These are the Focal Points of The American Revolution Double QuizYou will need to make either note cards or a QuizletFirst AmendmentThird AmendmentSixth AmendmentThirteenth Amendment Freedom of speech and freedom of the pressUnalienable Rights Bill of RightsStates’ rightsColonial Assemblies Nullification CrisisQuartering Act No taxation without representationEnglish Bill of RightsArticles of Confederation Federalist Papers Magna Cara Mayflower CompactPopular sovereigntyRepublicanismSeparation of PowersChecks and Balances Federalism Treaty of ParisBattles of Lexington and ConcordThomas PaineBenjamin FranklinSons of LibertyRobert E. LeeUlysses S. GrantBattle of Antietam Siege of Vicksburg Monroe DoctrineThomas Jefferson George WashingtonWashington’s Farewell Address Manifest Destiny 177317751776178317871789 1861-1865 ................

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