
Name: BARRATT, Lynne Date of Birth: 1954

Profession: Environmental Management Specialist

Years with Firm: Independent Nationality: British

Key Qualifications:

Experience since: 1979

Countries Worked: Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Bahrain, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Djibouti, Egypt, Estonia, Eritrea, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Montenegro, Nigeria, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, St Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, UK, Yemen.

Disciplines: Improving governance, project preparation and management, project evaluation and monitoring, policy and strategy development, environmental impact assessment and environmental management systems, ecology and coastal zone management, biodiversity assessment, community based management programmes.

twenty five years experience as project coordinator and team leader;

project director with several years experience in project identification, proposal preparation, project management (technical and financial), networking and team building in the fields of environmental management and aquatic resources;

governance reform, working with all levels of government to target reforms through establishing effective service delivery by the public and private sectors, understanding drivers of change and implementing issued based approach projects;

development of environmental policy and strategy at the national and local level;

environmental impact assessments investigating the potential damage to ecosystems by a range of coastal developments including power stations, desalination plants and tourist developments;

analysis, evaluation and monitoring of a wide range of environmental projects;

development of environmental management systems and implementation of management tools for improved decision-making;

completed many projects which have addressed important conservation issues, including selection and planning of marine parks and reserves, sustainable utilisation of natural resources and community based management programmes;

formal teaching to postgraduate level (on MSc in Environmental Management at the University of York), on-the-job counterpart training and technology transfer as well as formal lecturing to overseas students at University of York.

| |

|Education: |Ph.D. Fish Physiology. University of Lancaster, 1980 |

| |B.Sc. (Hons) Marine Biology, University of Liverpool, 1976 |

|Computer literacy: |Microsoft Word; Access; Excel; Powerpoint; CorelDraw. |

|Membership of Societies |Marine Conservation Society (UK); BSAC; DAN Europe; CoastNet (UK). |

| | |

Experience Record:

|Nov 2001 - date |Independent Consultant |

|MONTENEGRO |Marine Environmental Consultant |

|2006/7 |Tivat Harbour |

|(Dec-July) |Rehabilitation of former shipyard and harbour for tourism and recreational purposes. Inputs to |

|PRIVATE |scoping report and EIA. Main responsibility for mechanisms for clean-up/safe disposal of |

| |contaminated marine sediments. Assisting with preparation of permit and licence applications. |

| |Setting the development within the context of Strategic Environmental Assessment requirements. |

|BAHRAIN |Principal Environmental Consultant |

|2006/7 |The Bahrain National Assembly Building |

|(Dec-July) |Responsible for overseeing all environmental inputs to the screening, scoping, EIA process. |

|GOVT |Preparation and submission of permits for dredging and reclamation and subsequent topside |

| |development. Preparation of environmental management plan and resolution of compensation issues. |

|SAUDI ARABIA |Environmental and Eco-Tourism Specialist |

|2006/7 |Planning Tourism Destinations in Mountains, Forests and Parks |

|(Nov-Feb) |Responsible for developing concepts for Taif, Medinah and Al Baha for sustainable tourism and |

|GOVT |recreation opportunities. Conducted SWOT analyses for each location to identify the most suitable |

| |sites. Preliminary development of the management models required under a range of different |

| |development scenarios. |

|INDONESIA |Marine Tourism Specialist |

|2006 |Marine and Fisheries Sector Strategy Study |

|(August) |Provide advice to the MMAF and Ministry of Tourism staff to review and assess the present state of |

|ADB |development of aquatic tourism nationwide; to consider the potential for the sustainable |

| |development of national and international tourism in the aquatic sector (marine, coastal and |

| |freshwater); to create a holistic plan for the future development of all aspects of water-related |

| |tourism, including potential locations, themes, numbers and indicative investment needs; and |

| |consider the issue of potential sustainable tourism around marine archaeological sites. |

|ABU DHABI |Environmental Specialist |

|2006 |Preparation of an environmental scoping report for a proposed major reclamation project intended to|

|(April) |support low density housing and tourism development. |


|UK & IRELAND |Evaluator and Monitor |

|2006 |LIFE environment programme |

|(Feb-May) |Principal evaluator for the UK and Ireland assessing a variety of environmental projects for |

