
Wish Upon A StarLiteracyNumeracyTopicTalk about what is happening in the pictures from the Pinocchio story and write a sentence about the picture. (See Pinocchio pictures on class learning page) Children write a speech bubble for a character from the story and/or dress up as a character and make a video of themselves talking as the character and email it to the class teacher. Phonics- Our jolly phonics sound for this week is g. Practise reading and writing g. Can you spell the c-v-c words gas, get, gum, gap. Read and write the tricky word ‘be’Can you think of 3 sentences with the word ‘be’ in.YouTube- Jolly phonics songs Can you listen to and sing the songs? Can you do the actions? Can you listen to the tricky word songs and write the words. Can you find objects around your house which begin with the sound g? Watch this song about adding you make adding stories with your toys or things around the house? For example 2 +3=5 Can you add pictures from Pinocchio to see how many altogether? (See Pinocchio adding resource on class flexible learning page)Cut a pair of hands out of card and use then to work out these adding sums:-4+1=2+5=4+4=How many more adding sums can you do?Complete the winter adding sheet to 10 or to 20 (see winter adding sheets on class flexible learning page)The story of Pinocchio is set in Italy.Read this PowerPoint about Italy. (See resources on class flexible learning page)Can you remember 3 facts about Italy?Look up pictures of Italian foods.Can you make an Italian food with your grown-up?Make a necklace out of pasta and decorate it.Can you make anything else from pasta? Here are some pictures for ideas. Ongoing activities...Ongoing activities ...Ongoing activities ...Handwriting/ Mark Making; you don’t always have to use a pencil try using mud, squirty water bottle, paint etc. Look at word and letters every day in books, magazines, cookbooks etc. Can you recognise any letters? Read your favourite book to a grownup. Counting up to 5, 10, 20... Number formation; you don’t always have to use a pencil try using mud, squirty water bottle, paint etc.Days of the week- what day is it today? Yesterday was... Tomorrow will be … Can you write number bonds to 10Take daily exercise – Joe Wicks workout is available Mon, Wends, Fri at 9am.Play board games with your family.Go for a walk – Can you see any signs of Spring yet?Can you help your grown-ups to do jobs around the house?If you would like to email any photographs of the children’s work to us we would love to see them:Mrs Coleman HYPERLINK "mailto:ColemanS4@" \h ColemanS4@ Mrs Jones JonesN920@ Take care and have fun! ................

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