
M.Sc. (Computer Science)

Self Assessment Report (SAR)

Table of Contents

Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes 5

Standard 1-1:. 5

About IMSciences 5

IMSciences Mission Statement 5

The MSc. (Computer Science) Programme Mission Statement 6

Objectives of the MSc. (Computer Science) Programme 6

Standard 1-2:. 7

MSc. Programme objectives vs Outcomes: 7



Definition of Credit Unit 8

Degree Plan 8


Standard 2-1:. 9

Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problems. 10

Standard 2-3: core requirements for the program. 10

Projected Plan, MSc. Computer Science 11

Standard 2-4: major requirements for the program as specified by HEC 12

Standard 2-5: Information Technology Contents 13


Introduction 14

Courses 14

Standard 4-1: Sufficient Frequency of Course Offering 14

4.1.1. Core Courses 14

4.1.2. Elective courses 14


Standard 4-2: Effective Faculty/Student Interaction 15

Guidance to Students 15

Standard 4-3: Professional Advising and Counselling 15

4.3.1 Students counselling system 15

Criterion 5: Process Control 17

Standard 5-1 17

Admission criteria of the program: 17

Transfer 17

Standard 5-2: 17

Students’ academic progress is monitored by continuous assessment: 18

a. Attendance: 18

b. Evaluation and Grading: 18

Standard 5-3: 18

Procedure for recruiting new professorial rank faculty and lecturers 19

Faculty Evaluation 20

To retain qualified faculty, the university offers the following support and financial incentives: 21

Standard 5-4: 21

Standard 5-5: 21

Degree Requirements 22

GPA Requirements 22

Duration 22

Criterion 6: FACULTY 23

Standard 6-1: 23

Faculty of CS/IT (Having PhD Degree) 23

MS degree holders 23

Faculty of IT (On Study Leave) 24

Full-Time Faculty Information: 25

Standard 6-2: 25

Standard 6-3: 26


Standard 7-1: 27

Standard 7-2: 27

Standard 7-3: 28


Standard 8-1: 29

Faculty Support and Resources: 29

Secretarial Support, Technical Staff and Office Equipment 29

Standard 8-2: 30

Standard 8-3: 30

Library: 30

Laboratory and Computing Facilities: 30

Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes

Standard 1-1: The program must have documented measurable objectives that support Faculty / College and institution mission statements.

About IMSciences

The Institute of Management Sciences, based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is a young, innovative, and an enterprising business school en route to compete with the foremost management schools of the country. The Institute is dedicated to its unique approach (at least in the region) of providing management and economics education based in cutting-edge research and comprehensive training. Unlike conventional academic institutes, IMSciences broadens its educational focus in response to new trends in the developing field of management and applied economics. Based on the social values of integrity, honesty, professional excellence and a broad vision of life, the Institute aims to provide an educational experience that transforms its students into business leaders at par with international managers, executives, and entrepreneurs. Since its inception in 1995, the school’s academic rigor and avant-garde approach to management and economics education have produced alumnae that shape the world of business and economics at regional, national, and international level.

IMSciences Mission Statement

The Institute’s comprehensive mission is to establish a self-conscious, learned, and self-regulating society in which individuals recognize their roles as accountable to the public good. More specifically, the institute aim to provide advanced knowledge of the art, science, and technology of business and economics through teaching, research, and training in order to produce leading executives, managers, software engineers, professional economists as well as computer scientists that can venture to shape the practice of business in every industry and become a catalyst for social and economic development.

To achieve this, the institute:

1. Offer diverse programs based on curriculum that is in line with the varying management and economic trends.

2. Provide exceptional faculty that aims to advance management economic theory and practice by analyzing knowledge through learning, research, classroom application, and service in public and private sectors.

3. Attract students with outstanding intellectual ability that is dedicated to personal as well as social, and economic development of Pakistan.

The institute’s all-encompassing mission is to attest to the world the fact that a relatively underprivileged region has the potential to reach beyond social, political, and security barriers to educate and produce outstanding leaders for tomorrow.