|EU |suitability for funding under the EU LIFE framework programme. Monitor and evaluator of existing |

| |UK/Ireland projects covering a variety of environmental issues such as: the use of SMART action |

| |planning for improving environmental sustainability of European Urban centres; new technologies for|

| |meeting the EU WEEE directive; GIS based decision making tool for improved land use planning in |

| |flood areas; community management programmes in urban environments; reusing brown field sites for |

| |renewable energy crops. |

|UK |Ecology Specialist |

|2006 |Environmental Statement for Aislaby Quarry |

|(Feb) |Investigated ecological and archaeological aspects for the extension of a stone quarry inside the |

|Private |National Park boundary – first assessed in 2002 for re-opening. |

|BAHRAIN |Team Leader – Environmental Impact Assessment |

|2006/7 |Diyaar Al Muharraq Project |

|(Jan – December) |Updated and expanded programme following on from the Two Seas Project with a change of client. |

|Intermittent |Preparation of environmental screening and scoping reports. Supervising environmental impact |

|PRIVATE |assessment studies (marine, terrestrial, air, noise, water etc.), assessing socio-economic impacts |

| |and making inputs to the master plan concept design to ensure environmental sustainability of the |

| |development. Preparation of Environmental statements for reclamation and borrow areas and |

| |associated environmental permits. Preparation of comprehensive Environmental Management Plan and |

| |Environmental Compensation Plan and implementation of the same throughout the duration of the |

| |project. Liaison with government officials and key stakeholders. |

|BAHRAIN |Environmental Expert |

|2006 |BELCO |

|(March) |Provided advice to private developer for the proposed BELCO pneumatic tyre recycling plant in |

|PRIVATE |Sittrah. Included initial reclamation of the site and government requirements. |

|NIGERIA |Environment and Institutional Development Expert |

|2005/6 |Solid Waste Management Improvement in Abuja |

|(Dec & Feb) |Advisor to the Abuja Environmental Protection Board to assist with effecting institutional reform |

|DFID |necessary to achieve sustainable SWM in the capital city. Advised on revenue streams, institutional|

| |framework, human resource development, right-sizing staff, organisational development, operational |

| |systems, decreasing corruption and improving transparency. |

|QATAR |Environmental Expert |

|2005 |The Pearl Development |

|(November) |Preliminary environmental assessment of the potential impacts from a sea water cooling system |

|PRIVATE |associated with a district cooling plant for this major reclamation project. |

|KAZAKHSTAN |Environmental Expert |

|2005 |Introduction of an Environmental Management System and Environmental Audit Training for the |

|(August-November) |Kazakhstan Copper Company |

|PRIVATE |Delivered practical training in environmental audit procedures related to solid and liquid waste |

| |for this major copper smelting company as part of a process working towards ISO14000. Development |

| |of policy guidelines and implementation plan for introduction of an environmental management |

| |system. |

|BAHRAIN |Environmental Expert |

|2005 |Two Seas Development Project |

|(June-Sept) |Preparation of environmental screening and scoping report for major reclamation and dredging |

|PRIVATE |project covering 24 sq km of coast. |

|NIGERIA |Environmental Advisor |

|2002-2005 |State and Local Government Project |

|(4 months per year) |Provide guidance to the State Reform Teams in Benue and Enugu and direct to government in Ekiti, |

|DFID |the Federal Capital Territory and Lagos on determining the drivers of change in society through |

| |examining environmental problems and how these relate to governance reforms. Implementing major |

| |interventions including changes in public expenditure management, institutional reform and raising |

| |public awareness. Identification of priorities for environmental management and development of |

| |State policy and strategy linked to stated government objectives through the NEEDS and SEEDS |

| |initiatives and the DFID MDGs, by adopting issues based approaches to service delivery improvement |

| |focussing on solid waste management and the provision of water to urban communities. Work in Enugu|

| |short-listed in the International Category for the Management Consultants’ Awards 2006. |

|UK & IRELAND |Evaluator and Monitor |

|2002-2003 |LIFE environment programme |

|(Intermittently) |Principal evaluator for the UK, Ireland, Slovenia and Portugal assessing a variety of environmental|

