrieve scholarly social work articles and documents. Brief directions are provided on the next few pages to help you navigate these electronic databases.

Social Work Abstracts To search Social Work Abstracts for citations/abstracts using your key terms:

✓ Click VALE.

✓ Click Databases.

✓ Click Social Work Abstracts located in the right-hand column.

✓ Enter your key terms in the box adjacent to Find: You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering the following key terms in the box: domestic violence and child* and custod*

✓ Click Start Search.

✓ Result: The first 10 citations with corresponding abstracts will be displayed. Click View Complete Record to access the full record including indexing.

✓ To e-mail the complete record you are viewing, click the gray-colored E-mail button located on the top right-hand side of your screen.

EBSCOhost To search EBSCOhost for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click EBSCOhost.

✓ Click EBSCOhost Web.

✓ Select Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, ERIC, and/or Pre-CINAHL.

✓ Click Continue.

✓ Enter your key terms in the search box underneath Find:

✓ You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering:

social work and famil*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), select Peer Reviewed.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The first 10 retrieved headlines will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see one or more of the following links immediately below the item: HTML Full Text, PDF Full Text, Linked Full Text, or Full Text from ERIC. Click one of these links to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click E-mail located on the top right-hand side of your screen.

WilsonWeb To search WilsonWeb for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click WilsonWeb.

✓ Select OmniFile Full Text Mega.

✓ Select Social Science (SS) instead of All from the Subject Area drop-down menu.

✓ Enter your key terms in the first, second, and/or third boxes adjacent to Search For: You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use double quotes (“”) to retrieve items that contain specific phrases. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering the following key terms in the boxes, First search box: “social work” Second search box: health* Third search box: adult*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), select Peer Reviewed.

✓ Click Start.

✓ Result: The first 10 retrieved headlines will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a blue page icon, red PDF icon, or both immediately to the left of the item. Click one of these icons to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click the blue Print Email Save button located on the left-hand side of your screen.

Ethnic NewsWatch To search Ethnic NewsWatch for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click Vale.

✓ Click Databases.

✓ Select Ethnic NewsWatch from the second menu column.

✓ Click English.

✓ Enter your key terms in the box underneath Basic Search. You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering:

domestic violence and famil*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), select Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The first 10 retrieved headlines will be displayed. Examine retrieved items. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a Full Text link, a Text + Graphics link, a Page Image - PDF link, or a combination of theses links immediately below the item. Click either the Full Text link, the Text + Graphics link, or the Page Image - PDF link to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click Email located at the top left-hand side of your screen.

GenderWatch To search GenderWatch for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click Vale.

✓ Click Databases.

✓ Select GenderWatch from the second menu column.

✓ Enter your key terms in the box underneath Basic Search. You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering:

domestic violence and battered husband*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), select Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The first 10 retrieved headlines will be displayed. Examine retrieved items. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a Full Text link, a Text + Graphics link, a Page Image - PDF link, or a combination of theses links immediately below the item. Click either the Full Text link, the Text + Graphics link, or the Page Image - PDF link to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click Email located at the top left-hand side of your screen.

LexisNexis Academic To search LexisNexis Academic for law reviews using your key terms:

✓ Click Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe.

✓ Click Legal Research.

✓ Click Law Reviews.

✓ Enter your main key terms in the box adjacent to Keyword: For example, try entering: temporary assistance needy families

Enter additional key terms in the box adjacent to Narrow search with additional terms: For example, try entering: New Jersey

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The first 25 retrieved headlines will be displayed. Examine retrieved items. Click the headline title to access the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click Email located on the top right-hand side of your screen.

Internet Resources

Administration on Aging (AOA)

American Community Survey

American FactFinder

U.S. Census Bureau

Child Trends

Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS)


Gateway to Statistics from U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Government’ Official Web Portal

Internet Resources on Aging

Kids Count

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Kids Count Census Data Online

Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center (MCHIRC)

National Association of Social Workers

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (NCCANCH)

National Survey of America's Families

New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers

New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services

New Jersey Department of Human Services

State of New Jersey


U.S. Congress / Legislative Information on the Internet

U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development





Copyright © 2005, Kean University Library.

Prepared by Ms. Linda Cifelli, Ms. Caroline Geck, & Ms. Chrisler Pitts (edited by Dr. Barbara Simpson Darden).

March 18, 2005.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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