Homework 5 Solutions - University of California, Berkeley

Homework 5 Solutions

4.2: 2:

a. 321 = 256 + 64 + 1 = (01000001)2

b. 1023 = 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = (1111111111)2. Note that this is 1 less than the next power of 2, 1024, which is (10000000000)2.

c. 100632 = 216 + 215 + 211 + 28 + 24 + 23 = (11000100100011000)2.

4.2: 4: a. 16 + 8 + 2 + 1 = 27 b. 512 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 693 c. 512 + 256 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 = 958 d. 214 + 213 + 212 + 211 + 210 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20 = 31775

4.2: 29: Every positive integer n can be written as the sum of distinct powers of 2,

since the binary expansion of n is such an expression (which can be derived algorithmi-

cally by adding 1 starting from 0 a total of n times, using standard carry-over rules).

Also, every such expression can be written as a binary expansion. Suppose n has two

distinct binary expansions x and y, and suppose the largest power of 2 at which they differ

is 2i. Suppose without loss of generality that x contains the term 2i while y does not.

Then x - y contains a positive term of 2i, while its negative terms sum up to at most


+ 2i-2

+ ... + 4 + 2 + 1)



1-2i 1-2



- 1).

Therefore x - y 2i + (1 - 2i) = 1, a contradiction since x and y represent the same integer n (meaning that x - y should be equal to 0). Therefore the binary representation ? or any way to write an integer as a sum of distinct powers of 2 ? is unique. (For the purists: the problem as stated is technically a bit ambiguous; it should have said nonnegative integer powers of 2. Can you find a counterexample to uniqueness that uses positive and negative integers?)

4.2: 31: Let n = (akak-1ak-2...a1a0)10 be written in base 10, with each ai being a digit from 0 to 9. Because 10 mod 3 = 1, we know 10i mod 3 = 1i mod 3 = 1 for any nonnegative

integer i. Then n mod 3 = (ak ? 10k + ak-1 ? 10k-1 + ... + a1 ? 10 + a0) mod 3 = ak ? (10k mod 3) + ak-1 ? (10k-1 mod 3) + ... + a1 ? (10 mod 3) + a0 mod 3 = (ak + ak-1 + ... + a1 + a0) mod 3.


Therefore n is divisible by 3 (i.e., n mod 3 = 0) exactly when the sum of the digits of n is a multiple of 3. In fact, the remainder when n is divided by 3 is the same as that when its digit sum is divided by 3.

4.2: 32: As in the previous problem, let n = (akak-1ak-2...a1a0)10 be written in base 10, with each ai being a digit from 0 to 9. Because 10 mod 11 = -1, we know 10i mod 11 = (-1)i mod 11 = (-1)i for any nonnegative integer i. Then n mod 11 = (ak ? 10k + ak-1 ? 10k-1 + ... + a1 ? 10 + a0) mod 11 = ak ? (10k mod 11) + ak-1 ? (10k-1 mod 11) + ... + a1 ? (10 mod 11) + a0 mod 11 = ((-1)kak + (-1)k-1ak-1 + ... - a1 + a0) mod 11 = (a0 + a2 + a4 + ...) - (a1 + a3 + a5 + ...) Therefore n is divisible by 11 (that is, n mod 11 = 0) exactly when the difference between the sum of the digits of n in even and odd positions is 0.

4.3: 4:

a. 39 = 3 ? 13

b. 81 = 34

c. 101 is prime

d. 143 = 11 ? 13

e. 289 = 172

f. 899 = 29 ? 31

4.3: 10: Suppose 2m + 1 is an odd prime ? which guarantees that m 1 ? and suppose by


of contradiction

that p



is a


number dividing


Let k


m p







that (2k + 1)(2k(p-1) - 2k(p-2) + 2k(p-3) - ... - 2k + 1) = 2kp - 2k(p-1) + 2k(p-2) - ... + 2k +