|EU |projects for suitability for funding under the EU LIFE framework programme. Continuing role as |

| |monitor and evaluator of existing UK/Ireland projects covering a variety of environmental issues |

| |such as: the use of environmental management systems and GIS based decision-tools for environmental|

| |planning; reclamation options for disused and operational slate mines; new technologies for |

| |monitoring water quality of fresh water systems; the use of satellite imagery for mapping and |

| |monitoring vegetation in estuaries; wise use of wetlands for managed retreat of coastlines; |

| |community management programmes. |

|UK/GENEVA |Environmental Advisor |

|2003-2004 |UNCC, Compensation Claims for the 4th and 5th Instalments of the 1st Gulf War |

|(intermittent) |Responsible for assessing the validity of the claims in respect of the marine environmental damaged|

|UNCC |allegedly suffered by Jordan, Kuwait, Iran and Saudi Arabia as a consequence of the first Gulf War.|

| |Analysed the basis of the claims and presented alternatives for the basis of alleged damages based |

| |on available information from the claimants and internationally recognised organisations. Made |

| |several presentations at the UNCC proceedings in Geneva on behalf of Iraq including the probability|

| |of damage based on various models presented on the behaviour of the major oil slicks that were a |

| |direct result of the Conflict. |

|OMAN |Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Specialist |

|2003-2004 |The Physical Master Planning Services at Ras al Hadd and Ras al Junayz in the Sharqiya Region of |

|(August/Oct/Jan) |the Wilayat of Sur |

|GOVT |Responsibility for determining the environmental impact of a proposed major tourism development in |

| |the region. Focusing on the development of nature based tourism utilising the natural and physical|

| |resources, especially the internationally important green turtle nesting beaches, in such a way as |

| |to minimise degradation and promote protection. |

|UK/KSA |Marine Environment Expert |

|2003 |Al Khafji Redevelopment |

|(July) |Develop scope of works and supervise delivery of preliminary marine assessment and risk analysis of|

|PRIVATE |proposed works to relocate coastguard station, bridge and site new sewage works in locality of Al |

| |Khafji. |

|YEMEN |Marine EIA Expert |

|2003/2004 |Socotra Port Development |

|(Feb-March) |Assess potential environmental impacts of proposed port development on Socotra Island – a |

|(March) |particularly important and unique marine and terrestrial environment containing a high proportion |

|PRIVATE |of endemic species. Conducted marine and terrestrial surveys of sensitive habitats and set into |

| |local/regional context. Assessed the impact of the removal of local materials (granite) required |

| |for the development at three alternative locations and analysed the removal and disposal of spoil |

| |materials in the locality. Assessed the potential socio-economic impact of the development with |

| |relation to fishing activities. Reassessment of a second location nearer to the airport in 2004. |

|ST KITTS AND NEVIS |Coastal Zone Management and Planning Expert |

|2003 |SKN Sea Defences and Coastal Management Project |

|(Jan-June) |Project funded by the WB in response to numerous calls for assistance to rebuild coastal defences |

|WB |following natural disasters. Preparation of development scenarios to enable a proactive response |

| |in the future; identification of hotspot areas where impacts of hurricanes and sea level rise would|

| |be most severe. Completion of a SWOT analysis on scenarios through a series of consultative |

| |workshops, linked to economic development and sensitive to the different political agendas in the |

| |two islands. Preparation of an integrated coastal management programme that recognised the |

| |importance of tourism to the islands. |

|UK/UAE |Marine EIA Expert |

|2002/2003 |Recreational Development Arabian Gulf |

|(Dec-Jan) |Assess potential environmental impacts of proposed recreational development and lagoon on the |

|Intermittent |marine flora and fauna. Provided advice on protective measures for recreational activities and on |

| |water quality issues. |

|UK |Ecology Specialist |

|2002 |Environmental Statement for Aislaby Quarry |

|(Jan-Feb) |Investigated ecological and archaeological aspects for the re-opening of a former stone quarry |

