

2. "Best possible medication _______"

5. IV nutrition

8. Pharmacist sidekick

10. Clostridium difficile's enemy

12. Interdisciplinary powwow

14. Drug repository

15. Brand vs. _____

16. Patient facetime


1. Safe dwellers

3. Formulation administered PR

4. Pharmacist subtype on the ward

6. Heroin replacement

7. Homebound patient

9. Medication amount

11. MD's orders

13. Abbr. for med error reducing initiative



Name: ___________________________

Area: ____________________________

Local: ____________________________

• Drop off your completed crossword at the Pharmacy Awareness Booth by ____________

• We’ll draw from crosswords that are 100% correct (or most correct answers) for a prize.

Pharmacy Awareness Week

Courtesy of Winnie Ma, Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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