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1. Turn with me in your Bibles this morning to the book of 1 Corinthians 13:8. 2. The title of my message this morning is “Love Never Fails.”3. Love is the one thing in this world you can count on in any situation. No matter whats happening and going around you, it is love that keeps everything in place. It is love that has the power to hold things together. It is love that has the ability to comfort and bring peace into a place or a person’s life that previously felt alone and discouraged. Real Love is the greatest power we have and can give today.4. All of us here today need to know and understand that love never fails.5. Why is this so important to understand?6. Because knowing this simple truth from God’s word can and will save families, friendships, and marriages, and I believe everyone here today likes the idea having more love in these areas and saving and helping what they have today. 7. I want to share with you this morning several truths concerning “Love Never Fails.”8. Let’s read our text here in 1 Corinthians 13:8.9. The First Truth is: Love Never Fails by committing to each other. 10. The first word we see here in our text is the word “Charity.” The word for charity here means love and the Greek word used for it describes “Agape” love. The greatest love there is. This love is real love, not superficial love, not the love of the world but the love of God. Like I said before love doesn’t really define God but God defines love because God is love. The reason this kind of love never fails is because real love always accomplishes it goal. It always succeeds in what it sets out to do.11. The second word we see here is the word “never.” The word never describes something that is definite. It describes something that is sure, it describes something that is everlasting. Real love is definite, sure and everlasting because it comes from God. Real love never looses its character and abilities to perform they way it needs to. 12. The third word we see here is the word “faileth.” The word “faileth” here means “to loose effect, fall powerless to the ground, or perish.” So the Bible is saying here that real love will never for all eternity loose its effect, it will never for all eternity ever fall powerless to the ground, it will never for all eternity cease to exist and perish. 13. The reason is because real love comes from God and the God we serve loves like no other, the God we serve is everlasting and eternal, and the God we serve never fails. That is why today regardless of the type of relationship and what shape the relationship is in, you can know without a shadow of a doubt that the relationship will work and can make it, when real love is introduced into hearts of the people involved.14. So far we know that love is a decision and the decision to love will produce a vast variety of fruit in the relationship. Without the decision there will be no love, and without love their will be no relationship. What are some things we can do to keep the love in our relationships? 15. The Second Truth is: Love Never Fails to put God first. Luke 10:27 says, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” If we keep God first in our lives and in our home everything else will work out. A life and a home that puts God first will reap the rewards of their labor in many ways.16. The Third Truth is: Love Never Fails to demonstrate its Love.17. Men, we have to understand that women want to be loved but not always in a sexual way. Ephesians 5:25 says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” Men our wives want to know that we love them unconditionally. They want to know that we have decided to love them no matter what. They want to know that we love them for all the things they are good at and their faults as well.18. They want to know that their husbands will be there for them when they need them, that they will be there for them when they need help, someone to talk to or feel afraid. They want to know they have a provider and a protector. We are to love our wives as Christ loved the church. Christ loves the church so much that he continuously provides for it and even was willing to give his life it.19. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:29 says, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.” Men the Bible says we are to nourish our wives. What does it mean when you provide nourishment for someone? It means you are giving them what they need to grow and be healthy. Men we are to provide an environment in the home and in life that is helps our wives to grow and become better women of God. 20. We need to provide a Godly environment for them to live in. We are to provide a spiritual environment for them in the home. We are also to cherish them. The word cherish here means to, “to keep warm or to love tenderly.” Men we show our wives we love them by being by their side and being close to them and tenderly loving them. You can do this by covering up together on the couch and watching a movie. 21. The Fourth Truth is: Love Never Fails to show respect. 22. Though men want to be loved as well. God calls the wife to show her husband respect. Ephesians 5:33 says, “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” So the Bible says men are to love your wives and wives are to give reverence to their husbands. 23. When the wife doesn’t feel loved in the home she will respond negatively. When the husband feels like he doesn’t get the respect he is due from his wife and family he will also respond in a negative way.24. It may not always be seen by fighting and arguments. It may come in various ways such as “deciding” not to do certain things anymore for the other person because we feel like we are not getting what we want or need. Maybe we used to do this and that for them but now we have decided to stop because we feel unappreciated. 