Unit Theme:

Unit Theme: 5

Habitats |Week 1

Deserts |Week 2

Desert Animals |Week 3

National Parks |Week4

Oceans |Week 5

Ocean Animals |Week 6


Expository: Compare and Contrast | |

|Big Question |What makes a habitat unique? |

|Theme |Desert plants and animals have|Native Americans invented |National Parks are special, |Underwater habitats, such as |Whales are the largest ocean |Monday – |

|Connection |unique traits that help them |tales that explained the role |protected habitats where all |coral reefs, contain unique |animal. They play a unique |Show What You Know review |

|(The Big Idea) |adapt to and survive the |of the desert animals in their|can enjoy a variety of plants |plants and animals. |role in the ocean habitat. |pgs. 664-669 |

| |desert climate. |unique habitats. |and animals. | | | |

|Spelling |Closed Syllables |Open Syllables |Vowel Teams |r-Controlled Vowel Syllables |Consonant + le Syllables |Tuesday and Wednesday –Writing|

|Phonics | | | | | |Expository: Compare and |

| | | | | | |Contrast |

|Comprehension |Summarize |Evaluate |Summarize |Analyze Text Structure |Analyze Text Structure |Thursday – |

|Strategy | | | |Compare and Contrast | |Computer Skills |

|Skill |Main Idea and Details |Author’s Purpose |Main Idea and Details | |Sequence |Using Spreadsheets |

|Fluency |Repeated Reading |Repeated Reading |Repeated Reading |Repeated Reading |Repeated Reading |Friday – |

| |Pacing |Intonation/Pacing |Accuracy |Intonation/ |Tempo/Expression |Grey test book |

| | | | |Expression | |Unit Five test |

|Grammar/ |Adjectives |Articles |Adjectives that Compare |Comparing with More and Most |Comparing with Good and Bad | |

|Mechanics | | |Introductory Phrases and |Combining Sentences |Combining Sentences | |

| |Punctuation |Using a and an Correctly |Interjections | | | |

|Genre |Nonfiction – |Folktale – |Nonfiction Article- |Narrative Nonfiction – |Essay – | |

| |A detailed composition that |A story based on the |In a newspaper or magazine, |A story or an account of |A nonfiction article or book | |

| |sets out to explain something |traditions of a people or |tells facts about a person, |actual persons, living things,|that expresses a theme or | |

| |by presenting facts about it. |region. They are passed down |place, or event. |situations, or events. |topic. It can include | |

| | |from generation to generation | | |photographs. | |

| | |orally. | | | | |

|Title |A Walk in the Desert |Roadrunner’s Dance |Animals Come Home to Our |At Home in the Coral Reef |Adelina’s Whales | |

|Author | | |National Parks | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Rebecca L. Johnson |Rudolfo Anaya |Various |Katy Muzik | | |

| | | | | |Richard Sobol | |

|Vocabulary |shimmer, eerie, lurk, climate,|interfere, awkward, |roamed, completed, journey, |reef, partnership, current, |rumbling, unique, dove, | |

| |silken, lumbering |proclaimed, agile, guardian, |natural, relocated |eventually, brittle, suburbs |massive, tangles, encounter | |

| | |convinced | | | | |

|Vocabulary Strategy |Context Clues: |Thesaurus: Synonyms |Word Parts: Latin Roots |Context Clues: Descriptions |Dictionary: Homographs | |

| |Surrounding Words | | | | | |

|Writing |Logical Structure: |Logical Structure: |Expository: Compare and |Logical Structure: |Logical Structure: | |

| |Chronological Order |Chronological Order |Contrast |Distinguishing Moments |Distinguishing Moments | |

|Weekly Skills Tested |Vocab- Context Clues: |Vocab Thesaurus: Synonyms |Vocab- Word Parts: Latin Roots|Vocab- Context Clues: |Vocab- Homographs | |

| |Surrounding Words |Read- Author’s Purpose |Read- Main Idea and Details |Descriptions |Read- Sequence | |

| |Read- Main Idea and Details |Gram- Articles |Gram- Adjectives that Compare |Read- Compare and Contrast |Gram- Comparing with Good and | |

| |Gram- Adjectives |Spell- Open Syllables |Spell- Vowel Teams |Gram- Comparing with More and |Bad | |

| |Spell- Closed Syllables | | |Most |Spell- Consonant + le | |

| | | | |Spell- r-Controlled Vowel |Syllables | |

| | | | |Syllables | | |


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