2k(p-1) - 2k(p-2) + 2k(p-3) - ... + 1 , which telescopes to 2kp + 1 = 2m + 1. In other words,

we've found a factorization of 2m + 1. Because 1 k < m, we know 2 2k + 1 < 2m + 1, so

this is a proper factorization of 2m + 1 (i.e., not just 1 ? (2m + 1)). This is a contradiction, so

m had no odd prime factors, and so m = 2n for some nonnegative integer n. Note that we

required p to be odd in order for the second term of our factorization to end with -2k + 1;

if p were even, it would end with +2k - 1, meaning the product would telescope to 2kp - 1,

not 2kp + 1 like we needed.




by way


contradiction that log2 3 =

a b



positive integers

a and

b (note that log2 3 is positive, so this is valid). Then 3 = 2a/b. Taking both sides to the bth

power, we see 3b = 2a. But this is a contradiction ? the only prime dividing the left-hand

side is 3 (which it does, since b 1) and the only prime dividing the right-hand side is 2

(which is also does, since a 1). Therefore log2 3 is irrational.


4.3: 12: For any positive integer n, consider the integer (n + 1)! + i for every 2 i n + 1.

Note that (n + 1)! + i = i ?

(n+1)! i



is a factorization of (n + 1)! + i into smaller integers,

since i 2 and by the definition of factorial, (n + 1)! is divisible by any integer between

2 and n + 1. Therefore each such integer is composite, yielding n consecutive composite


4.3: 13: 3, 5, and 7 work.

4.3: 16(b,d):

b. Because gcd(17, 85) = 17, these integers are not relatively prime.

d. Every pair of these integers has gcd 1, so these integers are relatively prime (you could also write out their prime factorizations ? easy since all but 18 is already prime ? and note that no prime appears in more than one factorization).

4.3: 18(a,b):

a. The positive divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6. Adding these all up except for the 6 yields 6, so 6 is perfect. Similarly, the positive divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28. Adding these up except for the 28 yields 28, so 28 is perfect.

b. Suppose 2p - 1 s prime. The positive divisors of 2p-1(2p - 1), apart from itself, are 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 2p-2, 2p-1 together with (2p - 1), 2 ? (2p - 1), 4 ? (2p - 1), ..., 2p-2(2p - 1). The sum of all these divisors is (1+2+4+...+2p-1)+(2p-1)(1+2+4+...+2p-2) = 2p-1+(2p-1)(2p-1-1) = (2p-1)2p-1. Therefore 2p-1(2p - 1) is a perfect number.

4.3: 20(a,b): a. 27 - 1 = 127, which is prime b. 29 - 1 = 511, which factors as 7 ? 73 and thus is not prime.

4.3: 24(a,b):

a. Take the minimum exponents of each primes in the prime factorizations: the gcd is 22 ? 33 ? 52.

b. By similar reasoning, the gcd is 2 ? 3 ? 11. Note that the prime 5 only appears in the first factorization, so its minimum exponent is 0 (think of there as being a 50 in the second factorization), and similarly for 11, 13, and 17.

4.3: 26(a,b): 3

a. Take the maximum exponent of the primes in the prime factorizations: the lcm is 211 ? 37 ? 59 ? 73.

b. By similar reasoning, the lcm is 29 ? 37 ? 55 ? 73 ? 11 ? 13 ? 17. These numbers are relatively prime, so their lcm is simply their product (and their gcd is 1).

4.3: 28: We factor: 1000 = 2353 and 625 = 54. Thus gcd(1000, 625) = 53 and lcm(1000, 625) = 2354. Therefore gcd(1000, 625) ? lcm(1000, 625) = 2357 = 1000 ? 625. When dealing with

large numbers like this, it's much easier to leave everything as prime factorizations.

4.3: 30: Let the two (positive) integers be a and b. We know gcd(a, b) ? lcm(a, b) = ab, so

lcm(a, b)


ab gcd a,b


27 38 52 711 23345



? 34

? 5 ? 711

4.3: 32(c): gcd(123, 277) = gcd(277 mod 123, 123) = gcd(31, 123) = gcd(31, 123 mod 31) = gcd(31, 30) = gcd(31 mod 30, 30) = gcd(1, 30) = 1. At each step we replace the larger integer by its remainder when divided by the smaller integer. (We could also have noted that the larger number, 277, is prime, so the gcd must be 1.)

