

"So after a while they went underground and they became the secret schools. And the secret schools became the schools of the occult, meaning hidden knowledge, because it was for their very lives. They no longer had the freedom to interact with everyone."

-- Ramtha

Superstition Forces the Secret Underground

Excerpt from:

A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity, Part I

JZK Publishing, a Division of JZK, Inc. Copyright ? 2001 JZ Knight

Now as a paganistic religion spread against the enlightened peoples in the great schools, war took on a most insidious value because God could now be the justification why slaughter was apparent among the tribes. Many of the great schools were destroyed because the enlightened people of these schools, in their learning, also learned something about the image they were in. You know, they had nothing that cluttered their walls. They had pure truth and pure understanding and understood their destiny and understood their life, that they preexisted and would exist after. Only the image would fade away. Those people have never warred against the pagans. And many left and went beyond the stars. And tributes are made to those people. And you will see the faces of stone images turned and looking toward the heavens. For those that are left behind, it is a tribute to their brothers who are gone. And it was the last image that did not truly get destroyed -- of the time when consciousness, the nature of reality, man's journey, a woman's journey, equal of one another, into the cosmology of life and understanding of the life force and the life principle -- it was the last remnant of those people and it still stands, the great stone statues looking into forever for those that have left, gone. The schools were destroyed; the teachings were destroyed only after certain segments of their truths were taken, altered, and created into superstitious books. Now, people, ignorance is like the darkness. There is no light of knowledge shining in there. And when a person is kept in ignorance because of fear of their lives, fear of their


The Secret Schools

family, or fear of being ostracized in their community, they are superstitiously afraid that unless they conform and stay that way, they will burn forever in the lake of fire, forever and ever and ever to the loving God who created them.

Let me tell you something. When you live in darkness, you worship an unseen light to be saved from that darkness. Yet the only saving that will ever occur is when God within awakens, this image awakens. It says, "The light of the kingdom of heaven is within you. Look there and see the brilliance and glory, for there lies your salvation." But when you are kept in darkness, then you pray outside of you for a savior to deliver you. You are then kept in ignorance.

Now blasphemous: Everything I am telling you is blasphemous. But I want to tell you there was never one, not one entity, that ever entered the ancient schools that learned about light, consciousness, manifested destiny -- there was not one that ever entered those schools -- that ever slew another human being. They never enslaved another human being. And the teachers of righteousness, the right way, were not followed but revered for their wisdom. And of their wisdom, they gave. And those that attended and drank of that water, within them the light that shone brightly could come alive that they could turn these pages.

I know you laugh at this. But in my time a barbarian transformed and evolved in one lifetime. Did you know I am despised because I did it in one lifetime? And they remind me certain other people took many lifetimes. It only shows how slow they were, how ignorant, and being kept in that ignorance for whatever reason, that once you get on it, once you start expanding here, you move very rapidly. The journey starts happening immediately. The master's path unfolds for anyone who expands their consciousness.

But not one person there, whether they were in crudely woven reeds or skins -- You laugh, and you think of a Cro-Magnon in a skin and its bones and its awkward-looking apparel going like this -- it is hard for you to imagine -- or sitting by the fire and looking out in the heavens. And what were their thoughts? Well, the people in those times rode a light. And, yes, they would wear skins or garments made of woven reeds. Enlightenment has nothing to do with what you wear or your technology. It has to do with how free you are in your consciousness to grow, to consume unconscious mind, and to have a vibrancy for life that is not enslaving but free.

Now, people, war became the way of life. I was a warrior in my time. And after my time, paganism and that which is termed, as it were indeed, religionism all took their toll on human life. Now in the last two thousand years Christianity has wrought two hundred and fifty million deaths that are recorded as warriors. It has nothing to do with women and children. Two hundred and fifty million people died in two thousand years that were Christian soldiers, to defend a bloody idealism of the image of God and to force the teachings upon the heathens. And during that time they destroyed every sect and every group of people who were learning an ancient wisdom and evolving in enlightenment.


The Secret Schools

They burned them at the stake who were in touch, whose minds were beyond time, distance, and space, to destroy completely knowledge. That was the faith. Salvation is to be saved from the truth.

In two thousand years religion has done nothing to engender enlightenment to its people, but to collapse its consciousness. It has done nothing to evolve consciousness, which is the evolving factor of the human being. It has done nothing to understand consciousness, to enlighten people. It does not understand that a consciousness that creates problems cannot solve that problem. It takes an expanded consciousness to resolve the problem. That is evolution.

And this day Christians pay money, money, money, money. What is it, grace, faith, and money now? Those are the three things you should have for a defense, that you have to have defense, and for armies to do away with the pagans to bring Christian faith to the world. If only half the money fell into the hands of enlightened people, there would be no war of scholars who know the truth of the myths, of the ignorance that humanity, indeed for at least two thousand years, has lived in. The Dark Ages, what do you think that means? Stupidness, stagnated people, that today's civilization is nothing but beige and bears a cross.

Salvation indeed, my beloved people, is not through ignorance. It is through knowledge, and that if indeed knowledge be made available to all on this plane of causation, of the life force, of the cosmologies, of people creating their reality -- if you knew you could heal your body by the same mind that diseased it -- then you would have an enlightened civilization. Then you would have the interaction of your people beyond the sun once again. Why come they to a society that is in fear of them? Superstitions, those are the devils? Everything that doesn't fit into the word of God, that was created by the priest to hold people in ignorance, is of the devil. How do you open people's minds when they are so ignorant they are devoted to the very darkness that keeps them that way? It is a safeguard. This is the word of God. It is the bloodiest, most violent retribution of humanity that was ever written.

