Methane Recovery and Utilisation from Livestock Manure by ...

MRV Demonstration Study (DS) using a Model Project 2012 Final Report

Methane Recovery and Utilisation from Livestock Manure by using Bio-digesters

implemented by Japan NUS Co., Ltd.

Study Partners

Kowa Shoji, Mekong Carbon, T?V Rheinland Cambodia


of Cambodia (Kampong Speu province



of Waste Management



of This activity is to utilise methane from livestock manure by anaerobic


digestion of bio-digester for electricity, cooking stove, and gas lamp at

three typical livestock farms in Cambodia.

Eligibility Criteria Case 1 Farms where livestock populations, comprising of cattle,

buffalo, and/or swine, are bred continuously under the

condition that the number of livestock can be counted such

as livestock barn

Case 2 Farms where manure from livestock is dealt with by open

lagoon type animal waste treatment system

Case 3 Structure of bio-digester has high sealability and prevents

any unintentioal leakage

Case 4 Bio-gas, mainly methane, from bio-digester should be used

as fuel for cooking, lighting, and/or power generation

Case 5 Farms where the project is implemented shall not be

registered as a CDM project or any other voluntary emission

allowance creating project

Case 6 (Case applies to electricity generation only)

Bio-gas flow meter is installed, e.g., differential pressure,

ultrasonic, vortex shedding, turbine type, etc.


Reference scenario is livestock farm which will be the project site uses


and an open lagoon type animal waste management system and would


have continued to use the same system in the future.


Project boundary includes animal waste management system,

facilities where bio-gas is burned and used for cooking, lighting and/or

electricity generated, and grid or non-grid electricity in case of a power

generation project.


There are three calculation method options. Calculation method 1 is

Method Options applied to a project that bio-gas is used for electricity (mostly large

scale). Calculation method 2 is applied to a project that bio-gas is used

for cooking and/or lighting device and the number of project is less

than 50. Calculation method 3 is applied to a project that bio-gas is

used for cooking and/or lighting device and the number of project is

more than 49.

Default Values set Annual methane conversion factor: 80%

in Methodology

Values in IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventory were applied.

Maximum methane producing potential of the volatile solid

generated by livestock: swine: 0.29, cattle: 0.1, buffalo: 0.1

(m3CH4/kg dm)


Monitoring Method



Monitoring Activity

GHG Emissions and its Reductions

Method and Result of Verification

Environmental Impacts





Sustainable Development in Host Country

Values in IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventory were applied. Fraction of livestock manure handled in system j in the reference

scenario: swine: 100%, cattle: 63%, buffalo: 50% Value was set by field survey and document research. Annual volatile solid excretion on a dry-matter basis for a defined

livestock population: swine: 195.5, cattle: 315.8, buffalo: 599.4 (kg-dm/head/y) Value was set by referring to ACM 0010 in CDM methodology. Methane density of bio-gas: 50

Value was set by monitoring at project sites and desk research. Reference emissions: (Calculation method 1 and 2) Annual average number of livestock

(every day) Project emissions:

(Calculation method 1) Amount of bio-gas sent to gas engine

(everyday) (Calculation method 2) Hours of using cooking stove, rice cooker and

lighting device (every day) *There is no monitoring required for calculation method 3. Period of monitoring: 16 July 2012 ~ 16 December 2012 (154 days) Site 1: Total number of swine: 679,600, Electricity consumed in the

absent of the project: 62.9 MWh Site 2: Total number of cattle: 838, Total number of swine: 839, Hours

