“America is Babylon - Five Doves

“America is Babylon!” Is that so…??

By Pastor F. M. Riley

Revised January 10, 2012

“Prove [test; try] all things; hold fast [cleave to: embrace] that which [proves to be] is good,” 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15.


I freely admit that the United States of America has some similarities in common with Babylon. But I learned long ago that two things which are similar DOES NOT mean that they are the same.

Most of our readers have two legs, two arms, two hands and two feet with ten fingers and ten toes, one mouth, one nose, two ears and two eyes. This means that we are all similar in our anatomy. But does it mean that we are all one and the same being? Not hardly! It takes more than just being similar to transform us all into just one person. Each of us have individual differences that set us apart.

So it is with the people, places, and things mentioned in God’s Word. God’s people need to be very careful about changing the literal statements of God’s Word. Assigning meanings to Scriptures which are neither stated nor implied in the inspired Word is never right. It is always wrong! Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19 are still in the Bible, and no true believer should ever be guilty of changing God’s Word simply because they have failed to carefully and seriously search out the truth set forth in the Word. Or…..because they don’t want to believe what the inspired Word actually says.

Over the past forty years the “America is Babylon” theory has become very popular in the ranks of Christianity. Does popularity of a teaching ever make it truth? Or is a teaching truth because it is firmly rooted in the “rightly divided” Word of God? Be careful how you answer these questions. Almighty God is listening! Read Proverbs 15:3 and Matthew 12:36.

My purpose in this study is to expose the fallacies in the “America is Babylon” theory by carefully examining the claims most commonly used by its adherents. This examination will be based upon claims made in an email which I received from a brother in the Lord insisting that the United States of America is the nation who will fulfill the prophecies about Babylon. I invite our readers to join us for an enlightening study. In his email this brother insisted that…..

“America is Babylon” because…..

CLAIM…….Babylon is predicted to be a great end-time nation, Revelation 17 – 18; Isaiah 13:6.

MY ANSWER…….Yes, God’s Word does teach that Babylon will become a great end-time nation. In fact, the prophecies about Babylon indicate that it will become the “Super Power” nation of the world before its destruction at the end of the Tribulation as recorded in Revelation 16, 18, Isaiah 13:19, Jeremiah 50 – 51, and Zechariah 5:5-11.

God’s people need, however, to “rightly divide” the Word of God, 2 Timothy 2:15. So before we discuss this claim in depth, let’s define the term “Babylon” in God’s Word so that we will know what we are talking about.

There are three “Babylons” clearly set forth in God’s Word as follows……..

The Nation of Babylon


The actual literal nation of Babylon is repeatedly mentioned in the inspired Word, especially in the Old Testament. It should be obvious to anyone willing to deal honestly with the Scriptures that Nebuchadnezzar, who lived in the city of Babylon, ruled over the nation of Babylon, and that it was the armies of the nation of Babylon which invaded Judah in the days of Jeremiah and carried many Jewish captives off into the nation of Babylon where they were held as captives for 70 years. It was the nation of Babylon that Belshazzar was ruling over when the city of Babylon was taken by the armies of Cyrus, and Belshazzar was executed. It is then obvious that there was a literal nation of Babylon as well as a literal city of Babylon that is prominently mentioned in the Scriptures. This same ancient nation is today known as the modern nation of Iraq.

The Mystical Babylon of Revelation 17

This Babylon is not literal Babylon. Neither is it any particular nation or country in the world. It is explicitly stated to be “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH,” Revelation 17:5. Revelation 17:1-2 explicitly states that the Babylon in this chapter is “…..the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” In 17:9 John was told, “The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” In 17:18 it is stated, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

I have deliberately emphasized the present tense in both of these Scriptures by underlining. I want our readers to understand that at the time John was writing, “MYSTERY, BABYLON” was already “reigning over the kings of the earth” and was doing so from Rome, Italy, the capitol city of the Roman Empire which is built on “seven mountains.” “MYSTERY, BABYLON” is the same “mystery” or “mystical” Babylonian religious system that was established after the flood by Nimrod in the city of ancient Babylon some 4,200 years ago.

