Unit 1:2

Unit 1:2


Multiple Choice-2 points

____ 1. What is the main reason that Columbus kept this journal?

|a. |to pinpoint exact locations for future mapmakers |

|b. |to describe the expedition to his patrons |

|c. |to convince Ferdinand and Isabella that he had found Asia |

|d. |to convince others of the validity of Spain’s claims in the New World |

____ 2. Columbus’s journal helped his readers share his experiences by

|a. |comparing his findings with familiar sights in Spain. |

|b. |estimating the value of each object he came across. |

|c. |embellishing his prose with highly poetic imagery and figurative language. |

|d. |identifying by name the places he had actually visited. |

____ 3. What was the first thing Columbus did after going ashore?

|a. |He set out to explore the country. |

|b. |He attempted to find the inhabitants. |

|c. |He searched through the abandoned houses. |

|d. |He set fire to the native dwellings. |

____ 4. According to the journal, how did Columbus gain the confidence of the island’s natives?

|a. |by overpowering them with weapons |

|b. |by showing respect for their homes and belongings |

|c. |by asking their advice about where to find gold |

|d. |by seeking to meet with their leader |

____ 5. Why does Columbus take specimens of plants he comes across?

|a. |He may need them on his return voyage. |

|b. |He wants to bring unknown plants back to Europe in order to judge their value. |

|c. |He is bent on robbing the natives of anything of value. |

|d. |He needs them as proof that he visited the lands he is describing. |

____ 6. Why does Columbus go to special pains to mention gold in the last part of the excerpt?

|a. |He receives definite information on stores of gold on the island. |

|b. |He knows that his patrons are interested only in gold. |

|c. |The acquiring of riches is one of the main aims of his voyage. |

|d. |The natives he encounters have great stores of gold. |

____ 7. What best describes Columbus’s purpose for writing?

|a. |to amuse his friends and family with his stories |

|b. |to persuade Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand that his exploration was worth the |

