
Know your rights_249_2020.12.22Sun, 1/3 11:08AM ? 1:26:07SUMMARY KEYWORDSstate, act, questions, information, rights, new south wales, year, victoria, vaccine, absolutely, request, privacy act, put, products, members, crown, great, email, virus, vaccination00:01Good evening, everyone and welcome to The Know Your Rights show streaming live in the internet over the red FM network from our new secret underground studio. Our show is as always, proudly sponsored by a web gate IT solutions stretching your it dollar further, if anyone's looking for any IT experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at a webgate dotnet.au. And of course, we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being officially sponsored now by alkaline health. And of course, Verona resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors via the links on our health page. And we urge you to check out the great range of products that green cleaner has, make sure you book in precision with Phil alkaline health. And of course, if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, as we all should be after a very tumultuous year, please do be sure to check out the verano resort in Noosa. And a reminder to just mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with all our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike and I'm joined again in the studio by Darryl how I might01:21very good, my very good. And here we are excited. Christmas is just around the corner.01:25The year is almost over it is all well and truly happening. And Darren's made the big trip back all the way from wi just to join us for our final show for the year live in the studio, how I made I'm depressed.01:42That's that's01:43spirits.01:45I haven't been back in Victoria for 24 hours and I see what's happening here. I've just left the state of freedom01:52is the state of bondage. It is it is a bit of a shift, isn't it?01:58I was at the airport last night and the amount of people wearing masks. I was just overwhelmed. And they're all just staring at me. Yes.02:06Sadly, the the muzzled Muppets continue to walk amongst us, certainly, very much so here in Melbourne. But anyway, we will keep plodding along and doing what we can to inform and educate these people about the truth and hopefully get them to remove their face nappies and stop breathing freely. Now, as I explained at the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group over six years ago now. And of course, during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to really wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, now that people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It seems like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights, which is great, certainly better late than never nap tonight is obviously our final radio show for the year. But just a heads up, we will be back live on air again on January the 12th. doing our beat to teach people about their rights and of course trying to restore our freedoms. And before we get started another very important reminder, we have now moved over from Facebook, to the May we platform, we do also have a telegram group working as well. Again, we do urge everyone to please keep the Facebook group post two basic introductory information, just friend newbies, and please do put anything more controversial up on me web page. Instead, I am going to again ask everyone to please refrain from trying to correspond with us via Facebook Messenger or YouTube. We do get to see the occasional message or comment here and there. But the best way to get hold of us is of course by email. Again, a reminder we can only answer very basic questions via email. I've mentioned this on our last few shows and with all due respect, we are absolutely here to help but we're not your on call lawyers. Darren and Darrell obviously flat out doing very important work with rod Colton and the greatest rain party. I'm still here holding down the fort keeping the know your rights group running. So if you do want a personalised response to your questions, the best way to do that is by booking a one on one coaching call, which you can do via the links on the top left of our shop page and plays a very important reminder that we do need you to provide all of the details that are specified in red at the bottom of that booking page. Now again, a heads up we will all be taking a break for the next few weeks. But we will resume coaching calls again from the fifth of January. Now we are aware that there are still a couple Couple of outstanding calls, we will do our best to get to those before Christmas, but if not, it will be early in the new year. So in any event, getting back to our show, for those of you keeping track, this is our 200 and 49th broadcast. And we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. Now for those of you who are new to our show, and perhaps to our website, you will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And that of course, he's know your rights group Comdata, you forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. And these podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics, as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary, the fact that the ITR is not a legal entity, we also deal with a straw man concept and of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered.06:12So Mike, why do we do the show?06:15My as always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And lets people do get their head around some of those basic truths. We really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on these shows, are really taking action against these in justices, and really helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts from our new secret studio as regularly as we can again next year. Because given what has transpired this year, next year is sure to be another very interesting year as well. We do also love to receive listeners feedback, as well as any questions they may have, or suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover. And you can send those through to us by email at no your rights at Red FM comm otherwise, you can SMS us on 04127, double one, seven, double five. So as we always do, I'm going to kick off tonight's show with some of those emails that we've received over the past few weeks, because I'm sure they'll be of interest to everyone tuning in. So let's get into it. Jason says, Hi, guys, are you able to advise if dutiable property tax on private property is actually constitutional or lawful, I've been trying to find some high court cases that outline it, but can't find much about the specific topics, lots of excise tax, etc. but not around stamp duty taxes, any help would be unreal, cheese. Jason?07:53Well, Jason, the lane tax was abolished in 1951. By the Commonwealth the taken up obviously, by the states just in the past few years. The land tax applies to property that you as a private individual gain commercially from the does not apply to the roof over your head or the property that you reside on. So what you haven't stated in the mail is whether it is the property that you reside on or not, but the state land tax through the state revenue office. They do apply land tax on property that you gain a commercial value from and of course, then they would have to provide evidence that they are under the crown and they are an agent of the crown. And as such, I will to collect texts on behalf of the CRAN. And I've done this with a couple of individuals over the years and found that in fact the state revenue office in stomach some states does not have any attachment to the cram. So therefore wanting when it comes to improving the ability to collect a tax on a cram fee simple property, but that opens up a hole. So definitely, yeah, there's all a lot of arguments depends on your particular case.09:29Exactly. Exactly. All right, Louis, sends in. Hello, Mike. A month ago you put up a video titled How to get compensation from from the government for losses during lockdown and Brett Sutton confirmed that you are not subject to a public health order pursuant to sections 117 and 118. The public health and well being act but isn't that because the directions given under Section 200 and we're emergency powers. Do these emergency powers over Ride sections 117 and 118. I have a mask fine. And I'm now struggling to see how sections 117 and 118 will help me if you could clarify this, this would be a big thanks, Louis. Well, you've read the ins and outs of the public health and well being act. What are your thoughts?10:19Well,10:20I think the easiest way to discharge a fine in regards to a mosque, which I've done many times for people this year, is you need to have a look at the the health and well being act. And you should specifically look at the definitions of what an authorised officer is, you will see an officer is someone appointed by a council, the secretary or subject to Section 31 by the Council under the Local Government Act. Now, it also provides the secretary may appoint authorised officers under the public