This Babylon in Revelation 17 is indeed the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH,” for every false religion on earth came forth from the ancient Babylonian religious system. It is through this wicked religious system that “the mystery of iniquity” was working some 2,000 years ago [2 Thessalonians 2:7], and it is still working in the world today. This wicked “MYSTERY, BABYLON” is still led today by the Roman whore religious heirarchy headquartered in Rome, Italy. This old religious “whore” has been reigning over the kings of the earth for hundreds and hundreds of years through the corrupt, spiritually poisonous, oppressive doctrines and teachings carried throughout the whole world by its depraved priests.

During the coming Tribulation period every false religion on earth will reunite with their “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” to form the end-time world religious system so desired by the leaders of the New World Order. This is the Babylon of Revelation 17.

The City of Babylon

The Babylon of Revelation 18 is the literal city of Babylon which is repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament Scriptures again and again. In the New Testament the city of Babylon is mentioned only in 1 Peter 5:13 and in Revelation 18.

That Revelation 18 is speaking of the literal city of Babylon is beyond dispute by anyone who wants to deal honestly with the Scriptures. The “Babylon” in Revelation 18 is explicitly referred to as a city five times in the chapter. See verses 10, 16, 18, 19, and 21. Check this out for yourself. Where then is the Scriptural authority for changing the word “city” into the word “nation” or even into the word “country”? Well…??? This entire chapter is speaking of the literal city of Babylon. Period!

Further, where is the Scriptural authority for making the “Babylon” in this chapter the same as “MYSTERY, BABYLON” in chapter 17? The “Babylon” in Revelation 18 is never referred to as “MYSTERY, BABYLON.” Never! Not even once! The word “mystery” is not even found in the entire 18th chapter of Revelation. Check it out for yourself. Every reader willing to deal honestly with the Scriptures can easily see that chapter 18 is not a continuation of chapter 17, for in 18:1 John wrote,


“And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven…..” The things the angel in chapter 17 was showing to John had already been concluded, and then a completely different angel came on the scene pronouncing judgment and destruction upon the Babylon in chapter 18.

Also it is explicitly stated that the Babylon in chapter 17 is the woman which sits on “seven mountains.” The word “mountain” is not even to be found in chapter 18, for anyone who knows anything about “the land of Shinar” knows that there is not a single natural mountain to be found in that whole vast plain. Not one!

Even the timing of events for the two Babylons are different. Revelation 17 is speaking of “Mystery, Babylon” which will be destroyed at the middle of the Tribulation by the ten kings, Revelation 17:12-13; 17:16-17. But in Revelation 18 the literal city of Babylon will be destroyed at the end of the Tribulation by the decree and power of the Lord Himself, Revelation 16:19; 18:1-24. This isn’t hard to see or understand at all. It just requires careful dedicated Bible study.

These are the three Babylons clearly set forth in the inspired Word of God. It is indeed true that one of these three Babylons is predicted to become a great end-time nation according to Bible prophecy. However, none of these three Babylons examined represent or typify the United States of America. If the “America is Babylon” theorists want support for their theory, they are going to have to find it somewhere else. It is not in any of these Scriptures!

Now let’s proceed…..

CLAIM…….Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders, Revelation 18:17.

MY ANSWER…….If one is talking about the nation of Babylon, then the claim is correct, but the reference cited is wrong. Revelation 18 is not speaking about a nation, but rather is speaking about a city. All references in Revelation 18 are only to a city. There is not even a suggestion in this chapter that the nation of Babylon is under consideration. The language used and the statements made in the entire chapter refer only to the literal city of Babylon. Check it out for yourself.