| |money |

|c. |to pay homage to the Pope |

|d. |to convince the natives that he was friendly |

____ 8. Which adjectives best describe Columbus’s attitude as revealed in the journal?

|a. |cruel and tyrannical |c. |informative and acquisitive |

|b. |bored and greedy |d. |disappointed and unemotional |

____ 9. Why did Columbus give the natives hawk’s bells and glass beads?

|a. |because the natives demanded payment for their services |

|b. |because he wanted to flatter them before he tried to conquer them |

|c. |to get information about the gold |

|d. |to show them that he was friendly and wouldn’t hurt them |

____ 10. What impression of the Americas does Columbus seem to be trying to convey?

|a. |that the Americas are fully inhabited and shouldn’t be further explored |

|b. |that the Americas are a fertile land, ready to be explored |

|c. |that the Americas should only be appreciated for their beauty |

|d. |that the natives of the Americas are hostile and should be left alone |

____ 11. Which of these conditions does Smith show to be a major cause of the Jamestown settlers’ difficulties?

|a. |The Native Americans refused to sell them food. |

|b. |Trade between England and the New World was slow. |

|c. |The voyage from England took much longer than expected. |

|d. |The settlers were under constant attack from Native Americans. |

____ 12. Which adjective best describes Smith’s impression of the Native Americans?

|a. |childlike |c. |devout |

|b. |uncivilized |d. |benevolent |

____ 13. Why do you think that Smith wrote much of the selection in the third person?

|a. |to make the account seem more objective |

|b. |so that he could reveal other people’s thoughts and experiences |

|c. |to show Christian humility |

|d. |to avoid boasting about his exploits |

____ 14. If The General History of Virginia had been written by another settler, the most likely difference would be

|a. |the attitude expressed toward Native Americans. |

|b. |the explanation of the food shortage. |

|c. |the portrayal of Smith’s personality and role. |

|d. |the description of the settlement after the sailors’ departure. |

____ 15. Which description best conveys Bradford’s attitude in this selection from Of Plymouth Plantation?

|a. |despair at the endless suffering of his people |

|b. |faith in the workings of Divine Providence |

|c. |tolerance for the weaknesses of others |

|d. |suspicion of all those who are not Pilgrims |

____ 16. In calling Squanto “a special instrument sent of God,” Bradford demonstrates his personal conviction that

|a. |Squanto will become a convert to Christianity. |

|b. |the Pilgrims would have survived without Squanto. |

|c. |it is important to forgive one’s enemies. |

|d. |the Pilgrims had God on their side. |

____ 17. In Bradford’s account, the settlers’ attitude toward the Native Americans changes from

|a. |respectful to disparaging. |c. |indifferent to cautious. |

|b. |friendly to antagonistic. |d. |suspicious to appreciative. |

____ 18. The incidents Bradford describes are most strongly connected with Americans’ celebration of

|a. |Labor Day. |c. |Thanksgiving Day. |

|b. |Christmas Day. |d. |Independence Day (July 4th). |

____ 19. The speaker of “To My Dear and Loving Husband” addresses

|a. |her husband. |c. |the Puritan leadership council. |

|b. |herself. |d. |the Lord. |

____ 20. The central idea of “To My Dear and Loving Husband” is that

|a. |other women cannot possibly be as happy as the speaker. |

|b. |the speaker loves her husband more than she loves God. |

|c. |heaven will repay the speaker’s loving husband with eternal life. |

|d. |the love the speaker shares with her husband is deep and lasting. |

____ 21. Since his love is too great for her to repay, the speaker wishes that

|a. |her husband acquire mines of gold. |

|b. |her husband experience the riches of the East. |

|c. |the heavens reward her husband. |

|d. |she could learn to love her husband as much as he loves her. |

____ 22. What chief emotions does the speaker in Bradstreet’s poem express?

|a. |respect and admiration for her husband |

|b. |concern and anxiety about the permanence of her marriage |

|c. |love for and happiness with her husband |

|d. |fear of death |

____ 23. The lines “If ever two were one, then surely we. / If ever man were lov’d by wife, then thee” illustrate the Puritan Plain Style because they

|a. |rhyme. |

|b. |make references to everyday objects. |

|c. |use simple, common words. |

|d. |focus on the love between a man and a woman. |

____ 24. Which statement below is the best paraphrase of the following lines?

If ever wife was happy in a man,

Compare with me ye women if you can.

|a. |If ever a wife brought happiness to her man, then I do. |

|b. |Compared to all other wives, I am the best. |

|c. |If another woman were married to my husband, she would not be as happy. |

|d. |No woman could be happier with her husband than I am. |

____ 25. The speaker in “Huswifery” addresses

|a. |a housewife. |

|b. |housework. |

|c. |a spinning wheel, a loom, and the fabric produced on them. |

|d. |the Lord. |

____ 26. Around what task or tasks does “Huswifery” center?

|a. |spinning and weaving |c. |all the tasks of housekeeping |

|b. |getting dressed |d. |dyeing cloth |

____ 27. The central idea of “Huswifery” expresses the speaker’s desire to

|a. |become godlike. |c. |receive God’s grace. |

|b. |have beautiful clothes. |d. |find a heavenly reward here on earth. |

____ 28. In “Huswifery,” what is Taylor’s most likely reason for using vivid and elaborate images not typical of the Puritan Plain Style?

|a. |He wants his poetry to reflect his elegant lifestyle. |

|b. |He wants his words to shine with God’s glory. |

|c. |He believes that poets should dazzle their audiences. |

|d. |He wants to be different from other writers of his time and place. |

____ 29. In his first stanza, Taylor develops his elaborate metaphor by

|a. |creating an image of God as an eternal spool of thread. |

|b. |comparing parts of his being with parts of a spinning wheel. |

|c. |addressing his spinning wheel as if it could supply him with God’s glory. |

|d. |drawing parallels between God and a spinning wheel. |

____ 30. When the speaker says “Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will, / Affections, judgment, conscience, memory / My words, and actions,” he is

|a. |asking God to guide his thoughts, words, and deeds. |

|b. |requesting that God hide him from the rest of the world. |

|c. |confessing that he does not always follow God’s rules. |

|d. |reminding God that he needs help understanding his own faith. |

____ 31. What does the apparel at the end of “Huswifery” stand for?

|a. |the poet’s soul |c. |the poet’s body |

|b. |Paradise |d. |God’s grace |

____ 32. Which of these details is the best example of the references to everyday objects typical of the Puritan Plain Style?