administration act of 2004 under Part Three, and if you go and have a look under the public administration act, you will see that I think it's 106, section 106, that the act doesn't apply to certain particular persons. And you will see that one of those particular persons under that section is a police officer. So police officers fail to be authorised officers for the purposes of the Act. If you want to see all this, I can I can go through but I don't want to bore you all. But if you go to constitution watch and punching covert police powers that co v RT, not ID not in COVID, but covert police powers. All the legislations there for you all to see if you frame a question to them. And what I've been doing is stating that thank you for your correspondence issuing this particular infringement. I do believe you've issued this correspondence by mistake. And these are the reasons why. And and I do believe actually under the public health and well being act, it's actually an offence also to impersonate an officer at section 184. And, and I look forward to your withdrawal of this, this infringement by return mail as it appears that the person who issued it is actually or actually files to be an authorised officer for the purposes of the Act and therefore cannot issue any infringement.12:30Nice. Nice. I12:31like it. I like it a lot. All right, Danny. says Hi, guys. Great work. For the most part. Thanks. Just one thing you said in your last show that mRNA vaccines alter DNA, that is not how they are claimed to work, they do not interact with or alter the DNA of the recipient. Rather, the messenger RNA acts like software instructions, directing the cell to produce COVID proteins that the body is then supposed to develop antibodies against the mRNA vaccine does not enter the nucleus of the cell where DNA resides. See here for the source for this. Of course, what the CDC says is not necessarily true. Absolutely. However, if we spread the rumour that the vaccine alters DNA, then when the media comes out with their inevitable debunking of the claim, it makes those of those of us who shared the idea with others look unreliable compared to the media is not what you want in information war. It is my view that ideas like this are deliberately seeded into the alternative media or when they pop up fostered by certain conscious or unconscious shills, specifically to be debunked by the MSM at a later stage. And also to discredit any good and true information shared along with belie this information. 101 please always verify planes before sharing. Resist tyranny keep fighting Danny.14:06So well. Yeah, I didn't point out. This was according to the Wikipedia, in reference to our NIH, what more than anything that we're upset about, with respect to the ingredients in vaccination with plastic.14:26Yeah, exactly.14:27That was the mindfuck as we were saying, it's like, why would you ever put plastic inside your body inside your body no matter what they're claiming it is the fix. I can imagine plastic is gonna do you any good whatsoever in any way, shape or form? Definitely not definitely into putting crude oil or a form of crude oil into my veins. I'll put it in my motor vehicle.14:55Absolutely. Yeah. All right, Anthony. says Hi there, it appears they have removed authorised officers from the act. And police are not allowed to be authorised officers, Part Four, section 545 onwards, as employees of a state they can be appointed, but only by instrument, doing some further reading for any other major changes regarding Anthony. So it doesn't say what state he's in there. So yeah, I15:28don't, I'd say that's not Victoria because I think it only goes up to about 160 or 80 subsections. I do believe in New South Wales, that police are authorised officers look under the Act because it actually provides it in the directions itself. You will find the authorization on police to be authorised officers within the direction if that is applies to New South Wales. But in regards to Victoria, that would be under Section 190. And one night he provides 190 he provides that a person must give their name and address etc, etc, etc. And that subsection two provides that it must be an authorised officer. And as per the last question I answered, placing Victoria are not authorised officers for the purposes of the health and well being act.16:28so important to do the relevant research in your state. All right, shentel says hi there. Thank you for keeping us informed. I really appreciate it. I have a question. South Australia have now introduced a QR scanning on most public activities and venues including pubs, witnesses, fitness chains, etc. This is to be extended to supermarkets, hardware and all retail by Monday the 14th of December. Is the QR scan app the same the same as the COVID. Safe app? If so, is this also covered by the Privacy Act 1998, Part Eight, a division 294 H, that you cannot be forced to get an app or be refused entry etc. Also, they are saying that it is mandatory to either scan or sign in. Is this also a breach of the Privacy Act? Even though they say it's mandatory? Does the emergency declaration override the Privacy Act? CHANTELLE? Well, again, this is something you've done a bit of research into and what exactly is it that is able to override the Privacy Act?17:40Nothing overrides the Privacy Act. And the I do believe it's the privacy principles Amendment Act of 2012 basically provides that an entity cannot ask you for your personal property information without your consent. And if you go to the Privacy Act and believe the Privacy Act provides in regards to your anything to do with medical or health, they must be a medical practitioner. Yeah. So they must be qualified medically to ask you for those particular details. So it just fails. Now. One beautiful thing about the privacy amendment of 2012 is that if anyone breaches that particular act, it's up to a $1.7 million dollar penalty, which is a civil penalty. And the first offence I do believe is 340,000. And it doubles each time until it gets to $1.7 million.18:46Nice, good stuff. All right. So I'm not sure that I've got a name here but anyway radiating on Mike Darren, Darrell and team thought you might be interested to see the result of an FOIA request I sent off to the health department. They have no documentation of having isolated SARS COVID to virus, though, are we really surprised Keep up the good work? No, we're not surprised at all. Oh, he knows that for me. I don't know. I don't have a name on that one. All19:19kudos to that gentleman, whoever or lady.19:22Yes, absolutely. I've been through that. Awesome day. Well, this is what it says it says Department of Health under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. I'm requesting for you to please provide me with the documents held within the Department of Health that show the evidence of the isolation of SARS Cove to virus to eliminate the possibility of contamination I asked that these documents show the virus has been isolated from only the sample of a symptomatic patient of COVID-19 was not first combined with any other sorts of genetic material, not limited to but by by way of example monkey kidney cells, vero cells or liver cancer cells as you see Information is of extreme public interest at this time. I request any fee for finding this information to be waived. Thank you for your time. Yours faithfully are Holly. there we go got a name Holly. And yeah, and their response was that no such documents can20:13be failed? Definitely. I must say that I was at the magistrate's court in Perth. Oh, sorry, not in Perth in Fremantle on Monday. And they would not allow me entry into a public courthouse because they said that there was a pandemic on the road. And I said, How can we not wearing masks? How come as well, not only you're not wearing masks, but why are you saying there's a pandemic? There's no state of emergency, there's no state of emergency, you're not wearing masks? How can they be a pandemic? And, and then I asked them if they are aware whether the the actual virus and been isolated. And, and they just didn't know what to say. And this is the thing in when they limit your access to the court. That is a fundamental breach of the foundation of a democratic society. Yeah, I couldn't answer that either.21:12No, no surprises there. D All right. David, has him as hard gentlemen. And as us as well, one thing I have noticed is that nobody has described how exactly COVID or concrete as I call it, or any other virus kills people. They say so many deaths from COVID, yet have not described exactly how the virus kills people. If the virus does actually kill people, surely the expert expert should know how exactly it kills them. If they don't know how it kills them, then how can I say it kills21:48to mental disease?21:49He must. Well, I mean, it's a valid point, though, isn't it?21:54Very true. One would either make21:57Picton Yeah, there you go.21:58What's it about Ivan?22:00Nana, however drink you'll be right. either make,22:03either make the more of us that asked our local state, parliamentarians, the