Sample Survey Instrument

Sample Surveys: Student/Employer


Based upon the attached description of a proposed graduate degree in , please help us to assess the value and need for establishing such a degree by completing the following survey.

1. Your present profession

2. Your current job title

3. Employed by


4. Highest degree earned overall GPA

5. To what extent are you interested in pursuing studies toward a Graduate Degree? This one or some other one?

( Very ( Moderately ( Not at all

6. What would you hope to gain from completing this program? (Check all that apply)

( upward mobility in current employment ( increased research experience

( new position with another employer ( upgraded knowledge

( additional personal development ( other (specify)

7. Would you enroll in the proposed Graduate Degree Program if one were to be established in the next:

2-3 years ( yes ( no 3-5 years ( yes ( no 5-7 years ( yes ( no

8. If your answer to #7 was “yes,” would you attend: ( Full-time ( Part-time

9. Indicate your availability to participate in classes:

( daytime only

( evenings only

( daytime/evening combination

( weekends

( electronic access (24 hours)

10. Indicate your preference for courses that can be completed in:

( one month ( 12 weeks ( one semester

11. What period of time would you be able to commit in completing this program?

( less than 1 year ( 3-4 years

( 1-2 years ( 5-7 years

( 2-3 years ( whatever time it takes

12. What relevant skills/experience do you have?

13. Would your current employer provide any of the following? (Check all that apply)

( tuition and fees ( mentored support

( release time to attend classes ( paid leave

( research facilities

14. Are you able to travel within the state to complete your degree studies? ( yes ( no

Temporarily for one year ( yes ( no

One semester ( yes ( no

Weekly commutes ( yes ( no

15. What would be your preference as to how courses are delivered?

( traditional lectures ( online ( laboratory-based

( at home ( at place of employment ( at the university

16. Would your computer knowledge/ability allow you to use computer-based technology for educational purposes?

( yes ( no

17. Would you have access to the required equipment if the program is offered through distance learning? (Check all that apply)

( audio tape ( computer ( Internet ( television

( CD rom ( email ( multi-media ( video tape

18. Would you require university financial assistance to pursue this degree? ( yes ( no

19 Make any comments or suggestions regarding this proposed graduate program.

20. If this program moves forward, would you like to be kept informed ( yes ( no

Thank you so much for sharing your interest and insight.


Based upon the attached description of a proposed graduate degree in ,

please help us to assess the value and need for establishing such a degree by completing the following survey.

1. Company/Institution name

2. Type of industry/business:

( agriculture ( insurance ( service

( banking/finance ( manufacturing ( transportation

( education ( public utility ( federal/state

( health care ( retail ( other

3. Your title

4. In your opinion, is there a need for the proposed program?

( Strong need ( Moderate need ( No need

5. Would graduates of this program be given preference over baccalaureate and/or other graduate degree candidates for the same position?

( yes ( no

If no, please explain

6. Would you provide support to current employees to pursue such a Graduate Degree:( yes ( no

If the answer is “yes”, what type of support would you consider? (Check all that apply)

( tuition and fees ( mentored support

( paid time to attend classes (flextime) ( paid leave

( access to research facilities ( child care

( other

7. Identify those areas of professional knowledge or research that will be important for your organization in the next decade:

8. What aspects of the proposed program are of most interest/importance to you?

9. What aspects are of least interest/importance to you?

10. Make any comments or suggestions regarding the proposed program that you may have:

Course content

Time to degree

Research experience

Professional experience


11. What is your overall assessment of this proposed program? Does it make sense? What are its strengths/limitations?

12. Who else (individuals/agencies, etc.) within your network should be informed of this initiative?

Thank you so much for sharing your interest and insight.


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