|a. |the whole mines of gold “To My Dear and Loving Husband” |

|b. |the riches of the East in “To My Dear and Loving Husband” |

|c. |the Lord’s ordinances in “Huswifery” |

|d. |the spinning wheel in “Huswifery” |

____ 33. As a preacher, Edwards uses his sermon to

|a. |raise money for his church. |

|b. |frighten his congregation into seizing the opportunity of salvation. |

|c. |persuade his congregation to have faith in God. |

|d. |rouse his congregation to revolt against England. |

____ 34. What is the central message of the sermon?

|a. |There is no hope for salvation. |

|b. |The only hope for salvation is in good deeds. |

|c. |The only hope for salvation is through Christian rebirth. |

|d. |Sinners can save their souls through constant prayer. |

____ 35. Edwards’s vivid descriptions of Hell are meant to

|a. |frighten his audience. |c. |fascinate his audience. |

|b. |amuse his audience. |d. |make his audience feel superior. |

____ 36. Which of these people or forces does the sermon indicate is the most powerful?

|a. |Hell |c. |the congregations as a whole |

|b. |God |d. |preachers like Edwards |

____ 37. What contrasting images does Edwards use to describe God’s wrath?

|a. |heat and cold |c. |darkness and light |

|b. |sunlight and rain |d. |fire and water |

____ 38. Edwards uses the phrase “dead in sin” to describe

|a. |people who have died while in the midst of evil activities. |

|b. |those who have not yet experienced the grace of conversion. |

|c. |those whose sins have caused their deaths. |

|d. |people who are not religious and never attend church. |

____ 39. Edwards compares each of his listeners to “a spider, or some loathsome insect [held] over the fire” in order to stress a human being’s

|a. |powerlessness in comparison to God. |c. |ugliness in God’s eyes. |

|b. |unimportance in God’s plan. |d. |courage in the face of God’s wrath. |

____ 40. To which chief emotion does Edwards appeal in the following passage of the sermon?

How awful is it to be left behind at such a day! To see so many others feasting, while you are pining and perishing.

|a. |grief |c. |sympathy |

|b. |envy |d. |joy |

Short Answer-2points

41. Puritans were also sometimes called ____________________ or _________________.

42. List at least three major beliefs of the Puritans.

43. The era called the ______________ ________________, was a move by the Puritans toward Protestanism and was led by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.

44. Name at least one educational advancement and/or invention credited to the Puritans.

What was indicative of the Puritan style of writing?


Essay/Answer: Choose one of the four to answer-10 points.

46. Columbus never recognized that he had failed to reach his destination of Asia. What do you think his response would have been had he known? Write an essay in which you describe what you think Columbus’s feelings would have been.

47. At one point in his narrative, John Smith makes the claim that “everything of worth is found full of difficulties.” Write an essay in which you explain what you think Smith means by this statement. Then go on to explain how the statement applies to both the Jamestown colonists and the Pilgrims. Finally, offer your own opinion about Smith’s idea, and explain why you feel as you do.

48. The attitudes and beliefs of the Puritans are reflected in both the form and content of their writings. Write an essay in which you discuss the ways in which Puritan ideas are expressed in “To My Dear and Loving Husband.” Citing details, explore not only the content of Bradstreet’s poem, but also its form and the style in which it is written.

As you read in the biographical sketch before the selection, Edwards was eventually dismissed from his position because of his views. Write and explain explain why his congregation may have decided to find a new minister.

Bonus( +5): Who was primarily responsible for leading the Salem Witch Trials?

Unit 1:2

Answer Section


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. D

17. D

18. B

19. A

20. D

21. C

22. C

23. C

24. D

25. D

26. A

27. C

28. B

29. B

30. A

31. D

32. A

33. B

34. C

35. A

36. B

37. D

38. B

39. A

40. B


41. Pilgrims, Separatists

42. Theocracy-a state under the influence of God,

Humans exist for the glory of God,

Bible is God’s sole expression of His will for the people,


Goodness could be “earned” through hard work and self-discipline.

43. Great Awakening

44. Harvard, printing press, free public education

45. plain and simple common words and terms


46. Students’ essays might attempt to convey the great sense of disappointment Columbus would have undoubtedly felt at not achieving his goal; or the essays might consider how Columbus might have tried to hide his disappointment and make the best of things in order to continue to paint a rosy picture for his patrons.

47. Students should point out that both the Pilgrims and the Jamestown settlers faced many difficulties. They may point out that Smith seems to believe that people do not appreciate things unless they are forced to struggle for them and that the Pilgrims seemed especially strengthened by their ordeal. Students’ evaluation of Smith’s idea should be supported by examples and logical reasoning.

48. Students should point to the request in line 10 and paradox in line 12 as evidence for the speaker’s concern with her and her husband’s relationship to God and the afterlife. Students should cite details that illustrate the simple language and direct statements of Puritan Plain Style and may suggest that the simplicity and directness help mirror the Puritan world view. Students may note that the main aim of the poem is to describe a relationship of wholesomeness and righteousness inextricably tied to the love it also expresses.

49. Students should give examples of the sometimes extreme hectoring tone in the sermon and the continuous condemnation of the audience as sinners almost beyond redemption. Students will probably contend that the congregation eventually decided that Edwards at one point crossed a line and that a more moderate minister would be more appropriate. They may suggest that to stress only the negative is not what Christianity is all about.


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