of using cooking stove: 445.5 hours, Hours of using lighting device: 418.0 hours Site 3: Total number of swine: 1,153, Hours of using cooking stove: 435.5 hours Site 1: Reference emissions: 1,465 tCO2e, Project emissions: 405 tCO2e, Emission reductions: 1,060 tCO2e Site 2: Reference emissions: 2.4 tCO2e, Project emissions: 0 tCO2e, Emission reductions: 2.4 tCO2e Site 3: Reference emissions: 2.4 tCO2e, Project emissions: 0.3 tCO2e, Emission reductions: 2.1 tCO2e Third party verification was conducted by T?V Rheinland Cambodia. Validity of MRV methodology, onsite assessment, and development of verification report were conducted. Verification consisted of three verification team, two technical experts, and two internal reviewers. Several remarks were raised and corrections of MRV methodology were made as needed. It is expected by introducing bio-digester that prevention of solid pollution, reduction of forest resource aimed to collect firewood, and reduction of chemical fertilizer. On the other hand, it is concerned that corrosion of metal parts of application and influence on health of bio-gas user by hydrogen sulfide. Advantages of Japanese technology are environmental sanitation, safety, and efficiency. However, there is a large gap between common bio-digester in Cambodia and Japanese one. To compensate the gap, it would be effective to promote with soft technology such as operational assistant of taking advantage of slurry for organic fertilizer. Reduction of kerosene as fuel for light, saving of time and money, increase of agricultural output by using slurry as fertilizer are expected by installing bio-digester. It can also contribute to sustainable development such as reduction of poverty, prevention of disease, burden of environment.


MRV DS Report in 2012

Study Title: MRV Demonstration Study using a Model Project "Methane Recovery and Utilisation from Livestock Manure by using Bio-digesters"

Study Entity: Japan NUS Co., Ltd.

1Study Implementation Scheme Kowa Shoji: evaluation of bio-digester used in project sites, development of Japanese

bio-digester, research on environmental integrity. Mekong Carbon Co., Ltd.: support on development of MRV methodology and site visit,

and management of monitoring. T?V Rheinland Cambodia: review of MRV methodology, verification of GHG emission


2Overview of Project/Activity (1) Description of Project/Activity Contents:

This activity is to utilise methane from livestock manure by anaerobic digestion of bio-digesters for electricity, cooking stove, and gas lamp at three typical livestock farms in Kampong Speu province in Cambodia. Monitoring site 1:

It holds around 5,000 swine with 16 staffs. Bio-digester introduced is made with plastic cover over lagoon for manure treatment and generating electricity for water pump and lighting with 20kW and 30kW generator. Monitoring site 2: It holds around eight cattle and 10 swine. The owner participated in "National Biodigester Programme" and introduced bio-digester using Indian technology with capacity of 6 m3. Bio-gas is used for cooking stove and gas lamp. Monitoring site 3: It holds around 10 swine. Bio-digester is made with Chinese technology. It has 8 and used for cooking stove.

(2) Situations of Host Country: Livestock industry in Cambodia shares 4.3% of GDP and 15% of agricultural sector in

2011. There are around 3 million and 400 thousand cattle, 700 thousand buffalo, and 2 million and 100 thousand swine and more than 99% is owned by small scale farmer. In political aspect, considering the fact that Ministry of Agriculture has joined development of Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP), agricultural sector is indispensable for climate change policy in Cambodia.

(3) Complementarity of the CDM: There is only one CDM project that was registered as methane recovery and utilisation

from livestock manure management in Cambodia. One of the reasons is due to high cost for origination of CDM project for general livestock farmers in Cambodia. Especially the following condition of applicability in CDM methodology ACM0010 seems to be a hurdle.

The AWMS/process in the project case should ensure that no leakage of manure waste into ground water takes place, e.g., the lagoon should have a non-permeable layer at the lagoon bottom.


MRV DS Report in 2012

In fact, there are few livestock farmers that have installed non-permeable layer at the lagoon bottom since regulation relating to manure management of livestock is not developed in Cambodia yet. Therefore, it will be required for a livestock owner who considers CDM to install non-permeable layer. In general, the scale of commercial livestock farm in Cambodia is rather small compared to other Asian countries. It is unlikely that introducing bio-digester in Cambodia turns economically feasible when they try to take advantage of CDM.

However, GHG emission from livestock manure is one of the major emission sources in Cambodia and therefore the potential of GHG reduction remains high. There is a possibility of promoting bio-digester by developing more realistic MRV methodology to Cambodia under JCM/BOCM. Concern of soil pollution by not requiring non-permeable layer can be solved by installing Japanese technology and operation such as utilizing slurry for organic fermentation.