The Christ is within. It is the unseen. It is a great truth; that which is termed, as it were indeed, the kingdom of heaven is within you. It is a great truth to say my Father and I are one. That is a truth that survived all of the violence. Yeshua ben Joseph didn't say worship me. He said follow me. What do you think following meant? Learn what I know. Let my ideal be your ideal. But when you worship, you don't have to do all of that stuff. Pray three times a week and you can spend the rest of the week being decadent, gossiping, accusations, accusing, and spreading the word, because anything outside of it is evil. Ignorance.

So where are you? Obviously you are here in this evil audience. This woman is called a devil woman and I, the great Lucifer. Yes, well, listen. I am giving you this information on ignorance and where the great schools ceased to be. Why? And when I say to you that nature is far ahead of humanity in evolution in this time-flow, humanity is only on the third page of their book and nature is on page five. Everyone scratches their head and doesn't


The Secret Schools

understand how that could be. It began in creating something very evil and saying that everything that fell, Spirits who made their fall, were all demons and evil and wicked. You are born into sin.

Now if God is eternal, and in the palm of his hand past, present, and future exist, then he had this all planned. So he created the devil. He knew that Eve and what's-his-face were going to eat the apple in the garden. Doesn't that make sense to you? And it makes you wonder why he pretended to be so shocked that they did that. No one will ever answer for me who Cain and Abel married. It is wonderful, you know. It is not bad. It is just hilarious and wonderful.

But, you see, it is little subtle innuendos that the entity starts to say, "Now why did this happen?" that you know is enlightenment endeavoring to come out, knowledge endeavoring to come. And it is stifled and says never question, just accept. Never ask. Have ye the faith of a little child. A little child? A little child can make short-order business of all of those mistakes. It is only a beiged adult that cowers and goes away and never questions.

Now ignorance began to be social consciousness two thousand years ago. And there has been great war and great battle to keep it that way. You know, every war that you have fighting in your country today, did you know they are all holy wars? I always wanted to find out which God both sides prayed to. It still goes on today.

Now devotion: When you are in the dark and no one is going to turn the light on because they have told you that it is out there instead of in here, you stay devoted to whoever has got their hand on the switch; correct? And it is very frightening. And you really don't want to move off of that spot because you don't know what is around you. And they say but this is how God wants you to be. And if you move anyway or try to find the light switch yourself, you will be cast out, excommunicated, and will burn forever, meaning the moment that you start to ask questions and start to realize and understand who you are, then you have outgrown ignorance and the light comes on. Yes.

Now this groove, you know, you have heard me talk of the groove on the record of life? This groove has really been working itself deeper and deeper since my time. It started, like they do, after I left. It started getting stuck there. Humanity stopped growing, except for those secret schools. Now why did they call them secret schools? You know, after a while they became very secretive -- as you would term it, underground -- because they were very threatened, because those who wanted to control people could not allow such knowledge to come to the surface because people who had too much knowledge were dangerous. What they really meant was those that are enlightened couldn't be controlled and enslaved. And there were people who their needs were to enslave people, to own them, because they are so insecure, they have to be the teacher. They want to teach, to get people to follow them because they don't have enough inside of them to simply own the glory that is sitting there.

So after a while they went underground and they became the secret schools. And there was a word for that called occult, and occult means hidden knowledge. It doesn't mean the


The Secret Schools

devil's workshop. It doesn't mean murderer incorporated or fly-by-night revolutionaries. It means hidden knowledge. That is an ancient word. And the secret schools became the schools of the occult, meaning hidden knowledge, because it was for their very lives. They no longer had the freedom to interact with everyone because consciousness was flowing for all humanity that was so open that it could interact with something beyond the sun or out as a satellite surrounding the Earth and interacting with the people. That is how open it was; there were no blocks in consciousness throughout all eternity. But when hate and jealousy and envy and the need and the lacks began, consciousness stopped growing and a duality was created that began to shut the doors to that connection. And these schools went underground.

They were not the worship of the devil. They were the worship of the life force that is within them and inherent within them. They were the creators of saints. Their school was to engage, to expand, to evolve the consciousness of the human being to be greater than their station in life, to have a connection with all of life. And they could. And the initiates of those schools would later become the prophets in time that would return with the teaching of truth.

Now after a while the schools were all destroyed. And sects of those schools helped to create that which is termed the teaching of Buddha Amin, who was an initiate of the ancient schools, whose image was to be born as that which is termed a prince into wealth and to own that image by looking over the wall and absolving it. And he was to teach millions of entities in the same truth that reigned supreme from the ancient wisdom, except colored and cloaked into the understandings and parables of that time.

Those entities who sit on top of high mountains that are at the very threshold of heaven, and they endure tremendous cold and the lack of foodstuffs and the simple way of living, who sit there and do nothing but expand consciousness so that they can leave, they can elevate right into the sky and go, becoming transparent at every motion. And why are they up there so high? To protect themselves, to be able to continue to grow and evolve unmolested, unpolluted by the sickening bowels of the cities in the valley who are thick in ignorance, barbarianism.

Now the destruction of the ancient schools left the rest of humanity on the third page in the book. And those pages are equal to the seals within the body. They are called the seven seals, the seven churches, and the seven doors. It means stages of enlightenment, truth, consciousness, and evolution. And that stage reigns supreme today and is still ignorant, and the controller of that ignorance is power. And you have a whole mass of humanity that is devoted to its ignorance and its insistence upon the aliveness of wickedness. You see, what they haven't come to realize: that that which you fear the most, you worship the most, and that which you insist others have, you possess within yourself. And for the mind to create something that is so insidious to torture you, for one to continue that paganistic belief is one who possesses it within themselves.



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