Four Elements in a Well-Formulated Question

| |Four Elements in a Well-Formulated Question |

| |Client Type |What You |Alternative Course |What You Want |

| |and Problem |Might Do |of Action |To Accomplish |

| | | | | |

| |How would I describe a |Apply a treatment; act o prevent a |What is the main |Outcome of treatment or prevention? |

| |group of clients of a |problem; measure to assess a |alternative other than in |Valid measure? Accurate risk |

| |similar type? Be |problem; survey clients; screen |the box to the left? |estimation, prevented behavior, |

| |specific. |clients to assess risk. | |accurate estimation of need? |

|Determine The Question Type, Then | | | | |

|Insert Elements of Your Question in| | | | |

|Spaces on Right | | | | |

|Insert Key Terms from Above | | | | |

|Insert Synonyms, or Terms from | | | | |

|Thesaurus or Controlled Language | | | | |

|Vertically Connecting Terms by OR | | | | |


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