(4) Initial Investment for the Model Project: Small scale digester costs around 600 USD. Large scale digester costs around 30 thousand USD.

3. Contents of the Study (1) Issues to be Addressed in the Study: Research on appropriate eligibility criteria of MRV methodology in Cambodia. Develop calculation method options that enables project owners easily to choose their

suitable options and calculate GHG reductions. Research on appropriate project boundary by understanding project activity and emission

sources. Develop reference scenario that reflects on the situation of livestock industry in

Cambodia. Develop monitoring parameter and monitoring method that are suitable for project

owners in Cambodia by understanding the situation of livestock farmers. Develop default values with conservative manner in order to reduce burden of project

owner. Research on type and specification of application of bio-gas.

(2) Process to Solve the Issues in the Study: Field survey was conducted seven times in total in July, August, September, October,

December, January and February. In the first survey in July, Kowa Shoji accompanied to research technical and environmental issues. Monitoring method was explained to each monitoring site. In the second survey in August, it was confirmed at each site that monitoring was conducted appropriately. In the third survey in September, discussion with third party entity for verification and conducted interview in rural areas. In the fourth survey in October, discussion with National Biodigester Programme was made. In the fifth survey in December, interview for developing default values and survey on environmental integrity was conducted. In addition, contract with T?V Rheinland for third party verification was made. In the sixth survey in January 2013, third party verification was conducted. In the seventh survey in February, presentation of this demonstration study was made at workshop in Phnom Penh. Issues occurred and the actions are explained in the table below.

Table: Issues occurred and the actions

Issues occurred


Research on appropriate eligibility criteria of Appropriate eligibility criteria were

MRV methodology in Cambodia.

developed considering field survey, desk


MRV DS Report in 2012

Develop calculation method options that enable project owners easily to choose their suitable options and calculate GHG reductions.

Research on appropriate project boundary by understanding project activity and emission sources. Develop reference scenario that reflects on the situation of livestock industry in Cambodia. Develop monitoring parameter and monitoring method that are suitable for project owners in Cambodia by understanding the situation of livestock farmers. Develop default values with conservative manner in order to reduce burden of project owner.

Research on type and specification of application of bio-gas.

research, and suggestion by task force committee. Three options were developed. First option is for electricity generation, second option is for cooking device and lighting device, and third option was for cooking device with the number of project is more than 49. Validity of project boundary was confirmed by field survey.

Reference scenario was developed considering the result of desk survey and field survey. It was identified that some parameters were hard to conduct monitoring. Therefore, developing default values were developed as much as possible so that project owner can easily apply. Default values were developed by collecting data from desk review and field survey in such a manner the conservativeness is secured. In addition to power generation, cooking stove and lighting, rice cooker was added to MRV methodology.

4. Results of MRV Demonstration Study (1) GHG Emission Reduction Effects by the Implementation of Project/Activity:

In general, manure of livestock in Cambodia is treated with open type lagoon. Manure of livestock is fermented under certain condition and bio-gas including methane is emitted. Bio-gas generally consists of methane (60%) and carbon dioxide (40%).

The three monitoring sites installed bio-digester and utilizing methane for electricity, cooking stove, and lighting. In other words, methane generated by bio-digester is not emitted to air but recovered and burned by application, which contributes to GHG emission reductions.

MRV methodology was developed referring to the following CDM methodologies.

ACM0010 "Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions from manure management systems"

AMS.D. "Methane recovery in animal manure management systems"

The CDM MRV methodologies above require plenty of monitoring parameters and the burden of project owner is rather large. In JCM MRV methodology, N2O from manure management and leakage emissions are eliminated from calculation to reduce burden of project owner. In addition, some parameters in CDM were set as default values. Default values were developed referring to monitoring data, national data, IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventory, etc.

(2) Eligibility Criteria for MRV Methodology Application: Six eligibility criteria were set for MRV methodology. By meeting all criteria, the project



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