
Refer to NACC website New things are being posted daily, with many new resources that can be used in your changing ministry.Refer to the CHA website for resources. New things are being posted daily.CHA website. – front page is a link to Corona Virus resources and Spiritual Care resources and a series of short podcasts.Chaplaincy Innovative lab Prayers from USCCB: ; Review your diocesan websites for local resources and support including on-line Masses, rosaries, and prayers. Listening Hearts are available: Grief the new normal – I feel so overwhelmed () _______________________________________01/12/21 - 12:30 pm CT General Session Opening Prayer – Welcome, beginning with a moment of reflection. We talk about how COVID is impacting us, but also what is happening in our country, the capitol, and the troubling division in our country.Let’s take time to breathe, what connects us to the Holy One, that is our source…Appreciate the opening prayer, have been trying to do mindful breathing. I cannot go to the motherhouse, I’m a doer. It’s been very difficult for me. I cannot keep watching everything on TV. I must internalize it. I’m scattered and unfocused. I am able to connect for evening prayer with ZOOM. It’s helpful.I don’t think you are alone. We can only take things in small doses.We see how things are very bad, its trying to arrange funerals. With everything else going on, it confuses and worries me and where this country is going. These seeds of discord, there are those who are bent on lying continuously, people do not believe what is going on. How have we been led to believe everything? We are continuing in our ministry; it is still hard when family cannot say goodbye. Coping is becoming difficult, there is a lot of fear.We need to rise above the fear and tap into our strength.I hear your frustration, anger, and bewilderment, especially the idea that we cannot communicate, that one side cannot hear the other. I imagine it as the Tower of Babel; the confusion. I know what that feels like. I am an extrovert; I can only do so much quiet. I do make phone calls to the sisters where I can’t go. I call so many every day, and I do leave messages. It works. I also got involved at the place where I live. We do see each other in the hall, but still cannot visit.A great disservice has happened. A lot is being affected, our values. Who is leading? Where is our church? We need to be creative with the young people, to tell them the truth. It was really hard going through the holidays with people in isolation. Some did go visit their families and returned with COVID. We are starting our vaccines on Thursdays. It’s helped us feel on the upside, but yet, the way its being sorted, the independent living is not in the initial group. I requested that the employees be last in the distribution. There is insecurity on how this will work out, to have enough doses for the second dose.It must be hard having been in leadership and now being a chaplain. It must be hard to walk that line.I am able to approach our director, supporting her.It is a gift for her.We were hopeful for January 6th. Our first COVID vaccines were distributed. We’ve been doing well. The Thursday before it was very sad because about 20 residents and a few staff tested positive. They were unable to receive the vaccine, they are coming back on January 27th for the 2nd dose. It was so sad, especially for all the preparation that went in.Some of our staff are infected. We are short on staff. One staff member had 2 family members also sick. It is very much going one, even as the vaccine is going out.Thank you for the opening prayer, it touched me, having a heartache with someone. A former pastor was diagnosed, he is currently in quarantine. I am proud and happy that our organization reached out to offer that vaccine to priests. They were given 2 opportunities. He asked if he could get a vaccine. Only after 90 days if you are infected. He was concerned if he could be eligible.Management said it was not my concern, I found this to be very frustrating. He did follow-up to my email; he was better in his response.There are many pastors who don’t know what to do, especially for those who are not tech savvy. They need the help.As chaplains we can advocate for people, so we can also advocate for our friends. I emailed our Mission Leader who responded with a direct inquiry, to cover the need for other priests who need to be vaccinated.The NACC is trying to collaborate with diocese and others in Pastoral care. TO keep the channels of dialogue open. Together we can come up with solutions.Recently I read that the Fresno area was running out of oxygen, St. Agnes is ok, but other hospitals may be critical. There is a definite increase in infection.We are getting the vaccine this Friday. They are opening it to teachers this week too.We are gong through our second shot, but so many are not returning for the booster. Also, there are those that opt out.For spiritual care departments may need to look at having area clergy vaccinated. Everyone would benefit.Have we adopted any spiritual practice? How do you connect in prayer with those you cannot serve in person?We connect over the phone or laptops?I am hesitant to visit those who are vulnerable. I do connect by phone; we also have a prayer list at our bible study. On call chaplains are expected to follow-up with ZOOM calls to set up pads in patient rooms.We use a candle to connect family, we have battery votives.There are the Listening Hearts and the small groups for sharing, let Ramune know. Lighting a candle – let us pray, we are still in the Christmas season celebrating the coming of the light into the darkness … ................

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