4.3: 36: Suppose a and b are positive integers. We're going to use the following formula:

2a - 1 = (2b - 1)


+ 2a-2b

+ 2a-3b

+ ... + 2a-

a b



2a mod b - 1

but first let's see where it comes from: In order to find (2a - 1) mod (2b - 1), we're going to subtract off multiples of 2b - 1 from 2a - 1 and see what's left. First we can subtract 2a-b multiples of (2b - 1). We're left with (2a - 1) - 2a-b(2b - 1) = 2a-b - 1. Now subtract off 2a-2b multiples of (2b - 1) from what's left to now be left with (2a-b - 1) - 2a-2b(2b - 1) = 2a-2b - 1. As long as the exponent

a - b, a - 2b, a - 3b, ... is nonnegative we can keep doing this.

What will be left when we can't keep doing it any more? 2a-ib - 1, where i =

a b


But a -

a b

b = a mod b;



this is


off as many






from a, which is exactly what mod is defined to do. Thus we're left with 2a mod b - 1. This

is reflected in the above equation.

Finally, note that a mod b < b, so 2a mod b - 1 < 2b - 1, and so the answer (2a - 1) mod (2b - 1) really is 2a mod b - 1.

4.3: 37: Let a and b be positive integers with a b. To compute the gcd of a and b, the Euclidean algorithm uses the fact that gcd(a, b) = gcd(a mod b, b). Thus

gcd(2a - 1, 2b - 1) = gcd((2a - 1) mod (2b - 1), 2b - 1) = gcd(2a mod b - 1, 2b - 1)

By similar logic, gcd(2a mod b - 1, 2b - 1) = gcd(2b mod (a mod b) - 1, 2a mod b - 1) (by plugging in "a" = b and "b" = a mod b into what we already proved.)


But this mimics the path of the Euclidean algorithm. In the end the Euclidean algorithm produces gcd(a, b), so by following this chain of reasoning down we'll eventually end up with gcd(2gcd(a,b) - 1, 2gcd(a,b) - 1) = 2gcd(a,b) - 1, as desired. Note: to give a more precise proof of this result we'd need something called "strong induction," which you'll learn about later, and formalizes this idea of proving a result for larger numbers by relying on the result being true for smaller numbers.

4.3: 40(f ): The Euclidean algorithm performs the following steps: 323 = 2 ? 124 + 75 124 = 1 ? 75 + 49 75 = 1 ? 49 + 26 49 = 1 ? 26 + 23 26 = 1 ? 23 + 3 23 = 7 ? 3 + 2 3=1?2+1

Thus the gcd is 1 (323 and 124 were relatively prime). To find a linear combination of 323 and 124 that equals 1 as per Bezout's theorem, we'll work backwards, each time solving for the remainder (the added number on the right of the equation) and plugging it into what we already have:

1=3-1?2 1 = 3 - 1 ? (23 - 7 ? 3) = 8 ? 3 - 23 1 = 8 ? (26 - 1 ? 23) - 23 = 8 ? 26 - 9 ? 23 1 = 8 ? 26 - 9 ? (49 - 1 ? 26) = 17 ? 26 - 9 ? 49 1 = 17 ? (75 - 1 ? 49) - 9 ? 49 = 17 ? 75 - 26 ? 49 1 = 17 ? 75 - 26 ? (124 - 1 ? 75) = 43 ? 75 - 26 ? 124 1 = 43 ? (323 - 2 ? 24) - 26 ? 124 = 43 ? 323 - 112 ? 124 Therefore 43 ? 323 - 112 ? 124 = 1.

4.4: 2: 937 ? 13 mod 2436 = 12181 mod 2436 = (2436 ? 5 + 1) mod 2436 = 1, so 937 is an inverse of 13 mod 2436.

4.4: 4: Because 2 ? 9 = 18 and 18 mod 17 = 1, 9 is an inverse of 2 mod 17.

4.4: 6(a,c): a. The Euclidean algorithm to compute gcd(17, 2) performs the following step:

17 = 8 ? 2 + 1



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