The MSc. (Computer Science) Programme Mission Statement

To produce a pool of skilled IT professionals and learned practitioners to address the technological challenges of modern knowledge era.

Objectives of the MSc. (Computer Science) Programme

1. To equip students with scientific and engineering methodologies in order to enable them to perform analysis of problems and the design, implementation and evaluation of computer based solutions.

2. To build students competence and efficiency when working on individual or team projects.

3. To equip student with persistent concepts in computer science to understand and be able to effectively utilize current platforms and tools.

4. To enhance the students skills of effective use of oral and written communications in their interactions with clients, colleagues, management and subordinates.

Standard 1-2: The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes.

MSc. Programme objectives vs. Outcomes:

|Program Objectives | Program Outcomes |

| |1 2 3 4|

|1 |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|2 | |Yes | |Yes |

|3 |Yes | |Yes | |

|4 | |Yes | |Yes |



Master of Sciences (Computer Science) (MSc. Computer Science)

Definition of Credit Unit

An academic semester represents 16 weeks of classes, exclusive of three monthly and one comprehensive exam.

Degree Plan

MSc. Computer Science is a 2 year extensive degree aimed to provide a thorough knowledge in the field of theoretical and practical Computer Science. The program provides comprehensive training in various areas of computer science to equip the students for the industry as well as for further degree in computer science. The main objectives of the program are as follows:

1. To understand the basics of science, and specifically the scientific method to possess sufficient fundamental knowledge of computer science.

2. To be a life-long learner to understand the social and ethical issues which face computer scientists, and thus be able to contribute to society in a positive and productive manner.

3. Apply scientific and engineering methodologies to the analysis of problems and the design, implementation and evaluation of computer-based solutions.

4. Utilize their breadth and depth of theoretical computer science and mathematics to adapt to emerging technologies and the ever changing needs of industry or the cutting edge of computer science research.

5. Exploit their awareness of persistent concepts in computer science to understand and be able to effectively utilize current platforms and tools.

6. Make effective use of contemporary industry computing tools and industry standards.

7. Make effective use of oral and written communications in their interactions with clients, colleagues, management and subordinates.

8. Display competence and efficiency when working on individual or team projects.

9. Reflect on their understanding of the ethical and societal impacts of computer technology as it pertains to their current position.

10. Continue to enhance their technical skills and their development as computing professionals through life-long learning.


Standard 2-1: The curriculum must be consistent and supports the program’s documented objectives.

The curriculum supports the program objectives and is consistent with the industry requirements and standards. The graduates of the program get specialization in different field of computing such as, Computer Networks, Programming and Software Engineering. Graduates of the MSc. Computer Science program have the skills to utilize their breadth and depth of theoretical computer science and mathematics to adapt to emerging technologies and the ever changing needs of industry or the cutting edge of computer science research.

|Program courses | Program Outcomes |

| |1 2 3 4|

|Programming courses |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Persistent concepts of | |Yes |Yes | |

|Computers | | | | |

|Databases and networking |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|courses | | | | |

|Final project |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |

Table: Courses vs. Program outcome

Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problems analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material.

The MSc. Computer Science programme emphasizes on the application of problems solving techniques. Students are introduced to a number of programming languages such as C++, JAVA, Assembly Language and .NET. Students are required to implement their problem solving approaches using these programming languages. Students have access to the computing facilities in the Institute’s Computing Labs. The Institute has many computing laboratories with hundreds of computers that are network linked and equipped with major social standard software packages.

Standard 2-3: The curriculum must satisfy the core requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body.

This program aims at training competent computer scientists and potential theoretical researchers. To achieve this objective, the program is designed to strike a good balance between advanced theoretical and programming courses. We endeavor to ensure that our graduates are able to analyze computational problems relevant to their work and develop algorithms to cope with the industry and/or research problems. Specifically, this program equips graduates with:

1. Advanced training in analytical and critical thinking skills for solving computational problems.

2. Exploit their awareness of persistent concepts in computer science to understand and be able to effectively utilize current platforms and tools.