Chief Medical Officer of each and every state. Why have you ignored ivermectin? Why are you insisting that people wear masks? Instead of taking over MIKTA? Why in the whole world? Is Australia excluded from either make them?22:32Where do you want to take all Ivan anyway?22:36Just like anyway, maybe weren't alone. Nick says guys question for the show tonight. Is there a legal definition in federal legislation of what a vaccine is? The reason I ask is because the mRNA vaccines are not a traditional vaccine, and therefore would be outside of a traditional definition, if one exists in the law. Regards, Nick. Well, that's23:02certainly an interesting way to look at it. And well vaccination appears in the national the Australia New mineralization register Act, the new tech system act, Australian immunisation register the Age Discrimination Act, the customs Tariff Act,23:21the actual the actual interpretation is in the Health Act, or as an23:25interpretation in most of these, he put in the biological control act. Okay. Okay. So the biological control act that appears as a vaccine that does not include live vaccines or resistant cultivators to cultivate.23:46I don't know exactly23:48prescribed organisms23:49yet, but in the actual the National Health Act of 53, there is a definition of XC and it says that it means a vaccine for the purposes of immunisation purposes.24:02So that defined it with the time definition.24:05Exactly.24:07What do we say about that side?24:09Yes, it's when you look up the word cheese and it says a tree sees exactly say cheese. Hmm,24:18yes. Right. Well, that's it. That's a good point. And look, I think it's great. I mean, yeah, as as we sort of turn the last show on for the for the year. Now we look back and we look at questions like that from members. It's, you know, this is what it's all about for us is that people are thinking creatively thinking people are thinking outside the square. People are asking some really intelligent questions like this and you know, the more people that we can get, asking questions along those lines, and then of course, putting those questions not just to us here at the show, but of course, putting it to the members of parliament, putting it to their, you know, the Minister for Health, putting it to the premier putting it to the Prime Minister, you know, putting these things questions to all of these other people and seeing what answers they come up with, and then urging, of course others to do the same thing. This is how we start to bring about some real change. And hopefully, you know, given the the solstice and the alignment and everything else that we've just had in this past week, it will mean that 2021 will be a very different and very positive.25:27But we need people to concentrate on the words good government, here in legislation, and we asked him, state and federal members, whether it is good government to recommend a vaccine and become part of a scientific experiment, which it can only be by consent. Yes. Or whether we take a pharmaceutical product that's proven it's been around for some six decades as being safe, which restricts us and means we don't have to wear masks. We only have to take point one five milligrammes per year, yeah, of this particular drug, ivermectin has that drug, by the way.26:07So once again, I've in case anyone missed it in Ivanhoe.26:15Any light on that point, we do need to go to a break. So there is some very serious food for thought, as we do go into that break. And while we are on that break, please be sure to look up ivermectin. And when we come back from the break, we're going to be addressing the so called a Sydney COVID. cluster, the restrictions that have come into place, since that's been announced, as well as the numerous border closures that also have been implemented in many states now, and of course, affecting a lot of people and a lot of families over the coming Christmas break. We're also going to be giving everyone a bit of a summary or an overview a guess, of what has gone on this year. And we will in particular be giving everyone an interesting insight to now that we've had sort of nine months behind us a bit of an overall insight to what actually occurred with this whole so called covid 19 pandemic. As part of that we will of course, be addressing the numerous issues with the various lockdowns and fines that were issued, and in fact, are still being issued to this day. And of course, the many arguments you have available to you to challenge those, we do still get numerous emails every single day about that. So please be sure that everyone you know, who might be affected by this does tune in to our live show tonight. Now, on that point, just a very quick heads up that our editing guy is away. So there will be a slight delay in getting the fully edited show uploaded for our members. So again, all the more reason to ensure that everyone you know, tunes in live tonight.28:07And then finally, to finish off tonight's show, we will also be covering all of the display, the different Christmas discount offers, that we and the various groups that we're working with are currently offering. And there's some really, really great deals to be had so pleased to be sure to stay tuned in for that as well. So like all our shows, is going to be another information packed show again tonight, I'm sure with Darren's input, it's going to be extra entertaining as well. And look on that point, a quick reminder that podcast members can listen in to all of our previous shows. And that's all 248 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over more than six years. Now, you can listen to our full catalogue of shows from the past six years by ordering a brand new set of 12 podcast CD packs. And as I mentioned on our last few shows, those new CDs are being included at no extra cost at all, for all of our platinum and ultimate Platinum packs as well. Now speaking of our packs, in case you missed our recent video updates, we have recently created some really great looking no your rights tote bags, a lot of people are out there walking the streets, walking the shops with those, you can purchase those separately, or we are now including them for free with any of our special combo ultimate combo and platinum combo packs. So please do be sure to see what they look like on the our products page. And please if you're not yet a podcast member and you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, incredible amount of information that we have on our court cases page and of course our members only forum. Please do be sure to join up as a podcast member tonight. Of course if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we will continue doing whatever we can as we train positioning the next year to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including, of course a new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week's show. As part of our show notes, we have also had one of our members who is using software to transcribe each of our shows, we are now providing copies of all of those to our members, as well as part of their podcast members membership. And we are just waiting for those latest transcripts to be sent to us. He loves if you're listening. And as soon as we received those, we will upload them for everyone to access. So we are going to play couple of songs to give you a chance to join up as a member if you haven't already. And also do be sure to check out our special Christmas promotion via the various links on our products page. And of course, make sure if you haven't done so already, all of the live video updates that are on our YouTube channel. And please, if you do have any friends or family members that might not have tuned in yet, just jump on the phone, post a quick mixed message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email and just remind them that our show is on live right now, just in case they forgot. They can of course go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in. Or they can listen in on a mobile device via the tuning app as well. Just download chaining, do a search for rediff him, and you'll find us there. Otherwise, you can go straight to arrest and just click on the player. So we're gonna play a couple songs give you a chance to do all of that. And we'll be back right after these few songs. And welcome back to The Know your rod shows streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. So obviously, the big news over the last week or so has been this recent Sydney COVID cluster in the Northern Beaches. they've tested all these people got all these positive tests, and they've imposed all these restrictions. There's all new border closures in place. Wi Fi is saying the people from Northern Sydney either can't come we'll have to quarantine for 14 days, I believe. Queensland just put another hard border in prep in place with the police stopping and checking cars and, and all the rest of it. So what do we make of this?32:26Well, New South Wales we've got a bit of a problem, like any government in any part of