The Odyssey

The Odyssey

Fagles Translation Concordance

|Elements of |Fagles chapter|Fagles |

|Literature |title |line |

|section | |numbers to |

| | |read |

|Tell the |Book 1: Athena|1-24 |

|Story |Inspires the | |

| |Prince | |

|Calypso, the |Book 5: |47-95, |

|Sweet Nymph |Odysseus––Nymp|164-179, |

| |h and |213-243, |

| |Shipwreck |540-547 |

|I am Laertes’|Book 9: In the|21-94 |

|Son |One-Eyed | |

| |Giant’s Cave | |

|The Lotus |“ “ |94-117 |

|Eaters | | |

|The Cyclops |“ “ |260-594 |

|The |Book 10: The |229-275 |

|Enchantress |Bewitching | |

|Circe |Queen of Aeaea| |

|The Land of |Book 11: The |32-56, |

|the Dead |Kingdom of the|65-157 |

| |Dead | |

|Scylla and |Book 12: The |44-60, |

|Charybdis |Cattle of the |94-121, |

| |Sun |137-141, |

| | |148-151, |

| | |166-199, |

| | |208-292 |

|The Cattle of|“ “ |336-412 |

|the Sun God | | |

|The Meeting |Book 16: |1-62, |

|of Father and|Father and Son|194-236, |

|Son | |242-250 |

|The Beggar |Book 17: |317-360 |

|and the |Stranger at | |

|Faithful Dog |the Gates | |

|The Test of |Book 21: |49-92, |

|the Great Bow|Odysseus |213-270, |

| |Strings His |439-end |

| |Bow | |

|Death at the |Book 22: |1-71, |

|Palace |Slaughter in |311-324 |

| |the Hall | |

|Odysseus and |Book 23: The |100-132, |

|Penelope |Great Rooted |170-245, |

| |Bed |253-272 |

The Odyssey

Fagles Translation Concordance

|Elements of |Fagles chapter|Fagles |

|Literature |title |line |

|section | |numbers to |

| | |read |

|Tell the |Book 1: Athena|1-24 |

|Story |Inspires the | |

| |Prince | |

|Calypso, the |Book 5: |47-95, |

|Sweet Nymph |Odysseus––Nymp|164-179, |

| |h and |213-243, |

| |Shipwreck |540-547 |

|I am Laertes’|Book 9: In the|21-94 |

|Son |One-Eyed | |

| |Giant’s Cave | |

|The Lotus |“ “ |94-117 |

|Eaters | | |

|The Cyclops |“ “ |260-594 |

|The |Book 10: The |229-275 |

|Enchantress |Bewitching | |

|Circe |Queen of Aeaea| |

|The Land of |Book 11: The |32-56, |

|the Dead |Kingdom of the|65-157 |

| |Dead | |

|Scylla and |Book 12: The |44-60, |

|Charybdis |Cattle of the |94-121, |

| |Sun |137-141, |

| | |148-151, |

| | |166-199, |

| | |208-292 |

|The Cattle of|“ “ |336-412 |

|the Sun God | | |

|The Meeting |Book 16: |1-62, |

|of Father and|Father and Son|194-236, |

|Son | |242-250 |

|The Beggar |Book 17: |317-360 |

|and the |Stranger at | |

|Faithful Dog |the Gates | |

|The Test of |Book 21: |49-92, |

|the Great Bow|Odysseus |213-270, |

| |Strings His |439-end |

| |Bow | |

|Death at the |Book 22: |1-71, |

|Palace |Slaughter in |311-324 |

| |the Hall | |

|Odysseus and |Book 23: The |100-132, |

|Penelope |Great Rooted |170-245, |

| |Bed |253-272 |

The Odyssey

Fagles Translation Concordance

|Elements of |Fagles chapter|Fagles |

|Literature |title |line |

|section | |numbers to |

| | |read |

|Tell the |Book 1: Athena|1-24 |

|Story |Inspires the | |

| |Prince | |

|Calypso, the |Book 5: |47-95, |

|Sweet Nymph |Odysseus––Nymp|164-179, |

| |h and |213-243, |

| |Shipwreck |540-547 |

|I am Laertes’|Book 9: In the|21-94 |

|Son |One-Eyed | |

| |Giant’s Cave | |

|The Lotus |“ “ |94-117 |

|Eaters | | |

|The Cyclops |“ “ |260-594 |

|The |Book 10: The |229-275 |

|Enchantress |Bewitching | |

|Circe |Queen of Aeaea| |

|The Land of |Book 11: The |32-56, |

|the Dead |Kingdom of the|65-157 |

| |Dead | |

|Scylla and |Book 12: The |44-60, |

|Charybdis |Cattle of the |94-121, |

| |Sun |137-141, |

| | |148-151, |

| | |166-199, |

| | |208-292 |

|The Cattle of|“ “ |336-412 |

|the Sun God | | |

|The Meeting |Book 16: |1-62, |

|of Father and|Father and Son|194-236, |

|Son | |242-250 |

|The Beggar |Book 17: |317-360 |

|and the |Stranger at | |

|Faithful Dog |the Gates | |

|The Test of |Book 21: |49-92, |

|the Great Bow|Odysseus |213-270, |

| |Strings His |439-end |

| |Bow | |

|Death at the |Book 22: |1-71, |

|Palace |Slaughter in |311-324 |

| |the Hall | |

|Odysseus and |Book 23: The |100-132, |

|Penelope |Great Rooted |170-245, |

| |Bed |253-272 |

The Odyssey

Fagles Translation Concordance

|Elements of |Fagles chapter|Fagles |

|Literature |title |line |

|section | |numbers to |

| | |read |

|Tell the |Book 1: Athena|1-24 |

|Story |Inspires the | |

| |Prince | |

|Calypso, the |Book 5: |47-95, |

|Sweet Nymph |Odysseus––Nymp|164-179, |

| |h and |213-243, |

| |Shipwreck |540-547 |

|I am Laertes’|Book 9: In the|21-94 |

|Son |One-Eyed | |

| |Giant’s Cave | |

|The Lotus |“ “ |94-117 |

|Eaters | | |

|The Cyclops |“ “ |260-594 |

|The |Book 10: The |229-275 |

|Enchantress |Bewitching | |

|Circe |Queen of Aeaea| |

|The Land of |Book 11: The |32-56, |

|the Dead |Kingdom of the|65-157 |

| |Dead | |

|Scylla and |Book 12: The |44-60, |

|Charybdis |Cattle of the |94-121, |

| |Sun |137-141, |

| | |148-151, |

| | |166-199, |

| | |208-292 |

|The Cattle of|“ “ |336-412 |

|the Sun God | | |

|The Meeting |Book 16: |1-62, |

|of Father and|Father and Son|194-236, |

|Son | |242-250 |

|The Beggar |Book 17: |317-360 |

|and the |Stranger at | |

|Faithful Dog |the Gates | |

|The Test of |Book 21: |49-92, |

|the Great Bow|Odysseus |213-270, |

| |Strings His |439-end |

| |Bow | |

|Death at the |Book 22: |1-71, |

|Palace |Slaughter in |311-324 |

| |the Hall | |

|Odysseus and |Book 23: The |100-132, |

|Penelope |Great Rooted |170-245, |

| |Bed |253-272 |


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