Cristian Rojas

CCDE 110

CEE Final Draft

October 20, 2014

Simon Sinek’s Argument.

The primary argument Sinek makes is that people act upon their environment. Simon says in his video Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe "that every single one of us has the capacity to do these remarkable things, and more importantly, others have that capacity too." I totally agree with Sinek. There are many reasons why I agree. I also have a couple of personal experiences at my work and other places. Sinek also gives us examples from his personal experiences and a situation he had at an airport.

Like I said before I am in total agreement with Simon Sinek’s Primary Argument. The argument is that people act according to the environment they work at and the comfort they are given. For example, Simon Sinek said on his Ted Talk video that when he first saw the video of Captain Swenson and his comrade bringing this wounded soldier who had received a gunshot to the neck.” He was in shock, continuing he also tells us that the Captain and his comrade “ put him in the helicopter, and then you see Captain Swenson bend over and give him a kiss before he turns around to rescue more.” As we can tell from this, Captain Swenson valued more the life of other soldiers than that of his. That is because the captain know that if it was the other way around they would have done the same for him. This is where we can see that the environment all this soldiers and the Captain were in was trustworthy and comfortable to where they can risk their life for one another. Just like the captain did, many employers give that support to the employees. Simon also gives us examples in his Ted Talk video “why good leaders make you feel safe” of how in the Marin customs the officer ate last. This is just another prove of how a leader gives what’s his because he knows he will get something in return, the leader is trying to create an environment where they can trust each other. A leader is someone who gives trust and cooperates with his employees.

As I said in the last paragraph leader are trustworthy. I, myself have been part of various teams including sports, work, and other teams. I have been in soccer teams were the coach didn’t really coach the team. We had a really hard time communicating with one another. We were all doing something different. Like Simon said in his Ted talk video it is better to work as a team with communication and cooperation. I have also been lucky enough to be part of a soccer team were we all communicated. We trusted each other and we did good team work and won that tournament. Also at my work my boss is really intimidating. Most of my co-workers are scared of him they think if they do something bad they will get in trouble or even fire. He has a reputation of an intimidating boss just like most other bosses. The only difference with my boss is that with me he has confidence and he trusts me. I can do just about anything without being scare to get fire. Am not talking about stuff that would obviously cause consequences like starting a fight with someone or anything like that. More as in doing what I would think is more ethical for me to do. In my opinion I totally agree with Simon Sinek because we have all been in a situation where we feel intimidated to do something that we know is the right thing but our job or position gives us a different standing. We fear losing our job, that why we sometimes don’t do the right thing.

I Agree with Simon because if an environment is full of corruption and unfaithful people, your actions will be corrupt and unfaithful. In the other hand if the environment you are in is a comfortable environment where you can trust other and know they will protect you like you would protect them, you see that trust and can risk anything for them even your life . Like Simon said in his Ted Talk Video trust and cooperation are feelings not a set of instructions. You can’t just tell someone to trust you, you have to earn the trust with actions. You have to prove yourself to them.


Why good leaders make you feel safe. (2014). Ted Talk.


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