3. Make effective use of contemporary industry computing tools and industry standards.

4. Display competence and efficiency when working on individual or team projects.

Projected Plan, MSc. Computer Science

|First Year |

|Semester |Code |Title |Crd. Hours |

|1st |CS-111 |Programming Fundamentals |3 |

|  |CS-112 |Operating Systems |3 |

|  |CS-513 |Data bases |3 |

|  |CS-514 |Data Communications |3 |

|  |CS-515 |Numerical Analysis |3 |

|  |  |  |  |

|2nd |CS-521 |Advanced Programming Techniques |3 |

|  |CS-522 |Computer Organization and Assembly Language |3 |

|  |CS-523 |Data Structures |3 |

|  |CS-524 |Theory of Automata |3 |

|  |CS-525 |Computer Graphics |3 |

|  |  |  |  |

|Second Year |

|3rd |CS-531 |Compiler Construction |3 |

|  |CS-532 |Computer Networks |3 |

|  |CS-533 |Computer Architecture |3 |

|  |CS-534 |Visual Programming |3 |

|  |CS-535 |Analysis and Design of Algorithms |3 |

|  |  |  |  |

|4th |CS-541 |Multimedia Technologies |3 |

|  |CS-542 |Software Engineering |3 |

|  |CS-543 |Systems Programming |3 |

|  |CS-544 |Cryptography |3 |

|  |CS-545 |Artificial Intelligence |3 |

|  |CS-590 |Project/Thesis |6 |

Standard 2-4: The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program as specified by HEC

The MSc. Computer Science program has been designed to develop critical thinking, logical reasoning and problem solving using different tools. This is accomplished by a rigorous and demanding curriculum and a brilliant and committed faculty. The foundation for problem solving is laid with courses in Programming Fundaments and Numerical Analysis. These skills are further enhanced through a diverse array of colloquia that provide detailed knowledge of specific areas of computing besides facilitating additional experience in computer networks and computer architecture.

Standard 2-5: The curriculum must satisfy general education, arts, and professional and other discipline requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body.

The MSc computer science programme meets the general requirements as specified by the HEC except for providing adequate English communication skills to students.

Standard 2-6: Information Technology Contents

The program includes courses that help students to utilize the advance computing technology. This includes providing different operating system environments, programming frameworks and specialized networks such as Cloud. The contents of the courses are focused on the program objective. These outlines are systematically developed as per HEC criteria by highly qualified faculty members and experts from industry in order to meet the desired standards.

Standards 2-7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied in the program

The MSc computer science program currently lacks the courses to equip its students with oral and written English communication skills.

Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities

3.1: Introduction

The students of M.Sc (CS) programme have the opportunity to take benefit from the institute’s extensive computer and information technology facilities. The labs are conveniently located on all floors (two labs on each floor) of the academic building. Out of a total eight labs, four labs have at least 30 computers each and four labs have more than 80 computers each. Apart for computer labs, students have been provided access to computers in the library as well. The institute maintains a wireless network, allowing the students to connect to the internet from their mobile communication devices such as laptops and tablets. Students can access to HEC digital library and online research databases such as Emerald, Blackwell-Synergy, JSTOR, through the institute’s computers and wireless network. Students are also facilitated in the acquisition of registered statistical software packages (such as SPSS, STATA, and EViews), and Microsoft products through the Microsoft Digital Network (MSDN).

Standard 3-1:Laboratory manuals/documentation/instructions for

Experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students.

A detailed document containing instructions on the usage of computer and internet has been provided to students and faculty.

Standard 3-2: There must be adequate support personnel for instruction and maintaining the laboratories.

The support staff in the labs is minimal. In each lab, one personnel designated as ‘Lab Assistant’ looks after the computers in the lab and facilitates the faculty and students when needed.

Standard 3-3: The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives.

Computer and information technology is available to Faculty, staff and students alike. Apart from fully equipped labs with branded computers of latest technology and the availability of internet across the campus; the classrooms and lecture theatres have been equipped with modern multimedia and computer technology to be used visual aid. Video conferencing facility has also been setup at the institute through which audio-visual connection can be made with universities and organization across the country and around the globe.