Further, Revelation 18 is quite clear that the city of Babylon will indeed be a seaport. If the “America is Babylon” theorists would bother to seriously study God’s Word and related world history, then they would know that the city of Babylon was a world seaport in ancient times, and that it will become one again during the Tribulation. In ancient times the Euphrates river was deep enough and wide enough that mariners sailed their ocean going vessels some 700 miles up the Euphrates river right into the city of Babylon. Why do some of these theorists think the Lord included a reference to “the two leaved gates” in Isaiah 45:1? These were the gates which hung above the Euphrates river on each side of the city of Babylon. These gates could be opened to permit ships to sail right into the heart of the city to unload their merchandise brought from far places of the world. In the event of war these gates could be closed to prevent enemy vessels from entering the city. That the city of ancient Babylon was a seaport is indisputable, for both God’s Word and world history confirm this truth.

It is also clear from Jeremiah 51:42, 51:55, 51:63-64, Revelation 18:17-19 and 18:21, that the city of Babylon will become a seaport city again during the coming Tribulation period. The effort to bring this to pass has already begun, and I am quite sure from the prophetic Scriptures that it will be completed. Consider…..

Remember Saddam Hussein? Saddam Hussein considered himself to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar. As such his major goal was to restore to Iraq “the glory of ancient Babylon,” with himself, of course, being the reigning autocrat. One phase of restoring such ancient glory was to reroute the Euphrates river so that it would once again flow directly through the city of Babylon. In ancient times the Euphrates flowed right through the heart of the city of Babylon, but over the centuries the river bed shifted. Today the Euphrates river bed is about 12 miles west of the old city.

Following the Desert Storm War, Saddam Hussein resumed his plan to restore the glory of ancient Babylon by rerouting the Euphrates river. Crews of men were put to work digging a channel to serve as a new river bed for the Euphrates, rerouting it back to the city of Babylon. While some men were working


on the channel to reroute the river, others were put to work south of Babylon dredging and widening the river. It was Saddam Hussein’s intention to make the city of Babylon a world class seaport again, just as it was in ancient times. We now know that his plans were again interrupted by a second “Desert Storm” war, and he was subsequently hanged.

I am quite certain that someone is going to take up and finish the work of rerouting, deepening, and widening the Euphrates river which Saddam Hussein started. When this is accomplished during the Tribulation, then the city of Babylon will once more be a world seaport exactly as recorded in Revelation 18.

The literal fulfillment of God’s Word is going to come to pass whether the “America is Babylon” theorists want to believe it or not. When this comes to pass the nation of Babylon will indeed have “a huge seaport city within its borders.” Praise the Lord!

If this claim was intended to support the “America is Babylon” theory, it doesn’t!

CLAIM…….The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt, Revelation 17.

MY ANSWER…….”Attempt” is hardly the right word to use. According to God’s inspired Word, the city of Babylon is destined to become the capitol city of the whole Gentile world system, and from the city of Babylon the Anti-christ will rule the world during the last half of the Tribulation. The literal city of Babylon will indeed be the headquarters of world government during that time, Revelation 13:5-8; 17:12; 17:16-17; 18:7-10. When the Antichrist makes the city of Babylon his capitol, he won’t just be “attempting” to set up world government. World government will have already been established, and its “home” will be located in the literal city of Babylon in the nation that is known today as Iraq.

If the brother had the United Nations in New York City in mind when he set forth his claim, the “Great City Babylon” mentioned in God’s Word has nothing whatsoever to do with the United States or New York City. Further, just where is the Scriptural authority for changing the city of Babylon in Revelation 18 into New York City? Where? Book, chapter, and verse please! Anyone willing to deal honestly with God’s Word knows that there is no Scriptural authority in God’s Word for making such an

arbitrary change.

Once again, this claim does not support the “America is Babylon” theory in any sense of the word.

CLAIM…….The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world, Revelation 18:3.

MY ANSWER…….The literal city of Babylon in the present day nation of Iraq will indeed become “the economic nerve center of the world.” This is made quite clear in the prophetic Word in Zechariah 5:5-11. Significantly, this portion of the prophetic Word is almost totally ignored by those espousing the “America is Babylon” theory. I learned many years ago that when people deliberately ignore Scriptures which would undermine their theory, then they obviously are not “rightly dividing the Word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15. Need I say more?