|Private |inside the National Park boundary. |

|1990-2001 |Hunting Technical Services Limited |

| |Project Director for Environment and Aquatic Resources from 1999 |

| |Associate Director from 1997 |

| |Manager Hunting Aquatic Resources from 1993 |

|INDONESIA |Project Director and Policy/Strategy Specialist |

|2001 |Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP) |

|January-June |Provided technical support to field team for the duration of the 2.5 year project. Direct role in |

|WB-GEF |assisting the PMO to develop the National Coral Reef Policy and Strategy, attended workshops and |

| |advised on appropriate actions. |

|POLAND |Project Director |

|2000 |Phare Public Administration Framework |

|January-December |Provided support to the Polish Environmental Fund in the development and identification of |

|EU-Phare |environmental projects, including the use of environmental management systems, suitable for ISPA |

| |funding. Prepared workshops and seminars, edited ISPA brochure, organised study tours to Ireland, |

| |Portugal and Spain, organised international conference in Warsaw. |

|JORDAN |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|2000 |New Industrial Jetty Aqaba |

|January-April |Prepared Marine Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed new industrial jetty to the standards|

|(Private) |required by the European Investment Bank. |

|OMAN |Project Co-ordinator |

|1999-2002 |Biodiversity Conservation Project |

|(intermittently) |Three year programme under the UK's Darwin Initiative to support the Natural History of Oman in the|

|DETR |collection, cataloguing and interpretation of the unique algal community in the southern region. |

| |Devising and editing of booklet, website and museum display. |

|QATAR |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1998 |EIA for QCHEM Plant |

|(Aug -Nov intermittently) |Led marine team into investigation into discharge of effluent from proposed petroleum plant. |

|PRIVATE |Responsible for assessment of environmental impact, preparation of report detailing mitigating |

| |measures and overseeing junior staff. |

|INDIA |Project Director |

|1998 |Feasibility Study for Sea Ranching in Gujarat |

|(Oct – Dec intermittent) |Led a team of specialists to identify the feasibility of sea ranching along Gujarat’s extensive |

|PRIVATE |coastline. Included investigating the possible species, infrastructure requirements, environmental|

| |problems, staffing requirements and economic feasibility. Presented findings to the State |

| |Government. |

|ESTONIA |Team Leader/Project Manager |

|1997-1998 |Improvement of Data Use and Data Management in the Environmental Monitoring Programme |

|Nov-August |Responsible for the training of EIC staff in integrated assessment of monitoring data through |

|(7 months) |on-the-job-training and seminars, and the development of an information-based management tool. |

|EU |Development and design of environmental management systems at the national level to assist Estonia |

| |to comply with European Union environmental standards and guidelines. She established a reporting |

| |format for monitoring data for different institutions. Created a set of agreed environmental |

| |indicators based on international standards but with direct application in Estonia. Developed the |

| |first edition of an integrated assessment report for environmental data published as a web-based |

| |product. |

|MAURITIUS |Course Tutor |

|1997 |Environmental Training Course |

|April |Delivered course on environmental management, environmental impact assessment, the use of |

|WB |environmental management systems and the implications of sea level rise as staff development |

| |exercise prior to the establishment of a new masters course. |

|UK |Course Tutor |

|1996 & 1997 |Ecology and Environmental Management Master’s Course at the University of York, UK. |

|Jan-March |Teaching on the annual Master’s Course. Focussed on module on Environmental Impact Assessment and |

|(UNIVERSITY OF YORK) |the use of Environmental Management Systems in the marine environment. |

|SRI LANKA |Coastal Zone Management Specialist |

|1996 |Project Preparation Mission |

|July-Aug |To contribute to the technical inputs for the identification of a project to improve coastal |

|(ODA) |management in Sri Lanka through institutional strengthening of the Planning Division of the Coast |

| |Conservation Department (CCD). |

|ERITREA |Marine Tourism Specialist |

|1996 |Strategic Tourism Development Plan |

|Mar/Apr |Part of a multi-disciplinary team identifying the tourism opportunities in the coastal region of |

|(WTO) |Eritrea. Specialised in SCUBA diving related issues with particular reference to tourism within |

| |the context of a marine park programme. Conducted surveys and interviews with sector specialists, |

| |provided a series of development options for the coastal tourism industry. |

|JORDAN |Tourism Specialist |

|1996 |Jordan Rift Valley Integrated Development Study |

|Jan-Feb/Jun-Jly |Determining the current status of tourism in Jordan and Israel, identifying possible opportunities |