Australia, in any state of Australia, they're all covered by a state constitution. Section five of the New South Wales Constitution Act and the legislators shall subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. have power to make laws for the peace and welfare and good government of New South Wales. With respect to any new tax or impost or impact impulse. So then I haven't heard is yet I haven't been listening overly close. But I haven't heard the words emergency powers be expressed at all by the New South Wales pretend governor? A because when I look at the original constitutions of any state, I don't see the word premier appear anywhere. Have you read it anywhere down?33:28I don't believe so.33:30So we've got these pretend governors calling themselves premiers of the state. But anyway, all that aside, let's look at the emergency powers. prescribed under the New South Wales legislation the buyer security activism 15, six and 131 relates to an individual can't be a blanket power. That's the key isn't it is expressed and this is reflected in pretty much every state I just can't blanket everybody and say right now you are restricted. The Act comes with respect to the power of an authorised officer to be exercised over and in the individual. Yeah, a single person. Okay, and they can only stop the vehicle for the purpose of exercising of power that's conferred through this particular section, which means that that individual has got an order against them of some form or another relating to the quarantine requirements that is brought about by these so called emergency powers. Hmm. Where is it good government to abuse those powers? Yep. And this is a question we need to continually put to these elated legislators and spokespersons for the governments of each state. We need to ask questions, we don't tell them they're all a pack of sovereign size. We get them to a meeting. Yep. Through failure to answer particular questions that are well defined and targeted to the particular individuals. So you target your Minister for Health, you target the pertain governor, the premier, you depart you target their particular departments. And you ask these questions of which one of them would be has any of the anyone in the Department of Health of either the state or the Commonwealth managed to isolate COVID-19 as a particular virus? Has that been done? Because if the World Health Organisation hasn't been able to achieve it, as they have admitted publicly, then how can the state of this within the Commonwealth of Australia or the Commonwealth itself, been able to bring about restrictions relating to something I haven't isolated? Exactly, exactly. So we gain we need to ask questions instead of just falling victim to whatever they direct us to do. We ask them questions relating specifically to the legislation. And whether that legislation grades the authorised people under the Act, to exercise powers in a blanket format, which is what they're doing today, and what they're doing in New South Wales. And you're getting another pseudo governor in Western Australia saying all well, because we've got all the sickness, sick people in Sydney, we're gonna have to restrict36:41English.36:43If this is bizarre, it is bizarre. And it's only happening because enough people are asking questions that don't tell them they're all. Yep. Want to admit it? Yeah, please, people. We were, you know, we can we we really need to get our head around this the meaning of the word presumption. Hmm. Yeah, he's so so so important. The word presumption puts it on those who are making the claim to provide the evidence.37:20I think one of the challenges that they basically just grabbing people off these planes, and shoving them into these hotel quarantines, saying, right? Well, you've now got a, you're now stuck here for 14 days, you know, you've got to have your test on day, whatever. And then another test on days such and such. And if you don't do it, basically, we're not gonna let you out. And these people are going well, geez, what do I do on under that scenario, when I don't have time to ask them these questions,37:47and this is where we have a fee schedule. I'm already ready. Yeah, that is more than anything we should be sending off as fee schedules. to each and every one of these pertain. Governments Mm hmm. State and saying, guys, this is the cost of doing business with this person. And this is coming from the administrator for that person. Yeah, that you under your legislation, have legislation relating to so in order to grab that person and because that person only exists on a piece of paper as a corporate entity, when you grab the living, man or woman which is a natural born subject. Please people type those words on board and natural born subject. Then you are incurring the fee that are laid out in that schedule. You can take the Piper entity and do whatever they want with it. Yeah, he can put it in acquiring. covered. Yeah, whatever you like with that piece of paper. When you grab the living man or woman, they need to be aware that there is a fee attached to taking the living man. Yeah. Yeah,39:05absolutely. That's a good question. Does the person in the Health Act apply to the natural person?39:11Hmm.39:12But just to bring to everyone's attention, there's actually a website online called fluoride free peel. And they've actually got a page on the Australian Government and various other governments and it's a title says the Australian Government Department of Health has no record of COVID-19 virus isolated from any human on the planet. Now, there's a group of people who have been making Freedom of Information requests to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany and the UK and the US, seeking the records of this, and not one agency has been able to produce any evidence of any isolation of the COVID-19 virus,39:59though in this city. So, so important. What are all these PCR tests testing against if the virus hasn't been isolated? And what on earth? Are they creating a vaccine against? If the virus hasn't even been isolated? I mean, how are people not asking these most basic, simple questions?40:25Did you see there was a minister in the Australian Parliament who did a COVID test on a coat? Yeah. And it came back positive40:33that Yeah, absolutely. Yes.40:36I just watch out at the local bars for the bourbon and coke coming out.40:41Yeah, yeah,40:42get it get it would be alive. Get it? Get it bourbon with dry instead, much better for you. See? All right. Now we've got a couple of minutes before the next break. So just want to go through a couple more emails that have come through. Kathy has said hi to you all. Thanks so much for your hard work, bringing info to the public. I have a question about our rights in relation to COVID. Testing. There seem to be a number of different scenarios where the authorities can suggest advise or even require us to be tested. Could you advise the situation relating to when they purport to require testing? Can we refuse? And if so, what are the consequences? Do they need to issue a specific control order covering people individually for such requirement to be valid, just seen the other end in New Zealand for example, said they just hold people in quarantine until they test negative is that the case here would really love to hear people's experiences. Also, if you have any knowledge of that. Thanks again for your all your efforts and enjoy your very well deserved break. Thanks, Kathy.41:51added to the fee schedule. Yeah. Yeah,41:54I do believe when I left the Socialist Republic of Victoria, about three months ago. Yes. The first people that we came across from DHHS actually stopped us and said, and this is just before you go through security and said, Have you had your COVID test yet yet yet? And I said, No. But thank you for asking anyway. And then I proceeded and they did nothing. Now, the thing is, once again, under the Privacy Act, only a medical practitioner and ask you for your own personal medical records. Okay, a COVID test and the the outcome of the test is a medical record. Okay, it's your own private personal information. And some person that's been employed by health department that's not an actual authorised officer, and doesn't have a duble ever qualified medical practitioners licence cannot ask you for anything of that nature, because of the breaches of the Privacy Act under the privacy Amendment Act of 2012. Yeah. Obviously principle three. Yep.43:12All right. And the other Darryl, I said evening James, with reference to the first question posed this evening, are you aware of the definition of freehold land has been altered from land alienated from the crown, as an estate in fee simple to land alienated from the state as an estate in facing in Queensland they change taxable land under the land tax act as the latter. Thanks once again and enjoy your time off as much as you can in Victoria regards the other Darrell. So what he's saying is the freehold land was originally defined as land alienated from the crown as an estate in free fee simple, but it's now