Weekly Lesson Plan

Week of: 3/09/2015-3/13/2015 Theme/Community Helpers

Teacher: _Brenda Knowles

|Dramatic Play |Art |Sand and Water |

|EQ – How can we contact a community helper? What number do we dial if there |EQ –? |EQ |

|is an emergency? |Red, yellow and orange tissue paper |Fire fighter sensory table |

| |Paper shapes for fire truck | |

|Fire hats |Red, yellow and orange paint | |

|Fire hoses |Blue paint | |

|Fire extinguisher |Glitter | |

|Fire safety poster |Scissors and markers | |

|Blocks |Manipulatives |Library & Writing |

|EQ- What are some tools that a community helper would use? |EQ- What can we use to build with? |EQ – What information can we gain from books? |

| |Building materials | |

|Fire trucks | |Fire Fighter Tree Chart (see below) add information each|

|Fire fighters | |morning at circle |

|Doll house play (getting out) | | |

| | |Fire Fighters A_Z |

| | |Fire House |

| | |All About Fire Trucks |

| | |Fire Fighters |

| | |Fire truck |

| | |Firefighter Ted |

|Science & Math |Music and Movement |Computers (Classroom) |

|EQ - What senses could we use to explore and observe our environment? |Stop Drop Roll |EQ |

|Dial 911 | | |

|How do fire fighters put out fires | |I Want to Ride my Fire Truck |

|How do we get out of smoke | | |

|Fire Safety posters | | |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Morning Meeting |Morning Greeting |Morning Greeting |Morning Greeting |Morning Greeting |Morning Greeting |

|Time: |Pledge of Allegiance |Pledge of Allegiance |Pledge of Allegiance |Pledge of Allegiance |Pledge of Allegiance |

|9:30-9:45 |Weather and graph |Weather and graph |Weather and graph |Weather and graph |Weather and graph |

| |Linear calendar |Linear calendar |Linear calendar |Linear calendar |Linear calendar |

| |Add caterpillar piece |Add caterpillar piece |Add caterpillar piece Fire Fighter |Add caterpillar piece |Add caterpillar piece Fire Fighter |

| |Fire Fighter Tree Chart |Fire Fighter Tree Chart |Tree Chart |Fire Fighter Tree Chart |Tree Chart |

| | | | | | |

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|Whole Group |9:30 morning meeting |9:30 morning meeting |9:30 morning meeting |9:30 morning meeting |9:30 morning meeting |

|Activities |2:30 afternoon meeting |2:30 afternoon meeting |2:30 afternoon meeting |2:30 afternoon meeting |2:30 afternoon meeting |

|Time(s): | | | | | |

|Small Group |AM Groups: |AM Groups: |AM Groups: |AM Groups: |AM Groups: |

|Activities |Teacher |Teacher |Teacher |Teacher |Teacher |

|Time(s): |Group 3 |Group 1 |(Group 2) |Group 3 |group 1 |

| |Activity- children paint fire on the box |Activity- children paint fire on the |Activity- children paint fire on the |Activity-. Squirt bottles in sensory |Activity- use fire boxes to practice |

|9:45-10:45 |houses |box houses |box houses |table (put out the fire) |getting out of a fire and hoses to put|

| | | | | |fire out |

| | | | | | |

| |Assistant 1: | | | | |

| |(group 1) |Assistant 1: | |Assistant 1: : |Assistant 1: |

| |Activity – make a fire hose |Group 2 |Assistant 1: |(group 1) |Group 2 |

| | |Activity make a fire hose |(group 3) |Activity: use fire boxes to practice |Activity- use fire boxes to practice |

| | | |Activity- make a fire hose |getting out of a fire and hoses to put |getting out of a fire and hoses to put|

| | |- | |fire out |fire out |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Assistant 2 |Assistant2 |Assistants 2: |

| | |Assistants 2 |(Group 1) |Group 2 |Group 3 |

| | |(group 3) |Activity - dramatic play in |Activity use fire boxes to practice |Activity -. Squirt bottles in sensory |

| |Assistants 2 |Activity- dramatic play in housekeeping|housekeeping |getting out of a fire and hoses to put |table (put out the fire) |

| |(group 2) | | |fire out | |

| |Activity – dramatic play in housekeeping | | | | |

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|2:30-3:15 | | | | | |

| | |PM Groups: |PM Groups: |PM Groups: | |

| | |Teacher afternoon group |Teacher afternoon group |Teacher afternoon group |PM Groups: |