3.2 Safety Procedures for All Computer Labs

All the computer labs have been designed with the safety concerns taken into account. The labs support personnel are available inside the lab all the time. The computer equipment pose no immediate safety risk; however, in case of accidents such as fire or electric shock arrangements have been made to deal with the situation i.e. fire alarms and fire extinguishers have been located at various locations and a first aid medical aid clinic has been set up within the premises of the campus.

Criterion 4: Student Support and Guidance


Along with the taught courses, CS/IT department also focuses on the development of personality traits and vision of the students. The student counseling in terms of personality build up and career is considered as an important responsibility in this regard. Each faculty member dedicates extra time for students counseling to help them in various problems regarding their education, career and social life.

Standard 4-1: Sufficient Frequency of Course Offering

Although IMSciences offers a fixed number of courses in each semester for each batch of MSc. (CS) yet students can take further extra courses. Core and elective courses are sequenced according to the HEC specified curriculum design. Students who drop or fail any course are offered the same in the subsequent semester.

4.1.1. Core Courses

Core courses are offered every semester as per HEC guidelines. These core courses offered almost every semester spread over the whole duration of this degree. c.f. section 2

4.1.2. Elective courses

Elective courses are offered in about each semester in combination with the core subjects. c.f. section 2.


Standard 4-2: Effective Faculty/Student Interaction

The following principles are observed to ensure the creative and productive output.

1. Each class is made of 40 students at most.

2. 80% attendance during the semester in each subject is mandatory.

3. At least 2.2 CGPA must be maintained by the students to retain their position in the program

4. Faculty distributes outlines at the beginning of the semester and devotes their office hours for student counseling.

Guidance to Students

Standard 4-3: Professional Advising and Counselling

Selection of an appropriate area of specialization according to the aptitude and learning abilities of the student is one of the important decisions. Starting from the first semester a broader overview of the field is given to the students so that they can understand the importance of each subject being offered in each semester. Faculty members share their experiences and observations with students that motivate and help them in selecting their career paths. Similarly through seminars and research presentations students are informed about the technological trends.

4.3.1 Students counselling system

In addition to the student couching from the faculty members of the CEIT, IMSciences has the Career Development Centre (CDC) that has specially been developed for student counseling so that they make the best possible decision about their career. Apart from career counseling, CDC also arranges “Job Fair” annually where students can be placed in software houses and other organization having IT related vacancies.

Criterion 5: Process Control

Standard 5-1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

Admission criteria of the program:

The process of admitting the student to the program is clearly documented by admission committee and is carried out by a quantitative and qualitative basis. Evaluation of this process is performed every semester to ensure that its objectives are met. The process consists of well-defined procedures and steps executed at the institute level.

Based upon the recommendation of the director, coordinator and admission committee, the number of new students to be admitted in the following academic year is determined. (Ie.100 students per year)

1. The basic admission requirement to MSc Computer Science is an undergraduate (bachelor) degree with at least Computer Science or Mathematics as a subject. However, preferences are given to fresh graduates or those who have completed their bachelor degree examination in the last two academic sessions. Those students who secured less than 45% marks at graduate level are ineligible to apply.

2. Qualifying the admission test and interview (10%) is compulsory.

3. A candidate scoring less than 40% marks in the test shall stand disqualified for the admission.

4. Have a good record of conduct.

5. Have approval from employers in case he/she is employed.

Transfer from outside the University/ from another program inside the Institute:

The admission to any degree program of IMSciences through migration from any other institute/university is not allowed under any circumstances.

Standard 5-2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students’ progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

• After the final selection of the students in the admission process, students are asked to register in the subjects listed and identified by the semester committee (consisted by coordinator and faculty members).

Students’ academic progress is monitored by continuous assessment:

a. Attendance:

• Every student of the Institute is required to maintain at least 80% of the attendance in each course.