in Queensland been altered to land alienated from the state and business staging fee simple. Darrell.44:07Darrell number44:08one,44:09there's a question from Darrell number two.44:14Yes, well, I cannot believe that the Queensland Parliament can show any ability to draft any legislation whatsoever since 1922. So the question needs to be put to the people claiming the day can bring about a change from altering a fee simple title from the crown to the state, where they derive that power from them, can they please provide the instrument that would fulfil the requirements of the law as prescribed through the Commonwealth constitution. In the laws of England, as to how that can be possibly done Can I have a copy of that instrument plays? Absolutely. One Pass in one. Forming a parliament is not a parliament and exactly to pertain parliament. Exactly, guys, Queensland you've got a major miscarry on it. And he was the one he was the one you've been putting up with it for how many years? Listen fully 22. So that's why I say, Hey, we're coming up to 100 years.45:35I want final one before we go to a break. Hi, team, I'm really enjoying the interplay of all your infectious non COVID humour, which adds to the sarcasm directed at our beloved rulers. She's too old for the silly season. From Poli, in. So thanks for that. Glad you're enjoying the show. And thanks for joining us for our Christmas special in our final show for the year.46:04Merry Christmas, Pauline? Absolutely, absolutely. All right,46:07we do need to go to another song break. But as I said, we still have lots more to come we've we've got a very, very interesting fry that we're going to cover after the break. And we've also got a little bit of a summary or an overview of the year, which is going to cover a lot of the points that we've just sort of touched on, but so many others and tie this all together. So again, anyone who's been in any way affected by covid 19, border restrictions, quarantine, fines, any of that, please do make sure you join in after the break. And if you know anyone who's benefited, get them to listen in live after the break, because we're going to cover some very important information. So we're gonna play a couple more songs. And we'll be back straight after this. And welcome back to The Know your rod shows streaming live in the internet over the rat FM network. So during the week, I was sent a very interesting email from our guys that Ozzy speeding fines in relation to nfsi request. And you know, they know that we've sort of deal with these quite often. And so they forwarded this on this is from one of their members Cameron. And so this is his email to them that they pass on to us as high as if Ken this FOIA request be validly used as another element of a defence against a fine in New South Wales. And this is the this is the FOIA request that he sent and they're smolts. So it says your request on 14 November 2020, the Attorney General's Office received an email from you requesting access to one documentation that authorises revenue New South Wales, IBM, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, to collect taxes, fines, excise on behalf of the crown, and to documentation to provide evidence to prove that revenue in New South Wales IBM data is a crown representative. On 27 November 2020, the Attorney General's department wrote to you by email acknowledging if our request the department also advised that your request had been transferred to the Attorney General's department on 24th. November to continued processing under Section 16, one of the FOIA and the response. To identify the documents for your request, I arranged for staff likely to be able to identify documents to undertake comprehensive searches of relevant departmental electronic holdings, in particular to undertake comprehensive searches of relevant departmental holdings. In particular departmental staff with responsibility for processing, if I request interrogated the department's record management system using search terms, which were developed with reference to the information provided in the scope of your request, despite these efforts, no relevant documents were identified. So why don't we make it that?49:13Well, that does not surprise me because, yes, these statutory corporations that are collecting money on behalf of the government, are not the crown.49:25No.49:26Now there's a case from the high court as the loan system Corporation versus the hydro electric commission of 1959. And it's a case about the status of statutory corporations. And what this was about was about the hydro electro commission argued that it wasn't liable to pay rights because it was entitled to crown immunity. And the High Court actually ruled that as a statutory Corporation it was independent of the crown and not entitled to the immunity that it claims. So these people are not the crown, nor do they represent the crown. Okay. The only people who represent the crown other ministers. That's it. Okay. The ministers in Parliament, they are the only people or crown representative. And they don't actually represent the crown, so to speak, they represent the crown in right of that particular state. Now, this is the thing, the crown is the personification of the coin. I'm sorry. So how do they represent the personification of the queen? If the crown is the queen, and the queen is the crown of the United Kingdom? Yes. So it just opens a be conundrum of problems for them, because these statutory corporations are making claims and just hoping for your ignorance. There's there's many ways to throw out these efforts in court if you do actually go and speak to your local magistrate. But yeah, the the actual fact that these people do not represent the crown means they actually do not have the authority. The statutes that give them the authority, have they been written by or enacted by the actual valid governor, because the governors in the states no longer operate under lidice Payton, the Australia Act says that the Her Majesty's representative in each state must be the governor. Now, how can they represent her majesty if Her Majesty has failed to issue letters Payton, for that particular governor? So for example, in Victoria, and I know that this is the case in New South Wales, the governors are actually employees now. Okay, the employees of the state and they usually come under the Office of premier and cabinet. So what's happened instead of the governor being at the top of the of the pile, the governor now comes under the portfolio of the premier and Cabinet Office, and fails to have that same power as Her Majesty's representative, as the letters paitent prescribed to them, the letters peyten in instructions, and these have all been removed. So what they're doing is they're slowly creating Kwazii Republic's. And unfortunately, if you're unaware of that, you will fall victim to it. But if you call them out on this, you will hear many will you won't hear anything, actually, because they go silent. They're hugely silent.53:03But you ask them the question,53:05or 100%. That's, that's how you acquire the silence.53:10You get them to fulfil the presumption that they're operating53:14100%. So one would ask where the authority of that particular enact that comes from if the governor fails to operate under the letters peyten and instruction from the coin, and therefore, is not representing her majesty under that paitent. As simple as that they cannot claim that authority, that direct line of authority from the coin, it's actually been broken. The coin is the fount of justice, and all sorts of jurisdiction and authority in a constitutional monarchy. Now, as soon as you break that, that that line, there is no authority and what you're doing is, or what they're doing is they're hoping that you don't understand that that actual chain of power has been broken, and that you're falling under or you you think it's still the same old system prior to them actually making the governor a employee of the state.54:21But I mean, that is a super powerful ephi that, that this guy Cameron can now use to challenge any future fine. There is a scene in New South Wales because he just scenes revenues, New South Wales a copy of that fly response. And so, you know, in light of the attached fly response from the attorney general's office, where do you get your authority to issue and enforce this 500% and, you know, again, everybody in any state can do this, you know, in Victoria now, it's fine Victoria. I think in In Queensland, it's a SDRs state Debt Recovery office. And there's similar ones in in South Australia and NWA as well. So there's no reason why you can't send off a similar fry request in those states asking exactly the same questions, getting the same response, and then using that in your debate, so55:23100%55:24Yeah, really, really powerful stuff. So yeah, look, it's, it's great to see Yeah, yeah. And this is why we work with all these different groups, you know, Ozzy speeding fines and bank Secrets Revealed and operate the profit, because I've got their own members, obviously, there's