| |PM Groups: |Activity- Talk about what we did today,|Activity: Talk about what we did |Activity: - Talk about what we did today |Teacher afternoon group |

| |Teacher afternoon group |. Book Fire Fighters A-Z |today Book Firefighter Ted |Book Fire House |Activity: Talk about what we did |

| |Activity- Talk about what we did today. | | | |today. Book Fire Fighters |

| |Fire Truck |Assistant 1: |Assistant 1: | | |

| | |Activity: Stop Drop and Roll |Activity: Sparky teaches stay low and|Assistant 1 | |

| |Assistant 1: | |go (you tube) |Dramatic play with boxes and hoses |Assistant 1 |

| |Activity: Sesame Street Fire at Hoppers | | | |Activity: : |

| |Store | | | |Dramatic play dial 911 |

| | |Assistants 2 | | | |

| | |Activity Stop Drop and Roll |Assistants 2: |Assistant 2 | |

| |Assistants 2: | |Activity- Sparky teaches stay low and|Activity dramatic play dial 911 |Assistant 2 |

| |Activity Sesame Street Fire at Hoppers | |go (you tube) | |Dramatic play with boxes and hoses |

| |Store | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Centers/ |Sensory table center |Sensory table center |Sensory table center |Sensory table center |Sensory table center |

|Choice |All centers are open for the substantial |All centers are open for the |All centers are open for the |All centers are open for the substantial |All centers are open for the |

|Time(s): |portion of the day. |substantial portion of the day. |substantial portion of the day. |portion of the day. |substantial portion of the day. |

| | | | | | |

|Gross Motor/ Outdoor|Practice stay low and go |Practice stop, drop, and roll |Practice stay low and go |Practice stop, drop, and roll |Gross motor equipment |

|Activities |Gross motor equipment |Gross motor equipment |Gross motor equipment |Gross motor equipment | |

|Time: | | | | | |

|Read Aloud |Fireman Ted |Fire Fighters A-Z |All About Fire trucks |Fire House |Fire Fighters |

|Time: | | | | | |

|2:30-2:45 | | | | | |

|Promethean Board | |10:40 | |10:40 | |

|Activities | | Street Fire at | |I Want to Ride my Fire Truck | |

|Time: | |Hoppers Store | | | |

|Individualized |1.JT will demonstrate understanding of preschool skills that include naming colors, counting 1-10, recognize some letters and participation. |

|IEP Goals |2.JB will participate in structures as well as unstructured classroom activities. |

|Time(s): |3.SF S will demonstrate an understanding of preschool concepts by taking part in classroom activities containing fine motor and social skills. |

| |4.MR will complete non-preferred as well as preferred classroom activities with minimal prompting. |

| |5.SS will demonstrate an understanding of preschool concepts by participating and completing classroom activities. |

| |6.MG will maneuver through the school environment avoiding obstacles. M will independently use self-help skills during routines. |

| |7.TG During structured and unstructured activities, T will follow classroom rules, routines, and participate in all large and small group non-preferred activities. |

| |8.DK With minimal hand over hand assistance and verbal prompting, D will attend to close ended activities through completion. |

| |9.Y will participate with peers in group activities and during classroom routines |

| |10 L will follow simple directions to participate in classroom routines and activities. |

| |11. D. will follow simple directions to participate in classroom routines and activities. |

| |12.B will complete non-preferred as well as preferred classroom activities with minimal prompting. |

| |13.TM will participate in structures as well as unstructured classroom activities. |

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| |14. |

| |15. |

|Special Activities/ | | | | | |

|Events | | | | | |

|Time: | | | | | |

|New Vocabulary Words|Doctors Office: Nurse, appointment/Vet: animals /Firefighter: fire truck, hose/ Postal Worker: letter, mailbox/Construction Worker: tools, building |

|for the | |

|week: | |

|Things needed to |l |

|complete the Theme/ | |

|Study for the Week | |

|Parent/Family | |

|Involvement | |

|Activities | |

|Reminders for the | |

|Week: | |

We will write about ways to protect your family from fire:

* Having a fire escape route

*Practice fire drills,

*Checking smoke detectors,

*making sure the stove tops are clean,

*don't play with matches or lighters,

*check to make sure doors and windows can open easily,

*know who to call in an emergency.

Then, we completed a Tree Map about Firefighters.



Weekly Planning Form

Extended Common Core Curriculum Skills/ Concepts to emphasize this week:

Children use books that communicate information to learn about the world by looking at pictures, asking questions and talking about the information

Children can describe a sequence of events

While playing what changes may occur in our environment

Recognize and identify the roles



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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