LESSON 4SEPTEMBER 24, 2023SUBJECT: Jesus Prevents Two StoningsDEVOTIONAL READING: Matthew 7:1-5BACKGROUND: John 8:1-11, 39-59LESSON: John 8:1-11, 56-59MEMORY VERSE: “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:11b NIVLESSON AIM: To show Jesus’ act of forgiveness and His claim of who He is.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. A WOMAN’S JOY (JOHN 8:1-11) Where did Jesus go? How did this location play an important role in His life? Why was this one of Jesus’ favorite places to go? Locate on a New Testament map. John 8:1; Luke 21:31-38; Luke 22:39-46What is your favorite place to pray and commune with God?Where did Jesus go after leaving the Mount of Olives? What did He begin to do once there? John 8:2What was the Jewish posture of teachers when they taught? John 8:2bWho was brought to Jesus while He was in the temple courts? By whom? John 8:3aHow did the religious leaders embarrass the woman? John 8:3bHow do you think this woman felt?What did the religious leaders say to Jesus when they brought the woman to Him? John 8:4aHow did the religious leaders address Jesus? John 8:4bWhat law did the religious leaders present to Jesus? What were the consequences of breaking this law? John 8:5a; Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 20:10-12How were these men breaking the law according to Leviticus when they brought only the woman to Jesus? Why do you think it was the custom to punish the woman and not the man? Is it still this way today? Discuss.After the religious leaders stated the law, what did they ask Jesus? John 8:5bWhat was the ulterior motive of these religious leaders? John 8:6abHow was this tactic of the religious leaders practiced throughout Jesus’ ministry?Matthew 19:3Matthew 22:15Mark 12:15Luke 10:25Were the religious leaders ever able to trap Jesus in His words? Why? Luke 20:26If Jesus had fallen into their trap, how would His yes or no be used against Him? Discuss both.By saying no, Jesus would be breaking the Mosaic Law. By saying yes, Jesus would be breaking the Roman law. (John 18:31)What was Jesus’ first act to show the religious leaders their act of hypocrisy and that He knew what they were trying to do? John 8:6cWhat do you think Jesus could have written on the ground?What were the religious leaders doing as Jesus wrote on the ground? John 8:7aWhat did Jesus say to those gathered around the woman? John 8:7bcWhat did Jesus do after His challenge to the crowd? John 8:8How many times did God write the Ten Commandments? (Exodus 31:18; 34:1) How many times did Jesus write on the ground? (John 8:6, 8) What do you make of this?What did the crowd do after Jesus’ challenge to them? John 8:9abWho were only remaining after the crowd left? John 8:9cdWhat did Jesus ask the woman? What was her response? John 8:10, 11aWhat was Jesus’ twofold admonition to the woman? John 8:11bWhy didn’t Jesus condemn the woman? John 3:17II. ABRAHAM’S JOY (JOHN 7:54-59)From whence did Jesus’ glory come? John 8:54How did Jesus explain His relationship with God, His Father? John 8:55What did Jesus want the Jews opposing Him to know about their great patriarch, Abraham? John 8:56How did what Jesus said confuse the Jews confronting Him? John 8:57How did Jesus explain His deity to the Jews who challenged Him? John 8:58 (John 1:1-5, 14)Which part of Jesus’ statement in John 5:58 enraged the religious leaders? What did the Jews think Jesus was claiming? Why? Exodus 3:14What did these Jews attempt to do to Jesus? Were they successful? John 8:59What law was the Jews using to stone Jesus? Leviticus 24:16 ................

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