a lot of cross membership between PayPal as well. But h. h groups got their own active members, and they come up with these things. And you know, we're, there's only three of us here, there's only so much we can do. So it's great when other people are out there, you know, asking these questions writing these fly is, you know, sharing these responses and, and stuff with us and the other groups and yeah, just getting all this information out there to the the people that need it most. That's what it's really all about.56:00But then, this brings us to the request from Kim. Ron, Can you discuss the Canadian case of leads versus me? And whether it has any negative ramifications?56:15Ah, yes.56:16They have needs versus needs as a case that they were really having creating a sort of sovereign citizen of people who are going into the courts and saying that the corporate governments have no constitutional foundation and all this. And this is something that we've been quite adamant about here at NIH rights for and and have been doing for 20 odd years is showing the general public the laws so that they can properly structure questions and apply questions connect up with your local legislator, and when you're in a courtroom and apply the questions accordingly, to the prosecution, because they're the ones who have taken you into the court. Yeah, it's not so much a matter of heavy core. It's about standing there against the prosecution, who's taking you into court and asking them questions. Yeah, putting them on the spot, getting them to fulfil the presumption, because in the needs versus needs case, they pretty much brought up this old chestnut that's been operating here in Australia for quite some time. And that was created in 1952, here in Australia, and that was to label somebody as vexatious and frivolous is. And as such, once you were labelled vexatious and frivolous, you will then basically thrown out at all costs were applied against you. And that's all very good. And well, when you start going into the courtroom, and you start making accusations. And of course, in one sense, the English law, the common law actually built up a body of law back in the late 19th century to battle that very question. Hmm. So the vexatious was actually a progression from the bar. In the US, and in Canada, there needs to be substance behind that climb. So when someone's labelled as vexatious, vexatious litigant, then there needs to be some sort of substance. And yes, correctly, if they haven't come to the table, with any form of substance in their claims, and against the court or against the prosecution, then, of course, that rightly so they will be, they will be labelled vexatious by by you've done it all wrong. Yeah. And what we're all about here is saying, formulating the question, hmm, taking advantage of these fry is taking advantage of your knowledge of the case law and the constitutional law and the legislation that stems from that, in order then to put the prosecution on the spot. And getting them to answer the questions as to where you are, whether there's a claim against you the subject of the coin, or whether the claim is, there are many other avenues you can go down. But please take that case as a lesson for those in Canada and other places don't get labelled as sovereign citizen, because very quickly, they will label you as that if you just make an accusation, yeah, without substance. And it's a very dangerous path to walk. Absolutely. Always put the question to those people and wait for the answer. And when they fail to it's a default.59:57Yeah. And then you've got there. Yeah, then you've got The evidence to go into the court.1:00:01It's so so important.1:00:04Indeed, indeed. All right, so one look, before we go to the next break, I wanted to cover a little bit of a an overview or a summary I guess of,1:00:15on May this year, which has, of course, been primarily taken up with this, so called COVID pandemic. And look, I wanted to share a couple of thoughts here, a couple of points, and we're still getting so many emails on this, you know, every single day, people go, Well, what arguments Can I use? And what do we do to handle these, so I wanted to sort of do a bit of an overview for everyone. And one of the first thoughts that came to mind was, how strange it is that, you know, good old dictator, Dan says that, in your home is the worst place to be, especially over Christmas, it's the most dangerous place to be, you should all be outdoors. But he locked everybody up in Victoria in their homes for three months, and essentially wouldn't let them outside. So it does seem a little contradictory. And this is, you know, this is borne out by the fact that now, when everyone's you know, back out and about, they're being active, they're catching up with friends and going to the beach and parks, you know, they're getting out the sun, they're building their immune systems people that all of a sudden, no one's dying from COVID anymore. I mean, isn't that strange? So you had everyone locked up in their homes and and the numbers went to the rubes and never runs out and about in the sunshine getting exercise being healthy and and no one's dying. So I'm sure you can connect the dots for yourselves. All you need to do is, you know, look over to the numbers in the UK or the USA, where they're just now heading into winter. And again, over there, obviously everyone's cooped up inside. And lo and behold, their old, supposedly dying of COVID. And again, that's where Dan forced us all to be for three months during our winter, and wonder why the, the numbers obviously went through the roof. So here's some other points, I guess, to keep in mind that basically, the powers that be here have shut down the entire country for a virus that has a 99% survival rate. And that's for the people who supposedly get it, which 99% of people want to please keep things in perspective. And please keep these things in mind. Okay, again, we've mentioned this, you know, early on in the show, that they're testing for a virus that despite being around for almost 12 months now, still has not been isolated yet by anyone in the world. So what exactly are they testing for? Okay. Furthermore, they're testing for something with a test, which is known as the PCR test, that even the inventor of that test himself specifically said, should not be used for testing for viruses. Okay, so here we are based on a virus that hasn't been isolated and based on tests that have been shown to be inaccurate. Again, let's not forget, it wasn't that long ago that a goat, a pour, pour, and even motor oil all tested positive for covid 19. And as Darren said, before, you know, just recently someone in Parliament tested a can of coke as positive for covid 19. Yet this still using these tests, to hand out various COVID related fines force people into quarantine and close borders. Okay, now, this is all being done under various purported, you know, state of emergency powers, which, even if they were lawful, cannot override basic human rights. And again, we've touched on this many times before, but that's exactly what is happening. Okay. fines are being handed out by, you know, like lollies by the police, who again, as we've discussed tonight, either specifically negated from being authorised officers under the various public health acts, or they can be made officers under those acts, but only by way of instrument which has of course, never happened in exactly the same way as these laws, Acts, regulations, whatever the directives can only apply to someone who has been specified in a public health order, which again, to date simply hasn't happened. Okay. And despite all of this, they're now rushing through vaccines, we know long term safety studies, and they expect people to believe that despite a flu vaccine being around for 50 odd years, and people still dying of the flu each and every year that everyone needs to rush out and get this untested vaccine. Again for a virus that hasn't been isolated and has a 99% survival rate. I mean, come on, how stupid and gullible are people, our people not looking at things this way and connecting these dots. Okay, mark my words 2020 was only the test case, okay. 2021 is where things are going to really ramp up, if we don't stand our ground, learn about our rights and start fighting back now. Now we do have some breaking news that's come through from a trusted source. I can't verify it, obviously, but just something for people to be aware of, especially if you are in Melbourne, we have heard that the CBD in Melbourne will be essentially locked down on New Year's Eve. And anyone who does not have a specific reservation, somewhere within the CBD will not be allowed in. We've even heard the trains are supposedly going to stop running at 6pm. On news abs, our illustrious leaders haven't mentioned any of these to the public, yet it only being a week away. And many people are obviously starting to make plans within us. So please just be aware that that is something that might happen. So at the very least make sure you have a plan B in