|(WB) |for collaboration on a specific project basis, using the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea as focal |

| |points using the unique cultural heritage of the region. Assessing the need for uni-lateral |

| |projects within Jordan with reference to the area of the Rift Valley and establishing possible |

| |tourism projects which could be specifically related to the proposed Red Sea - Dead Sea Canal. |

|INDONESIA |Project Co-ordinator |

|1995-1996 |Bali Turtle Island Development Plan |

|Dec-April |Establishing the baseline studies required to prepare a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan|

|(PRIVATE) |and Environmental Impact Assessment for the dredging and reclamation programme required to build a |

| |platform for a new tourist development on an island off Bali. Designed the environmental |

| |monitoring programme and the mitigation plan. Overseeing technical inputs to the programme. |

|THAILAND |Keynote Lecture |

|1995 |21st Science and Technology Conference of Thailand |

|(British Council) |Invited by The British Council and the Universities of Mahidol and Burapha. The address was |

| |delivered to the conference and dealt with Marine Science and Coastal Development. |

|PALESTINE/UK |Education Adviser, Marine Resources |

|1995 |Marine Science Centre for Palestine |

|(UNESCO) |Project preparation for a marine science station for the West Bank and Gaza strip on behalf of |

| |UNESCO for a field mission undertaken in November 1994. |

|UK/SAUDI ARABIA |Project Director |

|1994-1995 |Oceanography and Marine Biology Baseline Studies |

|(PRIVATE) |Organised and managed all biological and oceanographic inputs for this one year study leading to |

| |the establishment of an environmental baseline for impact assessment. Responsible for the |

| |preparation of a quality control manual and baseline habitat map, compiled from literature survey, |

| |and for four interim reports and the final report. Procurement of oceanographic and biological |

| |equipment. |

|SEYCHELLES |Education Adviser, Marine Resources |

|1994 |UNESCO Project Identification and Preparation Mission |

|(UNESCO) |Mission undertaken to review the feasibility of establishing a marine science centre in the |

| |Seychelles. This included providing personnel suitable for inputs into major international |

| |initiatives in marine resource management funded by donor agencies. The assignment reviewed the |

| |potential location of a Marine Science Centre with the marine park on St. Anne Island. The |

| |assignment produced a proposal to be submitted for funding by UNESCO. |

|UK |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1994 |Milford Haven EIS |

|(NATIONAL POWER) |Responsible for the preparation of an EIS for a planned jetty and conveyor system for a power |

| |station on the Haven. |

|ERITREA |Marine Resources Consultant |

|1994 |UNESCO Project Identification and Preparation Mission |

|(UNESCO) |Delegate on a UNESCO Fact Finding Mission to the Ministry of Marine Resources to ascertain the |

| |current status of marine ecosystems with a view to recommending future environmental management |

| |programmes and the establishment of marine protected areas through a Marine Science Centre. |

|UK/RED SEA |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1994 |EIA of Power Station Red Sea Coast |

|(PRIVATE) |Assessed information from video recordings taken from soft bottom seabed in the southern part of |

| |the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. |

|UK |Course Director |

|1993 (annual) |Environmental Management For Sustainable Development |

|July-Sept |Principle lecturer and course director for this annual course for overseas students held at the |

|(VARIOUS) |University of York, UK. Teaching duties include delivering modules on environmental management, |

| |environmental management systems, use of satellite imagery and GIS based tools, impact assessment |

| |and auditing. Specialist inputs concerning coastal zone management and protected areas. |

|EGYPT/UK |Environmental Management Specialist/Lecturer |

|1993 |Medcampus Exchange Programme |

|(EC) |Prepared and presented a course on a wide range of environmental issues, problems and management |

| |approaches including environmental management systems. Participants were seven academics from the |

| |Universities of Assiut and Alexandria. |

|CAYMAN |Environmental Specialist |

|1993 |Coral Reef Monitoring Study |

|(Government) |Appraisal of techniques for rapid assessment of reef coral cover using video and still photography |

| |with a view to developing rapid assessments of reef extent and health. Report included evaluation |