This claim lends no support whatsoever to the “America is Babylon” theory.

CLAIM…….Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order, Revelation 13:16.

MY ANSWER…….The “move” for a global economic order is occurring right now while I write. This move will continue right on into the coming Tribulation period, and will become a reality at some point during the first half of the Tribulation. As already pointed out, it will indeed be controlled from the city of Babylon in the present day nation of Iraq during the last half of the Tribulation. The verse referred to by the claimant is proof that the Anti-christ will ultimately be in total control of the world economic system, but it gives no proof at all of where that system will be “headquartered,” for Revelation 13:16 doesn’t say a word about Babylon or America or any other nation or city. We do know from other related Scriptures, such as Zechariah 5:5-11, that the global economic order will ultimately be located in the city


of Babylon in the modern nation of Iraq.

CLAIM…….Babylon is the center of world trade, Jeremiah 51:44; Revelation 17:18, 18:19.

MY ANSWER…….Indeed the nation and the city of Babylon in present day Iraq will become the center of world trade during the coming Tribulation. Since the city of Babylon will become the capitol city of the whole Gentile world system, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that thousands of people from all over the world will move to that city and nation to find employment in the world government apparatus set up by the Anti-christ. This will create a massive demand for housing, clothing, food, and the luxuries that government bureaucrats require for their life style. This will bring to Babylon thousands of developers, laborers, farmers, factory workers, and “service people.” In fact, with world wide famine in the earth [Revelation 6:5-6; 11:6; Joel 1:15-20] and most of the world economy in shambles during the Tribulation, many people will move to Babylon just to find work and food in order to survive. It should then be obvious to any careful Bible student that the wealth of the whole world will flow towards Babylon during the Tribulation, exactly as predicted in Jeremiah 51:44 and Revelation 18:19. [Revelation 17:18 is referring to “mystery, Babylon,” not to literal Babylon in Revelation 18].

Once again, this brother’s claim gives no support at all to the “America is Babylon” theory.

CLAIM…….Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world, Revelation 18:3; 18:7; 18:19; 18:23.

MY ANSWER…….I have already dealt with this claim in my previous answer. However, I might furnish some background material for our readers. At the Bilderberger Meeting in 1966 it was decided by the powerful ultra-rich rulers, bankers, corporate heads, and politicians of the industrial nations of the world, that the wealth of the world should be shifted from the United States of America to the Middle East. Within just a short time after that meeting most of the oil fields and refineries in America were shut down and this country began to buy the major part of their oil from the Middle Eastern countries. This is not some wild “conspiracy theory” I am making up, for I personally clipped “leaked” reports out of various papers back then about what went on and was decided at that meeting. These Illuminati and New World Order “goons” have been gradually manipulating the world economy over these past 46 years since that 1966 meeting in order to carry out their agenda. Does this help some of our readers understand how this country has come to its present sad economic situation? Hello! Are we awake yet?

Then in 1973 some of the same people met at the annual meeting of the Club of Rome and literally carved the whole world up into “ten kingdoms.” It was decided clear back then to ultimately “dump” democracy and divide the nations of the whole world into “ten kingdoms,” which would then be ruled over by the “Council of Thirteen.” This means that there would be “ten kingdoms” with a powerful dictator ruling each of the kingdoms, but who would be answerable to a yet more powerful triumvirate of three men chosen by the entire “Council.” This was the plan for “world government” put forward now 39 years ago. Are you listening? I might add that in reading the “leaked” report of the 1973 meeting of the Club of Rome “ten kingdoms” was their own choice of words. Isn’t it ironic that the Lord God of Heaven had put these exact same words in His inspired books of prophecy nearly 2,000 years in advance of their choice by the Club of Rome? Now is the inspired Word of God up to date and relevant to our times, or isn’t it? Be careful how you answer! The Lord God of Heaven is listening!