• A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements of attendance in any course will not be allowed to sit for final examination for that course(s).

b. Evaluation and Grading:

• The performance of students is evaluated through a continuous testing procedure spread over the entire period of studies/semester.

• Besides the semester's final examination, which carries forty percent of the total marks, there will be a number of tests, term papers, assignments, presentations and short quizzes.

• Hourly examinations will be administered every month and thus students are required to appear in three such examinations for each course in a semester (the two best scores will be counted towards the final grade).

• A number of surprise quizzes will be given during classes to monitor the day to day progress of the students.

• Moreover, the performance of students in class discussions, written assignments, research reports etc., will be evaluated to form a part of their overall grades.

• If the requirements are not met within this time limit, the student's grade in that course will be converted into a 'fail'.

• No “Make Up' examination will be allowed in any course under any circumstances.

• A Grade Point Average (GPA) will be computed at the end of the course for all students.

• Final letter grades in each course will be converted to grade points.

Standard 5-3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, promotion must be consistent with the institution's mission statement. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting with its objectives.

A coordinator/faculty meeting at the start of the semester is held to ensure that highly qualified faculty is recruited to the program.

Faculty appointments are generally made from candidate’s outstanding technical competence and on the basis of demonstrated achievement in teaching, research and industrial experience.

Procedure for recruiting new professorial rank faculty and lecturers

Resumes are forwarded to the Director, IMSciences, which are forwarded to the relevant course coordinators. Course Coordinators review the resumes and if they feel the qualifications and experience are relevant with the objectives of the Institute, they forward it to the Coordinator Establishment for demo. So, demos are called on the recommendations of Course Coordinators.

The existing roadmap for appointment of faculty members is given below:

1. Appointment on Visiting Basis

2. Appointment on Contract Basis on Fixed Pay Package

3. Appointment on Contract Basis on IMSciences Pay Scale

4. Confirmation of Services in IMSciences Pay Scale

5. Miscellaneous

Details are given below:

1st Step: Visiting Faculty Appointment

Recommendations of the panel are ascertained as:

• Recommended Candidates: minimum Marks ≥ 70

• Call for Next Demo: minimum Marks ≥ 60

• Not Recommended Candidates: Marks < 60

Recommended Candidates:

Subject to the availability of courses relating to specialization of the applicant and on recommendations of Demo Panel Members courses are assigned on visiting basis to the new appointee initially for a semester.

Based upon satisfactory performance of first semester, courses for second semester are offered.

Two consecutive semesters satisfactory evaluations spreading over a year makes a visiting faculty eligible for contract appointment on a fixed package.

Call for Next Demo:

The candidates under this category have potential to teach, however, in order to improve their teaching skills the Advisory Committee in its meeting held on June 8, 2010 has recommended minimum of six months duration. After six months the Institute may give a chance to these candidates to give a 2nd demonstration.

Not Recommended:

These candidates cannot be assigned classes. However, the Advisory Committee in its meeting held on June 8, 2010 has recommended that candidates on their request may be called for demo second time after a period of six months.

2nd Step: Contract Appointment on Fixed Pay Package:

The Course Coordinator determines performance of the visiting faculty. The parameters of performance are:

• Students’ evaluation which includes course level and teaching ability of faculty

• The visiting faculty code of conduct during stay at the Institute

On the basis of performance and evaluations during a year the Coordinator forwards case of visiting faculty for contract appointment on fixed pay package which is offered in the respective scale.

3rd Step: Contract Appointment on IMSciences Pay Scale:

On the basis of satisfactory performance and evaluations during another year makes, a fixed pay contract faculty eligible for contract appointment in IMSciences Pay Scale on the minimum pay-scale of the position, which allows them CPF contribution, health facility and other benefits under the rules of the Institute.

4th Step: Confirmation of Service in IMSciences Pay Scale:

The confirmation of services in IMSciences Pay Scale is subject to availability of budgeted positions and qualifying the Selection Board.


On the recommendations of Director and keeping in view the qualification and experience the applicant may be called for interview with the panel. Successful applicant may be assigned contract or visiting classes.