place. So again, if anyone has any COVID related finds quarantines, restrictions, quarantine, bills, anything like that, please review this information, please review the information, obviously, in our ebook, and on our website, all of those points. So I just raised about PCR tests,1:06:53you know, vaccines, the non isolation of COVID-19, at what Darrell mentioned before about environmental, all of this stuff is detailed completely for free on our vaccinations page. So just go to know your rights group comm.au, forward slash vaccinations. And there are plenty of completely free media articles, stories, reports, things that you can and most assuredly should read. And once you've read them for yourselves, please share them, pass them around to friends, family loved ones, share them and spread them around on social media. Let's get this message out there. And let's ensure that 2021 is very, very different to 2020. So we are going to go to one final break, we do still have a few points to cover after the break. So please, don't go anywhere. We will also be sharing the deal the details of our absolutely unprecedented Christmas promotion this year after this break. So please stay tuned in we are going to play a couple of songs. And we'll be back with lots more straight after this. And no Welcome back to the garage shows streaming live on the internet on the rat FM network. For the last segment of our last show for the year, we do want to squeeze in one last extra bit of information. Because we always like to go above and beyond and do whatever we can to help people. So Darren's just come back from Wi Fi. And while you were over there, you were looking into the Wi Fi constitution and came across some interesting information. What would you like to share with us1:08:38among other acts, I got a couple of things for you. So the Constitution Act Western Australia, section two provides that it shall be lawful for her majesty, by advice to make laws for the peace order and good government of the of Western Australia. Now, if you go to any act after 1986 in Australia, you will see that it says the parliament in Acts and not the coin with and by the advice of the Legislative Assembly and council. So there you go. Section two, one, there is a qualification for any act, that it must be enacted by her majesty and not by the parliament. Yeah, well,1:09:25this is one of the key arguments that the LC spending files guys have been putting out for over a decade. Now. There's one of the first points in their their first notice of objection is please show me evidence that the rule or legislation that you're operating under has been lawfully enacted in the name of the Queen's most excellent majesty as it is required to be so1:09:46that backs it up beautifully. 100% and section 36 of the spray the Magistrates Court Act in w A also provides that an aggrieved person can on the grounds of challenging jurists diction or an abusive process can bump that case up to the Supreme Court to have that particular matter set aside. Okay. And there's also one last thing his his the the Christmas special from the High Court of Australia in the Attorney General of Victoria versus the Commonwealth 1945 HCA 30 of 1945. It provides in that act, the parliament could not pass a law requiring citizens of the state to submit to vaccination or immunisation? Well, Merry Christmas.1:10:39No ice. Absolutely. That is, that is gold right there, isn't1:10:46it? 100%. So yeah, not only is the case law, but there's also treaty and other types of instruments that can make you hold your position in regards to not accepting an immunisation or vaccination, then tastic brilliant. Love it. Love it, love it.1:11:08So we have a once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Indeed, we've covered an incredible amount of information on all of our shows throughout the year. even despite all of that we still quite obviously can't cover up everything. So for the final time this year, if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, and throughout the year, we would of course, encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now. As I say, an eight week show. These products have been specifically designed for people who want to really learn more and type in knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Of course, we did not go to all the trouble of creating these products because we got nothing better to do with our time. We certainly didn't do it because we're going to make money in selling 20 and $30 CDs. Okay, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experience. So you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way and of course at the cheapest possible price. And speaking of which, as I mentioned at the start of the show, and as I explained on Sunday night's live video update, we are now running an absolutely unprecedented 25% off of all of our ebook memberships and physical products. Now we do genuinely believe that our products are already exceptionally well priced, especially our various combo packs. So we've never offered such a large discount before. But we want to absolutely eliminate any and every possible barrier to people being able to access our information, especially when they need it the most. And also, as I explained on Sunday's video update, we have also convinced the Aussie speeding fines guys and the bank Secrets Revealed group also run similar promotions. So you can now get both the digital and hardcopy Ozzie speeding fines, ebook memberships at 25% off by entering the word Christmas into their coupon code box. And that discount has already been applied to all of the bank Secrets Revealed hardcopy book options already anyway. Know what that means is that not only are all our ebook memberships, both digital and hardcopy 25% off, but so are all our other products, physical products, and ridiculously so are all of our new packs and combo packs which were already significantly discounted anyway. So if you want to grab yourself an absolute bargain, and learn about your rights in the process, please be sure to get in quick because these promotions already started a few days ago, and they are only running until Christmas Eve so you will need to get in quickly. And also a reminder that the operate in the private guys are also running a special $300 off the cost of setting up a private foundation. So if you want to take advantage of that if you want to start 2021 correctly, if you want to unplug from the corrupt corporate system, and you want to start operating privately in the private away from the purview and clutches of that non legal entity known as the PTO, please do look into setting up a private foundation. And be sure to email the guys with the hidden Christmas promotion in the title so they know to extend that discount price to you. Now, we obviously don't have time to go through all of our products tonight. But please do be sure to check out our products page and of course our shop pages for further details about the various products that we have the ebooks, the combo packs, all the rest of it Okay, obviously, our K product is our Know Your Rights book, The essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. But do we do have lots and lots of other products there our freedom of information CD, and you have seen firsthand tonight, how powerful Freedom of Information responses really can be, and how important it is to get your head around knowing how to draft those questions correctly. And that CD is the missing key that you can use. So please grab hold of that. Please make sure you check out things like our seminar DVD so you can learn about our information in your own home in the comfort of your own home at your own pace, pause, rewind, fast forward, as you see fit, you know, Quicken garran constitution. You know, learning about the fundamental law of this land is so vitally important. The Law Dictionary is all the rest of it. So please open our products page or a shop pages to find out more about that. Again, if you want to find out about the fuzzy speeding funds information, just go to Ozzie speeding . As we say every single motorist in this country should have a copy of that book. If you don't already have it, it is the best motoring investment you'll ever make. And as I've said before, we double demerit points coming into many, many states already, it is the most important time now to get hold of that book and protect yourself against the insane revenue raising that's currently going on. And of course, the bank Secrets Revealed book has that tried, tested and proven four step process for successfully challenging all manner of unsecured loans, that your personal loans, credit card debts, things like that, and also has the letter that you can send to your bank to find out whether your home loan could be one of the half a trillion dollars worth of lawyer loans currently in existence, we've helped so many people, you know, challenge loans and and get answers from banks that have caused them to have severe reductions in loans and payments and things like that. It's