Glory! How great and powerful is our God!

Yes! The country of Babylon will grow to be the richest nation in the world before the end of the Tribulation, and the United States of America will be abandoned by the ultra-rich world planners and probably destroyed. So much for the “America is Babylon” theory!

CLAIM…….All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich, Revelation 18:3.

MY ANSWER…….This Scripture reference given by the brother does not say a word about the


nations who trade with Babylon growing rich. What the verse says is that “the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” It doesn’t say a word about the “nations” or the poor enslaved people of the nations being made rich.

Folks these “merchants of the earth” are the same wicked, double dealing, cheating, lying, crowd of Illuminati New World Order ultra-rich scum who are right now manipulating the world economy in order to enslave the nations. Indeed these greedy dogs can’t grasp enough with both hands to satisfy their lusts for riches. They will indeed only become richer and richer UNTIL the Lord Himself brings their whole wicked agenda to a screeching halt. Read James 5:1-8 and rejoice! There is a “day of vengeance” coming on behalf of the oppressed poor peoples of the world. Glory! Hallelujah!

The “merchants of the earth” in this Scripture are waxing rich through selling their “delicacies” to the rebuilt city of Babylon in the nation known today as Iraq. Again, there is not a thing in this Scripture or claim which supports the “America is Babylon” theory.

CLAIM…….The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH, Revelation 18:23.

MY ANSWER…….I have already pointed out in the preceding answer WHO these men are, and HOW they will continue to grow richer and richer during the coming Tribulation by selling their “merchandise” to meet the insatiable demand of those who will be living in the literal city of Babylon being rebuilt in the nation of Iraq even today. Just because horrific conditions will exist on most of the earth during the Tribulation does not mean that the ultra-rich “great men of the earth” will suddenly cease to exist. Read Revelation 6:15. Doesn’t this Tribulation period passage speak of “kings” and “great men” and “rich men” living on the earth during the most terrible time of trouble humanity has ever seen or ever will see? Well…?? You know it does!

This claim is no proof whatsoever that the “Babylon” being spoken of in this verse is America. If the “America is Babylon” theorists are so convinced of their theory, surely they can come up with better proof than what has been presented so far.

CLAIM…….Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities, and great wealth (implied throughout).

MY ANSWER…….Indeed it is! Look at a map of Iraq today. Compare the size of Iraq to Israel, or to Texas, or to Rhode Island, or to many of the European or African nations. Iraq is a vast country with multiplied millions of acres of territory. All that sandy desert needs is water and someone to farm the land and it will produce abundantly. Since the Scriptures plainly point out that the Antichrist will make the country of Babylon his chosen nation [Isaiah 14:4-23] and the city of Babylon his capitol from which he will rule the entire world during the last half of the Tribulation, is it too hard to believe that he will take measures to build up and improve the whole land of Babylon for his subjects and for his own glory? Well…??

Indeed Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18 describes the territories, cities, riches, and wealth of end-time Babylon. I have studied and restudied these chapters for 57 years and have never once found the word “America” in any of them. The inspired word is “Babylon,” and I can find no Scriptural authority anywhere in God’s Word which allows anyone to change the word “Babylon” to the word “America.” The last time I checked Revelation 22:18-19 was still in the Bible.

A statement about Babylon…..

In a news release on March 28, 1972 the government of Iraq publicly announced their intention to rebuild the literal city of Babylon as a tourist attraction. The rebuilding of the city of Babylon has been an ongoing process ever since that date. Even during the eight years of the Iran-Iraq war Saddam Hussein continued to channel funds into the work of rebuilding Babylon. This can easily be documented by anyone seriously wanting to check it out.

The rebuilding of Babylon ceased during the Desert Storm war, but after the war it was resumed once


again by Saddam Hussein. Then the U.S. decided to invade Iraq in 2003 and the work of rebuilding Babylon ceased once again. But lo and behold…..