Faculty Evaluation

Each faculty member is evaluated every semester on his performance in teaching, research and other Institute services.

Theses evaluations are based on

• Teaching performance (checked through students input)

• Self-evaluation (through self-evaluation forms filled by faculty members themselves)

• Coordinator evaluations.

To retain qualified faculty, the university offers the following support and financial incentives:

The university has adopted Model Tenure Track Scheme offered by HEC. Faculty members with high research profile are even awarded a maximum of 4 advance increments but the criteria for these increments is not well defined.

• Competitive salaries based on qualification and experience

• Two months annual vacations

• Increment in salaries based on the ratings of the faculty performance each year.

• Facility in offering and organizing short courses.

• Funds are granted for establishment of labs and research.

• If a faculty member gets the acceptance of his research paper in an impact factor journal, the processing fee is paid by the university.

• On publishing a paper in an impact factor journal, the 1st and 2nd authors are given Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively.

Standard 5-4: The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and that course learning outcomes are met. The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

In order to achieve excellence in teaching and learning, evaluation and process control of these two factors are conducted regularly. Moreover the department puts a strong emphasis on utilizing current modern technologies such as multimedia, audio visual facilities, computer animations and models by instructors in order to enhance the quality of course material.

• Continuous assessment (including quizzes, tests, assignment and presentation etc.) and exams arranged in every semester are conducted to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material is effective and focus on students learning.

• Student’s response in the classes and their participation in the class discussion is another tool used for the same purpose.

• A meeting is held by the end of each semester to identify improvements in the process.

Standard 5-5: The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards, effective and clearly documented procedures. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

Degree Requirements

• For MSc (CS) degree, completion of all specified and elective courses according to the degree plan of the program (minimum of 130 credit hours (as per HEC policy) including 6 credit hour research thesis/project).

• Achievement of GPA of 2.2 or better for all courses offered.

GPA Requirements

• Students must maintain a minimum GPA/CGPA of 2.2 on a cumulative basis during the course of their academic program.

• Students with a GPA/CGPA of less than 2.0 will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute forthwith.

• Students securing a GPA/CGPA between 2.0 and 2.2 will be on probation for one semester.

• At the end of the semester, students on probation will be required to improve their GPA/CGPA to a minimum of 2.2.

• If a student on probation shows an improvement, but his/her CGPA is still below 2.2 his/her probation may be extended for another semester.

• Otherwise the student will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute.

• If a student fails certain courses but manages to maintain the required GPA/CGPA, he/she may be allowed to repeat and clear the course(s) or substitute(s) (wherever permissible) before the degree is awarded.

• The GPA is computed as follows: Sum of (credit hours x grade point) ÷ Sum of Credit hours For Project/Dissertation, the evaluation of a student will be based on (a) Project Report/Dissertation submitted by the student and (b) performance in Viva Voce.


• The normal duration of MSc Computer Science is 4 semesters.

Criterion 6: FACULTY

Standard 6-1: There must be enough full time faculties who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/courses with continuity and stability. The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses, plan, modify and update courses and curricula. All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph.D. in the discipline.

|S.No |N A M E |Employment |Academic Degree |Designation |Qualification |Date of Joining |

| | |Status(FT, | | | |IMSciences |

| | |Contractual, Foreign| | | | |

| | |,PT) | | | | |

|1 |Dr.M.Masoom Alam |TTS |PhD |Associate Prof |Ph. D, Universitat |3/9/2002 |

| | | | | |Innsbruck, Austria, MSc, | |

| | | | | |UOP | |

|2 |Dr.Muhammad Ali |TTS |PhD |Asstt.Prof |Ph. D, University of |12/1/2000 |

| | | | | |Innsbruck, Austria | |

|3 |Dr.Fakhri Alam Khan |TTS |PhD |Asstt.Prof |Ph. D, University of |10/1/2011 |

| | | | | |Vienna, Austria, MSc, | |

| | | | | |Quaid-i-Azam University, | |

| | | | | |Islamabad | |

|4 |Dr.Tamleek Ali Tanveer |TTS |PhD |Asstt.Prof |PhD, IMSciences, MS, |1/12/2003 |