| |of current methods available for computer analysis of photographs and videos and suggestions for |

| |future development of these systems. |

|YEMEN |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1992 |Environmental Protection Study |

|(WB) |Assessment of the current status of the oil and subsidiary industry in the Republic of Yemen. |

| |Identified critical environmental issues relating to the marine sector. Prepared an Action Plan |

| |for the short, medium and long-term future of the oil industry. |

|NEVIS |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1992 |Sand Resources Assessment |

|(ODA) |Investigated the potential for sand extraction from nearshore marine deposits for the construction |

| |industry. Identification of extraction sites and critical marine habitats was conducted by SCUBA |

| |techniques and the most suitable sites were located. Mitigating measures for reduction of |

| |environmental damage were recommended. |

|ROMANIA\UK |Project Co-ordinator |

|1992 |Environmental Sensitivity Mapping of Black Sea Coast |

|(PRIVATE) |Environmental assessment of current and potential impacts on natural resources, conservation areas |

| |and endangered species. Compilation of a series of Theme Maps to emphasise key areas of natural |

| |resources and human impacts. Important features mapped on an environmental sensitivity map. |

| |Project involved computerised on-line literature survey and extensive use of Geographic Information|

| |Systems (GIS). |

|OMAN |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1992 |Environmental Impact of Waste Water Discharge |

|(GOVERNMENT) |Production of an ecological description of the existing situation in the area directly affected by |

| |the waste water discharge as well as the area near the site. Recommendations for mitigating |

| |measures for alleviation of potential impacts and an estimation of the likely effectiveness of such|

| |measures. |

|BULGARIA/UK |Project Co-ordinator |

|1992 |Environmental Sensitivity Mapping of Black Sea Coast |

|(PRIVATE) |Environmental assessment of current and potential impacts on natural resources, conservation areas |

| |and endangered species. Compilation of a series of Theme Maps to emphasise key areas of natural |

| |resources and human impacts. Important features mapped on an environmental sensitivity map. |

| |Project involved computerised on-line literature survey and extensive use of Geographic Information|

| |Systems (GIS). |

|TANZANIA |Project Director |

|1992 |Coastal Zone Management Programme |

|(EEC) |Development of a long term framework coastal management programme for mainland Tanzania and |

| |Zanzibar. Areas considered included economic appraisal, sustainable development, alternative |

| |livelihood opportunities, legislative procedure, institutional analysis and socio-economic |

| |assessment. |

|BAHAMAS |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1991-92 |Environmental Assessment of Clifton Point Port |

|(WB) |Resource evaluation using underwater survey techniques and existing databases to produce an |

| |environmental statement. Collection of baseline data for the establishment of a monitoring |

| |programme at representative sites around the planned terminal area and marine access zone. |

| |Particular attention paid to the potential effects of increased sediment loading brought about by |

| |construction activities and the economic impact that the development may have on the thriving film |

| |and tourism industry based on the reef system. Successfully prevented the funding of the project |

| |by the WB. |

|SRI LANKA |Fisheries Adviser |

|1991 |Southern Region Development Plan |

|(ADB) |Advice on the suitability of the use of casetas for improving the rock lobster fishery in the |

| |coastal waters of the region. Recommendations made for sustainable management practises to provide|

| |improved benefits for the local fishermen. Survey of the current status of the trade in ornamental|

| |coral reef fish and investigation of the potential for increasing the trade in ornamental fresh |

| |water fish. |

|INDONESIA |Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist |

|1991 |Bali Resort Development |

|(PRIVATE) |Study on the potential effects of constructing a marina facility for an existing tourist |

| |development. Assessment of the local coral reef communities and oceanographic conditions with a |

| |view to mitigating the impact of the proposed development. |

Experience prior to joining Hunting Technical Services Limited.