Several other nations, including the United States of America, have now taken up that work again, even during the present conflict, contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to the effort. It is quite apparent that the Illuminati world planners desperately want Babylon rebuilt regardless of their reason or the cost involved.

Some people have wondered why the United States of America has gone to the expense of building the world’s largest “U. S. embassy” in the area where the ancient city of Babylon was located? You didn’t know about this? Quit watching the “fantasies” reported on TV by the liberal TV news media and read the news in the newspapers once in a while.

The literal city of Babylon is being rebuilt in Iraq and in just a few short years it will become the largest, richest, most magnificent city on the face of the earth during the Tribulation, exactly as described in Revelation 18 and in various verses in Jeremiah 50 and 51. Folks, the literal truth of God’s Word will stand when the world is on fire! Unless there is actual Scriptural authority (book, chapter, & verse) given, then no one has any right whatsoever to change the literal statements of God’s Word. PERIOD!

Is this plain enough…???

One More Question?

If people think they have the right to arbitrarily change the prophetic words of the Scripture to make them say something which the Scriptures themselves obviously do not say, and for which there is no Scriptural justification or authority for making such a change, then why can this process not be arbitrarily reversed? Eh?

Maybe Nebuchadnezzar wasn’t really ruling over the country of Babylon some 2,700 years ago. Maybe he was ruling over the United States of America. Maybe it wasn’t really the city of Babylon he was living in. Maybe it was New York City. Maybe Belshazzar wasn’t really killed in the city of Babylon. Maybe he was killed in New York City, or Chicago, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Atlanta.

Ridiculous! Idiotic! Lunacy! Yes, the whole theory is crazy isn’t it? But it is no more crazy than thinking that people, even God’s people, have a “right” to arbitrarily change God’s Word around the other way to make it fit their silly theory. Hello! Are you listening? Is your brain coagulating?

Beloved brothers and sisters, if you want to share and teach God’s Word to others, then the first requirement is to go to the Lord in prayer with an humble and honest heart and with a sincere desire to know the truth, and ask Him to teach you how to “rightly divide the Word of Truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15. Until the Lord has graciously taught you that “spiritual skill,” then you have no business “dogmatically” changing God’s Word around to fit your ideas, opinions, and theories. Go right ahead and get mad at me for making this statement, but the Lord Himself knows whether I am making it in self exalting PRIDE, or…..with an humble heart and a sincere love and desire for God’s people to know THE TRUTH, love THE TRUTH, and stand for and defend THE TRUTH, in order to share it with those today who so badly need THE TRUTH. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself said, “If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” John 8:31-32. I have no apology to make to anyone for urging God’s people to learn how to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.”

A Final Question?

Folks, are God’s people [truly saved believers] in America so “puffed up” with PRIDE in this so-called “great nation,” that they willingly prefer to “believe a lie” rather than to just accept the plain direct statements of God’s Word at face value? Well…??

“But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak,” Hebrews 6:9

Brother and sisters in Christ, neither this nation nor this world is the “home” of God’s people. This nation of America and this present world is only our temporary dwelling place, and we believers are only “strangers and pilgrims” and “ambassadors” for our Lord in this world. If you truly are a “saved by


grace,” “born again” child of God, then let that truth soak in and stop exalting America! This country is no better or worse than any other country that has “forgotten God,” Psalm 9:17. Read carefully 1 John 2:15-17 and Philippians 3:20-21.

“This world is not my home, I’m just a passing thru,

My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue;

The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door,

And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”

“O Lord, I know I have no friend like YOU,

If Heaven’s not my home

O Lord what will I do?

The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door,

And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”


Permission is granted to any true believer or to any Bible believing Christian ministry, to reproduce this study to share with others, or to quote from it in context as written.

This ministry is supported solely by the freewill offerings of those who feel led of the Lord to help us send forth the truth of God’s wonderful Word.

Please address all comments, questions, or correspondence to:

Pastor F. M. Riley

Last Call Gospel Ministry

184 County Road 108

Harrisburg, Missouri 65256

Email: fmrglbd5@



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