| | | | | |IIUI, MSc Computer | |

| | | | | |Sciences, UOP | |

|5 |Dr.Sajid Anwar |TTS |PhD |Asstt.Prof |PhD Fast, Islamabad, MS, |1/9/2004 |

| | | | | |Fast, MSc Computer | |

| | | | | |Sciences, UOP | |

| |

| |

|MS degree holders |

|6 |Mr.Awais Adnan |Permanent |MS |Asstt.Prof |Ph. D (in progress), |1/11/2000 |

| | | | | |IMSciences, Peshawar, MS,| |

| | | | | |NUST, MSc Computer | |

| | | | | |Sciences, UOP, MBA | |

| | | | | |(Finance), | |

|7 |Ms.Afsheen Khalid |Permanent |MS |Asstt.Prof |Ph. D (in progress), MS |1/11/2000 |

| | | | | |(computer Engineering), | |

| | | | | |UET, Taxila, MSc, UOP | |

|8 |Mr.Ahmed Hassan Afridi |Contract/Pay Scale |MS |Lecturer |MS (IT), IMSciences, BCS |1/6/2009 |

| | | | | |(Hons), Iqra University | |

|9 |Mr.Zahid Ullah |Contract/Pay Scale |MS |Lecturer |Ph. D (in progress), |10/12/2010 |

| | | | | |IMSciences, Peshawar, | |

| | | | | |MS (CS), Gandhara | |

| | | | | |University | |

Faculty of CS/IT (Having PhD Degree)

Faculty of IT (On Study Leave)

|S.No |N A M E |Designation |Employment Status(FT, |Qualification |Academic Degree |Date of Joining |

| | | |Contractual, Foreign, | | |IMSciences |

| | | |PT) | | | |

|1 |Mr.Muhammad Nawaz |Asstt.Prof |Permanent |Ph. D, (in progress), Brunel |MS |1/9/2004 |

| | | | |University, MS (CS), UOP, MSc, | | |

| | | | |UOP | | |

|2 |Mr.Nafees ur Rehman |Asstt.Prof |Permanent |Ph. D (in progress), Universitat|MS |1/6/2007 |

| | | | |Konstanz Germany. MS (IT), | | |

| | | | |IMSciences, MIT, UOP, BCS, | | |

| | | | |Al-khair University | | |

|3 |Mr.Adnan Yousaf |Asstt.Prof |Permanent |Ph. D (in progress), Universitat|MS |1/9/2004 |

| | | | |Freiburg, Germany, MS (Computer | | |

| | | | |Engineering), UET, Taxila, MSc, | | |

| | | | |UOP | | |

|4 |Ms.Tayyaba Azeem |Lecturer |Permanent |Ph. D (in progress), University |MS |17-08-2009 |

| | | | |of Southampton, UK, MS (CS), | | |

| | | | |FAST-NU, Islamabad, BS (CS), | | |

| | | | |FAST-NU | | |

|5 |Mr.Imran Ahmed |Lecturer |Permanent |Ph. D (in progress), University |MS |17-08-2009 |

| | | | |of Southampton, UK, MS, | | |

| | | | |IMSciences, MSc, UOP | | |

|6 |Mr.Furqan Aziz |Lecturer |Permanent |Ph. D (in progress),University |MS |17-05-2010 |

| | | | |of York, UK, MS (CS), LUMS, | | |

| | | | |Lahore, MSc, UOP | | |

• There are five major areas in CS/IT department at IMSciences.

o Computer Networks

o Software Engineering

o Image processing

o Databases

o Information security

Full-Time Faculty Information:

| |Number of faculty members with |

|Full-Time Faculty Size | |

|5 computer Labs |35 computers each |

|1 computer lab |50 computers |

|Library |15 computers |

|DLD Lab |Contains the DLD equipment such as circuit boards etc. |


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