|1982-90 |Tropical Marine Research Unit Limited |

| |Managing Director |

|1990-1993 |Course Tutor |

|UK |Open University Oceanography |

|(OU) |Conduct tutorials and assess assignments for third level course in biological, chemical and |

| |physical oceanography |

|PHILIPPINES |Coastal Zone Management Specialist |

|1990 |Mangrove Rehabilitation Programme |

|(ADB) |Project design for the rehabilitation of the national mangrove resource. Recommendations were made|

| |for a community-based management programme emphasising the need for sustainable management of |

| |existing coastal resources including mangroves, coral reefs and associated fisheries. Alternative |

| |and additional income generating activities were developed for the local communities. |

|MEXICO/UK |Project Co-ordinator |

|1990 |Coral Reef Monitoring Programme |

|(TMRU) |Provided technical and administrative support for field project and designed field study phase. |

| |Project concentrated on the impact of hurricanes on reef ecology and local fisheries. Monitoring |

| |established to look at recovery of ecosystem, in collaboration with the University of Merida. |

|ANTIGUA/UK |Scientific Adviser |

|1989 |Coral Reef Survey |

|(GOVERNMENT) |Designed field work phase for rapid assessment survey of Antigua. Provided technical and |

| |administrative support and compiled technical report. |

|MAURITIUS |Coastal Management Specialist |

|1989 |Coral and Sand Mining in Lagoon Systems |

|(ICOD) |Second phase of the study of the impact of removal of sand and coral for the construction industry.|

| |Repeat data collected from monitoring sites established in 1987, completion of training for local |

| |counterpart personnel in survey techniques and data interpretation. Recommendations for |

| |sustainable removal of lagoon sand. |

|TRINIDAD & TOBAGO |Technical and Scientific Adviser |

|1989 |Reef Management Programme |

|(TMRU) |Provided technical support for programme, devised sampling schedule for rapid reef assessment on |

| |Tobago. Data provided to the Institute of Marine Affairs, Trinidad. |

|ANGUILLA/UK |Project Co-ordinator |

|1989 |Coral Reef Management Project |

|(TMRU) |Provided technical and administrative support for the field project and compiled the technical and |

| |management reports. Information supplied to The Fisheries Adviser of the Secretariat, Anguilla to |

| |form the basis of a marine parks programme. |

|OMAN |Coastal Management Specialist |

|1988 |Southern Region Development Plans |

|(PCDESR) |Production of a marine resources database and identification of suitable sites for coastal and |

| |marine reserves. Development of sub-regional development plans. |

|UK |Fisheries Specialist |

|1988 |Spiny Lobster Fishery |

|(PRIVATE) |Investigation of the potential for a spiny lobster fishery in the Northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea. |

| |Studies of the biology, ecology and the behaviour of the species. Predications of future catch |

| |levels from field trials and from site specific information. |

|UK |Marine Specialist |

|1988 |Nutrient Elevation in Coastal Waters |

|(GREENPEACE INTL) |Review of the effects of elevated nutrient levels in the North and Baltic Seas. Studies included an|

| |assessment of trends in nutrient input from member states and possible implications in exceptional |

| |phytoplankton blooms. Recommendations for adoption, by the EC, of the Precautionary Principle by |

| |decreasing nutrient levels in freshwater runoff |

|DJIBOUTI |Team Leader/Reef Fisheries Specialist |

|1987 |Trade in Exotic Aquarium Fish |

|(FAO) |Investigation into the potential trade in coral reef fish for the aquarium. Responsible for |

| |conducting survey of the resource base by non-destructive visual census techniques. Preparation of |

| |detailed recommendations for the management of the fishery and guidelines for its operation. |

|MAURITIUS |Coastal Management Specialist |

|1987 |Coral and Sand Mining in Lagoon Systems |

|(ICOD) |Phase I of an environmental assessment of the effects of coral and sand removal from the lagoons. |

| |Establishment of monitoring sites in heavily exploited and control areas. Examination of the |

| |effects of destructive fishing techniques on the outer reef system. Training of local counterpart |

| |staff in data collection and survey operations. |

|UK |Consultant Ecologist |

|1987 |Precious Coral Development Study |

|(FFASP) |Critical appraisal of the conservation issues involved in the structure of the precious and |

| |semi-precious coral industries, and associated development opportunities for South Pacific Island |

| |States. |

|UK |Marine Specialist |

|1987 |Saudi Arabian Marine Database |

|(MEPA) |Transformation of information created in System 1022 from a DEC 10 database to a VAX/VMS system. |