25. Men want respect in their homes and generally when they feel like they are being treated like the leader in the home, they will assume more of a leadership role in the home if they aren’t already. If you want your husband to be the leader that God has called him to be, then give him the chance and the opportunity to do it.26. In Ephesians 5:22-23 the Bible says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church…” When we submit ourselves to Christ we honor him and show him respect. Wives you can show your husband you love him by letting your husbands have what God has already given them. 27. The Fifth Truth is: Love Never Fails to honor each other with your eyes. 28. One thing that is for sure men is that generally your wife wants to look nice. If you don’t believe it, count all her shoes, pocketbooks, look at how much make up she has, and how much time she may spend getting ready. Look at what they do to their hair and how much time they spend with that. If it wasn’t for women the economy would be a lot worse. Amen! 29. In Job 31:1 Job said, “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?” Men one of the best ways we can honor our wives and show our wives that we love them is to have eyes for her only. 30. We live in a sex crazed world where women and men are seen more as commodities than they are a people. Sex, men and women alike are exploited because it is what energizes our society today. The world is increasingly making it more difficult for men and women to hold on to their integrity with all the sitcoms, movies, and commercials we have.31. One of the most popular sayings I’ve heard from a teenager until now is, “It’s alright to look at the menu as long as I don’t order from it.” Understand this though, the longer you look at the menu, the more tempted you are to have what you are looking at.32. This is for both men and women. Let’s do like Job did and make a covenant with our eyes that we will not look upon another person that is not our spouse in a lustful type way. A covenant is an agreement. Job made an agreement with his eyes that he would not look at other woman in a lustful way. He wanted to have eyes only for his wife. The wife can show both love and respect to her husband by doing the same thing.33. I’m sure you both remember when you and your husband first started dating how the husband did all he could to get her attention or draw her in with his unresistable magnetism. He would do this and do that. He bought those little gifts for no reason to show you how much he loved you, he whispered to you those sweet nothings under the moonlite sky.34. Men you remember how the wife used to make sure she always looked her finest for her man and maybe she still does. She done all she could to make him feel loved and happy. One of the best ways to keep the love spiced up in a marriage is remember all the things you used to do for each that got you so excited about your relationship before. 35. The Sixth Truth is: Love Never Fails to share Intimacy. 36. Men the Bible says in Proverbs 5:18-19 says, “Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.” The word fountain here means “source of life.” In other words, let your life be blessed by rejoicing and being happy and enjoying life with your wife. 37. The Bible says here to “…let her breast satisfy thee at all times.” In other words let your wife be the only one that can bring sexual fulfillment in your life. Be a one woman man. Be satisfied with your wife and no one else “at all times.” The Bible then says “and be thou ravished always with her love.” The word “ravished” here has the idea of “intoxication.” Be intoxicated by her love. If you are, you will always be satisfied with her.38. Ladies try to understand your husband’s desire for intimacy. Your desire for intimacy may not be like your husbands and that is okay, but try to understand that you are the only one that can meet this need for him, and when the need isn’t met frustration begins whether man or woman. 39. In the Song of Solomon 3:4 the Bible says, “…I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.” Here the Bible talks about how the wife loves the husband and doesn’t want to let him go. She runs out to him embraces him, takes him into the bed chamber where they are sexual intimate. Here in Proverbs and the Song of Solomon we see that the Bible says one of the ways the husband and wife can show each other they love each is by coming together in an intimate way. 40. In 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 the Bible says, “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” 41. Here the apostle Paul is saying that neither the husband or the wife need to deprive each other sexual intimacy because it is “due benevolence.” It is a show of love that is due to them as a husband or a wife. Neither one has power over themselves and are no longer separate but have now become as one under the bonds of marriage so neither has control of their own bodies.42. Pau says here not to defraud one another which means to “deny” one another this show of love “except it be with consent” or an agreement between each other. Why? Because the devil will tempt you to look in another direction for what you feel like you are not receiving. God understanding the power of the flesh of man says you better be careful in denying each other intimate love because the devil will use your incontinency or lack of self control so you will fall. 43. There are multitudes of ways we can show we love each other. Writing cards, love letters, gifts, some encouraging words in a troublesome time, holding hands, helping each other do things in the house or outside, quiet time together, go out on a date night, getting up early to make a good breakfast, saying I’m sorry goes a long way, devoting time for one another. There are many things we can do but remember above all else “Love Never Fails.” ................

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