been absolutely incredible, but you need to get your head around the information first. So please again, go to bank secrets delay you if you want to find out about that. And as I said before, the operating profit guys can be found at operate in the . site, please check all of those out. Because promotions are bless you only on until Christmas Eve so you will need to get in quickly. So we are almost out of time. So I do want to finish up tonight by doing what we always do at the end of each show. And that's just to remind people that there is a lot of very simple things that people can do. It costs little or no money, they take up very little time, but they really do add up to make a big difference. So first and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. And can also download the flyer that's relevant to your state send that off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page to your local MP and just see if they can answer a few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils.1:18:06A reminder that we've got our old Know Your Rights Facebook group back up and running again has almost 10,000 members, which is very exciting, as he spading finds good large Facebook group with 7000 people now, bank Secrets Revealed got a Facebook group, a great Australian party's got a big Facebook group. It's a really great way to put up posts and connect with like minded people. And then that way you can even find people who are in your same physical geographical area and have catch ups and meetings with those, you know those people so it really is a great resource and a great tool. Now in addition to joining the three Facebook groups, or four Facebook groups if you want to contact all the various groups that we're now working with, ask them to send us some cards and stickers to help spread the word especially over the coming few weeks and months people are going to be getting together with family friends, work colleagues for Christmas break ups all the rest of it always a good idea to have some of the business cards in your pocket. So you can just shoot us an email at info at no your rights delay you info at Ozzie speeding fines comm info at Bank Secrets Revealed calm though you should have an email Say hi guys and once in Carson stickers, this is my postal address and they will be sent out to you completely free of charge. Now another really great way to help spread the word and really get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course to send through your short video testimonial, outlining how you have successfully used our information to fight back and win. As I keep saying these videos don't need to be anything fancy. Just a couple of minutes of recording of a phone is perfectly fine. It's really just about getting your story across to inspire and empower others to challenge the system and fight back just as you have. So that's available too. If you want to do even more make sure you order a copy of Aaron's books. As I said watch the straw man videos on our website, research that concept online and join up with our friends. programme that's up and running. And even though we're running these 25% of promotions, the affiliate Commission's still apply. So even though you know, the people that you refer might be getting a discount, you still get the same affiliate payment. So just go to the affiliate link on our website, just fill out the form, submit that you get approved. And you can get paid a little bit of an income just by helping spread the word and, you know, informing others about their rights. Obviously, Ozzy spreading funds got an affiliate programme as well. So join up for that as well. Great way to make a little bit of extra income, and especially now with everything that's happened this year, you know, who couldn't do with that. But look, whatever you do, at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all the information that's already available on all the websites that we include. And obviously, we recommend Know Your Rights .au Ozzie speeding , bank Secrets Revealed calm that are you operating the . And of course, Darren's great website, which is constantly being updated. Some really, really great information. And that of course, he's constitution delay you. There's a wealth of information available. It's all very easily accessible on those websites, but you need to actually access it, learn it, and then of course, put it into practice and use it. Please don't forget, we're always looking for people, groups companies to sponsor our show. So if you would like to do that, be sure to contact us directly at info at no your rights that are you. I do again want to thank all of our show sponsors for all their fantastic support throughout what has been a very challenging year. They've all stuck with us, which is fantastic. So again, a big shout out to alkaline health Verona resort in Noosa. And of course, our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, please be sure to check out granite clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products that can genuinely save you money as well as their amazing health and vitality products. If you're in Melbourne or you're going to be in Melbourne, please make sure you book in for a session with Phil Burton at alkaline health. Because I promise you, you will be absolutely amazed by what he shows you. And as I said at the start of the show, especially after the she who couldn't do with a wonderful holiday to Noosa. If you want to secure an extra 10% of your stay at Verona resort, please be sure to book with him directly just say that you're part of the know your rights group to secure that discounted rate. Our reminder, of course, if you do want the shows to continue throughout next year, then we do need the show to pay its own way. Therefore we do need all the sponsors we can get. And of course we need everyone to join up as a member as well. As I've said many, many times before, the shows obviously don't write themselves. We're constantly making changes to the websites, uploading new articles, posts information, it's an insane amount of hours that go into making all that happen. And we do still need to eat and pay for a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember for just the equivalent of the price of a cup of coffee a week, you can access our fully edited shows our notes for each show, our extensive court cases page and our new members only forum as well as obviously helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so please do be sure to join up as a member tonight as the show ends, and do support the tireless work that we do. Again, a reminder that our editing Guru is taking a much needed break. So it will take a little longer than normal to upload the show to the members area. But we will get that up as soon as we can. So we are going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that as always nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics that we discussed. And we recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. So that is it for us for the year. We do hope that you all have a very safe and happy Christmas. And let's hope that enough people take action to learn about and stand up for their rights. So that we can all make 2021 a significantly better year for everyone. So Darrell, thank you for all your wonderful input throughout the year or are very much appreciated. My pleasure,1:24:13really for next year. We're1:24:14ready for next year. And Darren thank you for making the big trip over to be here for our special final show for the night. Much appreciated man1:24:22made some people call me crazy. And now I agree. They absolutely have1:24:27salutely Johnny, our studio manager who's kept the show running as smooth as silk mostly. We love you, Johnny. We've got our newest member of the ky our group sitting in the background microphone boy so he's been he's been supporting us throughout the challenging year as well. So great to have the team here. And we certainly do look forward to speaking to you all again next year. Just reminder, we will be taking a Complete break from this Thursday through to the fourth of January. So please get your orders in before then if you want them sent out during that time, we will resume coaching calls again from the fourth of January. And we do look forward to speaking to you all live again on our next radio show, which is going to be our first radio show for 2021. And coincidentally, it will be our 200 and 50th shows it's gonna be a huge milestone to kick off the year. And that will be on Tuesday, the 12th of January at 8pm. So I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, enjoy your break. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Thank you all for all of your support throughout this year. And we look forward to informing and educating you all even further in 2021 and the coming ease. So I'm gonna leave it there. Thanks again to everyone. We will catch you next year. Have a good one.1:26:03Bye bye bye ................

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