| |The information base was compiled from a series of coastal and marine surveys of the entire Saudi |

| |Arabian Red Sea coastline. |

|OMAN |Marine Specialist |

|1987 |Kharrif Documentary |

|(PRIVATE) |Technical adviser to the making of a television documentary on the natural history of the |

| |underwater marine life of the Sadha district in Southern Oman. Shown on UK television network in |

| |1995. |

|UK |Marine Specialist |

|1986 |Coastal Environment of North Yemen |

|(PERSGA) |Compilation of reports on the current status of the marine and coastal environment with special |

| |emphasis on recommendations for sustainable coastal management practises, including pinpointing |

| |candidate sites for the establishment of marine reserves. |

|JORDAN |Marine Environmental Specialist |

|1986 |Tourism Master Plan |

|(ARA) |Carried out survey of the marine habitats and detailed assessment of existing information of the |

| |targeted coastline in Aqaba. Formulation of alternative master plans for the development of the |

| |tourist zone and managed marine reserve for the Aqaba Regional Authority. |

|UK |Marine Specialist |

|1986 |Museum Collections for Kuwait and the Oman Natural History Museum |

|(ROPME) |Curation and taxonomy of marine specimens collected from the southern region of Oman. |

|OMAN |Marine Environmental Adviser |

|1985/86 |Preliminary Coastal Use Plan for the Southern Region |

|(PCDESR) |Development of guidelines and recommendations for conservation of the coastal and marine |

| |environment, including an appraisal of the 5 year fisheries plan. Production of habitat and |

| |resource maps of the coastline using aerial survey, air-photo interpretation and appraisal of |

| |existing information. |

|OMAN |Project Co-ordinator |

|1985 |Kuwait Action Plan Study of Southern Oman - Phase II |

|(ROPME) |Experimental fieldwork programme to assess the overall productivity of the algal based system and |

| |associated communities; including growth biomass and production analyses; respirometry |

| |measurements; radioactive assays and basic oceanographic measurements. The importance of the algal|

| |community was related to the overall significance of coastal resources. |

|UK |Consultant Author |

|1985 |Indian Ocean Alliance for Conservation |

|(IUCN/UNEP) |Preparation of documents covering a marine conservation review (including fisheries resources) of |

| |the Eastern African Region for consideration at an intergovernmental meeting of the IOA |

|UK |Honorary Research Associate |

|1984-1988 |University of York |

|(PRIVATE) |Undergraduate lectures given on algal dominated and open water systems as part of the 3rd year |

| |option course on marine ecosystems. |

|BAHRAIN |Marine Environmental Specialist |

|1984/5 |Fasht al Adm Development Programme |

|(GOB) |Marine ecological survey including the mapping of marine resources and habitats, environmental |

| |assessment. Collaboration in production of a development plan for the area in relation to proposed|

| |infilling of the reef flat to provide land required for housing and industrial use. |

|OMAN/UK |Team Leader and Project Co-ordinator |

|1982-84 |Kuwait Action Plan Study of Southern Oman - Phase I |

|(ROPME) |Project to survey the littoral and sublittoral flora, fauna and habitats of Southern Oman. |

| |Classification of previously undescribed species and communities and the preparation of maps. |

| |Establishment of ecological and pollution monitoring sites in critical areas in the Southern |

| |Region, on the island of Masirah and on the mainland at Ras al Hadd. |

|EGYPT |Team Leader |

|1982 |Egyptian Red Sea Survey |

|(PRIVATE) |Established a baseline survey of over 300 kilometres of coastline, assessing coral reefs for their |

| |potential economic and recreational value. Simultaneous assessment of potential and existing |

| |impacts on the environment as a whole. |

|CYPRUS |Project Scientist |

|1982 |Marine Biology Assessment |

|(PRIVATE) |General survey of selected sites on the south coast of Cyprus centred on Episkopi, Akrotiri and |

| |Paphos. Compiled photographic reference collection of common species. |

|UK |Project Scientist |

|1979-82 |Marine Conservation Society Surveys |

|(MCS/NCC) |Assisted in a number of broad-based surveys of specific sites around the United Kingdom, with a |

| |view to identifying suitable areas for the establishment of marine nature reserves. |

| | |


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